• Comic: Ask Stalkerloo New Years / Pain in the Flank

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    This is the best type of Scootaloo in my expert opinion.

    And Twilight Sparkle being adorkable below, which is also the best type of Twilight Sparkle.

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    1. Meme failures! I love you Twilight!

    2. Hehe Stalkerloo and Twilight trying to fit in!

    3. Ever since it popped up, I've thought Ask Stalkerloo has easily had the best artwork out of all the ask blogs, and that one does nothing to change that conviction.

    4. lawl i just love twilight's face in the first panel with the glasses, its just too adorkable

    5. awe i just love twilight's expression in the first panel with the glasses, twilight is just too adorkable

    6. Sweet god, the art in the first one.

    7. #1 Well who wouldn't have that reaction to Scoots sneaking up on you.

      #2 Oh, Twilight. We still love you no matter how badly you botch a meme.

    8. Hah! For once I've seen both comics before they got posted here! I officially spent to much time on ponies today...

      Both comics are awesome!

    9. And Twilight Sparkle continued to be the best pony.

    10. @Lazuli Never can spend too much time on ponies. Just make sure your every day life isn't taking a hit.

    11. #1 Rainbow: Scootaloo!
      Scoots: Hey Dash
      Rainbow: Do you know how long it took me to get that drink! It was last ever made of 2011!

      #2 The most adorkable an the greatest pony
      It's great world

    12. Stalkerloo is the best Pony Tumblr. Just love the artists quality style.

    13. 1. Ask Stalkerloo has ridiculously good art, and has more than once stated it's trying to stay family friendly, making it...more adorable than creepy, despite the nature of it.

      2. I can think of jokes to make here, but they're all perverted and they all make me feel bad for thinking of them.

    14. I agree with Seth. Adorkable Twilight is best Twilight.

    15. #2 Bahahaha heh heh heh! Took me a second to figure out which movie she was talking about.

    16. Meep. Figures I'd screw up - Pinkie & Dash are best meme ponies.

    17. I mind blanked at number two for awhile, both were good.

    18. Seth, is Trixie mad at you at this point?

    19. Damn that first one... Awesome art.

    20. Veggie is a great artist. I love pretty much everything he makes.

    21. Twis coolface
      epicadorkable!! And those glasses

    22. Dat "expert" opinion.

      #1 Lmao. Simply hilarious. Stalkerloo makes the best entrances.

      #2 Ouch, Twilight. Anyone else notice how happy she looks to have an arrow in the ass? Whelp, guess we have to add yet another to Twilight's list of fetishes. Kidding, kidding. :P

    23. 1st: Is Scootaloo the new Pinkie Pie or is she more of the James Bond uses gadgets for everything.
      2nd: I have never seen Shrek... Funny though =P

    24. Tell me, when exactly did Scootaloo go from being Rainbow Dash's #1 fan to being her psycho stalker?

    25. Ahem. Drunken Huntsman. Twilight was right the whole time.

    26. @ardashir - she's not psychotic. Never has been, never will be. She's actually a pretty incompetent stalker, hired by Twilight to feed her intelligence about all the other ponies ensure that Twilight will always have something to write to Celestia about, after Twilight interceded in friendship problems, of course. It's very lighthearted.

    27. 2nd: the day i read this like 2 or 1 days ago i had just watched that part of shrek!
