Recruits! I'm pleased to report that our adjustment period is finally at an end! No more hiccups, no more stalling, no more apologies. Forward, march! You've all done a wonderful job completing your training. All in all 507 ponies made it through boot camp, making our official submission total for the event 1058 pictures! As I believe the saying goes, that's a lot of pony! Keep up the good work!
Now for the repetitive part. You'll find the official submission script right here. Please remember to fill out the name section correctly, using whatever name you would like to be known by. There's no right or wrong answer, but we can't call you anything when your name is "ATG Day 3". Unless you have very weird parents. Remember to get the full image url if you're submitting from DeviantART, which should be locatable by right clicking the image and selecting the appropriate option. All problem children may, as always, come to me at [email protected], and I'll do my best to get you sorted.
Day 3: Who Are You Calling a Dweeb?!
War. War never changes. Even when it involves diminutive technicolor equines and baked goods instead of bullets, even when it finally gives you the chance to make that Fallout reference you've always wanted to try, it's still hell. Your commanders patted you on the back and told you that your training was complete. Maybe you even believed them, just a little. But now, surrounded by the burst of jam filled water balloons, comrades on the floor covered in whip cream, you realize what a foal you've been.
And now you've caught yourself making pony puns. Well that's just super. Instinct kicks in, and you narrowly dodge another pastry barrage and make your way farther into the battlefield. Little skirmishes start up all around you. There's no way forward, no way back. Suddenly, a griffon drops to the ground in front of you, bowling you over and leering derisively. You try to crawl away, to find safety, but she towers over you, pulling out a pair of foam daggers, which she grips effortlessly in her very handlike front claws. Oh, you cheating mother f--
"Yo, dweeb! Hurry up and taking your beating like a good little pony, I've got places to be!"\
Wait, what did she just call you? Oh, it. Is. On.
Assignment: Draw a pony dueling
So, this event has gotten a hell of a lot bigger since the last time I ran it. I'm completely staggered by just how much pony you've managed to produce in just 2 themes' worth of time. I'd love to say it was two days, but... well, things don't always go according to plan. I've been learning a lot about the logistics of an event like this, and juggling it with my other obligations in and around my new home. I'd like to take this chance to apologize to those of you who were affected by that and weren't able to be featured in the previous gallery. Likewise, I'm not finding myself with a whole lot of time to add in comments to a lot of these pictures, and I'm sorry for that. I know it's something that a lot of the old guard came to look forward to. But I'll do better tomorrow, just wait and see! But for now, we've got ourselves a Day 2 Gallery that is very much overdue. Presenting proudly and for the very first time: the actual, factual Training Grounds!
1) By NikkyDash
Getting tired yet? Oh goodness, I am so witty.
2) By Ken-Am-Dirt
3) By ChaosDX1
4) By monkmunk
I can't decide if the training wheels or the super freaked out expression are my favorite part of this.
5) By Scramjet
6) By Artsofallkinds
7) By KuroiTsubasaTenshi
Risin' up, back on the street. Did my time, took my chances
8) By HavikM66
Went the distances, now I'm back on my feet
9) By DetonatorDayZ
Just a mare and her will to survive!
11) By FicFicPonyFic
12) By Fallen Angel
13) By Silvertie
So many times, it happens too fast. You trade your passion for glory
14) By Ori
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
15) By xxxxbryanxxxx
You must fight just to keep them alive!
16) By SonicRatchet
It's the Eye of the Tiger,
17) By dotHampster
It's the thrill of the fight
18) By Sire Swordhooves
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival!
21) By YorkBrony
22) By Rainboom with armor
23) By Riordian aka Argent Crusader
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
24) By Rakshata
And he's watching us all with the -- feel free to switch to Go the Distance any time, folks
25) By Alexstrazsa
26) By CuriousPony
Of the tiiiii-iiiigeerrrrrr.
27) By NamelessHero2222
28) By Purplelemons
High velocity pastry incoming
29) By AlmightySpoonpony
30) By DegeTheMighty
Oh gosh, Twilight, what have you done?
31) By Glaive-Silver
You know actually, this looks a lot cooler than I made it out to be.
32) By pageturner1988
33) By Sandman-Ivan William Goodwater
Me! Me! I did that!
34) By Ritsuko Mithos
35) By Dusty the Royal Janitor
This is seriously something I am looking forward to seeing each and every day when I get out of bed.
36) By Ace Of Scarabs
37) By ZombehFox
38) By PLDennis
-Insert Antipodes Reference Here -
39) By Buddy Vox
This background was a pretty happy accident!
40) By LazzyX
41) By Mr. Fahrenheit89
42) By Z.H. Felix Reid
43) By TehgrateJT
Knights of the Sound Table (oh god, don't hit me)
44) By Joel Dash Reed
45) By Chromadancer
46) By Quiche
Hm. It would appear something has gone awry...
47) By Fiven
48) By LemonLimeMan
49) By Mart3323
50) By PixelSprite
It's all about motivation.
51) By Brushstrokes
52) By LacionARG
53) By Trekkie2063
It is pretty funny, isn't it?
54) By DreamHaze
55) By Weirgeiss
56) By FaeIzumine
57) By Jay6
58) By TimeForSP
Unicorns, man. Unicorns.
59) By Quicksilver-the-Pony
60) By JudgementMaster
61) By Vahnara
It's difficult to resist the temptation to start singing "Burning Heart" for the next 20 submissions...
62) By derekwolff
63) By Dakishambada
64) By Thanqol
Yeah Lyra, that's the way!
65) By bunnimator
I think more than 30 of you gave me "Make a Mare Out of You" lyrics in your submission comments.
66) By Thanqol
I'm pretty sure this is the best thing I've ever seen you draw.
67) By glittering-pony
68) By Ombutescentdin
69) By Deoxys413 (aka DexNA)
70) By Insanity-Wolf
They're quite the team of motivators, those two.
71) By Deoxys413 (aka DexNA)
72) By Wax Tom Cruise
73) By Ohthatandy
I feel so bad for laughing at this as much as I am.
74) By Slowter
75) By Jenbun Spahging
76) By Deoxys413 (aka DexNA)
77) By Deoxys413 (aka DexNA)
78) By Deoxys413 (aka DexNA)
79) By mcthedo
"But... But how?"
80) By Kevster
81) By Deoxys413 (aka DexNA)
82) By Alazak
83) By Dreamwire
84) By Littleboyj
85) By anonymous
86) By SnarkyShark2010
87) By Jess Brawley
See? Now Number 73 makes me feel like a colossal jerk. :<
88) By Madadude
89) By Come At Me Bro!
90) By blu-red
I can fly, I can fly!
91) By Wolferahm
92) By Wing Wind
I suppose it is. My was face looks like this: =D
93) By SamuelEAllen
94) By fizmat
95) By kuser77
96) By Athanix
For some reason, I want to play some Smash Bros.
97) By Invidlord
98) By BrokenHero0409
Concise and to the point.
99) By Cap-Sigma
100) By Invidlord
101) By mikes550
102) By Crafxter
103) By Eridash
104) By Doctor Eph
105) By Flutterbrony
106) By Inkblot
107) By 2Snacks
I love the reference. Also, the artwork is spectacular.
108) By Caresse-par-la-lumie
And this is the part that makes all the fighting worth it...
109) By The Less Anonymous Top Hat
110) By Heather
111) By Tetrapony
112) By Sir Cxyrtyx
113) By Mr. Bitey
114) By Conicer
Haha, poor Twilight.
115) By Man_Demon
You've got to be armored up to take on those punching bags
116) By creepy-screw-ball
117) By Scribejay
118) By Acceleron
Yes. Yes I do.
119) By Flutterhoof
The correct move is always Ponies.
120) By Decembuary
121) By KaiserCVR
Dashie looks quite prepared here.
122) By Reuben
123) By Stormcaller
124) By DashAttack
126) By Tarynsgate
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.
127) By ColgateFIM
Well, at least that's somewhat sensible looking...
128) By Talryk
129) By Jayde Curtis
130) By Illustrious Otter
131) By Cloverjump
I... what?
132) By Illustrious Otter
Some ponies looking quite badass.
133) By Saddlesoap Opera
134) By TwinQuasars
135) By Des Revell
136) By Shachza
I just don't know what went wrong!
137) By Chaos15
138) By ArcheonZ
Um... a little help, here?
139) By ArcticKiwi
140) By PencilScratch
141) By Digi Doodle Doo
142) By thegamefilmguruman
143) By Megumi Tierana
145) By otherunicorn
146) By DruidDroid
Put 'em up!
147) By Lucas
148) By konnexi
149) By konnexi
150) By ATG Day 2 - Jigsaw
151) By James Corck
152) By SunnyStorm
153) By EricaC78
Surprisingly traditional form from Lyra.
154) By Iwishicouldpony
155) By Sharp Sticks
Does this strike anypony else as overkill?
156) By Hat
Fluttershy is best drill instructor
157) By Adam5396
158) By LendABit
159) By DashAttack
160) By LendABit
161) By RyuuKiba
162) By Aemios
163) By nuclearsuplexattack
Join the Nintendo Fun Club today, Dash!
164) By CosmicRadish
Ok, I've got my target in my sights. Uh... now what?
165) By Sebbaa
166) By Afroninja617
167) By BronyGunso
168) By Lunar Storm
169) By Lord Teaton
170) By birdmaster1
171) By Otherunicorn
That looks a lot more like flirting than training, to me. Keep it up!
172) By Rydel
Um... oh dear.
173) By Avnas Ishtaroth
174) By PaintDrinkingPete
175) By Fox E:
176) By WavemasterRyx
177) By Grizzle Fox
178) By HaXiWeg
179) By You Shall Not Pass
180) By Stardust
It's just a hop, skip, and a jump!
181) By MikeTheWeatherPony
182) By MikeTheWeatherPony
Remember folks, I love this sort of interpretation of my themes.
183) By Britanniapony
184) By Relias
I wonder what she intends to do with that...
185) By 13era
186) By Keboponda
187) By Slizergiy
188) By Jimbo1023
189) By Melon Hunter
190) By Karoi5 on deviantArt
191) By Midnight-Dragon15
192) By Norque
193) By Krogoth
Cutie Mark Crusaders... um... Crusaders, yay!
194) By Beasert
195) By FerrousOxideMolecule
196) By Snowsilver
"I drink to prepare for a fight. Tonight I am very prepared!"
197) By brony and proud of it
198) By Ventus
I don't think anypony said that, little pony.
199) By Insomnia
200) By ThtCrzyBrny
201) By Akamaru01
202) By Shiaran
Nonsense! Just keep it up, just like that...
203) By exKira/Furrydream
Excellent form!
204) By Zubias
205) By Little Emerald
206) By PhysicallyPossible
The name and image combo are absolutely fantastic.
207) By Flanker7227
208) By Jinsume
Oh snap. (Get it? <.<)
209) By appiusos
210) By Pirill
211) By DE Fluttershy
Most subtle version of that meme I've yet seen.
212) By konnexi
213) By StormStriker1694
214) By BluBlur
215) By StormStriker1694
216) By phallen1
217) By Magrior
218) By koscian
219) By IcySpy
There's so many training montage songs I want to sing tonight!
220) By Twistbolt
221) By LittleLime/PopcornPanda
222) By Phalanx
223) By Choco
224) By Waldo-xp
Oh god, what the hell is that?
225) By Level 8 Mudcrab
226) By Ailynd
Drag that rock! Drag it!
227) By suigintou41
Am I the only one who finds this absurdly cute?
228) By Brownmane the Knight
229) By JimTheCactus
230) By Captain Fish
231) By somethingstrange85
232) By IkkouSoryu
234) By Nezbot
Dude, you consistently manage to rock my socks
235) By Nezbot
236) By Nezbot
Like, I mean, look at this!
237) By Denith Skies
238) By Flak
239) By Dusty Fortune
240) By Splopp
241) By Haydn Allen
242) By SonicStar23750
243) By Dejected0
244) By Ponyus
245) By Alex Roanheim
246) By Kyouhen
247) By Cheesey Burger
Just remember to look on the bright side.
248) By Kenmdrt
249) By W4X
250) By g1nf1zz
251) By Biglulu
252) By Pantzar
253) By PaviotP
254) By Dejected0
255) By Tsuken
256) By Short Circuit
257) By Bluerobin46
258) By Earthbound-Nitwit
259) By BronyGamer
260) By Diego Havoc
261) By MarkusPP
262) By Alios
263) By Awiff Fluttershy
264) By Foxtrot
265) By dear-sweet-molestia
266) By Hospital-Bomber
267) By Zaid Yanffit
268) By Sovwi
269) By BucketDuck
270) By bobdat
271) By Richelieu88
272) By Dovashy
273) By Machel
274) By Zicygomar
275) By Nowler
276) By Big Mackintosh
277) By Yotu Renn
278) By Franklord
279) By Fore-Trekker
280) By Easteu
281) By Mahna
282) By Thedarkone246
283) By Black-or-blank
284) By METALhawk
285) By asluc96
286) By Syggie
287) By Silver_Wing
288) By Beeejay
289) By Caumen
290) By soulTarkus89
291) By KattyPow
292) By Elkers
293) By Immersa
294) By General Rex
295) By Kilemeino Calvire
296) By MikorutheHedgehog
297) By Kaito Erizawa
298) By UnlicensedBrony
299) By EvanelleOnyx
300) By Buddy Vox
301) By Kyttyee
302) By MassDistraction
303) By ZeroCereal
304) By Pinkie Swirl
305) By Prismatic Pretzel
306) By Schluberlubs
307) By Newt Man
308) By Wisami
309) By Roidh
310) By Author Tempus
311) By Likeable
312) By caramelldanser on DA
313) By Starling
314) By Alipes
315) By AcommonStranger
316) By litaganomotscoud
317) By AwesomeNorwegianBrony
318) By Pcjoyce
319) By Xaegrek
320) By AlternateMew
321) By TheLunarArmy
322) By InsomniaUnending
323) By TerribleTransit
324) By Notrollingallowed
325) By Lucas Vendittelli (asluc96)
326) By ZAquanimus
327) By Suta
328) By Strawfox
329) By Roxor128
330) By Roxor128
331) By Roxor128
332) By Cloudburst in Training
333) By Partition
334) By GuppyFoal
335) By Kamina
336) By Curt-Vicious
337) By Chasington
338) By StyxD
339) By Lunar Apologist
340) By cursormortis
341) By PwnyBrony
342) By Freyera
343) By Angelkiller777
344) By Raagentreg
345) By Robynne Hood
346) By PikaGirl092
347) By Blade814
348) By Hewison
349) By Dovashy
350) By Totality
351) By AaronMk
352) By Soda
353) By NullRadix
354) By theberserked
355) By Admitted (aka Twilight Ketchum)
356) By LeonardRodriquez
357) By SuperDSombrero
358) By Trixingno
359) By Mudglen
360) By jazman71092
361) By NovaMarcellus
362) By Grievstar
363) By Ethanlikesmuffins
364) By Ethanlikesmuffins
365) By GonzaHerMeg
366) By birchpeninsula
367) By Kegisak
368) By PedroRabidBunny
369) By El Lowell
370) By lennia2005
371) By ChalkZoned / Layleflower
372) By Pix
373) By EndlessPrisms
374) By Vera
375) By Kumquat93
376) By Andel
377) By pj0223
378) By MoonlightScribe
379) By GibsOfEarth
380) By Wildy71090 - Day 2
381) By Louisa
382) By ShadowBlaze13
383) By Tidal Oneka
384) By Natry
385) By Asarothem
386) By KillSilver
387) By St Neon
388) By freakindabox
389) By Kinrah
390) By Samizu
391) By haokun319
392) By AlberioOrion
393) By Sleepingcobrox
394) By Papyra Scribe
395) By PoldekPL
396) By FoxOfWar
397) By Knuckleshy
398) By Brony001
399) By Joystik
400) By Sundancer
401) By TheLaughingHorror
402) By Silverwind
403) By hebisonic
404) By MyBoyJ
405) By [email protected]
406) By Kate
407) By Gearbox
408) By CrimsonBlossom42
409) By Flyingbolts
410) By CrimsonBlossom42
412) By Rachel
413) By Hawkeye92
414) By Hobbes Maxwell
415) By EvilDocterMcBob
416) By Powder Kicker
417) By Bolt(AKShooter)
418) By Daniel Kammerer
419) By WinterIsComin
420) By Mad Mike
421) By Kelz
422) By Shinskii
423) By Jberg18
424) By AlmightySpoonpony
425) By James
426) By Hawkysu
427) By Nippesche AshanderHill
428) By Grayson Lee / Miss ImaginaryWings
429) By TheMagicalFish
430) By ZeldaRulz
431) By TheMagicalFish
432) By Yalcahoon
434) By Mullertonne
435) By TheMagicalFish
436) By R-H-Maclanahan
437) By Rarodar
438) By Falgaia
439) By Gears
440) By Philith
441) By Bacon planet
442) By Exastryke
443) By H.P. Lovecolt
444) By Dartra
445) By ZerstorenHV
446) By killahurtz12
447) By TerminalHunter
448) By Tosxychor
449) By RK-D
450) By galdorpunk
451) By CityFlyer502
452) By Edgeofhalo
453) By Atlur
Trying and failing to come up with a Zato-ichi pun. Drat.
454) By Vivifx
455) By BlankFlankBrony
456) By Mysticvulpix
457) By Jiyrath
458) By Delta Pangaea
459) By MasterofRoku
460) By Troutzorz
461) By Greendragonx8
462) By GrubbusTheUnclean
463) By ninjakitten69
464) By AllyClaw
465) By Kitsunewolf142
466) By
467) By ABronyAccount
468) By Dayside
469) By AchingScaphoid
470) By TheScraft
471) By 1amth3guy
472) By DiscordedHarmony
473) By Tai Kuroba
474) By Durandal
475) By chimicherrychonga
476) By Akamaru01
477) By Benevolent Brony
478) By Reluctant-Brohoof
479) By DarkKnightWolf2011
480) By eliseo peralta
481) By JunaE_CBS
482) By KingT
483) By lolzers
484) By Mr. Cartier
485) B Nyny11
486) By orangearithmatic
487) By HyroTheSecond
488) By PartyCannon
489)By rbug2006
490) By shadowfalcon76
491) By TheMunkis
492) By Tree Kicker
493) By vcrmaster
494) By KH86
495) By IraeCoal
496) By Thattagen
497) By Fellknight
498) By Bigbaddrag
499) By Glimmer Crest
500) By Vic
501) By Tanner
502) By Tape Diggity
I very much doubt the animation will work. Sorry!
503) By Mattatatta
504) By Capn Kyrie P.
505) By TehgrateJT
506) By MystRunner916
507) By Midnight Star
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDang, that's a lot of images.
ReplyDelete24 is the best o.o
ReplyDeleteI keep having to remind myself that they aren't trying to kill each other.
ReplyDeleteSo many images...
ReplyDeleteThe theme this time is interesting. I like the message at the beginning.
I see many a great art here
ReplyDeleteWho needs to deul when I have twin mounted miniguns that fire .50 cal rounds?
Awesome, but mine is late. :/ Damn Midterms. I remember something about late submissions being said before. Any hope I can still get mine in the gallery? (I need about another hour or 2 to finish)
ReplyDelete#455 reporting in! Still getting used to drawing pony...
ReplyDeleteThese ponies aren't disgruntled enough to be infantry. Must be nice...
ReplyDeleteWow. What a turnout. And considering the little note at the end, I'm guessing there's more on the way. Got mine in with only ten minutes to spare. #451 if anyone cares to have a look.
ReplyDeletePotentially get first because it takes so long to scroll.
Thank you for accepting my late entry, Phoe. I'll try my best to get the rest in on time.
ReplyDelete~Buddy Vox
WOO! Reference successful! go Hercules!
ReplyDeleteLooks like I have a monopoly on MapleStory ponies. Can't say that's a surprise. Now the question is Evan dueling with Aran or Demonslayer... Demonslayer would make one awesome looking pony...
ReplyDelete(Oh, and mine is #299 if anyone cares~)
ReplyDeleteReally good my friend, I didn't know you drew, do you just use pencil an paper cause that's how I'm doing it
Wohoo! I hate how mine tuned out picture quality wize.But I am just glad its up there. #68
ReplyDelete#182 made me quite literally laugh out loud.
ReplyDeleteYes!! I got a comment from Phoe!!
ReplyDelete@Travis Smith Wow. Thanks. It's actually the software that came bundled with the Bamboo Create tablet I got. I did mean to start drawing in time, but then this came along, so my schedule moved up.
ReplyDeleteyou reminded me how much i hate gilda.
ReplyDeleteHooray for ponies! And we have SO MANY. If you need me, I'll be here for a couple of hours.
ReplyDelete(mine are 429, 431, and 435)
OMG, so much crazy pony.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had made something but even with all that warning... sigh couldn't come up with anything, then when I did, BAM! Stuff happens and my friend ditches me outside of a research lab halfway across campus 3 hours from turn in time with an idea I had just formulated :(
Drawing a gryphon is gonna be fun !!! (I don't need hair; who needs hair when you got ponies?)
I already have several silly ideas for tomorrow's theme, which do I choose...
ReplyDelete#374 if anypony cares.
See ya tomorrow everypony!
D: I don't know what happened with that thumbnail! Does the submit site not like transparent backgrounds?
ReplyDeleteNumber 48 is much better if you click it :/
Woo!! I made it in! :D Not too terrible for my second pony drawing... Except mine's missing the name and should say #411... Ah well. I'm just happy it's there :)
ReplyDeleteThat description in the post... the ending, lmao. I needed a good laugh. <3
ReplyDelete"Getting tired yet? Oh goodness, I am so witty." Doh ho ho! Just the kind of stupid silly pun I would make. :P
"Knights of the Sound Table (oh god, don't hit me)" Okay, now you might be pushing it slightly. Haha.
#73 ... ouch. Makes my mouth quiver just looking at it. Poor Derpy. Get that thing out of your mouth. D:
#114 I giggled. Twilight needs to start with something... uhh... smaller I guess?
#375 I think I'm with Snips and Snails on this one. Fleur is looking mighty fine in that outfit.
So many awesome pieces here.
Wait, mine's in the top 20? Awesome! Mine's #16 if anyone wants to see, feedback's always welcomed ^^
ReplyDeleteThanks again for doing this event Phoe, and awesome job everyone who's up there!
I see Psychonauts.
ReplyDeleteSo much good art! Y'all done me proud
ReplyDelete#131 made me laugh, partly because of the comment added to the image!
ReplyDeleteALRIGHT! I made number 35!
ReplyDeleteYou have no idea how happeh it makes me to see that you like what I make, Phoe :D
Now, onto day 3!
I missed the deadline by minutes!
ReplyDeleteAt least I saved myself the embarrassment of having other people see the atrocity that I hammered out in less than five hours. It looks like a ten year old got a hold of MS paint, but worse. I'm not even going to bother with today's challenge. I just don't have the tools or the skill.
ReplyDeleteNo, the submit site doesn't really like transparency. We're working on that. Unfortunately, Reinboom has a lot of real, actual work to do, so her time is limited. Really sorry about that...
I looked at all of them. Quite a cool set of pictures, this is.
ReplyDeleteWould have loved to contribute, but the delay of the event has now caused it to be while I'm at college. (Can't draw ponies with a roommate lurking, and I don't have a scanner up here anyway.)
With luck, I'll make it into day 5 or something.
Mine's 394, but I think I pushed too hard for a joke...
ReplyDeleteFirst comment btw, but i am #471, and i know i need work. Any tips? And what exactly is meant with 'a pony sparring'? Just a battle scene?
ReplyDelete(471 is push-ups, if you didn't understand.)
#423 Reporting in.
ReplyDeleteI see a lot of great work in day 2. Keep it going!
Good job everypony.
ReplyDelete67, 196, 313, 314, 374 are my favorites.
#196 Pinkeh stole mah bike!
ReplyDeleteyay ! so now i have to draw a pony dueling eh? muhahahah i know exactly what im drawing
ReplyDeletep.s. i made number 40 * "grumble grumble damned barbed wire! grumble grumble grumble”*
Yay my #400 made it in! Hooray for ponified Gunnery Sergeant Hartman!
ReplyDelete#73 That's only because your MOUTH is bleeding. Not your fault, by the way.
ReplyDeleteFinally day 3 is here :D Wonder how many submissions there will be now that there's only 1 day instead of 2 weeks, lol. Defeated again by anti-transparent discrimination :P
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, everypony! Now for the actual 1-day deadlines ^^
ReplyDelete#139 here, feedback is appreciated :D
ReplyDeleteLots off awesome and funny pics XD
I meant #137 >_<
ReplyDeleteI thought Numbers just dealt with Submission times, lol. Anywho, Number 438 reporting in from the deep south. Wish I was out of school so I could use my tablet, but unfortunately an hour afterschool was all I could scrounge up.
ReplyDeleteBehold, the Reading Rainbow! (Curse you, Twi!)
Thanks for adding the last-minute submissions, I submitted mine 5 minutes before the deadline, and didn't see it at first.
ReplyDeleteI completely missed yesterday's time, if anyone's interested here's my day 1 re-upload:
Great job everypony! I'm 86! Whooo!
ReplyDelete116 ya gotta admit, the apple family's sure pragmatic about fightin'. Swords are SO medieval.
ReplyDelete295 here mine was conceived in math class
ReplyDelete*shakes fist at English teacher* You made me miss out on today's objective for an Essay... -_-
ReplyDeleteAwesome ponies otherwise. Of course, most of them shutting out my quality of work.
#495 reporting, hope you all like ^^ its on my DA page as well if you all want to comment or critique! Iraecoal is my DA as well.
ReplyDeleteMine's number 404, quite an inauspicious number...
ReplyDeleteIt's supposed to be Derpy, I know she doesn't look quite right.
I'm #232
ReplyDeleteMan, pencil drawings without scanner sure look like ass.
Good job everyone!
Figures I'll skip Day 3 submission. Can't think of anything worth drawing there.
so many arts :D. and mines right up there in the front 25 too!
ReplyDeleteIf you are just a few minutes off you can still submit! I was about 20 minutes late and mine still got up!
For mine, #495, I encourage critique, at my DA or here! Just wanted to add the here bit xD;
#459 here. I thought I was the very last sumbmission. I need to submit my art earlier.
ReplyDeleteI'm already formulating an idea for tomorrow. As Bender would say, "It's gonna be fun on the bun!"
ReplyDeleteWhere do you see Psychonauts, If I may ask? Other than here of course.
#60 is mine. I had nothing to look at for the legs
ReplyDeleteVery good but nothing will be like #73 and the muffin queen.
#75 brings up a go good point, what are the griffons doing on their side of the field? There's always two sides to war, plus chances for third parties.
Of the several Mulan references #65is a nice highlight, but then again the muffin queen has wings.
#318 Madness, this is Ponyville.
#340 So many people doing the Star Wars bit, I also like #349.
Number 361 actually has training against griffons and not each other for once.
392 is incredibly suggestive.
416 Pillow Fight.
455 Touhou Pony!
457 I'll get you a gun with training wheels on it.(Metal Arms was a good game and Krunk was awesome.)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh, so mine did go through.
ReplyDeleteI wish it hadn't.
OK, I think I'll be able to comment on a few tonight
That's neat. That pegasus is definitely in the zone right there. Well, you'd have to be if you don't want to wind up with a face full of goo.
@Artsie Bee
I'm not entirely sure what that pony's wearing, but it looks real cool.
Nice snapshot of these three in training
#429 AJ definitely looks like she's ready to roll.
#431 Fluttershy can't even bring herself to hit a picture of a face? That's kind of cute when you think about it.
#435 Knowing Rarity, she's probably preparing a full out show with that sword.
Hanging off a sling of some sorts. I take it Scoots is working on her flying in this one?
Haha! Great comic. Twilight can't ever lay off the books. huh.
@Dusty The Royal Janitor
Wow. This is even funnier than yesterday's comic. This poor fellow is totally freaking out. Sounds like he was a hater in the human world. References galore. Love it.
@Papyra Scribe
You sure made me laugh. That's just so funny; ponies doing kegstands.
First comment? Awesome. Welcome aboard! I think pony sparring is just one pony doing like a sword fight with another pony or something along those lines. Now, for your drawing, you're off to a good start. Kind of looks like he's struggling with those push-ups. Lot of us are starting from square one, so just keep at it.
This is funny as well. Only Derpy could screw up something that simple. At least I think it's simple
I did 142...not like it matters or anything:)
I tried submitting at 7pm Central TIme (GMT -6) about three times and it wouldn't go through. I thought the deadline was 10pm PST because Day One's deadline was set in the PST timezone. Suddenly you're using EST? Ugh!
You Americans and your time zones. USE GMT. It makes more sense for global users (especially Brits like me).
I spent all afternoon drawing my picture from scratch, it feels like a wasted effort now. I'm extremely pissed off at the submission site AND the unclear deadlines.
Oh, and funnily enough, this post doesn't even MENTION the deadline, just the day's requirement. What time am I supposed to be submitting my work by, now? Japan's local time?
Excuse me while I bang my head against a brick wall in frustration. Stupid. Stupid. STUPID!
ReplyDeleteStealing my number are you!? Lol, if only the thumbnail did it justice. Clicking required which not many will do...
Would someone give Mattatatta a hug? Needs one right about now before the skull concaves in on itself.
ReplyDeleteI sent it in if you're still willing to accept it, Phoe. :( Sorry about this.
ReplyDelete#326 Dat Red vs Blue reference.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed #131! Mine is #425, So go look at it! LOOK AT IT!
ReplyDelete@ #29: Oh hey, there's my day one submission! I didn't expect that to end up here...
ReplyDeleteThe one I submitted for today is 424, and I already see one thing I did wrong: the ponies are too fat. >_< It also took me waaay longer to draw then I think it should have... nearly 6 hours. I mean, if in the same amount of time, someone can draw #155 or #5, that tells me I'm doing something wrong.
ReplyDeleteI feel your frustration, with several hours difference myself (and that's before you account for gov'nt crazy perpetual daylight-saving time policy DURING THE F@#KING WINTER)
Oh. Now I feel better.
Dusty's journal was a great read. And yes, I am one of the insane ponies he spoke of. This is WAR, and I LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteCreepy-screw-ball has a nice apple gun!
Roidh and I would get along well. I can tell already.
WOW that was a lot. Can't believe I looked through them all.
Working on the idea for the next one. I have a potential idea worked out.
ReplyDeleteHeh, I'm glad you like it. I've got something even bigger planned for tomorrow now, once I get a good night's rest.
I would had liked to see my art here but I nver really finished it.
ReplyDeleteObviously #206 is the best one
ReplyDelete@CityFlyer502 Thanks! I wasn't sure about submitting it at first, but I did anyway. I'm not much of an artist, and I wasn't sure people would get the joke.
ReplyDeleteAwww hell.
ReplyDeleteI thought we had until midnight.
Then again... I probably would have still forgotten. So whatever, it's cool. My Day 1 and Day 2 entries are both up in the DA group's event folder anyway.
#452 nice to get feed back.suddenly foam arrow aiming at yo knees
ReplyDeleteI thought I would see at least one "wax on, wax off" parody.
ReplyDelete#27 I thought RD said Twilight could never be her pet...
#94 Is that... HOLY SHIT! YES! You deserve a medal
#109 That face had me laughing on the floor for some time.
#170 Fits Dashie pretty well
#230 I wasn't expecting that Star Wars scene.
#392 Be a mare, you must be quick as a sonic rainboom, with all the force of the wonderbolts, mysterious as the princess of the night!
I'm 53!!!! Please leave constructive criticism!!! :D
ReplyDeleteSo many submissions! This is crazy.
ReplyDeleteI think the submission derp last night caused me to accidentally double post, though. :|
#124 is mine.
@CityFlyer502 Aw thanks! It's funny, it originally started out as one picture. But then it became a comic because of the extra time!
ReplyDeleteAnd coverage of Day 2 continues...
ReplyDelete@Sharp Sticks
Wow! Such power. Nopony's gonna want to mess with that kind of firepower
I sure don't blame him for grumbling. That stuff can hurt if you don't watch your step.
Hope that drill sergeant has patience. 'Cause it looks like it'll take 'em a while to sort it out.
Very nice as well. Sure shows how hard basic training is.
Nice use of the upcoming episode's theme. Training is more than physical after all. Something Rainbow should have known.
Very interesting. If I understand correctly, did this pony just get punched off the cloud or something.
LOL. For Derpy to be calling them ditzes, that's gotta mean something.
Wow. Aerial combat. Now that definitely shows training.
Oh, man. You really nailed the expression on Derpy's face. That sure is motivation.
My thoughts precisely on this one. This came out nice. Didn't think Celestia's cutie mark was that hard to draw
@Luna Moona
50 more?! That expression seems to say "that's 50 too many." Nice.
236 indicative of spike in Appleboobs? I can't say I approve...
ReplyDeleteWhew! Let's get working on the next one!
ReplyDeleteWhen on the road to Equestria
ReplyDeleteHaroo, Haroo
When on the road to Equestria
Haroo, Haroo
When on the road to Equestria
A stick in the hoof a cake in the eye
A derpful mare I heard cry
Derpy I hardly knew ya.
*Oh Derpy- they ruined you.
ReplyDeleteDid I really nail the expression? I think she looks more like Pac-Man.
Thanks for the encouragement! The face on Applejack in yours looks great too!
@MyBoyJ Yeah. Definitely says "get back here you muffin!" LOL. Thanks for the kind words as well. I was actually gonna do the CMC, but drawing one pony is agonizing enough.
ReplyDeleteMe again. :D
Half a mind to what? Great concept. Didn't think of pushing a rock as training.
LOL. Target practice. Who hasn't done that before? Everything came together very well. If I may, try working on the bodies a little more.
Also very nice. And that's a very interesting nickname you've given Derpy. Considering the damage she did to town hall, it works pretty well.
LOL. That poor ponies' expression is just priceless. And this is just training. Hope he shapes up in time for the actual battle.
This is so Twilight. Book on one side and sword on the other. Love that expression on her face.
Wait, if I'm correct, I have to draw 2 ponies dueling each other for the ATG: Day 3.
ReplyDeleteRight? I need explanations.
I don't know how, but I completely missed day two's theme. Maybe it was because my power was out. Hmmmm...
ReplyDeleteAnywho, sounds awesome! I will make this one!
Wow that is a LOT of pony. You guys are epic.
I wasnt able to draw for this day :( too much school. maybe i'll have time to draw day 3 :D anyway I <3 479! "Sweetie Belle I am your father!!!!!" -Darth Neighder
ReplyDeleteI would say so, or a pony dueling a griffon if you want to follow the flavor text to the letter.
ReplyDeleteYours is waaay better though.
Thanks for kind words. Celestia came out okay (except tail sticks out in wrong place... oh shame) but that f@#$ng cutiemark...
Drawing it gets really tough once you aim at any kind of symmetry (especially with abysmal hand-eye coordination). Not to mention tiny curves at rays' points, I had to sharpen my pencil like crazy.
On the other hand, Duke looks like pure ass. Now I wish I would have put effort in this.
ReplyDeleteYour picture is great! If Duke is what you call "pure ass", I can't imagine what a "good" Duke Nukem pony would look like.
#57 here. For today's theme, I'm thinking of using my 2 OCs: Darren and Jade. A mage Unicorn VS a warrior pegasus. Should be interesting.
ReplyDeleteI guess my idea to make "Be a Pony" lyrics wasn't that original after all. Well, at least I used the gender-neutral term.
ReplyDelete@MyBoyJAm I obliged to do Pony vs Griffon? Or I can do Pony Vs Pony? Never drew griffons...
ReplyDelete#488 :3
ReplyDeleteNot that I'm making use of anonimity to advertise my work but...
#488 >.>
ReplyDeleteYou can do pretty much whatever you want. Interpret the assignment however you like. After all, one of the above pictures for "a pony in training" is of a pony driving a train.
these are all really good cant wait to see tomorrows batch. oh and i finished and submitted my day 3 challenge lol made it a comic too ^ ^
ReplyDeletehere is a link . . if your interested that is.
Lots of good stuff here, although I am saddened that there was only ONE image containing a gasmask.
ReplyDeleteONE! Can you believe that? No steam-ponies either!
ReplyDeleteAlright, thanks for clearing things up for me!
@Doctor Valor i know im a bit surprised myself that im the only one doing a gasmask pony. also WOW! you are right there are no steam-ponies. im a bit surprised now actually.
ReplyDeleteNo problem.
I was confused and thought I had till midnight to get day two submitted. Oops. Oh well, on to this new theme.
ReplyDeleteWew! Mine is 245.
ReplyDeleteDeviant Link
mines #167 came out better on paper than colored in on the computer... lol XD
ReplyDeleteMine is 397. I changed up how I started drawing it instead on starting with Pencils I would just go with the base color of the pony and then work as best as I could. I changed up the color of my pony for a lighter red color.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to the page for a more detailed discription of what I did.
Argh, I missed it. Confound these exams! Maybe I'll toss something out quickly? Or maybe I'll just try and get started on Day 3. I dunno.
ReplyDeleteQuick question about the day 3 drawing. Do we have to show the enemy in the picture with our pony fighting or doing whatever our pony does?
ReplyDeleteYou can probably do whatever you want. Phoe seems to like loose interpretations of the assignment.
ReplyDeleteNevermind, I found it.
"It's so tacky, I can't look directly at it!"
Fizmat, I'm sure you understand there's no offense intended.
Forgot to finish this time, but it wasn't good anyways... But I almost finished day 3, and I'm really happy with it so far. I just need to make sure the coloring is good.
ReplyDeleteForgot to finish this time, but it wasn't good anyways... But I almost finished day 3, and I'm really happy with it so far. I just need to make sure the coloring is good.
ReplyDeleteDesiring some input on my submissions if you all wouldn't mind. (69, 71, 76, 77, 78, 81)
ReplyDeleteOn that note, one can imagine mine countenance upon hearing that tomorrow's theme is sparring. (Hint: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-)
ReplyDeleteOkay sounds good. I just had a image come up in my head which may work but I need to look around for a little while for an reference angle and maybe some other images.
ReplyDeleteYour submissions are great, they seem more on model and just plain better than mine.
If I might hazard a guess pertaining to a certain blue suited driver from a racing game made more famous by his appearances in a certain other game where he can get beaten up by Jigglypuff.
ReplyDeleteI especially like Derpy eating the letters. She has a perfect look of disinterest.
Mines is 119. I was going to use a ruler for the box and text, but I was just curious on how I would do and how everything would turn out if I didn't.
ReplyDeleteNonsense, I think you captured Derpy's nature very well. Serious Derpy, on the other hand, provides to be tricky to draw right, even more so with the "mildly irritated and 'How do I hold all this mail?'" look I was shooting for.
#389 with Gunnery Sgt. Heartstrings reporting in.
ReplyDeleteAwesome. All of it. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe how much art this has "drawn" out!
Ok, put the pitchforks away. It wasn't that bad.
Overall, skillz were displayed, lulz were had, and cuteness levels shot up to the moooooon!
I will say that #35 looks verrrry promising! I wouldn't mind seeing it become an ongoing comic series throughout this contest and maybe even beyond!
And #172... #172 is just... wrong. It's wrong!
...but I still lulzed.
#192 here, so much arts, bringing my computer to it's knees :P
ReplyDeleteThank Celestia tomorrows a public holiday here, I've got the best idea for Day 3
Oh wow, mine was actually put up this time. Submission site was giving me so many problems I had to directly mail mine in, which is probably why it's so deep in the numbers (#490) even though I submitted it way super early (Phoe must check her mail late in the evening or something).
ReplyDeleteWas starting to get worried I was gonna get cut out again, actually.
Looks like my shameless self advertisment didn't make it into the notes of my picture.
ReplyDeleteOh well, can do it in the comments to.
Check out my Equestrian Mock War fanfic:
Tales of the Equestrian Mock War
Looks like I already did the day 3 assignment on my day 2 picture. Oh well, time to draw Shield Wall smashing a Griffon.
Now this is an army!
ReplyDelete#135 here, reporting for duty. Drew mine in just under an hour because of time zones and how they interfere with the schedule presented. -.-
Duel, right? Never drawn a griffon before, so this is gonna be tough...
ReplyDeleteFound a pretty good reference picture for those that haven't drawn a griffon before.
As for my picture I am working on the outline of the pony right now and the pose of it. About to draw the mane on it Then I need to put a face on it and then add the details later. Probably will do the griffon sometime during the day. I wanna try an finish up the pony first.
ReplyDeleteMine are #329 #330 and #331.
ReplyDeleteDA links:
Woah... so many!
ReplyDeleteI remember the when artist training grounds was similar in size to the draw-friend posts.
Just 4 teh lulz though...
OMG! In #357 celestia's front leg is pointing the wrong way! looks like a terrible injury.
There...are so many...O_o
ReplyDeleteMine is #375 btw and I would love some feedback on it. ^^
Here's the dA page below -
D: I can't submit anymore for day 3?
ReplyDeleteI just need to put armor on the pony and then I will work a little on the griffon for the day 3 ATG. If I have enough time after I am done with the Griffon I will add some type of background.
ReplyDeleteCipher You likely can. As far as I know submissions for day 2 are over not day 3.
There half way done. On to the griffon.
ReplyDelete#210 reporting for duty! Hoping I can get my stuff done by tonight. A lot of nice pieces this time as well and a lot of interesting takes on training. Nice work everypony ^.^
ReplyDeleteDamn it, mine isnt up there again!! GAH!!!! Why does my stuff not come up? Its really starting to annoy me....
ReplyDeleteThis is the link to it...
I think the Submission thing might have been on the blink yesterday for me...
Awww... Fell asleep and missed everypony's work going up. Mine in #12.
ReplyDelete@knuckleshy i tried submitting, but it doesn't work O_O I get this error thing after pressing submit
ReplyDeleteSorry for the long, rambly war story! I would draw some scenery, but I don't have a DeviantArt profile, let alone the skill to draw ponies!
ReplyDeleteBuck!, i missed the deadline
ReplyDeleteoh well to my DeviantArt account
Just woke up to see this. Great stuff. Mine's number 493, the one on notebook paper... with pencils I found on the ground at school... yeah. And dueling? This'll be fun.
ReplyDeleteStormponies, their aim is legendary.
Thanks for your thoughts, I'll try and practice getting the proportions right before I start my entry for day 3. One other problem I had was that whenever I tried to use Sumopaint's fill tool to color an area, there would be a grey area between where the color ends and where the outline begins, meaning I would have to go over each area with a pencil tool to fill in blank spots that, while only a few pixels wide, were very noticeable when they appeared in bulk. You can still see some of these spots on Derpy if you zoom in a bit.
ReplyDeleteIf I want to sleep AND have a life, more than 5 hours isn't an option.
So much artwork. Pity i couldn't send my work for day 2.
ReplyDeleteBut at least Day 3 is nearly finished.
My method of submission is so unnecessarily complicated. But I don't want to invest in a scanner. #399 if anyone wants to comment. Hitting serious artist block for today... Something with Pinkie Pie I think.
ReplyDelete364 is a repeat
ReplyDeletePoor Derpy :(
You know, for an artist training ground there's almost no criticism, makes me wonder why we are doing it in the first place. So I want to start a healthy trend and scrutinize my own scribbles. Because the more I look the more I realize how much it blows (also counts as TL/DR version).
ReplyDeleteLet's start easy and point out Celestia mistakes. First and foremost, her tail sticks out of her butthole - pony anatomy fail, it should have been higher. Second, wings are drawn badly - lack of shading makes it hard to distinguish front wing from back one. Third, her accessories are also poorly shaded, no volume in them. No body shading also. And last, her expression is lacking - I wanted her to look flabbergasted, while this looks like mild amusement at best.
Next, Duke figure, oh boy. The biggest problem here is that it's just human face stuck on pony body. I did add muzzle and pony ear, but the rest of facial structure is human, which gives uncanny valley vibes. I should've tried to adapt it to equine skull or something. Next, his shotgun just sticks from behind at weird angle - I threw it in because I needed a weapon there, should've make Duke hold it with free foreleg. Duke's left hindleg looks wrong and I can't point the cause, some proportion is botched. No body shading which also means no muscle volume, the only things I tried to shade right are shotgun and shoulder belt. And last, his cutiemark is too big.
Not much to say about overall editing - I didn't even try to clean up text.
Verdict: "Rated F for Fuckballs"
Does telekinetic magic with a pistol count as proper "dueling"? My jam-filled water baloons are just plain silly D:
ReplyDeleteNot sure what is up. Might what to contact phoe via email and discribe what you are doing to send it. I have to eat lunch and then get started on the second half of my picture. Hope everything works out!
Mine is #1! Yeaaaaaaaaaaa.
ReplyDeleteI've never drawn a griffon before. I better start practicing...
There done with Lunch and will get started with the griffon. Hope I have enough time to finish it. 6 hours should be enough time.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the hour this is due? On second thought don't tell me. That'll motivate me to get it done sooner. Just need to finish drawing Griffon-that-sounds-like-it-might-be-Gilda.
ReplyDelete#189 here. I didn't think to draw a griffon, actually, so my Day 3 submission will have two ponies dueling one another instead. About all I could do in the time I had =P
ReplyDelete@CityFlyer502 Oh! Thankies!
ReplyDeleteSince you couldn't tell what the pony as wearing, here's the human character the pony is based on:
(The guy, not that it makes too much difference.)
Seriously though, I'm glad you thought it was cool~
Almost done. I just need to put the wings on the Griffon and I will be done. Then I will add the background.
ReplyDelete@Leaf Growth
ReplyDeleteThat top image... DERPY HAS TASTED BLOOD!!!
Probably my best pony artwork has been produced for Day 3.
ReplyDeleteJade VS Darren
It was pretty fun to draw out... @_@
My work is finished at last. Some lineart i've made.
ReplyDeleteWanted to do some coloring in GIMP, but decided to go with plain lineart, as it looked nice already. And i'm just tired.
If i had more free time i could upload a colored version.
Oh well, you can never have enough free time :).
So want to see works of others ^^.
Okay done with the Griffon. Now the background. I actually saw a pretty nice sky the morning that I saw when I went to jury duty and when I got back from jury duty that were actually pretty similar which I think I am going to draw.
ReplyDelete"Database Failure Occurred"...
ReplyDeleteWell, it took me some good hours of my life to actually finish drawing/editing/raging/uploading my image and now I'm not being able to send it thanks to a certain Database Failure.
Tables, here I come.
I just finished the background Gonna upload it and see if I can send it in before the deadline.
ReplyDeleteOK, done with Day 3's entry. Hopefully the continuing saga of Silver Lining the Dragoon's struggle will continue in the next batch of pictures.
ReplyDeleteThere just uploaded it.Relax and catchup on stuff time.
ReplyDeleteThe site won't even load for me... *sigh* not this again.
ReplyDelete(A million thank yous for putting my Day 2 image in the post, by the way.)
Funnest part of my Day 2- misusing math variables (379), if they were variables at all (Integration is the ONLY variable).
ReplyDeleteI have to stop cutting it so close. Every time I sit down to do it, it takes a lot long than I think. This time the sketch din't take very long at all, but I think is one of my bests. Then I did the best GIMP work I have ever done. Completion time 2-3 hours. This ATG has been a big help for me and my art skills, and I want to thank EQD for it, especially Phoe and Reinboom. I also feel I must apologize (again) for having problems with uploading and having to email 2 out of the 3 times I've done it.
ReplyDeletethese are just awesome. It must take a lot of work to sort all of them. Oh, and random question, can you submit stuff even if you haven't submitted before? sorry for by noobiness
ReplyDeleteThe site loaded up, and accepted my image on the first try. Success!
ReplyDeleteWow, that's awesome Phoe! that Fallout reference made me Squee. Now, back to the photos so I can re read.
ReplyDeleteThe uploader's not working for me ;_;
ReplyDeleteIt was fine the past two days and hates me today.
I hope sending it by email is okay...
Finally done! And with 30 mins left on the clock (I hope - noticed EqD's time already says past 7pm, but it should be 6:30pm PST now. Had the great idea of drawing a comic for this one.
ReplyDeleteFixing my dA's description and tags then off to bed - 2 am and drawing ponies, sheesh.
Boo! mine didn't make it!
ReplyDelete#446 Reporting in! Im amazed nobody else thought of Full Metal Jacket when they saw the prompt!
ReplyDelete@Dusty the Royal Janitor
ReplyDeleteAwesome work! I love your style! Looking forward to the next part of this poor fella's adventures.