Recruits! Our rescue mission was a success! There's been so much to do, but even in the midst of a busy week and with the grind beginning to set in, you've persevered to bring in 327 lost and captured ponies! I know it isn't easy, but you guys keep sticking with it and churning out content in stupendous numbers. With an event total of 1805 images, we're in the final stretch. Give it your all!
Remember, send your submissions in here. Keep using full image urls when sending from DeviantART, and send any problems along to [email protected].
Day 5: A Winner is You!
The whirlwind of activity lately has been so intense that you can scarcely keep track of everything that has been happening. One day a griffon assault squad storms the camp and is barely beaten back. Another day you're charging in behind General Derpy's siege troops. And that princess you rescued? Hasn't. Shut. Up. Not a single day has gone by without a quip from her or a close encounter of the lemon meringue kind. All the ponies you've come to know as friends have come back smothered in cherries.
And then all of a sudden... everything stopped. All quiet on the western front, and every other war story cliche you've ever heard. No more pastries or name calling or being yelled at. In their place, there's confetti and shocked faces and dancing in the street. "We won! We actually won!" somepony calls out. To your left, a minty green unicorn sweeps a cream colored earth pony off of her hooves and kisses her deeply. To your right, your superiors gather together and smile. Despite everything, you can't help but feel a sense of pride.
"You did great work, soldier," Derpy beams with pride and steps aside to reveal a shimmering portal, "You can go home now."
But... do you want to?
Assignment: Draw a pony coming home
Deadline: January 27 at 7:00 pm, PST (GMT -08:00)
Running out of time yet again (where the heck are these supposed 24 hours in the day, exactly), but I wanted to say that these images are probably my favorite set of the event so far. So many artists thinking big and putting their creativity to the test. These entries are fun and inventive, and only slightly less than half of you went for the easy Mario reference! You're amazing, and I cannot wait to see what you come up with on our final day. Good luck!
We now proudly present to you the Day 4 Gallery:
1) By RK-D
Do it for the fillies, do it for the foals
2) By Kamikoko
3) By twohuman
4) By Whyareall
Escort quests are the worst. Help me, Leon!
5) By Kilemeino Calvire
Despite all my rage, I am still a pony in a cage
6) By Dovashy
7) By Jenbun Spahging
8) By LacionARG
9) By Joel Dash Reed
The continuing saga
10) By Crafxter
11) By lazzyX
12) By Thegreatandpowerfulchalupa
Once upon a time I thought this game was endless, and filled with nothing but other castles to go kick turtles out of.
13) By Agent Pie
14) By appiusos
15) By GoldFox
16) By Thanqol
I'm glad the prompt was able to kick-start some ideas.
17) By TimeForSP
18) By DruidDroid
Looks about right.
19) By Tesa
20) By Decembuary
21) By Invidlord
Is it a crime to enjoy being kidnapped?
22) By Bigbaddrag
23) By Cloverjump
I... just... what?
24) By LuitentantDan
It's funny because she's talking to herself
25) By Sharp Sticks
Quite frankly I don't know how I didn't have this in mind when I came up with this theme.
26) By BlondieHooves
27) By LtSterling
What was that? A box!
28) By Lunar Storm
Soon, my muffin. Soon...
29) By Kailley Roesler
Your setup is perfect. Be right back, falling in love with Tangled again.
30) By Runbow Dash
I'm sure absolutely nothing will go wrong.
31) By Slizergiy
32) By Dusty Fortune
33) By Vahnara
This got more complicated than I was expecting
34) By SuperDSombrero
35) By Ventus
Adorable beyond comprehension
36) By Haydn Allen
37) By Pencil Scratch
Heeheehee! I'm just imagining the scrapey slidey sounds he's making. Hee~
38) By Silvertie
It's a good plan, I think.
39) By Norque
Zip lines are awesome.
40) By JoTodak
Faster, faster! Wheeeeeeee!
41) By PikaGirl
42) By ThatCrazyBrony
43) By Nezbot
I don't know how you manage to keep doing this.
44) By Roxor128
45) By Splopp
46) By Ace Of Scarabs
47) By Richelieu88
I have no idea what just happened.
48) By IcySpy
Sneaky sneaky sneaky.
49) By Sean Mirrsen
50) By Nny11
51) By birdmaster1
When I saw this, I immediately sprayed water all over my monitor.
52) By kuser77
Seems legit.
53) By CartoonTiger
Who's a cute pony? Hi, pony! Hi!
54) By Kenmdrt
55) By Kyttyee
56) By You Shall Not Pass
57) By Britanniapony
Indeed they don't.
58) By James_Corck
59) By Mart3323
60) By Zubias
61) By Little Emerald
62) By Saddlesoap Opera
It... it adds to the... shut up, ok?
63) By Purplelemons
Always be prepared!
64) By TościkXD
I love how she tossed a "beloved" in there.
65) By brony and proud of it
66) By MikorutheHedgehog
Suddenly I'm sad.
67) By LeonardRodriquez
I feel like if this happened to me I would be freaking out about it.
68) By TwinQuasars
69) By Black-or-blank
Even the best have off days!
70) By BronyGamer
71) By W4X
72) By Tarynsgate
73) By Pinkie Swirl
Wait, what the?
74) By ponyp
Mecha ponies are best ponies.
75) By EvanelleOnyx
76) By Sovwi
Pfft... ahahaha
77) By B34r
78) By Choco
79) By SamuelEAllen
I never said it needed to be complicated.
80) By Ritsuko Mithos
81) By fizmat
82) By phallen1
83) By AshanderHill
My favorite part of this is the suction cup arrow stuck to the force field. It's so good.
84) By BronyGunso
So legit.
85) By EnigmaticElocution
Judging by today, Big Mac is pretty good at this job
86) By Yotu Renn
87) By litaganomotscoud
88) By ZeldaRulz
89) By CosmicRadish
Why... why does it look like they're interrogating the muffin?
90) By BluBlur
Dashie traded in efficiency for Rule of Cool
91) By mikes550
92) By Pirill
We'd all love to be rewarded for our efforts, but hey. That's war for you. Or video games. Same thing.
93) By KattyPow
This pings pretty heavily on my cute-o-meter.
94) By Zaid Yanffit
Super Derpy's here to save us! =D
95) By Roidh
Is that perchance an Acme brand Inviso-sphere?
96) By Fox E:
Eeeeee, tiny rescue ponies!
97) By DE Fluttershy
98) By Sebbaa
It's... kind of like drawing? I guess? I'm letting it through, but please don't do this.
99) By Likeable
100) By Scatmanseth
101) By Dreamwire
Poor Tavi. That suit looks expensive...
102) By Machel
I am... so sorry.
103) By idonteven...
104) By Carprincess
105) By idonteven...(fixed)
106) By blu-red
Oh... oh wow. This is beautiful.
107) By dear-sweet-molestia
108) By Quiche
Um... do you, like, need help?
109) By Kyouhen
They are pretty tiny, aren't they? Heeee~
110) By Melon Hunter
111) By Mr Cartier
112) By Akirasip
Yes please!
113) By HansHDsoldier
114) By Mysticvulpix
115) By ChaosDX1
116) By LemonLimeMan
117) By Cap-Sigma
118) By MyMiniatureEquine (a.k.a. El Lowell)
119) By Hebisonic
120) By 0+LOL (ZeroPlusLOL)
Actually, what we want is very often not in the top of a tower.
121) By Daisy Azuras
122) By Gearbox
123) By Stormcaller
124) By Spitfyre1
125) By Relias
I know I've been asking a lot of you in this event. Thank you for all of your hard work.
126) By Otherunicorn
Oh, it's going to be one of those rescues... =D
127) By Mousa The 14
128) By St Neon
129) By CuriousPony
Hey, it's the Doctor!
130) By SunyStorm
131) By I6NIS
132) By Hecmanstar
133) By Kevster
134) By Short Circuit
135) By Xaegrek
136) By sev62_fmj
I didn't know we had one of those in the budget.
137) By AlternateMew
Truly, our selection process is second to none.
138) By TheLunarArmy
139) By Stardust
141) By Daisy Azuras
142) By PixelSprite
143) By Bluerobin46
144) By Snowsilver
145) By EricaC78
Trixie, you jerk. :(
146) By Scion
148) By Des Revell
Ponies are heavy!
149) By Flutterhoof
150) By Travis Smith
149) By 8bitbleepbleep
It's honestly refreshing to see a Sonic reference at this point (I know the numbers derped, don't look at me)
150) By Totality
151) By PoldekPL
152) By Heather
To be honest, I'd have stopped at Faust's place.
153) By LittleLime/PopcornPanda
Another hair raising escape!
154) By Hewison
155) By mcatnova
156) By Connor Chang
157) By Rakshata
158) By CaffeineJunkie
159) By Ori
160) By vcrmaster
Or else, you'll... shoot? Ok.
161) By caramelldanser on DA
162) By Nettles
"This means nothing."
163) By Mudglen
'Fly faster!', she cried.
164) By Sketchy
165) By KriahFox
What... what just happened?
166) By TerribleTransit
How nice of them to give me a spotlight.
167) By Jinsume
I have to assume this is a battle over the world's most important cricket.
168) By Darrtaa
169) By The Laughing Horror
If you don't finish the job, Cereal will be mopey all day.
170) By Shinskii
171) By Muffinsforever
172) By Louisa
173) By JimTheCactus
Slow motion dives ahoy
174) By Tsuken
175) By Author Tempus
I'm not fond of capture the flag, either.
176) By 13era
I like how her disguise is taking the shirt off.
177) By SonicStar23750
Oh, hey there. How's it going? Those are pretty neat!
178) By Freyera
179) By Kinrah
180) By The Less Anonymous Top Hat
181) By Rafasde
182) By MyBoyJ
183) By Dusty the Royal Janitor
I absolutely can't wait to see how you end this.
184) By thegamefilmguruman
185) By AaronMk
186) By NeonBlitz13
I do believe your scanner flipped this on you.
187) By YSuriktaY
188) By AllyClaw
189) By KuroiTsubasaTenshi
Gee, I don't know!
190) By StyxD
191) By artsofallkinds
192) By Trekkie2063
193) By KillSilver
194) By Suta
195) By GonzaHerMeg
Oh no!
196) By Jayden Curtis
197) By CooperCL
198) By Durandal
I'd pull Fleur into an airship, too. She's quite a looker.
199) By PonyKrieger
200) By Fallen Angel
201) By Soda
Absolutely incredible.
202) By Immersa
Welp, I know what I'm dreaming about tonight!
203) By LCubed69
204) By Bacon planet
205) By Reuben
206) By He11ix
The buildup from yesterday makes this hilarious.
207) By Rescue the Muffin!- Kessel
208) By Bionic21
209) By Aemios
Impressive scale!
210) By BrokenHero0409
211) By Mad Mike
All aboard the pony rope!
212) By Quicksilver-the-Pony
213) By ZacidrainZ
214) By Exastryke
*sighs wistfully*
215) By NullRadix
216) By Slowter
It's the effort that counts.
217) By Syggie
How does this muffin keep getting into positions of authority?
218) By Mr. Fahrenheit89
That is a wonderfully tiny pony you have there. Pardon me while I go make incoherent squeaking noises.
219) By Admitted (aka Twilight Ketchum)
220) By Mattatatta
Heeheehee, that last panel!
221) By Axwrend
222) By PaintDrinkingPete
223) By Admitted (aka Twilight Ketchum)
224) By Natry
Help, help, my Fluttershy got stuck in a tree!
225) By Zendric
226) By RyuuKiba
Is that Pip? I don't know how I feel about this.
227) By CrimsonBlossom42
228) By Prismatic Pretzel
229) By DegeTheMighty
230) By Joystik
231) By Jberg18
Oho! A clever disguise!
232) By Akamaru01
233) By Silverwind
234) By Beasert
235) By Brony and a Browncoat
236) By Vera
This is just brilliantly creative. I love it to pieces.
237) By shadowfalcon76
238) By 2snacks
Hey Lyra, the fire's getting kind of ho-- oh hey is that a SNES controller?
239) By ShoeboxWarrior
They look so happy to see each other!
240) By ponyMinion
241) By TerminalHunter
I'm going to go ahead and call this one of the best uses of symbolism on the site.
242) By Zicygomar
The expressions on everypony's faces are absolutely priceless.
243) By Sleipnir
Applejack makes a surprisingly good Shrek.
245) By Delta Pangaea
246) By Blaze72
247) By Atlur
Carrot Top is a warrior with a heart of steel. How dare you doubt her?
248) By Knuckleshy
249) By glittering-pony
250) By Inkblot
Aaaaaaaand that's terrifying.
251) By Kelz
252) By 1amth3guy
253) By Pyrotwister
Ooh, I like that dress!
254) By galdorpunk
Twilight, you big cheaty pants.
255) By JunaE_CBS
256) By JudgementMaster
257) By Jay6
258) By Iwishicouldpony
259) By jazman71092
260) By Phalanx
-Insert Star Wars Reference Here-
261) By GibsOfEarth
262) By Rarodar
263) By Nigimi
I'm stealing that as one of my unofficial titles.
264) By ABronyAccount
265) By Iomma
266) By R-H-Maclanahan
267) By Wing Wind
Wait, is that what I think it is?
268) By TheMagicalFish
269) By AngelKiller777
270) By AntisocialHappiness
Probably when you stop beating them up and carrying them through the stratosphere.
271) By InsomniaUnending
Trusty trusty box, never ever fails me.
272) By SilentButBeardly
Action Pie!
273) By WavemasterRyx
274) By Gozer The Equestrian
275) By Level 8 Mudcrab
276) By nuclearsuplexattack
Save the cupcake. Save the world.
277) By DiscordedHarmony
278) By Pix
279) By Illustrious Otter
280) By TapeDiggity
Guys. We need to make this a movie.
281) By Kookamater
I think this one speaks for itself.
282) By MasterofRoku
And I could not be happier.
283) By Frith
284) By AlmightySpoonpony
285) By derpy to the rescue
286) By Shachza
287) By Kitsunewolf142
288) By SolidSt33d
289) By Wolferahm
290) By derpy to the rescue
291) By General_Rex
292) By w
293) By BlankFlankBrony
294) By Fetter
295) By Shiboito
296) By Waldo-xp
297) By Tosxychor
298) By Jessicat
299) By Sundancer
300) By Powder Kicker
301) By Cipherpie
302) By Pinkie Pi
303) By rbug2006
304) By Saphin
This is just the best
305) By TheMunkis
306) By watch_it1337
307) By Ohmyani
308) By Thattagen
309) By Yalcahoon
310) By Tomek
311) By chimicherrychonga
312) By KH68
313) By Ohmyani
314) By I Luv Hawrses
315) By Fiven
316) By CityFlyer502
317) By Toaster Repairpony
318) By Paul I
319) By Ert23
320) By LavaZombie
321) By SonicRatchet
322) By Kaji Uma
323) By Sandman-Ivan
324) By Troutzorz
325) By Philith
326) By Heireau
327) By orangearithmetic
Awww, I submitted a couple seconds too late, oh well.
ReplyDeleteNo you.
ReplyDeleteHey Phoe you messed up on 150, that's not mine I think it's Totaliy's
ReplyDeleteI'm glad ponies actually won, I have to admit I was a little bit worried by the lack of earth ponies at first but seems like the snipers and tacticians worked out a nice way to deploy the troops soon enough.
ReplyDeleteProps to everypony for the victory!!
*waits for following waves*
ReplyDeleteAnother hour or so of art appreciation for me.
ReplyDelete#237 Sweet I made it in time. Sorry for the totally disproportionate griffon. Still working on getting used to drawing quadrupeds.
ReplyDeleteOkay if anyone gets confused on 150, that's Toatily's, mine is the second 150 With Totality's name
ReplyDelete#203 is mine :D I needs some ideas on da cutie mark though. His name is Blue Light
ReplyDeleteSweet. :D I submitted mine on time so it should be up soon. I see a lot of awesome art here; great work everypony. I'll probably get to critique tomorrow since I have studying to do.
ReplyDeleteI pleasantly pleased with how today's came out!
ReplyDeleteI almost decided to not even draw today,I'm glad I didn't.
#236, and I tried some shading for the first time, and I worked on getting position and angles better.
And yay I got a comment! ^^
Don't. Wanna. Go. Home. :(
ReplyDeleteYup it's here. #288 is mine. :D Feel free to comment on it, thanks. :3
ReplyDeleteyay #113 is mine ;) i hope you like it
ReplyDelete@Travis Smith
ReplyDeleteDid a double-take there, was sure I hit ctrl-F to find mine. Seems the numbers went 149, 150, 149, 150, 151 for some reason.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm about to submit mine!sorry for being late again I do my art at the last second.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI totally intended to submit something for this, but I've just been busy getting ready for Ohayocon all day, so I haven't really had a chance to sit down and draw something worthy of this theme.
ReplyDeleteSadly, I won't be able to submit anything for tomorrow either. :(
On the bright side, a lot of good art here!
#257. YES. TROGDOOOOOR!! Kinda thought of that in the last couple hours of drawing that (close to deadline). Not bad for just... a couple hour drawing I think. It's better that I rush myself to speed my art up.
ReplyDeleteMine's 246. That's what happens when you try to draw your first comic ever with only 30 minutes left :P Didn't turn out nearly as good as I would have liked, but it was a blast to do all the same :) Though the theme I picked was a bit overused... Haha :D
ReplyDeleteYay 123 is mine. I have gotten something up on Equestria Daily for four days in a row! I am soooo happy I could pee!!!!
Um...excuse me...
*runs off*
I'M TARDY!!! No thanks to my computer. Hope I still make it in. XD
ReplyDeleteI participated in all 5 days. It was fun and exciting! I hope we do it again sometime! Phoe, I will be sending you all of the pictures of each day at once. Is that okay? I didn't know how to turn in the submission through a mobile until now. I'll turn
ReplyDeletemine in tomorrow at the afternoon.
#293, reporting in!
ReplyDeleteNow, to get the last one done, since my afternoon will be way too busy for my usual last-minute art.
#220 Eeeeeeee! Phoe approves of my hastily drawn comic!
ReplyDelete#226 That's it. Pip is now best pony (I adore that little guy, a true badass if there ever was one in fanon)
#241 Agreed, that is brilliant symbolism
#242 I almost choked on my dinner! Those expressions are hilarious!
#263 Clever :)
I find it hilarious that lots of people made Mario references. The Sonic reference got a better reaction from me, having grown with Sonic on the Mega Drive (Genesis).
Today's theme was great fun, so much awesome art here.
ohmygoshohmygosh. I got a comment on mine #218. Now excuse me while I go off and make squeeing noises.
ReplyDeleteI did #230. "Pinkie Para Drop" comment if you like. be kind.
ReplyDelete#270 is mines, no bunnies were injured during the making of this picture
ReplyDeleteWhat, I submited mine yesterday, I couldnt find it!
ReplyDeleteI'm #144. I'll have to upload this one and yesterdays onto dA when I touch them up a bit. I have to kind of rush because I get about an hour and a half to finish them given my work schedule.
ReplyDeletePretty cool. Good job everyone.
ReplyDeleteMine was a little "meh" but my creative rescue processors could only come up with an air force one rescue by jumping out with president Fluttershy without a parachute, but we all know ponies don't have planes (and I can't draw explosions), so there's Twilight grumbling over climbing 300ft to rescue a princess, risking a lava-ey death just to find another castle, so there.
My idea for the going home theme is depressing, so I'm gonna try to think of something else.
Two words in response to the prompt: "dual citizenship."
ReplyDeleteFeel free to use that idea if you're going to make art for day five. I did okay on the first day (because I cheated by tracing, and because I had a couple of weeks to work) and I embarrassed myself on the second day, so no more art from me. Possibly ever. Drawing is not my skill.
#264 reporting for duty! I wonder who will get my subtle reference to the greatest spy movie ever made? More clues at my deviantArt page for the entry:
ReplyDeleteYay! Made it in! #316! And in all seriousness, this has gotta be the biggest piece of garbage I've ever put out. Two hours resulted in that. And it doesn't help my computer was screwing around with me. So, please go easy on me?
ReplyDelete#19 reporting in. that was FUN I can't remember the last time i drew so much and really enjoyed it like this THANKS
ReplyDeleteYeah! Numbah 3 is mine! I was really glad that my pegasus fighter was put in. I will try my best to get a drawing for day five but I'm not sure I can. It took me two days to get this one done. It was meant to go in day two, but I guess this works. I kinda wish that the time limit wasn't twenty four hours. I need that much just to figure of what I'm gonna draw and how I'm gonna draw it. Then to actually draw it takes even more time. I'll try to get one for tomorrow but I'm not promisig anything.
ReplyDeletetried my best but I couldnt save you phoe.
ReplyDeletesry =(
#123 is the best one imo. People need to reference that movie more often.
ReplyDelete#157 Pardon the flat looking ponies in the smoke.~
ReplyDeleteWell, I wonder how many people who end up saying "This is my home." Will actually have a home in ponyville/other city to show for it. ^^
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnother day, another comic! I'm glad everybody always seems to like mine so much :)
ReplyDeleteComing home eh? Perrrrrrfect >B) I've had the perfect comic in mind for a 'coming home' strip since day one!
Better get to work! There're gonna be a lotta ponies showing up in this next strip...
ReplyDeleteDid you get a recolor in?
#282 here. Originally, I was going to have a squad of Fluttershy, Lyra, and I going after Phoe. Unfortunately, I was tired and I didn't have time and went with plan B.
ReplyDelete@ 23 that his penis? O_o
Do I just have a really dirty mind?
Number 75~ Still inching towards the top of the page! I love the new theme! Evan homecoming, awww~
ReplyDeleteHere's a shortened URL for the dA page:
So much awesome art in here, keep it up, everypony!
Just glancing through, I noticed some silly, cool pics.
ReplyDelete#87. I actually laughed out loud when I saw Spike
#168. Solly pony ain't got time to bleed!
#182. I pity the hostage...
Though really great work by everyone!
My face when Phoe commented on my picture (83) <3
#183 Dusty -- I can't wait to see the next comic! <3 No pressure or anything :P
#266 needs a Derelle edit.
Why are you still reading this? Go do it already.
#200 is me. Another good round of drawings, everypony. Glad so many of you decided to put your best hoof forward and try something :D
ReplyDeleteThere was a The Emperor's New Groove reference (123)! That made my day. Loved that part.
Not one "You didn't slay the dragon?" joke? How disappointing!
ReplyDeleteI might do just a few of these tonight. I want to put something on "paper" while my computer is still behaving.
Wow. Talk about the ultimate rescue mission. Hope they all make it out unscathed.
@Travis Smith
Wow. It's like a scene out of an action movie. You got so much going on over here. So awesome.
LOL. This is so funny. I don't know if this guy's lucky or not that he has to carry Tom around, and with what I assume an angry army behind him. If I'm missing something, enlighten me.
@Vera #236
Very interesting. I guess even dolls need rescuing. Well done.
ReplyDeletewait, you did this with a mouse?
not bad, if so.
I'm #265, who else was better to send than Rambo?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Phoe has ever been encased in carbonite.
ReplyDelete#51 Lmao. Cute. x3
ReplyDelete#226 Pip is being a badass. And he's rather handsome here as well. <3
#249 Is... is that a WoW reference I spot here? lol
#289 Dovashy, the most adorable and definitely the most polite rescuer ever. <3
So many awesome pictures yet again. And look at all tho ones that include Phoe in them! Dang.
Lets see... a lot of muffin rescues, phoe being tied up and random assorted varietys of other rescues possibly mario related.
ReplyDeleteNothing we haven't seen before, but Phoe sure likes to get kidnapped.
Looks like a lot of ponies couldn't make it today. I was to too busy myself, but I'll try to do make it for the last day.
ReplyDelete@wackypony No, with a tablet. My computer decided it was suddenly gonna go buggy and not want to work. Ugh!
ReplyDeleteI'm #317
oh dear Luna I'm relieved that I wasn't too late
ReplyDeleteHeh, thanks. Wasn't sure if anyone was actually even seeing my pics. Didn't figure anyone even got who it was I was trying to portray (horribly) in that picture.
#51 reporting in!
ReplyDeleteThis event was fantastic. Honestly I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this at first, heck I didn't even see the appeal in drawing fan-art, let alone pony fan-art.
But this event has been perfect. I love these time based objectives, as it gives me something to strive for under constraints and has helped me greatly improve my skill-set as a drawer (or at least my skills in Adobe Illustrator), and just how fantastic everyone in the community is at attempting it themselves in their unique ways.
But anyway, the mission isn't over yet. I better start working on the final stretch.
Also, I do believe I'm the only one that actually did a Final Fantasy reference today.
ReplyDeleteNot that I wasn't doing one every day with my OC pony to begin with.
Wait there's only one day left?! ;_;
ReplyDeleteI definitely must do one tomorrow then.
And as I reread the prompt for tomorrow the theme song to Super Jail popped into my head.
But that would be silly right? Right?!
#250 from me. Glad the ponylich... thing evoked the appropriate response.
ReplyDeleteI kind of feel like the background looks rushed, oh well.
182 and 305 FTW!!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I wanna go home!
ReplyDeleteIf by "silly", you mean "awesome".
#226 is mine! and I got comment!
ReplyDeleteYes that's Pip, and you may feel awesome :3
YES! I GOT COMMENT! *¨dies happily*
Sooo much pony. Took me awhile to get through because of all the comics I wanted to stop and read.
ReplyDeleteFavorites include:
Dovahshy asking politely for the captive
Boba Fett Pony rescuing Discord (Loved all of your submissions, it's been nice seeing another Star Wars pony in each of these)
Emperor's New Groove Reference
Shrek Reference
Dusty's Comic
Hayvid Hasselhoff
Metal Gear Solid Reference featuring Derpy as DERPA chief
To name a few.
ReplyDeleteUh, actually...You might wanna check 280.
Unless I botched the gradient-over-linework technique Yoshitaka Amano uses for the logos. Even without anti-aliasing, that stuff ain't fun...
(Also, flattered as heck to get a comment like that, Phoe. No doubt you'd get a starring role in such a production.)
I fine your lack of epicness disturbing....
ReplyDeleteph kha ph kah
Good try though every one.
#308 here. Today was such a crazy day. I'm surprised I was even able to pull myself together to draw anything.
ReplyDeleteEven after just three days, I see so much improvement from the artists I recognize. Great job, guys!
Wish I could draw half as good as most of these
Yeah, mine, number 160, was quite mediocre, but hey, at least I'm experimenting with a new style. I really couldn't think of anything better other than "Buck Norris rescues himself". This, this returning home, however, I have an idea what to draw.
ReplyDeleteI thank you for your kind words, good sir.
Here's some more.
Nice. Another one of those pics with so much going on. Is the top left the viewscope of the "rifle."
Wow. Another pic that looks straight out of a movie. So much tension in the air.
Talk about your daring rescues. That dragon sure isn't gonna make it easy. Very cool.
Oh, the bane of every Mario player. Except this is ponies and he's after Phoe. Tell me that wasn't lava that the griffon fell into.
Haha. Why does this look so familiar? Though from the looks of it, botched rescue doesn't even begin to describe this scenario.
#148 here. And I thought I was gonna miss out. Thankfully I got to draw in the wee hours of the morning. Alright, time to draw for the last of the series... *manly tears*
ReplyDeleteYeah, I can kinda see it, but it is really really subtle. It probably woulda stood out more as such if you put that bold underline under the title like most of the series does, and went with less the Studio B style to the pony and more with Amano's style. Although, it's really hard to emulate his style (as you can see with my lack of detail in my pic).
But I do stand corrected. There were two, TWO!, Final Fantasy references today (any others I missed?).
Mine was 248. I mixed in a background from one of my most played Wii games Monster Hunter Tri. I also put a play on my Knuckleshy character and put in Amy Rose as a Princess. Found a pretty good reference picture for it.I had a little trouble on where to place her on Knuckleshy until I thought up the way people sometimes ride horses. Side saddle then it went swimmingly.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't sure how to get two characters on Knuckleshys back. If Phoe was an Earth Pony I guess I would of had Knuckleshy fly and things things would have been reversed.
Yes those are tears running down Knuckleshy's face since this was suppose to be a rescue mission and well she is kinda not prepared. No armor at all. I tried my hand at drawing the wings closed because well I thought that since she was running away from a dragon that she would get more speed with them closed.Less wind resistance and all that.
I had another idea for another picture when I was strugling with the right side. It was kinda in the vein of a Mario but it was more of Knuckleshy being at the end of the game and seing all these different Princesses from all these different games and everyone thinking and saying what the heck is going on to each other.
182 here. Strangely, Sweetie Belle was the hardest one to draw. It was originally going to include another image of the hostage they were going to save, but Sweetie Belle made sure there was no time left to draw anything else.
ReplyDeleteAlso, not sure if you noticed, Dusty, but your OC was featured in my attempt at a comic (#284). Can't really see his question mark until the last panel, but that's because it was covered half of the time. Hope you don't mind!
ReplyDeleteOh here is the link to my picture on DA.
ReplyDeletehey everypony its the beeping box #84 tried to draw on paint tool sai with a mouse and thats what i got lol XD
ReplyDelete@SolidSt33d Awesome work! I love the pie trap in the doorway and the candy cane sniper rifle.
ReplyDeleteThanks Phoe for taking my late entry! I hope I didn't butcher your OC too much, but Lyra comes to your rescue!
ReplyDelete#321 if anyone's interested. As always, feel free to leave feedback!
It took me any hour to add a circle to the tip of a unicorn horn using paint.
ReplyDeleteI am so out classed here
ReplyDeleteYou have no idea how glad I am to receive constructive criticism.
Thanks, friend, and godspeed.
I think I'll be seeing #250 again in my nightmares...
ReplyDeleteLOL he would do that XD Thatch is that much of a nervous wreck, after all. Heck, this could even be a prequel to my story, assuming 'get to safety' meant 'run in a random direction out into the desert" :P
Thank you so much! It's great to see that people like these comics of mine like this. Two cameos in two days, my word :O
ReplyDeleteYou're too hard on yourself. Sure, Applejack looks a bit off and Dash seems to be missing her cutie mark, but still a great effort.
About the only thing I'm decent at is coming up with ideas and then the execution phase just collapses into frustration and a time sink as I screw up and erase, then screw up and erase, and so on, until I am left with mediocre art covered in old lines that didn't erase completely.
Seriously, though, keep it up.
Haha. Talk about crazy rescues. They better do double time to get out of there.
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
You're not cutting this poor fellow a break any time soon, huh. As always, great work and looking forward to the next one.
@Artsie Bee
Very nice. Though it looks like things got complicated in a hurry.
Also very nice. That's pretty clever what you did with the arrow. Looks like an intense rescue.
@Fallen Angel
Not the rescue mission I would have thought one, but it's a rescue mission nonetheless. Great use of Derpy's antics.
#285 wtf?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment, I wanted to put more of a suicide insertion via helicopter,
Unfortunately I've now learned don't spend the last 15 minutes drawing, takes out the edge
@MyBoyJ I think yours came out quite well. If you had problems with Sweetie, I sure don't see it. Though for the sake of the hostage, I hope they're capable negotiators.
ReplyDeleteOne thing you should know about me is that I'm a bit of a perfectionist. Been with me since day one. So you'll understand if I'm beating myself up on my drawing. I submitted it and everything because I want to participate, but I'm truly disappointed with how mine came out.
ReplyDeleteNot a problem. I'm usually surprised when anyone even notices I'm here or anything I've done lol.
yayay!!! I'm number 13!!! woohooo
ReplyDelete@Travis Smith I'm a bit confused. It took you fifteen minutes, or you did fifteen minutes and lost interest?
ReplyDelete168) Darrtaa
ReplyDeleteYou sound like Mr. Hale. I like you!
183) Dusty the Royal Janitor
Still enjoying these!
238) 2snacks
250) Inkblot
Oooh, that thing is awesome. Can I help kill it?
257) Jay6
I agree with Phoe: "Trogdoooooooooor!"
Danananana, danananana, danananana-na-na
265) Iomma
Paper horn! So cute!
266) R-H-Maclanahan
Oh shi- RUN!
….Okay, FLY!
314) I Luv Hawrses
That gnome reminds me of a travel buddy I had between City 17 and White Forest.
256 is mine. The Derpy and muffins one make me laugh!
ReplyDeleteWe've hit today's cutoff for late entries. I'm sorry to anypony who comes in later...
ReplyDeleteWell, Apple Bloom will be doing the actual negotiating, since she has demonstrated that she's capable of talking her way out of difficult situations (DT's Cuteceanera).
I'm also a perfectionist, which is why SWEETIE BELLE'S LEGS gave me so much trouble. The perspective was completely different from what I had been doing and I just couldn't get it to look right. She also went through a weird phase where she was both shorter and fatter than Snips.
ReplyDeleteLast fifteen minutes before the deadline, I basically drew it up about a few hours ago an just sent it in.
So yes it took me fifteen minutes to draw.
Now I'm working on the next one, I've got two halfway done, but can't decide which to finish
WHOA! They changed the time! I think... I thought it was at 10:00 Pacific time! It's 11:43 on the east coast here. I hope I get in...
ReplyDeleteim #11! a.k.a the comic with the cartoon physics bombs. man oh man is there some great art in here.
ReplyDeletei just finished my the next assignment!! here take a look you can finally see my pony without his gas-mask on. OH and by the way in the picture i linked he's the one second to the left and third from the right.
Although there's been some good art, what I'm REALLY going to miss are Phoe's descriptions. The blogponies really need to let her write more often.
ReplyDeleteI'm 192!!!! Please leave consturctive feedback so I can improve :)
ReplyDelete@CityFlyer502 Nah, not lava. Just raspberry jam :D
ReplyDelete@Blaze72 OK, I can breathe easy now. LOL. Again, great job on that one.
ReplyDeleteI need to favorite that Pip picture.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm thinking that perhaps my last entry could serve well as a thank you... Maybe throw in a few of the ponies involved in this (if anyone had an OC specifically in mind for this). Do it all in the style of his Motherland.
i was hoping the last entry for the event was to have them shown fighting in the mock war. i was going to draw a comic based off of DR.Strangelove oh well im going draw that picture anyway after the event is done. ^ ^
ReplyDeleteYes. Yes it is. :3
I was pretty sure the reference might go unnoticed by most. But it certainly screams Pinkie Pie.
#252, and she's in one of those bank robber get-ups if that's not clear.
ReplyDeleteThanks CityFlyer <3 The arrow was kinda an after thought -- I'm glad it was so well received.
Trekkie2063, I think you got a general idea of perspective, try to use the polygon marquee tool to make more exact cabins/fencing outlines, you can always use the eliptical maquee to make pony heads. I did #87 by the way.
ReplyDeletelol derpa chief, I remember that part of the game.
And dat Bigmac/smarty pants, someone needs to make a SmartyMac shipping.
Hell yeah, last (late) entry!
ReplyDeleteGah commented. I hope you feel appreciated Phoe because I am appreciating you as hard as I can without it getting too weird.
ReplyDelete241 tells my story...I see I'm not the only one
ReplyDeleteAngel's horrified expression makes #79
ReplyDeleteAlso I actually tried to make mine into an animated gif (is that even allowed..?), but flash screws up export when you animate in layers. Oops
I'm gonna link to the original swf file anyway
#179, checking in, with a drawing that I actually started for yesterday's ATG.
ReplyDeleteI'm number 23. That is not a penis, pterosaurs have scaled bellies. Yes, my goal was to confuse the general populace.
ReplyDelete#39 reporting in.
ReplyDeleteI'll be honest, I'm a little disappointed with my effort today. Gimp bricked itself about 2 hours in, and of course I hadn't saved at all. It was all I could to do to grab a screen shot of what I had and submit that.
Valuable lesson learned: CTRL+S is your friend.
Assignment 5: Draw pony coming home
Guess I friggin wasted my time drawing battle scene. Oh well.
Whew! Already done Day 5!
ReplyDeleteThis is probably the most happiest pieces of artwork I've ever drawn.
#110 here. At first, I wasn't to impressed with my own work, but it's sorta grown on me. All these abseiling and rappelling ponies have guaranteed I'll have the Mission: Impossible theme tune stuck in my head for the rest of the day.
ReplyDeleteAlso, a lot of bondage jokes here... is there something you want to tell us, Phoe? =P
Lots of fantastic stuff though for some reason the theme made me think of Letters from Iwo Jima and made me sad.
ReplyDelete#25,255,254 and many others cheered me up a bit though.
There's simply too many to comment on everything I like because of sheer numbers.
Again, fantastic work everypony!
and @Melon Hunter does she really need to tell you? it's just a little obvious.
#230 reporting in! Man I stink at drawing helicopters. Not so bad considering i had a half hour to work on it. Constructive critisim appreciated
ReplyDelete297, reporting in! Sorry guys if I didn't try coloring this time, but I was just getting used to Photoshop yesterday :p
ReplyDeleteYou guys never cease to amaze me, so much pony on a daily basis, and many of it absolutely awesome! Congrats to all those who are stills standing ^^ and now on to the final bout! :D
#92 here! Yay I got a little comment!1!1
ReplyDeleteSo is this the final day? I should make sure the next entry is epic enough! Also great work from everypony here ^.^
Trying to come up with a picture that encapsulates all that I did and learned into 1 picture and in the theme. Think I just came up with it.
ReplyDelete#78 here!
ReplyDeleteSo much art ^.^
Mine is #112 ^^
ReplyDeleteSo many great artworks there are, can't express about all of them though.
Now, to the work on 5th Day ^^.
The biggest (and best) problem with these is that every time I go through this to see what i've missed I add many more to the list of favourites and I want to comment on them.
ReplyDeleteI think i'm going to call all of them my favourites, there's far too much great stuff fr me to pick the ones I like and not be here for years.
Wow. Mine ended up surprisingly early in the list at #44. I think everyone else must start work a lot later than I do (presumably after a good night's sleep, rather than before, as is the case for me).
ReplyDeleteAgain, I am amazed that some participants can manage to draw full-on comics within the time limit when I only have time to do a single image. How you guys work so fast, I have no idea.
Ok, I will fire up me gimp and draw something this round. It's 6pm and I am willing to go at it all night!
ReplyDeleteTales of the Equestrian Mock war will have to wait till tomorrow.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete#226 - That's the most badass and cute thing I've seen in a while. Too bad it's too small for a wallpaper.
ReplyDelete#255 - There's no such dire situation that can't be solved with Morning Rescue! :P
And many others, in fact, too many to remember.
Damn, mine is such an uninspired junk compared to most of those. One day seems not enough time for me to come up with a good idea, let alone draw it...
And I don't have one for the final day either. Oh well, on to the grind.
Done and submitted. This took me less time than expected. Messed up the lineart again though. Oh, never mind.
ReplyDeleteHome is where your heart is
Think the biggest issue I am having is where to start and how long I take to do these drawings. Kinda affecting my sleep.
ReplyDeletei hope i did everything right to send my pic in...
ReplyDeleteWas there ever any doubt? (you do realise my first comment was a joke, right?)
...aaand in goes my last picture for this ATG. Kinda sad it's over, really.
Final pic sunmitted! I'm honestly really surprised I managed to draw one each day.
ReplyDeleteThis event was the most fun I've had in quite some time!
And thanks to the ATG I'm definitely gonna keep drawing afterwards too.
Day 5 pic finished and entered. Here's a link to the DA page for those who wanna see it a bit early (and to get clarification on what I wrote in the pic if it's too blurry to make out).
Finally started on my picture. Just finished the outlins and the out streched wings of the pony and then do the back ground and I will be done.
ReplyDeleteI will say this. I watched the BroNYCon artist Panel again it got me motivated again since I wasn't really doing much or wasn't sure where to start. I guess it came down to a spacing issue so I just took my hands and put them at the sides of the paper and put a dot where my thumb was and put started my hoof down at the bottom of the page. Worked well for me. Now I have to decide on what color to make the wings. Think there is to much red in the picture....
A hour and a half to do the background,take a picture,upload it and submit it. Can I do it?
ReplyDeletePhew, just finished and uploaded my comic.
ReplyDeleteThink spent like 7 hours on it...
I already thought it could be late.
There submitted with 10 mins to spare. Just submitted it. I messed up with the lighting in the picture again though.
ReplyDeleteThere submitted with 10 mins to spare. Just submitted it. I messed up with the lighting in the picture again though.