• Comic: My Little Pony - Genesis

    I hope you guys are in the mood for an epic length comic tonight!  This one currently clocks in at a whopping 41 pages.  It does revolve primarily around OC ponies, but there are a bunch of mane cast plugs to balance it out.  I haven't had time to dig through the entire thing yet, but I have been told by a few people that it's worth a read. 

    Check out the prologue page here, and follow along in the descriptions for more!

    76 kommentaari:

    1. Im reading this and its totally awesome!


    2. @ombutscentdin How long was that comic for "Story of the Banks" again?

    3. This is gonna be a long ride, but I'm already liking what I see.

    4. i liked this before it was cool :P

    5. I love these well made long comics. Takes alot of dedication and talent to make one of tese.

    6. WAit Wait waITTTTTTT

      YOu actually posted it?!!?

      You posted Coyote's comic?!?!


    7. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    8. Comics a comic. Now I need to find other things to read.

    9. Its about damn time this got up here...

    10. A long read, but well worth it. Definitely looking forward to the next installments. Now, I gotta go draw.

    11. Umm... who's bombing the ratings?

    12. It was nice seeing the grown-up cast, but the sheer OC overload can make it tough to watch.

      Still, the plot is decent so far, so im eager to see more.

    13. @axlemn

      All the OC haters.
      All the Ship Haters.
      All the people who hate the chosen ships.

    14. @ZAquanimus

      sounds about right.

      i read all of it, it was good.

      but Twinkie, or so it seemed, really?

    15. this series is great! why the abysmal ratings?

    16. @wackypony

      CoyoteRainbow actually has long explanations for absolutely everything she does in the comic. Including why she ships the ships that she does.

      I used to be a hardcore twixie fan.
      Then i went twinkie cause of genesis.

      Now that she's been featured here perhaps I can get her to compile a journal explaining her choices.

    17. @EVGA

      All the OC haters.
      All the Ship Haters.
      All the people who hate the chosen ships.

    18. @Bombedrumbum
      I don't know, but 41 full colloured pages takes a good bout of time.

      Plus story arks and what not.

    19. @ZAquanimus
      Oh, I don't really mind it being Twinkie, but an explanation as to why would be nice.

      my avatar gives away my preferred ship, but I can see why others might not prefer it or go another way due to how they want their fic/comic to go.

    20. Ok I read all the pages that are out... And beside the author being a homestuck fan (yuck) She is pretty badass at writing this.

    21. @ZAquanimus

      well i guess people cant just appreciate it for the skill it took to create it, quite sad really

    22. Haters gonna hate

      Even if im not agree with some of the ships there is a really good comic and the effort she is putting on it is really considerable.

    23. This is exceptionally good! I am seriously impressed!


      can someone explain to me what Homestuck is?

    25. @pixelkitties

      OMG, PixelKitties Likes it

      Off to tell coyote! o.o

    26. Now I know better than to question magic, and I'm not one to get hung up on the details of some nerd world. But the logistics of some of the OCs in this comic fly in the face of genetics, and really basic physiology.

      Still, this is a fascinating story that I am very interested in continuing. I'm getting some serious M. Night vibes from the short bit I've read so far.

    27. Great art and clearly a lot of heart and soul went into this. But I must be honest it doesn't feel like Equestria and the ponies that live there. It's not really a story as much a vision of what the artist want there to be, not what really would be. I'm not averse to it being there, but the word 'mother' and any incarnation otherwise is overused. Again, wonderful art and I can feel the soul of the artist coming through, but the story just doesn't sit well for me, I'm not engrossed.

    28. Dem OC's.

      It's not too shabby a comic overall. The issues I tend to have with these types is how they seem to be so over-dramatized with so many things in them. And they tend to have Mary Sues, which I'm not fond of myself. Also, it sometimes feels like a way for the artists to get their OC's more recognized for the sake of simply being well-known. Though I really like how they reincorporated one of the characters singing Nightmare Night by Wooden Toaster in this. That was cute.

    29. I'm not gonna rate this because the story has not yet got to the main conflict. It's getting to it, though, so once it does, I'll rate accordingly.

      What there is, though, is pretty interesting. I can see that the author has put a lot of thought and effort into the characters, and the story that's about to take off.

      My only gripe about the OCs is that the author uses the description on dA as a way of further developing the characters or adding further detail. If those details are so important, then put them into the comic, don't expect your readers to read out-of-universe explanations.

      I'm not too fond of the overly fuzzy appearance of all the ponies, it makes them look a little too feline. But I'm willing to look past that since the story is interesting.

      So, to summarise, it's shaping up nicely, but the explanations within the description boxes have to stop. If important information is being dropped in there, then readers who never read the description and readers who only have access to the images alone (such as X years in the future where the reader is re-reading the comic from their HDD) are going to end up confused or feel like the characterisation and plot is lacking.

    30. Interesting so far. Hope you planned out the story and aren't just playing it by ear, could be very intriguing.

      I really like the variety and look of the characters, though when they start having hair poofs they look like dogs/foxes.

      And I'm having trouble keeping track of who is related to who but that's probably just my own fault.

    31. @Mattatatta Yes, I agree. If the story requires outside explanation, than it isn't very good writing. The visuals are nice though.

    32. Awesome comic i loved it so far cant wait to see how this develops

    33. @Biglulu

      The story doesn't 'require' outside explanation persay.

      You can follow it along perfectly fine without reading the author comments.

      But it's the first chapter of a 20+ chapter comic.
      Do you really expect to know everything there is to know?
      The exposition is barely half way!

    34. 1. I don't like how she throws out all conflict between Spike and Rarity by just magically saying "DON'T WORRY SPIKE IS A SPECIAL SPECIES OF DRAGON AND WON'T GROW ANY BIGGER."

      2. Northern Lights is a mary sue. I usually don't like to throw this word around, but it's plain as daylight.

      Funnily enough, Spike and Rarity's son, who I assumed would be the marty stu, is actually fine.

      If this were a fanfic and not a comic, I wouldn't read it. Fate has other plans though.

    35. Not a fan of shipping, not a fan of OCs. This "Lights" character seems like a more foul mouthed, super power-y version of Rainbow Dash. Mary Sue indeed. OCs are fine when they are well written and original. "Lights" is neither.

      I CAN, however, appreciate the level of quality in the drawings themselves. The artist is very talented, though not necessarily in writing...

    36. Way, way too much furry accents/flavor. Both in story and in drawing. The artist has some, bah, a lot of skills for sure but I doubt that brony community is the most proper place for them.

      It a furry comic which happens to include ponies. No, thank you.

    37. If this wasnt related to mlp, I think a lot of people would be gentler to this. It's a pretty good webcomic, with good art, and an interesting story unfolding. But as a fancomic, there are a lot of expectations a lot of people bring to it...

    38. Excuse while I find a computer and sit alone for a good hour to read MLP comi— I mean watch tons of po— I MEAN play video games! Yeah, video games, honest!

    39. this comic is %20 cooler, abosutley wicked. cant wait for the next chapter, this is the sort of story that woud make an awsome MLP movie.

    40. This is like a dark American comic based around ponies. There is tons of talent around this, a grabbing storyline, and who gives a f*** about OC's? Mary Sues are not acceptable in fan fics, but they are definitely acceptable in comics. Ever read actual comic books my friends? Here's a flash: MOST COMICS ARE ENTIRELY ABOUT IMPOSSIBLY, UNREALISTICALLY UNIQUE OC'S! So while it may not be the best "pony" comic, it is one of the best comics I've ever read. 5 stars

    41. its ok all the people complaining about the writing are probably the ridiculous pre-readers

    42. What upsets me is that so many people expect all the answers to the questions they have in the pages already done so far.

      It's the first chapter of a 20+ chapter comic series!

      We didn't know that Harry would defeat Professor Quirrel and recover the Philosopher's stone in the first chapter.
      Why should you expect any different in this?
      Especially the fact that it's a comic!
      Do you know how long those things take to introduce anything!? XD

    43. @Phishstrangler75
      "Mary Sues are not acceptable in fan fics, but they are definitely acceptable in comics. Ever read actual comic books my friends? Here's a flash: MOST COMICS ARE ENTIRELY ABOUT IMPOSSIBLY, UNREALISTICALLY UNIQUE OC'S!"

      Which comics are you talking about? It's certainly puzzling to me, even in the case of superhero comics where most writers try to give them some human failings or make them struggle with personal challenges. Plus I really haven't seen much acceptance of a Mary Sue type among comic fans, which frankly isn't a matter of the medium or genre you're writing in, but a matter of craft.

      As for Lights being a Mary Sue? I didn't think that on my first read, though the points raised in the comments here have me giving the matter second thoughts. Her apparent superspeed and 'badass' attitude certainly tip the hat that way, including her being able to get up and walk out of the hospital. On the other hand, it seems clear that she's nuts and an emotional mess. I may need to sit on this one more... (Or just need time to wake up more.)


      Looking at the EqD pre-reader list, that doesn't seem to be the case. (Plus they would have approved this,.)

    44. @Mattatatta
      "My only gripe about the OCs is that the author uses the description on dA as a way of further developing the characters or adding further detail. If those details are so important, then put them into the comic, don't expect your readers to read out-of-universe explanations."

      While I agree in principle, I think how this actually plays out in the comic is a little more mixed. The scenes introducing Sweet Potato actually do a good job of setting out the character and giving an idea of what she's about, without the extra description. (Which mostly adds more information.) The only point it fails on is making clear via the art and words on page that only she can see the glowing butterflies. It shouldn't need extra description in the tags to do so.

      On the other hand, it's very difficult to understand the significance of Gem and Glitter's dialogue on p.26 & 27 unless you read the description below the text. Which is annoying because otherwise the scene is fine and communicates nicely what their relationship and personalities are like. But there's this bit of sloppy writing in there.

      So I agree it's shaping up nicely, but there are rough spots that need work in the writing. (I'll comment on the art later.)

    45. @wackypony
      Simply pu, Homestuck is a comic series comprised of sub-par art quality and even lower quality of story line. No real point to each comic release, just stupid randomness. And usually the fans praise it to be the best comic series ever when it's not.

    46. A fan boy rant, take it or leave it. Don't bother telling me T.L.D.R. I'll ignore it and still love and tolerate.

      I'm not going to deny that the artist may have created a Mary Sue in this series. I usually have that notion with any fan fiction I come across where fan made character are the focus and/or the main characters. In retrospect, think every fan fiction creator makes a Mary Sue to some degree. (I personally stand guilty of my own statement with my own fan fiction.)

      But I must state this artist has talents and abilities that should be appreciated.
      The kid is only a high school freshmen, and here she has created some of the most unique original characters (yes I mean characters, plural) I have so far seen in this fandom. The writing, drawing, coloring of this comic is all done by herself, I commend her creativity and ability.

      On the topic of Neon Lights being Mary Sue, I did believed it at first when I read the comic. But I've noticed Neon Lights has one messed up life, and a lot of personal problems. If Lights is indeed a Mary Sue, then she's a Mary Sue with a massive black eye, a lot of problems, and some real bad scars, ugly ones, not the clichéd ones that make the two dimensional character supposedly "bad ass".

      I also noticed the artist's wrote in her actual ponysona in to the background characters as the young child of adult Sweetie Belle, interestingly this character has not shown up in the actual comic, nor does she appear to be part of the main cast or plot. Finally, having gotten to know the author a bit, following her livestreams and journals, I've realized she reminds me more of the character Tater in her story then of Light. All of the characters interact with the original characters from the show and the other OC, and do so genuinely with each other, in character. I've notice in the story a lack of show boating, and stupid standing in awe of how great the OCs are, as found in many Mary Sue stories.

      Taking all that in to account, the way I see it, the author has three Mary Sues with separate merits, flaws and personality (okay technically two cause we've never seen or heard from her ponysona character, but that should say something about it as well). So does the story have a cut and paste Mary Sue, or has author taken her own different interests she wanted to explore, and used it to inspire new characters to explore with in the story? I'm with the latter, I call that being creativity using what your interests are as an author. You have a right to call fowl on it, and object to what I just said, but that's your own preference.

      Final word: Give it a chance, I did and liked it. Much in the same way MLP:FIM did, and how it made me a brory to begin with.

    47. Why are people complaining about reading it? It's a fucking comic book, people. I read the whole thing in like 15 minutes. Most of the time I agree with the community, but I think the lukewarm reaction to this comic is just baffling. This is really remarkably creative, a story about the Mane 6's children is more than welcome and, I might add, fresh ground. READ THIS RIGHT NOW, DON'T BELIEVE THE HATERS

    48. Why are people complaining about reading it? It's a fucking comic book, people. I read the whole thing in like 15 minutes. Most of the time I agree with the community, but I think the lukewarm reaction to this comic is just baffling. This is really remarkably creative, a story about the Mane 6's children is more than welcome and, I might add, fresh ground. READ THIS RIGHT NOW, DON'T BELIEVE THE HATERS

    49. @ZAquanimus

      It may not require it, but the author putting it there suggests that it's information that should really be in the comic. A lot of it covers the backstory of certain characters, and while it may seem important right now so early in the story, it can and probably will cause confusion later on when a character refers to something not actually covered within the comic. Think of it as meta, and how not knowing the meta will lead to simply not understanding what's happening.

    50. I'll be watching this. Although, I am wondering what the explanation for the same gender couples with children is. I'm hoping it's more along the lines of surrogates/donors or adoption rather than magic biology.

    51. @Unknown
      "Why are people complaining about reading it? It's a fucking comic book, people."

      Yet regardless of whether you or I agree with those complaints, doesn't waiving the idea of judging comics according to standards of quality demean the artform in general (not to mention the work of the specific cartoonist)?

      "It may not require it, but the author putting it there suggests that it's information that should really be in the comic. A lot of it covers the backstory of certain characters, and while it may seem important right now so early in the story, it can and probably will cause confusion later on when a character refers to something not actually covered within the comic."

      Seems to me though that's failing to distinguish between the content of the story itself and the extraneous matter, as well as how they relate. As I said earlier, even without the info dump on that one page about Sweet Potato, the scenes that introduce her give a clear idea of what she's about. And they do so as is necessary for the story at the time. None of that other stuff is really needed to understand the character on the page.

      I'm not really sure it's fair to criticize the comic on whether the information in the comments "may" be necessary if it's not relevant to the story yet. This is as opposed to not clearly establishing on page that only she can see the glowing butterflies and needing the comments to know that. Ditto with needing the back matter to clarify Gem and Glitter's conversation as to why Gem feels guilty about Lights being in the hospital.

    52. @Chappy Hooves

      Also a good point. Having thought it over I'm not entirely convinced that Lights is a Mary Sue, so much as elements of the character (the devil-may-care attitude, her speed, being Dash's kid, etc.) seem reminiscent of what people have typically experienced with Mary Sues. Frankly, I'm willing to wait and see, particularly given the leisurely pace of the comic (at least relative to American superhero comics and the duck comics I'm currently obsessing over).

      I will quibble though on your point about the author having three 'Mary Sues' in play. A Mary Sue denotes a kind of wish-fulfillment self-insert that is lacking any noticeable flaws is idealized in a hackneyed sense. That really can't describe the author's Ponysona in this comic or Sweet Potato for that matter.

    53. Well I've said my peace on the Description Box matter. Trying to say anything more about it will just have me repeating myself like a broken record.

      The rest of the comic? It's all very much in "wait-and-see" mode for me. I think it has potential to be a very interesting tale, since the author seems to have a story planned out already.

      Northern Lights, at first, had me wondering about whether or not she was a bit too OP or not, but I held off making an opinion until after I'd finished the latest page. By then, I had decided that Lights wasn't a Sue. She's rough around the edges in lots of ways, but I reckon that is intended. Also, beyond her attempting (and failing - very important detail) to breach to light barrier, and creating a large crater that I doubt canon!Dash would ever create let alone survive, Lights doesn't stand out any more than any other character in the story so far. They've all got their quirks, including the Mane 6, but none of them seem too far-fetched.

      Lights does have that "voice-in-her-mind" thing going on, but this trope is not an indicator of a bad character. I'm actually interested in where that part of the story will go, because it seems like the disembodied voice is going to be pretty important plot device later on.

    54. @Mattatatta

      I guess we just have divergent opinions on the matter. I hope I didn't sound overbearing in responding, but I've been a comic aficionado MUCH longer than I've been a brony. I've developed a rather analytical view of the art form as a result and often habitually talk about storytelling mechanics.

      (That said, I think there was some unconscious bias at work. Just now I found some indication that the author is ADD, a condition I've lived with myself. So I can understand the rambliness.)

    55. @Adam Crocker

      I'm pretty much on the opposite end of the spectrum, there. I don't read comics any more often than I read a novel, or a fan fic (and even that is quite rare for me), so I tend to just play things by ear. Sometimes, my non professional comments happen to make sense.

      I will be trying to keep up with this comic as it updates, it has managed to hold my attention, and I've already devoted too much free time to commenting on what there is to not see the comic to the end.

    56. Arts great, story is built well. but I PERSONALLY don't care for the furry accents and OC overload. I think the problem we're seeing here with the lukewarm response is that this story is only a "borderline" MLP fan comic. The art is more furry than pony, and the characters (while built well as originals) aren't the mane characters we've already fallen in love with and enjoy hearing about.

      The whole ships actually producing offspring thing just doesn't sit right with me. Magic or not, genetics are genetics. I just can't relate to anyone when ALL the relationships (save Fluttershy) involve 2 mothers.

      Great work, but its just not my cup of tea.

    57. Alright I'm getting sick of this whole...Mary Sue/I hate OCs thing that people always seem to overlook when the original creator of the series does it first. You all are gonna probably ignore this, but it needs to be said anyway.

      The original mane cast is made up of Mary Sues in case you haven't noticed. Rarity can create an entire wardrobe of dresses in a single day, practically woo any colt she speaks to and can kick the stupid out of a manticore. If there was an OC like that, you'd instantly mark it as a Mary Sue and be like "Rawrr Mary Sue! I hate this character!" , but because "Lauren made it first" it makes it okay, right?

      I won't even get into Princess Celestia. Who's able to 'move the freaking sun' and completely dispel an entire village of ponies of an enchantment in a single act. But hey, it's okay. Lauren made it, so she's not a mary sue at all right? Oh, guess what, she's also immortal. Oh sure she's not a Mary Sue because Lauren made it right? Right?

      This entire thing about people hating OCs is stupid. Folks hate OCs ether because they can't draw their own OCs and therefore spit a bunch of hate on the OCs that others draw. Or they're a bunch of purists who think artists or writers should only draw the original cast. Which might I add are OCs...of the people that made the show.

      Yes, it's true that a lot of OCs that people make are nothing but a bunch of copy, cut and paste pieces of un-originality that I've ever seen, but seriously, I'm getting tired of folks instantly hating on an entertaining comic that someone makes simply because it has a bunch of OCs.

      I love MLP as much as any of you. Honestly, I love the idea of OCs if they're made right. And I enjoy this story of My Little Pony: Genesis. I love the characters and I want to see how far this story will go.

      To the people who just accept this story for what it is, kudos to you.

      To the people that want to give this story critiques on what they really think about it, without being bias? More power to you.

      But to the people that look at this and just say, "I don't like this because of Mary Sues and OCs". Learn to draw so that your own OCs can be brought to life, and stop raining on the parade of folks that already know how to draw.

      I'm finished. Feel free to flame.

    58. @Cameron: Amen to that. I gave it a read, all the way to the latest panel. I personally don't care for it, but that's just me. Everything can't be for everyone. The OC's don't necessarily bother me, but I will admit I do prefer stuff with just the original cast.

      If there truly were Mary Sues here (I can't tell since this is like, what, the first chapter? Too soon to tell), it didn't ruin the story for me.

    59. Finished them! Now just waiting for updates. I love this idea, it's real good. It also gives me something else to read other than fallout: equestria (Ch. 30).
      Anyway, I shouldn't talk about other works here. The drawings are so crisp, they are some of the best drawn comics I've seen. The artistry alone is impressive and keeps me hooked. The story idea is new (to me at least, Haven't seen anything else like it.) and the characters are a laugh. I'm really enjoying this comic and I hope you continue to make more panels! Best of luck!

    60. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    61. @Cameron Morning You deserve a massage for that comment, and I don't even mind if you "spread". I frickin' love you!
      Which is to say, "Good point sir, good point"

    62. The comic itself is great. I may not agree with author's preferred ships, but this is not a reason to channel your hate in the comments and spam 1* ratings. Such behaviour achieves nothing other that dissuades people to create and share new awesome images, stories and comics.

      Newsflash for those new to this whole "fanworks" thing: next generation fanfics have been here for decades and it's absolutely nothing wrong with them. Same with OCs. Same with magical lesbian kids. Their presence doesn't automatically make the fic bad. They are just tools author uses to tell the story and the result depends solely on author's skill.

      Seriously, it's a first fandom I've seen with such intense hate for OCs. Love and tolerate, huh? Don't like it - don't read it, it's free stuff and writer/artist has no obligations to you. So show some goddamn respect for his/her work! If you read a comic or a fic, rate story and artwork quality and not your own preferences and mental limitations.

      I wonder if my favourite "Out in the Cold" / Midnight series was published today, would there even be so many stories in it... Because it seems to combine all the pet hates of today's EqD: shipping, OCs, MLK.

      Sorry if I got carried away from subject... I loved the art style and the amount of details in this comic. It's harder to rate the story because it's still in the setup phase, but what has been done so far looks very promising. The fact that viewpoint keeps switching between diverse characters helps establishing the epic scale of the story and is something that we sadly see less and less in the TV series. I can agree with complaint about telling story in author notes. Hopefully, this is only a temporary measure and it won't be necessary as plot progresses.

      5* and subscribed. Keep up the good work!
