• Comic: Encore Encore! / Rarity's Revenge

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    Poor Trixie.  She can have my cheering any day.

    Also some Derpy below, because shes a lightning pony now.

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    21 kommentaari:

    1. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    2. 1. Poor Trixie getting mistreated.

      2. Rarity you got your revenge because two episodes later Rainbow Dash is in a hospital.

    3. Trixie..... Awwwwwww. Why does everyone have to be so mean to her?

    4. 1. I'm all for a good prank now and again, but this is just mean.

      2. I'm also all for justifiable revenge plots. Especially those involving lightning clouds. Only gripe is, is Derpy clever enough to ask what's in it for her?

      Funny comics. These are becoming my favorite type of post.

    5. #1 awww Trixie that is just brutal :/
      #2 haha you go get her Derpy

    6. 2: episode 16 rainbow dash discovers the joy of reading while in the hospital

    7. #1 Poor Trixie. She's gonna need some serious therapy to get over this one.

      #2 Hit the afterburners, Rainbow!!! You've got a muffin crazed pegasus about to fry you!!!

    8. 2) ...And Rainbow Dash was sent to the hospital where she learned the magic of reading.

    9. 1. Poor Trixie, I 'll cheer for. TRIXIE TRIXIE TRIXIE!
      2. Muwhawhaw. Payback time.

    10. First time posting. I dont know how to submit comics for posting here, but my brother just posted this to deviant art. http://sethmonster.deviantart.com/art/Cutie-worms-281793432

    11. I don't even LIKE Trixie and that first one made me sad :(

    12. #1 Awwww, poor Trixie. That is really mean. She can have my cheering too, I'd cheer for Trixie any day. :(

      #2 Oh yeah, I remember the image for that last panel. I love Rarity's crazy expression and eyes in the second panel.

    13. :'( Trixie....why her.....why must ponies pull a trick like that?

    14. #1 :(
      #2 Heh, I remember this. Rarity has those insane Party of One Pinkie eyes.

    15. @Igen
      submission instructions may be found here: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/09/how-to-submit-to-equestria-daily.html
