• Artist Training Grounds: Mock War, Final Gallery

    It's over! It's done! Hurray and huzzah! Congratulations and good work, everypony. With the weekend calling, it's time to go home, and you've chosen to go out with a bang! A bang? Like "!" or like this? No, like 294 ponies and the places they call home. For those of you keeping track at home, that's a grand total of 1771 submissions! That's one heck of a five day total!

    None of this would have been possible without the help of a lot of ponies. Ponies like Sethisto, who puts up with my shenanigans in the first place and planted the seeds for this event with that poll of his. Reinboom, of course, for pulling my flank out of the fire and giving you a place to send your ponies. Cereal and PK for making sure I stayed energetic and engaged no matter what. And last but far from least, each and every one of you. These events take a lot out of all of us, and it just thrills me to no end to see you all keeping pace and working as hard as you have. You put up with a lot of problems, and you cranked out some amazing stuff. Good work, everypony?

    A final spark of light spits out of the portal, now closed forever. Whether you left or stayed, this place no longer is the bustling center of activity it once had been, save for a few tired looking ponies in party hats cleaning up and packing it all away. The question lingers: what now?

    But you knew the answer before you asked it. Move forward. Take the momentum and the memories of all of the things you've accomplished in this short time, and show the world exactly what you're made of.  Just days ago, you were sure you couldn't, but now... now you know you can. The sun shines on a brand new day. What challenges will you conquer next?

    Roads go ever ever on,
    Over rock and under tree,
    By caves where never sun has shone,
    By streams that never find the sea;
    Over snow by winter sown,
    And through the merry flowers of June,
    Over grass and over stone,
    And under mountains in the moon.
    Roads go ever ever on
    Under cloud and under star,
    Yet feet that wandering have gone
    Turn at last to home afar.
    Eyes that fire and sword have seen
    And horror in the halls of stone
    Look at last on meadows green
    And trees and hills they long have known.

    1) By Sandman-Ivan William Goodwater

    Sandman-Ivan William Goodwater

    2) By Jenbun Spahging

    Jenbun Spahging

    3) By RK-D


    4) By LacionARG


    5) By RLDragonstrider

    The little "ei" logo in the corner is mystifying.


    6) By Rakshata


    7) By lazzyX


    8) By Trekkie2063


    9) By Φ


    10) By Thanqol

    Wow did this ever turn out pretty.


    11) By Des Revell

    Excuse me, I think I'm going to cry.

    Des Revell

    12) By BronyGunso


    13) By Agent Pie


    Agent Pie

    14) By Dovashy


    15) By The Less Anonymous Top Hat

    Dedicated to all servicemen and women stationed away from home.

    The Less Anonymous Top Hat

    16) By Joel Dash Reed

    Joel Dash Reed

    17) By LendABit


    18) By BlondieHooves

    Well well well then.


    19) By R-H-Maclanahan

    You'll see this as a running theme throughout the evening. I do so love this scene.


    20) By Invidlord

    That looks comfy.


    21) By Ventus


    22) By Cloverjump

    Um... space dinosaurs. In a balloon. All right then.


    23) By That One Colt

    All of my d'aww.

    That One Colt

    24) By Fox E:

    Fox E:

    25) By Yalcahoon

    Can't decide if I like the clouds or the colors more.


    26) By Sleipnir


    27) By Quicksilver-the-Pony


    28) By appiusos


    29) By TościkXD

    Well that's just bad luck.


    30) By Lulubell

    Walking, weary, to find the place where we might rest.


    31) By Aemios


    32) By Denith Skies

    For each and every pony, there's something out there to get them through the day. What's yours?

    Denith Skies

    33) By DegeTheMighty

    Of course sometimes, it's our dreams that suffer for our actions.


    34) By SuperDSombrero


    35) By Slizergiy


    36) By Burntfish44


    37) By Britanniapony

    This has been quite a night for introspection, huh?


    38) By Jay6

    And then every so often...


    39) By JakeLionPony

    ...we get a little splash of the completely heart melting.


    40) By You Shall Not Pass

    Which is immediately broken up with more food for thought.

    You Shall Not Pass

    41) By Haydn Allen

    So think we shall.

    Haydn Allen

    42) By Jepp


    43) By ThatCrazyBrony

    The artist wishes it to be known this pony is covered in pie filling and suction cups.


    44) By Nezbot

    Mmyes, quite. Indeed. *puffs on a bubble pipe*


    45) By Nezbot

    It's been a heck of a time watching you send me ponies.


    46) By mikes550

    Seconds later, this pony was shoved through the portal. "The name is Derpy!"


    47) By arcturian627


    48) By Richelieu88 (and Hieronymus Bosch;-)

    Well with a name like that it must be.

    Richelieu88 (and Hieronymus Bosch;-)

    49) By Splopp

    I'm really impressed with how many of you pulled out the stops to put things like this together for the gallery


    50) By Jiyrath

    ...Unexpected twist.


    51) By Scion


    52) By Kenmdrt


    53) By Roxor128

    I'm not sure which of the last three makes me want to cry more.


    54) By kuser77


    55) By Caresse-par-la-lumie


    56) By Pencil Scratch

    Pencil Scratch

    57) By BronyGamer

    Like I told you.


    58) By Saddlesoap Opera

    Saddlesoap Opera

    59) By birdmaster1

    Poor Dashie. Ponies are heavy


    60) By James_Corck


    61) By Yotu Renn

    Yotu Renn

    62) By Crafxter

    I'm honestly not quite sure what this contraption is.


    63) By FerrousOxideMolecule


    64) By Judo-Paladin

    They're on their way home, ok? Griffons suck!


    65) By Nny11


    66) By CartoonTiger

    Bye, cute pony!


    67) By Zubias


    68) By MikorutheHedgehog


    69) By ponyp


    70) By Bakasan


    71) By Magrior


    72) By Decembuary


    73) By TwinQuasars

    Minor details.


    74) By Black-or-blank

    To be perfectly honest, I agree with Derpy here.


    75) By Dusty the Royal Janitor

    Oh, that poor pony. Just an excellent job by you throughout this event, sir.

    Dusty the Royal Janitor

    76) By Sebbaa


    77) By LeonardRodriquez


    78) By Zaid Yanffit

    And then I got to ride on Super Derpy's back for a while. Also I was a small filly?

    Zaid Yanffit

    79) By Diego Havoc

    I don't think we've had a makeup entry in this event. I always love these!

    Diego Havoc

    80) By Echodonut


    81) By Fetter

    May I hug you, pony?


    82) By Purplelemons

    Home is what you make of it.


    83) By Kidpaddle


    84) By Kidpaddle


    85) By fizmat


    86) By HansHDsoldier

    Today is a good day.


    87) By Beasert

    Whee, symbolism.


    88) By Roidh


    89) By pageturner1988


    90) By Dejected0

    The portal home is blank. What's it like to come back after something like this?


    91) By Pirill

    Can't help but notice how popular the desert has become.


    92) By caramelldanser on DA

    caramelldanser on DA

    93) By Author Tempus

    Because we moved it there. It was heavy.

    Author Tempus

    94) By Hewison


    95) By Tarynsgate


    96) By InsomniaUnending


    97) By Pinkie Swirl

    Pinkie Swirl

    98) By Immersa


    99) By Sketchy

    I have to go now. My planet needs me.


    100) By Scatman


    101) By Krogoth


    102) By Rarodar


    103) By Prismatic Pretzel

    Thank you for moving those.

    Prismatic Pretzel

    104) By Senakysam


    105) By Phalanx


    106) By Jinsume


    107) By TerribleTransit

    Congratulations to you, and everypony else.


    108) By Otherunicorn


    109) By TheLunarArmy


    110) By Mart3323


    111) By Tree Kicker

    Tree Kicker

    112) By Sketch56

    I like this one. It's really dynamic.


    113) By dear-sweet-molestia


    114) By galdorpunk

    Seems like kind of a jerk thing to do. You could just ask...


    115) By GoldFox


    116) By Kyouhen

    Tap Applejack for w


    117) By Durandal

    This is completely beautiful.


    118) By Ailynd


    119) By Ace Of Scarabs

    Ace Of Scarabs

    120) By Kailley Roesler

    Kailley Roesler

    121) By AlternateMew

    Oh that wacky Pinkie.


    122) By Easteu

    Lyra: "You do understand I'm married. Right?" (Secretly: I don't care! =D)


    123) By Melon Hunter

    Melon Hunter

    124) By Gentlemanlyman


    125) By Machel

    Was I really that bad?


    126) By Silver_Wing


    127) By SamuelEAllen

    Aww, poor Twilight...


    128) By brony and proud of it

    brony and proud of it

    129) By ChaosDX1

    Hey, that's how these things go.


    130) By Mad Mike

    Oh Derpy. You so silly.

    Mad Mike

    131) By Heather


    132) By phallen1


    133) By MasterofRoku


    134) By My Icing

    My Icing

    135) By Quiche


    136) By W4X


    137) By theawesomebeast


    138) By Guppyfoal

    I know that feel.


    139) By Sovwi


    140) By TerminalHunter


    141) By Axwrend


    142) By Vera

    It's not really about what's inside your home so much as just being back with those you love.


    143) By PixelSpriteArt

    And thank you, too. You've been amazing.


    144) By SillyDeiDei


    145) By Shachza


    146) By Snowsilver


    147) By Wing Wind

    Wing Wind

    148) By Freyera


    149) By AthanixTreviant


    150) By 8bitbleepbleep

    Go home and be a family mare.


    151) By Norque


    152) By Relleck


    153) By Kyttyee

    It's a pony! With cake!


    154) By shadowfalcon76


    155) By Pix


    156) By AntisocialHappiness


    157) By Short Circuit

    Short Circuit

    158) By Dreamwire

    Iwo Jima ponies


    159) By PedroRabidBunny


    160) By Reuben

    This is really pretty, what with the colors and silhouettes.


    161) By IraeCoal


    162) By Bacon planet

    Bacon planet

    163) By EngmaticElocution

    Sometimes concepts are worth attempting, even in the absence of time to complete them properly


    164) By KriahFox


    165) By Flutterhoof


    166) By Runbow Dash

    Pony hugs!

    Runbow Dash

    167) By Mr. Fahrenheit89

    Mr. Fahrenheit89

    168) By Greendragonx8


    169) By exKira/Furrydream


    170) By Ert23


    171) By Kinrah


    172) By AshanderHill


    173) By Nettles

    You should be more than just a mask.


    174) By Ori


    175) By AaronMk

    Wow, there's a lot going on, here.


    176) By GibsOfEarth


    179) By MyBoyJ


    180) By litaganomotscoud


    181) By KillSilver


    182) By DE Fluttershy

    I guess really, home is where your heart lies.

    DE Fluttershy

    183) By DruidDroid

    Wherever that may be.


    184) By Natry


    185) By GonzaHerMeg


    186) By Zicygomar

    Nothing could possibly wipe the smile off of my face right now.


    187) By Akamaru01


    188) By ZeldaRulz



    189) By Fallen Angel

    Fallen Angel

    190) By Lunar Apologist

    Heehee. Home.

    Lunar Apologist

    191) By EvanelleOnyx


    192) By CuriousPony

    *smiles wider*


    193) By 1amth3guy


    194) By Stormcaller


    195) By Angelkiller777


    196) By Mr. Hero

    Walk on home, with your head held high.

    Mr. Hero

    197) By EricaC78


    198) By Relias


    199) By SonicRatchet


    200) By Exastryke

    Wait, I remember this story...


    201) By Mudglen


    202) By Weir


    203) By Akirasip

    To be continued makes me happy. There's more to do after we part ways.


    204) By CaffeineJunkie

    I won't feel bad for the giffons. They win every year.


    205) By Roflgar


    206) By sev62_fmj


    207) By Gozer The Equestrian

    Gozer The Equestrian

    208) By Muffinsforever

    I'm not quite sure how he wrote that so well.


    209) By jberg18


    210) By Delta Pangaea

    Delta Pangaea

    211) By Suta


    212) By IcySpy

    Totally not Spitfire.


    213) By Troutzorz


    214) By TheMagicalFish


    215) By Ritsuko Mithos

    Ritsuko Mithos

    216) By therainbowowner


    217) By Iomma

    Despite not having fought myself, I agree with what you told me.


    218) By PoldekPL


    219) By Mattatatta

    This is even funnier if you know me.


    220) By SoulTarkus89


    221) By BrokenHero0409


    222) By The Laughing Horror

    The Laughing Horror

    223) By TM

    Oh. Oh my goodness gracious wow.


    224) By CityFlyer502


    225) By Silverwind


    226) By Judo-Paladin

    I'm glad that fighting with pies and suction cups hasn't scarred you for life.


    227) By mcatnova


    228) By Hobbes Maxwell

    Don't you "no credit" me. Thank you for trying your best.

    Hobbes Maxwell

    229) By JunaE_CBS


    230) By MyMiniatureEquine

    I sing your name every time I see it.


    231) By Nigimi

    Grass is always greener on the other side, I guess.


    232) By Level 8 Mudcrab

    Level 8 Mudcrab

    233) By Syggie

    Until then, Pinkie!


    234) By AlmightySpoonpony


    235) By ABronyAccount

    That was beautifully put. Thank you. Thank you so much.


    236) By JimTheCactus


    237) By Kelz


    238) By Rachel

    This is nothing but sweetness and light


    239) By Inkblot


    240) By Shinskii


    241) By SunnyStorm


    242) By James

    Hello there, Lauren Fausticorn.


    243) By RyuuKiba

    There's a lot of heart in this piece.


    244) By Bluerobin46


    245) By Knuckleshy


    246) By WavemasterRyx


    247) By Hawkeye92


    248) By Albert


    249) By Louisa


    250) By KuroiTsubasaTenshi


    251) By GrubbusTheUnclean



    252) By chimicherrychonga


    253) By Tsuken


    254) By BlankFlankBrony


    255) By Slowter



    256) By Wolferahm

    I giggled so hard I snorted.


    257) By NullRadix


    258) By Sherclop Hooves/Quick Sketch

    Sherclop Hooves/Quick Sketch

    259) By Connor Chang

    Connor Chang

    260) By 13era


    261) By Waldo-xp


    262) By Philith


    263) By Illustrious Otter

    Illustrious Otter

    264) By Cipher

    265) By Flare

    266) By lightningheart

    267) By Mint Julep

    268) By Pinkie Pi

    269) By RelishNenvy

    270) By somethingstrange85

    271) By The Munkis

    272) By Goggle Sparks

    273) By orangearithmatic

    274) By Wisdom Thumbs

    275) By DiscordedHarmony


    276) By Frith


    277) By SolidSt33d


    278) By Pyrotwister


    279) By Dusty Fortune

    Dusty Fortune

    280) By TehgrateJT


    281) By Tosxychor


    282) By TapeDiggity

    283) By Admitted (aka Twilight Ketchum)

    Admitted (aka Twilight Ketchum)

    284) By KH68


    285) By Jberg18

    I'm really too swamped to revise right now, so have this as an extra image!


    286) By Sharp Sticks

    Sharp Sticks

    287) By Thattagen


    288) By Kilemeino Calvire

    Kilemeino Calvire

    289) By SonicStar23750

    290) By Lunar Storm

    That is so awesome!

    Lunar Storm

    291) By Blaze72


    292) By Tsuken


    293) By Mr Cartier

    Mr Cartier

    294) By He11ix

    I don't know if you'll see this at this point, but please don't cry.


    158 kommentaari:





      But seriously, I was in over my head.

    2. I think I felt a heart attack coming as I scrambled to put mine together for tonight. Not only was I out of ideas & seriously strapped for time today, but I had to help my sister out with a project of her own. Artists, I don't know how you guys do it. You've always had my respect, and now even more so. Rant over, # 224 is mine, but this time I seriously mean it. Expect garbage. I may as well have thrown paint on a piece of paper and submitted that.

    3. A.K.A. The emotion heart-wrenching post Q.Q

      favorite picture of the post ^__^

      Well Phoe, you have done quite a feat. You have managed to bring together hundreds of bronies from their hiding places and brought them out to see the glories of art. Those thank you's are pretty good, too

    4. #254 reporting in! This has been fun. ^_^

    5. Yay I'm 104! Great job to all you artist ponies, these are amazing!

    6. Is it possible we are going to do another one of these in the near future?

    7. @CityFlyer502 I actually thought you did pretty good. ^_^

    8. This is it. The final reviews. *Sniff*

      Loved this comic. Way to close it all out. Though it definitely looks like none of these ponies know where to go from here.

      I'm sure that's a sight this pony has been longing to see for a while. Loved your layout of Ponyville and Canterlot in the distance.

    9. Hey did anybody else notice FimFiction is down?

    10. #18 is tied up at the moment but I'm glad t have um.... Served... Well anyway.

    11. @Nickvicious Ugh. Believe me. This was my weakest effort. Thanks for the kind words, but I myself am so unhappy with it.

      @Brandon According to their Facebook page, something did come up and they're working on it.

    12. I posted mine exactly at 10:00 (deadline in my timezone) so hopefully it'll go up soon. We've come a long way guys. :D Awesome work, everypony. I'll have to catch up on giving feedback...tomorrow, I'm tired after rushing to my submission. X_X And I mean RUSHING.

    13. #68 here! Had alot of fun the last five days, now its time to take a bit of a break. =D I look forward to more events like this. Here's my gallery if you want to take a look :) http://mikoruthehedgehog.deviantart.com/gallery/

    14. Guys? What the Hell happened to FimFiction?

    15. Mine is 245. I gotta say I had fun with this. I will likely upload a picture with better lighting either tonight or tomorrow on my DA account because well the picture on my notebook is nice looking under great lighting. I will continue to draw ponys but probably not on a rapid pace like this since I may get burned out doing it for days at a time. I will say that this has gotten me back interested into drawing after not doing since the late 90's.

    16. @Brandon

      Yes, I was about to post. It sends me to some camera circuitry site. Odd...

      Know anything Sethisto?

    17. Nice work everybody. I hope next time I can get off my lazy ass and create something.

    18. I'm #8!!!! :D
      As always, please leave constructive criticism.

    19. @Kody910 Checked their facebook page, and they just messed up their coding

    20. @Brandon Okay, I was just about to explode because it died in the middle of my writing.

    21. ***Whoever's asking about Fimfiction, check their facebook page. I just had a look there and they say they're on it.***

    22. Two more for now. I haven't had dinner yet. Hehehe.

      Oh my! The mares must be desperate to be doing that! Please tell me this has a favorable outcome for both sides...

      @Pinkie Pie
      Her catchphrase says it all. I'm pretty sure after seeing war, she's particularly glad to be back home. Great work here.


    24. Guys. Guys.

      Less QQ more Pew Pew :D





    26. mines not up and i submitted at 10 o clock(central)last night

    27. Alright. My piece is #277. I rushed this comic (my first one) so please critique with a little mercy if you do so. Thanks. I might be kinda cheesy, but I tried to see how I could handle emotion with the characters so I'd appreciate feedback on that.

    28. im 137. this is the first piece of art i've ever done and i think it actually turned out nice for a first attempt.

    29. First off, I'd just like to say thank you Phoe. Thank you so much for not only this event, but for everything you do for us.

      Back during the first ATG back in (summer/September?) I remember each night as the pics came in droves that I wish I could also take part. Needless to say I was far too shy and scared to do anything, and when it ended I felt so terrible, as if I missed something great.
      I was so happy when this ATG was announced, I swore to myself that I'd participate and low and behold here I am at the end of it having made a pic for each day. I've drawn more this week than the rest of my life combined and it feels great.

      Suddenly I feel like I've rambled too long sorry about that.

      #142 here, I worked on bettering perspective and angles. I did better, but I'm noticing mistakes. Ah well, practice makes perfect.
      I'd like to think I've improved over the course of this event. At least I hope I have.
      I enjoyed this week so much that I'm definitely going to continue drawing, and finally put months of ideas to paper.

      Thank you again for being so great!

      (now on to looking at all of today's entries)

    30. Aaah, that was fun. I'm looking forward to the next ATG already! Some of these were really heartwarming! I loved #36, #37 and #186 in particular. Mine was #123, but eh, it didn't come out to well compared to what I had in mind.

    31. Art is art... but sad and happy art.

      Also Phoe stop playing with yarn balls, that's not how you attract Lyra's.

    32. Wasn't expecting to see mine up so soon, since I was forced to email it (accursed Database Errors!). Phoe works fast!

      I really would have liked to do more than a Pony/Gears of War thing, but I had less than two hours. It didn't come out anything like I wanted it. :/

      Awesome work everywhere else, though. I enjoyed following different artists from day 1 to day 5, and watching their progress. The newbie artists are the whole point of the event, so let's all give them a big round of applause!

      (and applaud Phoe too, she deserves it more than anybody)

    33. This was really fun, even though we did lose a few good men along the way... These open ended submissions are awesome! I hope there is more to come in the future! Mine's #242 go hit it up! Thanks Phoe and every pony for such a sweet five days!

    34. >Gets home late

      >sees all these awesome pictures

      >looks at unfinished drawing

      >is sad

    35. @Davy
      Thankies, silly.
      #191 today.
      Short URL link to the dA page for my entry: http://dft.ba/-atg5
      This was fun!

    36. Didn't make it tonight because I had classes all day from 11:00 to 8:00 :P Ah well. It's been a blast, and the few drawings I put out were more than I've ever done :)

      I'm going to miss this... I've always wanted to draw, but I didn't know how to start. This event gave me a reason to try :) It may have been chaotic and nerve-wracking trying to put out a new picture every day, but I loved every minute of it.

      Thank you to all of you who participated and made this event what it was :) It couldn't have happened without each and every one of you. It's been a great experience, and I hope many of you continue to draw in the future.

      And finally, thank you Phoe, for everything you did in hosting this event. Thanks for the inspiration, and for the opportunity to contribute something to the fandom. I may not be amazing, but I've learned I can create something of my own, and I'm going to keep at it. Maybe I'll make the drawfriend someday :)

      It's been fun, and I hope we do this again sometime soon! :)


    37. Yaaaaay I made it in! I'm #281!
      This edition is particularly heartwarming and sweet, and there's so many awesome/funny/well-done pieces! I srsly envy you guys and your superior art skills :\ but I'm just kidding here, we did great! ^^
      Again, thank you Phoe. This is the first ATG I participate in, and it's been amazing. I finally learned the true power of motivation and deadlines :p and I surely have improved some since I started this.
      So, thanks again. It's been a good ride, and all thanks to you. ^^

    38. @Vera I would say it's more reminiscing than rambling. I wasn't even here during the summer, though from browsing the site I found out about it. So I was also excited when this was announced. I'm not all that confident in my abilities myself. But seeing all the amazing art put out by the community inspired me to try and give back myself. I'm wiped out, but I'm so glad I did this...hehe. Looks like I'm doing a bit of rambling..er..reminiscing myself.

      Now for your picture, this is so adorable. They must have been totally exhausted to just collapse right there at their doorstep. Nothing more heartwarming than mother and daughter. Fantastic work on this one.

    39. Off topic, but does anypony know what happened to FiMFiction?

    40. So much art. Huge event this was and I think it was a major major success. And that poem at the bottom there is very nice. Oh, wait... it appears to be a song from The Hobbit. Now I feel stupid. I love that book and movie.

      #68 D'awwww, a sweet Trixie pic. I'm glad to see some town welcoming Trixie home. I'm guessing it must be her hometown. :)

      #117 And I completely agree. This image is just beautiful in so many ways.

      #142 Lmao. It seems Berry hardly even got inside the door before collapsing from exhaustion. Poor thing. Pinchy simply curled up with her, d'awwwww. <3

      #200 Haha! Oh, that silly Seth...

      #219 Oh, Phoe. You and your silliness when it comes to getting tangled in pretty much any kind of rope, twine, yarn, string... pretty much anything used in such a manner as them. :P The faces in this one are just too much. And by that, I mean hilarious.

      I also see many pictures based off that famed kissing shot after WW2. Very nice. It's one of the images that first comes to mind when I think of soldiers coming home.

    41. Unable to participate due to working a double shift. But everyone's stuff are amazing. I would like to thank Phoe for planning such a wonderful event and getting me out of my artistic shell

      Btw ill be tossing up my last day submission on my DAY page when I can. Cheers everpony

    42. @Bass Drops Per Facebook, site went down & they're working on it.

    43. This was a rather enjoyable trip.

    44. I must say that the last two of my series were too weak. =_= And I blame the deadlines... XD Oh, well, back to Silent Ponyville.

    45. #217, and it was from the heart ^^

    46. 279 here. Again thanks to Phoe and the community for giving me and us bronies the chance to contribute.This has been a real treat to draw for this event and has been the first push into drawing ponies. Thanks again and hope to pull out the pen again soon.

    47. It's finally over. Time to put down the pen for a while. Now I can go finally and live a normal life once again.

    48. #59 here, took a while to make this picture, but I was determined to do a picture with all of the mane 6 (even if it meant cutting a few corners).

      Well that's it I guess. This event has been been a great success, so thanks again.

      Now I think it's time for a rest.

    49. Well, party is over. Time to go back to work.
      I would have liked to post anything, but for the very least I did improve my skills.

    50. #3 This evokes some nice feelings

      #11 Just D'awww

      #19 It begins!

      #39 *replaces heart*
      I'm burning through those way too fast these days, gonna have to order some more

      #49 Brilliant!

      #57 It continues!

      #75 WELP, Looks like he's stuck!

      #81 Aww

      #92 IT CONTINUES!

      #103 That punchline!

      #112 MOAR OF IT

      #115 So much MOAR

      #150 Hahahahhaa

      #163 Very interesting

      #186 Adorable!

      #219 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MINE!!!!!!!!


      #223 And now I have a new wallpaper

      #228 Finish this, the world cannot survive without it!

      #235 That's pretty deep

      #243 My heart failed again *replaces it a second time*




      Thank you kindly for your comments (#219 here)

      @D. Shadows

      I'm glad my comic is well-received :)

    51. #189 is me.

      This part of the event had a special impact on me. I have been to war, and I know what it's like to come home. I seriously feel like crying right now because of how wonderful of a feeling these drawings have brought me. Thank you everypony, and please don't stop drawing. Keep improving.

      I love all of you.

    52. GUYS! fimfiction.com is DOWN! Someone has replaced it entirely with...well with something else.

    53. @CityFlyer502: Even if they don't know where they're going, at least they'll head there together. ^_^

    54. Really. Who here wouldn't stay? Like is that even a question?

    55. #208 Thanks for the comment Phoe, and I think he did it with his tongue lol.

      This was an awesome event and I hope we have more in the future.

      GO ATG!

    56. @otakon17

      Not exactly the place for this (though thanks for keeping us in the loop)

      There is a message on the site that saying someone tried the hack it. They are currently checking if there was anything serious done like data loss so all we can do is wait. :/

    57. I wish i could draw decent art. Since I cannot, I shall describe down in writing the picture I wish to portray. Being in the Army, this is something I could easily see.
      The first panel would be of a group of ponies eagerly looking down the road, towards the mountains.
      A group of soldiers would be seen, towing with them wagons with their provisions.
      Focus on a young colt and his mother smiling at the soldiers, looking for the one they call family.
      Then they look at the wagons, and notice the large boxes that are carried in them.
      The mother holds a hoof to her mouth, the colt proceeds closer to the wagon, to read the name he only knows so well .
      Last panel, sorrowful soldiers standing behind the colt as he cries onto the casket

    58. @CityFlyer502
      Thank you, for making me feel a little better about that. And I'm glad you liked it ^^
      And I wouldn't have even dared to try to draw all the animals you did! I have enough trouble with ponies!

    59. @Tiddilywinkus
      I wouldn't, if you looked at my pic which was #133 by the way.

      Oh and Dusty (the janitor's) comic was hilarious as always.

    60. And there was great sadness as this event came to an end, but rejoicing at the future and the lessons that had come. And a bunch of random comments to go with it. Primarily about FIMfiction, but some of them had to deal with what was at hand.

    61. Numbah 255, resigning from active duty.

      Well everypony, it was a long grueling week.
      Tears were shed, pencils were broken, and minds were worn down to their gray matter.
      But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

      Congratulations to everyone, I loved all the submissions. See ya next Training Grounds.

    62. @SolidSt33d

      Sorry, I didn't know where else to post it. I don't know anyone's email that admins EqD offhand. I just felt it needed to get out before there was panic is all.

    63. @Vera It just wouldn't have been a home coming without some animals there. Compared to the ponies, they were relatively easy. I actually had a grand finale planed, but I had to scrap it since my abilities aren't where my thoughts are quite yet.

    64. This was just a fantastic event! I hope that there are more in the future.

    65. I made someone cry! Yay! (#52)

      Seriously, all I could think of for this last one was Jarhead and the Hurt Locker.

    66. Just a few of the ones I like:
      #39. Saw this earlier today on Ponibooru and its still very adorable.
      #163. I had to stifle a laugh there.
      #186. I absolutely love this
      #190. Haha, well played. Really like the lineart. Oh Bonbon you know you love her enthusiasm!
      #227. Made me a slight bit sad, still, very nice.
      #272. Just another day crusading? At least she's smiling!
      #273. I laughed and felt bad at the same time.

      Great job by everypony! I'd call the mock war a rousing success!

    67. 179 Here. I didn't come up with an idea until a few hours before the deadline, so I had to rush to get it finished in time. It seems completely out of place here.

      Incredible work everypony! You all did a great job and we had a huge turnout! Thank you Phoe for everything you've done for us!

      Also, why are so many ponies injured, missing limbs, or worse, if this was a mock war with baked goods and suction cups?

    68. Well, I wanted to finish this out, so I threw something together (in literally ten minutes :P) and submitted it. Whether Phoe posts it or not, I'm happy I did :)

      Thanks again to everyone that participated! It was a blast! :D

    69. @Yelliaes Being in the Army myself, first, thank you for your service. We don't hear that enough.

      Second, I know that story all too well... Grand words.

    70. WOOOO!! Good job everypony! I wish I could have done something for the last day but my laptop got a virus, GAH!
      Oh well, can't wait for the next ATG!

    71. It's been wonderful spending time with you all, and getting to see you grow and practice and try new things. Now I, who have put off dinner for 5 days in a row until late submissions finished trickling in, need to stop punishing my body and go eat.

      I'll be back to collect one last roundup of your work after I get back from dinner with Reinboom.

    72. number 12 here. hope all you ponies enjoyed the drawings for the atg XD

    73. @Mattatatta

      You're very welcome. :)


      5 days without any dinner? Ouch, Phoe. Well, I admire you're dedication to this. I hope you have a great dinner tonight. :)

    74. number 12 here. hope all you ponies enjoyed the drawings for the atg XD

    75. @Phoe THanks, Phoe, for having such a wonderful event. Sorry about all of your issues, but I'm glad you got them fixed. <3

    76. I have to say, this whole event was awesome... I'm sorry I was unable to participate throughout the week, but I had a blast checking out each daily post and scrolling through all of the imaginative scenes. Great stuff, everyone... thanks so much for sharing, and thanks to Phoe and everyone who was involved in organizing and posting it all!

    77. @CityFlyer502

      Cute little Fluttershy and her animal friends, what's not to love? I especially like the bunny hiding behind her helmet.

    78. Yay #264 :D

      I really enjoyed the Mock war event. It was really good practice.

    79. #287, that's me.

      These two ponies just don't give a damn, cause they're hardcore like that. They're keeping their fake weapons, though.

      Only had enough time for ink, but I might color later...

      Thanks again for the amazing event, Phoe!

    80. ...even though I never got a comment on my pictures :<

    81. #165 here. =) Thank you Phoe, Seth, Reinboom and everypony else who was able to make this possible. It's been really fun making all sorts of drawings and pictures as well as checking out the creative artwork that has been made by such great artists! I'm looking forward to the next ATG in the future. =)

    82. 266 here any tips for me? i was rushed btw.

    83. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

      Mine's at #234. I can't say I'm proud of the quality, but I am proud that I still managed to submit something even after I lost the original when Sumo Paint crashed while saving. It would have been horrible to participate in all of these except the last, which probably has the best gallery of all.

      This whole experience was really wonderful. It was hard working with my (low) level of expertise, I spent nearly all the free time I had this week to make sure I met the deadlines, but I haven't regretted a second of it. I was ecstatic with each of these updates, because now, I wasn't just looking from the sidelines, I was part of the (huge) team that made it possible.

      Thank you Phoe, for giving us all this opportunity. Thank you bronies, for sharing your work with the rest of us. If I could, I would reward you all with cake. And THAT'S not a lie.

    84. @thattagen

      I'm sure everypony was rushed and everypony will go back and comment on your's and everyone's deviantart page and or the day galleries and give comments and feedback.

    85. im #4 :D lol well loved this event i hope that make another soon :) -LacionARG

    86. Work and traffic took too long for me to get in an image for the final day. :(

      Great job everypony!!! These submissions are all great.

      Phoe, thanks again for putting on such a fun event.

    87. #243 here :3 and Yay comment n mine again!! yay!

      I actully teared up while drawing it... and while writting down a mini-fic based on it for the DA arist comments.

    88. #154 here. Here's my DA page of the pic if you can't read the lettering (sorry, it's kinda blurry; I blame my cell phone's camera). What is actually said is in the description.


    89. (#246) Well, somehow I managed to get something in for all these 5 days... usually just at the last minute *sighs* I'm really just not cut out for events like this yet I guess.

      Thank you very much for all the trouble you've gone through and all the effort you've put into this event, Phoe. It's been fun.

    90. I'm #161, feel free to tell me what you think here or at my Deviantart Iraecoal

    91. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    92. OK, I've finally fueled up and relaxed with an episode of my favorite show. Let's get back to the reviews.

      Well, the journey had to end eventually, as was the case with this event. I'm sure all of us would be feeling this way.

      @Royal Haste
      What a way to end the battle. With an epic scene like this. Well done.

      Kind of a depressing home coming if you ask me. All the same, great job.

      LOL. Only Pinkie would be able to see the funny side of the war. Is it safe to assume Rarity's injuries are all in her head? Overall, this pic is so awesome.

      Aww. So happy to see Trixie getting some love.

    93. Also: I'm fairly sure THIS time I'm the only Final Fantasy reference in the group.

      And five days with no comments, Phoe? I give ya five days of Final Fantasy and not one peep? Must not have any Final Fantasy in that "epic" game collection you have.

      HAHA I jest, I jest. Much love for all the hard work you put in for this event. Looking forward to the next one!

    94. @Phoe

      I have an idea....

      *starts scribbling on tablet with gusto*

      Please stand by, I think I'll be done after the new ep tomorrow

    95. #7 here. i think i did pretty good seeing as before this event started ive never drawn a pony befor. only monsters and robots. im also over on my deviantART working on a colorized version of my picture (though i only have MS-paint to do so)* sigh* though now that i think about it i wish i could go back and redo my entry . . . i just got an idea in my head that made me shed a tear. I think with what I have learned here im going to draw it anyway as an alternate ending .

      ANYHOO back to working on warhammer 40k space marine MLP:FIM themed army ^ ^ pinkie pie dreadnought really needs to get painted. Here is a link to my profile check out my gallery and leave some comments . . . if you don't mind that is. I would really appreciate it ^ ^


      THANK you Phoe for throwing this event because before this started I though I could never EVER draw a pony. Thank you again for proving me wrong. I would also like to thank all the Bronies who participated and shred there art. It was all awesome ^ ^

    96. More:

      Glad to see this fellow and his brother made it out alive. Nice way to bring closure from the last picture.

      Uh-oh. This can't be a good sign. Tell me he still makes it back home!!

      Haha. Now that is a clever play on the Odyssey. Way to play on Soarin's assumed weakness.

      @Fallen Angel
      Wake up, Spike! She's home! She's home! You couldn't have made it clearer how much Spike misses Twilight. Bravo. :D

      @Artsie Bee
      Aww. That's the homecoming I think all of us would like to come to after having survived war.

      I find this to be quite moving. He seems to have so much on his mind. And why not, considering what he's coming back from.

    97. @Phoe
      I pondered why you jumped the gun. Heh.

    98. So many ponies lost along the way... We should have a moment of silence for those that couldn't be with us today.

    99. #251 here, my dev page is:
      Thought I would give some feedback to those who asked.

      You've got the drawing down for the most part. The eyes are a bit flat, though. Eyelids will buldge in the direction the eye is looking because of the cornea (it's a transparent part-sphere over the iris). Also, a little bit of time squaring the panels and odd presentation work will go a long way.

      Pretty good for just pencil and notepaper. But I would recommend outlining with a good pen (on new paper!). Also, the pose is a little strange, with the right leg up and left straight down. I'm not sure if hes falling back or jumping up. Maybe a rough sketch can help you work it out.

    100. 75) Dusty the Royal Janitor
      Ooh, Poor guy!

      129) ChaosDX1
      Yeah, that one's mine. :)

      190) Lunar Apologist

      223) T M
      You sir, have impressed me greatly with this piece.

      Long day and I just came home feeling tired. In a way I feel like all these ponies. Of course my day was full of classes and D&D, not a war! (Though my OC Pony did participate in the war.)

      Who want's an end-of-war hug? Anypony? …oh, right, stupid internet can't send hugs.
      Nevermind. Welcome home everypony. A lot of you had some touching images. Me? I can't do sensitive. I made a joke referencing a TV show. We fought hard and kicked plot! I even made a new friend in this event!

      'Till next we meet! On the field of battle! …Or anywhere really.

    101. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    102. Still more.

      Why do you have to move me to tears, man?! So touching.

      Nice way to fit Lauren into the event. Though I must ask: Is that a severed head, or am I looking at it wrong?

      I'm sure there were plenty of kisses going around after the war. Way to capture one such instance. That is, great drawing.

      @Dusty Fortune
      Another one of those touching pieces. Interesting style

      Talk about making a grand homecoming. Very cool.

    103. @MyBoyJ Thanks for taking a look. Really enjoyed yours as well. Clever play on the Odyssey.

    104. #273 here, (forever alone derpy), and we should do these things more! I usually only have a reason to draw when I'm in school and my english paper looks too blank, but having a topic and seeing everybody's art and different takes on this was amazing. Seriously, get like a once-a-month thing going with a theme, because drawfriends are good for art, but this community insight and collaboration of sorts was really fun. We could continue this with other topics, too; cooking, music, writing, anything creative and readily accessible to the masses.I'm rambling.

      TL;DR, this was fun, let's do it MOAR.

    105. #26 here, and i cannot stand pinkie's hair, ugh!

    106. Phoe, we ARE doing a full scale one of these again in the summer...

    107. As I looked through this last batch of art, I felt my heart begin to melt, like snow under a warm spring sun.

      This has been a delight to watch. Even though I didn't do dilly-squat to participate in it, I enjoyed seeing so many different perspectives on this subject. You guys really are creative.

      A few quick highlights:

      #15: This touched my heart in a very special way. I think it can apply to all troops, in any world, either this one or a make-believe.

      #17: This made me chortle. Way to end a war, eh? Phoe, you might wanna get in on this...


      ...I really don't know what to say. I've looked back at this one about 3 times now and I still can't get over how extremely well done it is.

      The art is superb and the story it tells is very deep. This is arguably my favorite piece out of the entire competition.

      Truth be told, there was a lot of thought-provoking art in this last day of the competition. A lot of this stuff strikes very close to human life, in the happy times, the sad times, and the bittersweet times. I counted about 10-12 pictures that had really solid ideas for excellent fanfics on this page alone. You guys really think more than an inch deep on these topics!

      All that to say: Well done, all of you.

      Well done.

    108. I'm really upset I coudn't send mine in, I got the scanner working an was going to color it when my connection to the Internet died.
      Took forever to come back on

    109. Hm, looks like I didn't have much to come back to. But with the extra submissions now posted, the Mock War Training Grounds are officially over. I want to thank all of you who participated for even one day, and to everypony who took time out of their day to come and see these artists' hard work and leave comments for them.

      I'm so proud of all of you, my faithful students. I can't wait to see how you grow!

    110. @CityFlyer502 Thanks :D

      I love how all of the animals are playing with Fluttershy's gear in your picture :D

    111. would anypony read a fanfic that ships Vinyl and an OC

    112. #1 here, Kinda ashamed It was a bland comic for ending up the first one on the list.

      But I'm glad I made It.

    113. They were all wonderfull, but my heart goes out to 274. A simple Gears reference, what more could you ask for?

    114. 22 was the greatest thing i've ever seen...

    115. #38 here. This event really helped me out of an art block. Thanks for the awesome event, Phoe! And the comment too. =P

    116. Ah I wish I wasn't busy all day today so I could've drawn something D:
      Good job to everypony else who did though!

    117. #151 here. A little sad to see it end, it's been a great week.

    118. #193 here, and if you look back at all my other arts, i have obviously grown.
      (I got lazy, and implied she was running away from earth, so i only had to draw the flank.)

    119. We need to have more of this!!! More Drawing assignments! challenging us to be creative and driving us to do better!

      my #36 is for anyone thats played WoW :D was just going for a random reference when i was trying to figure out what to draw

    120. Well, now that I'm finally back home at my computer, I'm glad to find that Phoe has enjoyed my series so much!

      Thanks for doing this Phoe :D You're the best!

    121. #243 Just wins everything. Sorry but it just does.

    122. @Phoe Thanks for running this whole deal Phoe. It was quite fun.

      @Mattatatta Ah I am glad you liked it.

    123. When I was here, I wanted to be there; when I was there, all I could think of was getting back into the jungle. I'm here a week now...waiting for a mission...getting softer. Every minute I stay in this room, I get weaker, and every minute Garry squats in the clouds, she gets stronger. Each time I looked around the walls moved in a little tighter.

    124. @whatisthis #22 was mine! Im glad people like dinosaurs!

    125. This was a very cool event! I only managed to get something finished for days 2 and 3 but I think I'll keep working on my day 5 anyway.
      Many thanks to Phoe and everypony else who made it possible.

      P.S. My little pony definitely stayed in Equestria after the war :)

    126. 182# im upset this has finished but now maybe i can get on with my school work....Jokes

    127. #91 - I don't have words to describe how fun this has been and I can say I have learned a bit from it, but most importantly I've seen so much amazing artwork from this fandom. I hope everypony had as much fun as I did and that we may do this again sometime.

    128. lots of good artists were trained into proficiency. This Artist Training ground has been a success.

    129. Thank you Phoe! Thanks to Reinboom for the script, and thanks to all the participants for all the amazing art. This has been so much fun. I'm happy I decided to participate.

    130. #203 here.
      Phew, what a great event. So many awesome artworks.
      And best thing about it is that, all of us learned something new ^^ .

    131. #53 here. If Phoe is making the comment about crying because my work sucks, I don't blame her. If she's not, I have no idea why she'd make such a comment.

      DA source link

      In all seriousness, this event was fun. It made the late nights worthwhile.

    132. @Jacob Allen
      I just realized that I posted with the wrong account. Now everyone on the site can know my RL name.

      I'm posting this to clarify that the statement was intended to be from this account, which is the one I was posting art from.

      I'm beginning to wonder if there's anything I can do right. :I

    133. Late stuff? Oh hey, late stuff was added!

    134. @Phoe
      Don't worry, I DID see 294. Good to know I at least made it in with the late entries!

      Also, t'was sarcasm with the crying bit. Sorry if I made you worry. Thanks for caring, though! Even if I missed the day 1 resubmission and day 2 even though both were done from the first attempt, wasn't able to properly finish day 3, and finally missed day 5 by 18 MINUTES AND 32 SECONDS RAUGH, I still had a lot of fun with this. And considering I couldn't draw ANY ponies before this, and could draw what I did for the final entry, I think the Artist Training Grounds did it's job. Thanks for putting up my late entry, and especially for running this whole thing.

    135. @He11ix
      Neither could I, and I reckon many others couldn't either. Here we are nevertheless...

      #293 btw... "finished" at 6-7 am

    136. >9) By Φ

      Hey Phoe! I think you have a namesake!

    137. I've been scribbling on my tablet with gusto almost non-stop except for a short 3 hour sleep and to watch the new ep. But I'm finished now!

      It's not much, but it's something. I hope Phoe sees this, for obvious reasons.

      Here's the link:

      Thanks for your hard work on organising the event and running it, Phoe. And many thanks to Reinboom for the script.

      Now, I must eat and then slee- *thud*

    138. @Fallen Angel Us Military Bronies gotta stick together, through war or Equestrian Mock War, and although we do hear it enough, it still shows courage to stand up to help or protect the place we call home

    139. @Fallen Angel Us Military Bronies gotta stick together, through war or Equestrian Mock War, and although we do hear it enough, it still shows courage to stand up to help or protect the place we call home

    140. 112 draws fine legs.

    141. Glad my totally awesome wallpaper was able to cover for that clumsy letter. It sounded so much better rattling around in my head, while walking my dog, 2 hours before the deadline. Sorry for this late commentary, but have some anyway!

      #22 concludes the very entertaining .... uh, continuity for Cloverjump's entries! Alas, he must depart for the time being; for his services are required on the planet of his birth.
      #25 reminds me of scratchboard! Nice effect.
      #31 has got some nice colors/lighting going on to complement the Dutch angle.
      #47 Poor Rarity!
      #54 I like how the portal itself is invisible, but the pony is refracted by it like ripples in a pond.
      #60 maybe you're right, maybe Angel isn't as much of a jerk as he seems.
      #61 so that's how pony crutches work.
      #62 did you just draw a mechanical flying carpet?
      #67 wait til she's treated to a bowl of toast. Those bandages will be as nothing!
      #70 got hope, gladness, and loss all in one go.
      #85 nice to see that the Pie family hasn't been forgotten!
      #95 what a tweest!
      #110 it's what the professionals do! That's for layout artists to sort out.
      #123 "We couldn't fit it all in!"
      #139 nice linework!
      #159 nicely done! I can never get my pencils to get even that even and smear-free.
      #161 somepony's waiting on the other side!
      #172 OBEY READ AND PLAYVIDeogamesIguess?
      #198 a fine end to a clever angle on this ATG.
      #204 shows us that when one side loses a mock war, there are no winners; we're all the losing-er for enjoying someone's defeat.
      #207 your whole Seapony direction is giving off a bit of a Deep Ones vibe. Don't know if that was intentional or not.
      #210 all I can think is PONY PULLS THE WAGON! No but seriously, I like how you're building these up around stick figures to get the orientation of the figures right.
      #212 Alert, alert! Molestia spotted!
      #213 I know that feeling!
      #246 d'awwww!
      #251 if there's one thing I like about grimdarkers, it's the ability to poke fun at themselves.
      #282 I think TapeDiggity deserves a lot of credit for doing something different every day, and pulling it off well every time. That's what I like to see from fellow brony artists!
      #294 you're awesome for making a four-footed motorbike. Got the idea from Pinkie's crazy contraption?

    142. I am genuinely impressed on how many entries there were. GOOD WORK PONIES.

    143. You guys made me cry for the first time in 2 years
