• Comic: Light and Dark

    Luna comic time, because you all love Luna don't you?

    This is a full 26 pages, so I hope you are ready for a marathon!

    Check out the gallery here.

    Or start at this page and use the "next's" in the description section.

    23 kommentaari:

    1. Good gawd, I've some reading to do

    2. Wow, that was really good. The simplistic black and white can make for some very intense scenes. Also, Celestia with a pink mane is totally badflank.

    3. The style reminds me a lot of "Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth". Very nice, very strange, and only a little difficult to understand.

    4. I really like this artist's style. It reminds me very much of Ico or Shadow of the Colossus, which were both very good games. It's a surprisingly sweet story, too, and I'm glad it had a sweet ending.

      Also, since I'm not sure where else to say this, they used my poll suggestion! That's so awesome!

    5. all well and good, though no replacement for a quick, funny comic.

    6. i liked this allot. i actually wish it was longer. it had something about it. something.......true, to it. i want more

    7. Yes, this was more than a little confusing

    8. Warning Spoilers. If you haven't read this, finish it first.

      The simplicity of it is, Nightmare loves light, and Luna's night. Eventually(as Nightmare Moon is struck by the Elements power) He realizes that he's had what he wanted all along. Love, specifically Luna's. The final page shows that Nightmare isn't dead, but rather stands beside Luna.(presumably for the rest of eternity.)

    9. the text was confusing at some parts, didn't know where to start reading and such. But besides that it was good.

    10. So you all do love me after all!!!^v^

    11. Glad to see that my efforts have paid off. Finally, this hidden gem is exposed.

    12. It's like the old saying of light always beating darkness
      Darkness being the currupt, misguiding, evil, an light being peace, love, an happyness.
      Darkness only wants what it cannot have, the very thing that will destroy it.
      I really liked the work put in, the story, Luna of course.
      I am a child of the night myself.
      *howls at the moon*

    13. This was a beautifully illustrated comic. I thoroughly enjoyed it :)

    14. Great comic! Screw Nyx; we officially need some more Nightmare up in here!

    15. This was a very well done comic. To be honest it reminds me of the first translations of the Salior Moon Manga.

    16. I quite liked this comic. Its style and unspecified, almost arbitrary choice of wording and visual design felt more like an invitiation to infer my own impressions rather than simply take it to mean that there was a rigid structure to follow, or lack thereof.

      I suppose it was like the misplayed, but not unseemly, note in a song that suddenly catches one's attention.

      The snippets of info at the bottom of each page helped me keep upright in making sense of this.

      As for Travis Smith, ponder my thoughts while I ponder yours:

      What is not light will cast shadow, and so the dark is the second, the follower, the mime of light. (To paraphrase Sir T. P.) Yet no matter how quickly light goes or how far, the darkness is always there already and waiting for it, so it is also the first.

      Make what sense of that you may - I honestly say it is as much my gibberish as anything anyone cares to read into it.

      See what confusion you're comic has unstrung?
