Remember, when sending your Day 2 stuff, head on over to this site and fill out the forms as you see them. "Name" means your user name. We had some confusion about that. If you're submitting from DeviantART, remember to send the actual image url and not the deviantART page link. Any other questions or submission derps are always welcome at [email protected].
Update: There's a minor problem with the submission script which is being attended to. Please, for the love of Celestia, wait a couple of hours before resorting to e-mail. I beg of you.
Day 2: You're In the Army Now
After taking some time to get adjusted to your new life, you finally feel ready to turn up for basic training. Like your bunkmate keeps saying, no point in marching off to war without knowing how to fight, right? The sun is shining painfully bright above you, as the drill instructor barks orders at pair of fencing unicorns.
"No. Guard up, damn you! Up! Riposte! Why aren't you...? Ugh. Just... just take five, everypony."
Now, she turns to you, and the rest of the newbie class, gesturing to the foam swords sitting in front of you.
"Pick those up and find a partner."
It doesn't take long for you to learn you're not cut out for this. It's impossible to get a grip, and all you can manage to occasionally take a clumsy horizontal slash at your sparring partner. You're rewarded for your efforts with a disapproving thwack from the instructor's own foam blade.
"Nmph. Yuh hbth to hrd rt lrrk thth!"
"Thth! Lrrk thth!" She gestures wildly, but does nothing further to communicate her... uh... point.
"Whr mrshf..." Ptooi. "Why would anypony even make weapons like this in a country without hands?"
High above on a tower balcony, Princess Celestia stifles a giggle.
Assignment: Draw a pony in training
A couple of quick points before we get into the juicy juicy Day 1 gallery. When I delete duplicate submissions, the others aren't re-sequenced at present, so the numbering is going to be just a touch out of whack. If you don't see yours in here and it's still early after the post goes up, just have patience. Some of these things take time. But without further ado, into the armory!
1) By Kyttyee
2) By Melon Hunter
3) By Discordant Harmony
Cannot believe I forgot "in uniform" as part of the resubmit theme. Derp.
4) By Tsuken
5) By pageturner1988
6) By hawkysu
7) By Ventus
8) By MasterofRoku
9) By Sir Dangereaux
So much more intimidating with this little ensemble.
10) By KuroiTsubasaTenshi
You are not the only one who is feeling nostalgic...
11) By Jordan Brooks
12) By Adam5396
13) By Fetchbeer
14) By Catnip
15) By Fedge
16) By Sandman-Ivan William Goodwater
17) By Jenbun Spahging
18) By BlankFlankBrony
19) By Dusty the Royal Janitor
This continues to be one of the most amusing entries of Day 1. I hope to see more of this from you!
20) By Kegisak
21) By John Beasley
Ah, the life of a paladin. Shiny, glorious, and totally a pony.
22) By Lumos
Ooh, pixels!
23) By Lumos
24) By Joystik
25) By Heireau
Good question.
26) By Digi Doodle Doo
You know, there was a reason I didn't specify the type of uniforms. Get used to thinking like this.
27) By CoffeBlack
28) By haokun319
29) By nuclearsuplexattack
Fluttershy was never cut out for war.
30) By Easteu
And every single time I see this, I feel so very overwhelmed. Yes, Lyra. Anything you want, Lyra. Anything for you, Lyra.
31) By Kevster
32) By Neonshi
33) By Puppet-Rhymes
34) By Shiaran
Ponies are requested not to report to the injury tent without actual injuries.
35) By Kailley Roesler
36) By OctaveRocket
37) By ArcheonZ
38) By Rosemary Thyme
39) By TapeDiggity
The things we see in war. Unhelmeted colts taking pies to the face. Deep stuff, man. It takes its toll.
40) By Roxor128
41) By Inenta
42) By Aquatice
43) By Izzyhorselover
I still like this design.
44) By Judo-Paladin
45) By CosmicRadish
46) By BBQPidgey
47) By Twilight the Guardspony
48) By Biglulu
49) By omgtirgafr
I am... not sure what is going on here.
50) By Acceleron
51) By Decembuary
52) By Nezbot
Gosh, look at those uniforms. So spiffy.
53) By Watchit
54) By BrokenHero0409
55) By Jinsume
You know, I bet it's actually kind of hard to fly in armor. Then again, you can fly pulling a wagon...
56) By Pegasus Rescue Brigade
So excited!
57) By Dreamwire
58) By Cooper
59) By Nezbot
This may be the single coolest Luna-related thing ever. I'm just saying.
60) By AlberioOrion
61) By NikkyDash
62) By Saddlesoap Opera
63) By Muffinsforever
I wonder why unkempt manes look so nice.
64) By Dragon51116/Tuner Symphon
65) By Red Hot Hoshi
66) By Mr. Bitey
67) By FicFicPonyFic
How are you carrying that?
68) By Delta Pangaea
69) By Tyler Looney
70) By tootaloo
This is also made of win.
71) By Flippord
72) By Nezbot
73) By Chance
74) By LoneWolfMark
75) By TimeForSP
76) By Armored Pony
77) By bryan
78) By PaintDrinkingPete
That's... uh... a lot of spikes.
79) By arcturian627
80) By Private First Class Riff 'Maya' Raff
81) By TehJadeh
I want one.
82) By Alexstrazsa
83) By Blade814
84) By Charger: By ArcticKiwi
85) By Megumi Tierana
86) By TwinQuasars
Come to think of it, ponies are well suited for being radio men.
87) By DreamHaze
88) By theberserked
Yay, super Derpy!
89) By Dale Armstrong
90) By Blu3berry Muffin
91) By Slowter
92) By Ace Of Scarabs
93) By FlutterArmor by ~Waldo-xp
94) By PedroRabidBunny
95) By Hilltopper
I still love this.
96) By Mr. Fahrenheit89
97) By kits
Oh hey, a colored version!
98) By Chromadancer
99) By AllyClaw
100) By Flutterhoof
101) By Big Mackintosh
102) By Paarthurnax
103) By Syggie
I feel like the hat and the helmet are mutually exclusive.
104) By MXCoriginal
Wait, a crossbow? I call shenanigans.
105) By Valkyrie-Girl
Shades of Cornet here. Doubt that's happening, but don't care.
106) By Wax Tom Cruise
107) By Samizu
108) By Cap-Sigma
109) By Troutzorz
110) By Imyth64
111) By Luna's Unicorn Guard
It delivers what it promises.
112) By Troggle
Sweetie Belle is best general.
113) By ATG Mock War, Day 1
114) By R-H-Maclanahan
115) By Powered Armor System: Equestrian Version
116) By Biohazardousdouglas
117) By Ruben Briones
118) By Otherunicorn
119) By Blizzard Rush
120) By Otherunicorn
121) By Cheesey Burger
122) By Industrial Pony
123) By Doctor Eph
124) By TerminalHunter
125) By Purplelemons
126) By Rainbro41
Hey, package delivery is war too, ya know.
127) By Inkblot
128) By Mart3323
129) By Wildy71090 - Day 1
I really hope you continue in this style for the rest of the themes.
130) By Rydel
131) By littleboyj
132) By Aureliette
133) By :iconfivenMLP Artist Training Grounds:Mock War, Da
Aw, why not? It's a cute helmet!
134) By ToyaBigEyes
135) By Squidbombed
Flank armor.
136) By Gozer The Equestrian
137) By Lunar Storm
That mask terrifies me.
138) By Awiff Fluttershy
139) By Harwick
Oh holy crap. What did you use to make this?
140) By LemonLimeMan
141) By Proxy-Drone
For a brief, shining moment, I thought that was a broom.
142) By Blondiehooves
143) By Admitted (aka Twilight Ketchum)
145) By Midnight Star
146) By Chinchillas4fire
147) By Kysomyral
148) By Golden Armor
149) By Quiche
I'm a box!
150) By BronyGamer
151) By Axel Wolfen
152) By AaronMk
You are a pony.
153) By Derpy Helm
154) By Bolt(AKShooter)
155) By SonicRatchet
Not sure about this...
156) By EndlessPrisms
157) By Dusty Fortune
158) By Wolferahm
159) By solazz
160) By FaeIzumine
161) By Invidlord
162) By derekwolff
163) By Man_Demon
164) By Xain Russell
165) By Day 1: A pony wearing armor
I think you misunderstood the "name" box. =P
166) By Jay6
167) By ChaosDX1
168) By lazzyX
169) By BlatantPotato
170) By Tarynsgate
171) By White Pwny
172) By fongsaunder
A common variant, and always huggably effective.
173) By motoneuron
174) By PLDennis
175) By Dave Chin
176) By Schluberlubs
177) By Flygon16
178) By Curt-Vicious
Never cared for steampunk, myself.
179) By Chasington
180) By Silvertie
But just as I say that... Toooot!
181) By Glaive-Silver
182) By Billexi
183) By LacionARG
184) By EricaC78
185) By Stormcaller
186) By monkmunk
187) By Heather
188) By Britanniapony
All hail Britannia.
189) By Warrior of Light
190) By Chaos15
191) By LtSterling
Military uniforms are so snappy...
192) By Eridash
193) By birchpeninsula
194) By mowgs
195) By Daisy Azuras
196) By mowgs
197) By Jiyrath
198) By Matt Van Craig (SolidSt33d)
199) By Conicer
The party howitzer is a brutal and terrifying piece of ordinance
200) By Iwishicouldpony
This is fourteen different kinds of cute.
201) By Afroninja617
202) By Eridash
203) By Copper Gear
204) By The REAL Knight of the wind
Dash has been pulling overtime slipping into all of these awesome suits of armor. Don't feel bad for her, though. She loves it.
205) By Sleepingcobrox
206) By Flutterbrony
- Insert Skyrim Reference Here -
207) By Scoota Knight
Hee hee! Scootaknight.
208) By GenericPonyName120
209) By Cloverjump
I can't help but feel this is more of a stegosaurus than a pony.
210) By bunnimator
And then Bon Bon was incredible
211) By LendABit
212) By Uncle Leo
213) By Thedarkone246
The reins of power. Or cuteness. I dunno, every time I see a pony wearing those I feel happy for some reason.
214) By bluerobin46
215) By blingingjak
216) By Earthbound-Nitwit
217) By Bugsydor
218) By Sir Smoke
219) By ColgateFIM
Aaaaand this is still heartbreaking.
220) By ChalkZoned / Layleflower
221) By Sharp Sticks
222) By Natry
223) By Kyrie Payton
Well, since you asked nicely
224) By YorkBrony
225) By Heroic-Heart
226) By ShoeboxWarrior
227) By Fox E:
228) By empty10
229) By ponyp
Celly does not do things by halves.
230) By Dakishambada
231) By Dispoint
Er... ok?
232) By Vahnara
There is no part of this I don't love.
233) By KaiserCVR
234) By JakeLionPony
Ahahaha, oh my goodness gracious. Take all of my money.
235) By FoxOfWar
236) By Thanqol
237) By Grizzle Fox
238) By Thanqol
I like to think my plot is fine.
239) By 13Era
240) By Volmise
War has a certain heartbreaking feel to it, you know?
241) By Denith Skies
242) By Lunar Storm
243) By 123hamster
244) By Trixingno
245) By Roidh
246) By Karoi5 on deviantArt
248) By PopTartPony
249) By SamuelEAllen
250) By Sqoad
251) By Pantzar
252) By TheLunarArmy
253) By JunaE_CBS
254) By Derpy vs Rainbow - Pegasi at War
I don't know what to say to this. Who wins?
255) By Midnight-Dragon15
256) By Norque
257) By Norque
Oh gosh, that shirt is too big for her. Eeeeeeeheeheee~
258) By Scramjet
259) By Diggidoo
260) By Durandal
261) By SunnyStorm
262) By Haydn Allen
263) By Pirill
264) By Aurora Borealis
265) By jinger
266) By Keboponda
Power armor has always looked great while confusing the hell out of me. What powers it, exactly?
267) By Robynne Hood
268) By InsomniaUnending
269) By Sebbaa
270) By Sebbaa
271) By Spartan Pony
272) By Snowsilver
274) By Prismatic Pretzel
275) By Twilight in Armor
276) By Jayden Curtis
Well, this is certainly very vibrant. Nice colors!
277) By sockeye101
278) By Hecmanstar
279) By PhysicallyPossible
280) By Hecmanstar
281) By Level 8 Mudcrab
282) By Raymond Dimmick
My goodness, the shading on this.
283) By Petrichor
284) By Hawkeye92
285) By terrence
286) By Grayson Lee / Miss ImaginaryWings
I cannot stop gigging.
287) By Z.H. Felix Reid
288) By Lionel23
289) By Nathan Gianonceli
290) By Lionel23
You've carved out quite a niche for yourself, I can see.
291) By Lionel23
292) By Argent Crusader
293) By Pinkie Swirl
294) By Suigintou41
295) By LittlePip
296) By Insomnia
297) By Ailynd
298) By Raagentreg
299) By Wisami
300) By Dress whites Rarity
301) By TM
302) By Pipsqueek the soldier
303) By EpicThomasC
304) By Alipes
305) By Relias
306) By Pencil Scratch
307) By Brownmane the Knight
308) By Nettles
309) By appiusos
311) By Twistbolt
312) By Random Pony In Armor
313) By cursormortis
314) By Mysecsha
315) By StuffedRabbitAlicorn
316) By Kelz
Damn you and your old tricks!
317) By Private P.G.
318) By pj23
319) By birdmaster1
320) By You Shall Not Pass
321) By Gentlemanlyman
322) By IkkouSoryu
Beep. Boop.
323) By You Shall Not Pass
324) By You Shall Not Pass
325) By TheLaughingHorror
326) By TheLaughingHorror
327) By somethingstrange85
328) By You Shall Not Pass
329) By Sire Swordhooves in battle armour
330) By You Shall Not Pass
331) By Vabla
332) By Camelopardalis
333) By Back to war.
334) By devotedgirls
335) By Splopp
336) By Ponyus
337) By Kyouhen
I could buy this.
338) By Cedar13
339) By KriahFox
I think my heart just burst.
340) By Caumen
341) By Lt. Pie: PartyCannonier
342) By Veleth95
343) By Jorge (spikesaur)
344) By PixelSprite
345) By BluBlur
346) By Richelieu88
347) By Nigimi
Pony scale mail looks cooler than I thought it would.
348) By Fallen Angel
Pillows are indestructible.
349) By Razgriz Evangalion
350) By Diego Havoc
351) By winterfalcon31
352) By NovemberWishes
353) By PaperFox92131
354) By Krogoth
355) By Captain Fish
356) By Zackira
357) By BadMan171
358) By Seven Tenths
359) By KattyPow
360) By Soda
-Insert Mass Effect Reference Here-
361) By Ctone
362) By Atlur
Roseluck is best dark knight.
363) By nuclearkitsune
364) By WoW-200
Does this count as a ninja pony? Or is that, like, racist?
365) By bobdat
366) By PoldekPL
367) By Dovashy
I already made this joke.
368) By wingless-piglet
369) By Kinrah
Recycling is good for the planet!
370) By Alazak
371) By SonicStar23750
372) By Gallant Tempest
373) By blondiehooves
374) By Akirasip
375) By Applejack's Engineer Uniform
376) By Choco
377) By Fore-Trekker
Oh. My. God.
378) By Yotu Renn
379) By Reuben
380) By Dyldog
381) By Hewison
382) By Vivifx
383) By AwesomeNorwegianBrony
384) By Free Leaves
385) By CityFlyer502
386) By Xaegrek
387) By maximum muffin
388) By Nowler
389) By Duskbreak
390) By tomol6
391) By bananizen
392) By DreamVirusOmega
393) By fizmat
394) By Author Tempus
395) By Sean Mirrsen
396) By Rasrap Smurf
397) By KingT
398) By Machel
399) By pony demora clatiff
400) By Zaid Yanffit
401) By AchingScaphoid
402) By AchingScaphoid
403) By Sharix
404) By AchingScaphoid
405) By AchingScaphoid
406) By Eliwood10
407) By Knuckleshy
408) By Immersa
409) By Daniel Bell
410) By Philith
411) By Saphin
412) By Derp & Tolerate
413) By SoulTarkus89
414) By Totality
415) By SuperDSombrero
416) By fajeh
417) By JaeVeeZy
418) By Alex Roanheim
419) By Tree Kicker
420) By pcjoyce
421) By g1nf1zz
422) By Justin Blanford
423) By StyxD
424) By Hobbes Maxwell
425) By NocturnalMasquerade
426) By Terry K
427) By LeonardRodriquez
428) By Grievstar
429) By Caresse-par-la-lumie
430) By Pete times Six
431) By Aeon
432) By Tigersoul96
433) By Beasert
434) By MoonPearl
435) By NovaMarcellus
436) By Flanker7227
437) By Doctor Hooves
438) By Vera
439) By -
440) By Day 1 Submission
441) By Kate
442) By Findpony
443) By KH86
444) By Ooklah
445) By Sketchy
446) By CuriousPony
447) By Ole-Marius
448) By Charles Gagnon Mitchell
449) By Des Revell
450) By KRM
451) By Kerigis
452) By Papyra Scribe
453) By TerribleTransit
454) By W4X
455) By Nathan Tinney
456) By SparkCloud
457) By JimTheCactus
458) By Warlight Firemane
459) By Mattatatta
460) By Kumquat
461) By Kasha Artist (Rakshata)
462) By H.P. Lovecolt
463) By Mudglen
464) By derpy dash typhlosion
465) By Black-or-blank
466) By Zicygomar
467) By NightGlow
468) By JudgementMaster
469) By Elyse
471) By Knuckleshy
472) By Enclave Officer Uniform
473) By Meiura
474) By Earthbound Hiro
475) By Ohmyani
476) By TheScraft
477) By EKG_MEDiK
478) By Dartra
479) By Frith
480) By YSuriktaY
481) By Starling
482) By Pix
483) By Alexander XCIII
484) By Evil Zebra
485) By MarkusPP
486) By Eli
487) By DiscordedHarmony
488) By Mondo-Pork
489) By Ponymancer
490) By Twilight in Armor by Xakkar
491) By PinkiePiePotassium
492) By Equestrian Army Uniform - Unicorn
493) By WavemasterRyx
494) By Brony001
495) By Powder Kicker
496) By Tree Kicker
497) By Twilight in Armor by Xakkar
498) By Nippesche
499) By ZeldaRulz
500) By Tidal Oneka
501) By MasterofRoku
502) By Guppyfoal
503) By NaterRang
504) By St Neon
505) By Shachza
506) By Mr. Rogers
507) By Flyingbolts
508) By ABronyAccount
509) By Greendragonx8
510) By Phalanx
511) By James
512) By Brush Strokes
513) By Rarodar
514) By DigitalOrangeCat
515) By ZeroCereal
516) By MyBoyJ
517) By Diamond
518) By galdorpunk
519) By birdmaster1
520) By Vic
521) By caboose3033
522) By Lucas
523) By glittering-pony
524) By DashAttack
525) By EngineeredMadness
526) By Lunar Apologist
527) By ixROASTYxi (Nick)
528) By Angelkiller777
529) By TheRecliner27
530) By Corey Martin
531) By ATG Mock War - Day 1
532) By Shinskii
533) By chimicherrychonga
534) By Periphery
535) By Bryant Ramirez
536) By Falconfirepony
537) By Mysticvulpix
538) By Gears
539) By Asylum_Sweetie
540) By KingT
541) By Kripplestix
542) By mikes550
543 By moiderah of sanity
544) By Mr. Cartier
545) By Thunder
546) By t-man9999
547) By UC77
548) By Xegis
549) By IraeCoal
550) By Kenmdrt
551) By Mad Mike
so. much .art.
ReplyDelete/RBD Salute
ReplyDeleteOH MY CELESTIA that's a big post!
ReplyDeleteApologies ahead of time for any eye trauma my entry may cause.
ReplyDeleteLast. And I was waiting for this. :D
ReplyDeleteOh my Luna! My bandwidth! Where's it all going?!? AAAAAAAAA [message cut short]
ReplyDeleteSo good, looking forward to seeing everyones day 2
ReplyDeleteSO... MUCH... Can barely... load.
ReplyDeleteOh, I found me! [504]
Welp. I'll see if anything stands out when I check back in half an hour to see if all the images have loaded.
ReplyDeleteI am amazed by the pure pony epicness.
ReplyDeleteSo many pics my browser won't even load them all. lol I'm sure there's a lot of great ones though.
ReplyDeleteSo many links so little time.
ReplyDelete@Vipera Yeah, I'm with you on this one. 500+ images ain't exactly easy on any internet connection.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm going to let this one load for a bit
ReplyDeleteSpent two hours making a mouse macro for day one so I could save these at a press of a button. It was worth it.
ReplyDeleteCrap... I might have a chance at drawing a real pony if I use good ol' paper and pencil. Instead, I'm to stuck in a closet to pony up and do that...
ReplyDeleteApparently I'm having a problem with the uploader page. Sometimes it doesn't load, but when it does load, when I submit, it seems to take forever, and then go to a 404 page. I'm not sure if mine got submitted or not. (If it did, it would have been submitted twice)
ReplyDeleteLawl. I totally forgot to give the link to the actual DeviantArt submission and only gave the link.
ReplyDeleteIf that could be fixed it'd be lovely.
Located here:
Found me #148 XDDD though i messed up, Golden Armor ain't my name XD
ReplyDelete#481, Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy ^_^
ReplyDeleteThanks all y'all have inspired me to draw my OCs in combat mode. I hope I won't spent more than a month of sketching as it will be pencil an paper.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the inspiration, all of you that drew
*only gave the link to the image
ReplyDeleteWow. Don't post when you're hopped up on cold medicine, children. I am an example for why that's bad.
I submitted 2.Both are the same picture but with some slight differences. The first one was 407 and the second one was a slightly edited one with better lighting which was 471. I derped and forgot something in the first picture. I put on chainmail on my pony which may be hard to tell from the picture. She has a mask on her face as well. I think I might have done to much for my first picture of a pony. I will work on drawing ponys more.
ReplyDeleteFillies and Gentlecolts, we have QUITE an army here today!
ReplyDeleteI skimmed the ones that loaded, and clicked a few in between. Well done.
ReplyDeleteWhich is yours?
I think we broke it again. Cant connect to the submission site haha
ReplyDelete30 is beyond amazing 0_0
ReplyDeleteSuch a turnout, great job everypony!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all your hard work and dedication Phoe. I'm afraid I may have contributed to the mess last time by linking your email after the submission site went down. For that, I apologize profusely.
Also, mine is 516. It came out better than I expected, since I have virtually no artistic ability or training.
Wow, loading this is going to kill my internet. Going to have to wait till school tomorrow.
ReplyDelete:O Wow it's taking forever to load all of this art. I'll have to take batches of ten to critique on. I'll get to it after I finish my day 2. Remember everypony, this is a training ground, so try and help each other get better. :3
ReplyDeleteMy piece is #198, I believe. I'd really appreciate stopping by to give feedback on it. :D It's nothing much and my Day 2 should impress a bit more, but I'm really looking for the critique. Thank you.
Oh i found mine its 535, luckily i manged to get home in time to post mine =D Glad to see how many other people drew their own stuff. Onward to day 2!!!
ReplyDeleteHooray, mine made it! #527
ReplyDeleteI am happy :D and didn't know which name to put lmao.
468 is mine ^_^ everypony elses is betar
ReplyDeleteYay, I struggled to stay awake til' now just so I could see my submission.
ReplyDeleteAnd now I have a silly grin plastered on my face.
#438 if anypony's interested, it's not great but at least I finished it.
And now I sleep, goodnight everypony!
Thanks again for putting this event on for us!
ReplyDeleteLoving all the art. Great work everypony.
ReplyDeleteMine is 348 (The really terrible Derpy) if anyone wants to comment on it. Also rylangel on da.
ReplyDeleteW00T! :D Nice to see mine got in so high up on the list! (19) It makes me feel speshul. Especially since Phoes seems to like it so much :3
ReplyDeleteReady to submit day 2 as soon as you get everything straightened out :)
awww i cant load them all =( I am sure that they are all prrty awesome though.
ReplyDelete#84 here, but I am blown away by everyone's dedication to deliver regardless of skill level. Its great to see the entire community involving themselves rather than just showcasing only a few more well known names! The amount of submissions blows the drawfriends away, that and I think we broke the second one again, lol. O.o
ReplyDeleteFound mine: #385. Jeeze, now that I think about it, what the hay was I thinking when I "drew" that? Wasn't really in top form when I scribbled that. I was prepping my brother for his road test when I drew that (which he passed by the way. Yay me!) I guess while I'm waiting for everything to load, I'll get a look at what you guys contributed.
ReplyDeleteBtw Ctrl+F (then type in the number) is perfect for finding peoples art, in case anyone didn't know that already. :P
ReplyDeletefor the love of celestia, cut this into segments. my computer can't handle all this art
ReplyDeleteMy computer can't hold all this pony! I'll have to check next time to see them all, but the ones that I can see look awesome!
ReplyDeleteFeel free to leave feedback on mine, #155.
And thank you Phoe for doing this event! Glad to see you're back in the game! Really sorry for contributing to the amount of emails last time.
>.> if I'd had the time, I may have had shenanigans with my oc, making him pony... I even have an idea for armor type. too bad I missed the day. among other things >.>
ReplyDeleteIf it's any consolation I think it's fine. I should know I'm acquaintenced with the ego-rabbit who did number 17.
Ponies sapping my bandwidth!
ReplyDeleteGreat work everyone. Mines #319 (also #519 though that ones a resubmit).
I'll take a good look at them all once they actually load!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteEDIT: Suddenly, everything is loading quickly. LOL. I just wanna share what I think on your pics guys. Though I'll have to do it as they come.
ReplyDelete@St Neon
This pony definitely looks battle ready. Love the expression. It seems to say "I'm ready for battle and I'm gonna give it my all."
This one definitely says "warrior pony." Just look at all the armor. Nothing's gonna hurt this warrior.
Haha. Nice. The look on Private Pansy's face is just priceless.
These were really good. Though I think the changes on the second one might have been a little too subtle for me to pick up on. Either that or you accidentally sent in the same picture twice.
So is day 2 literally being posted tmrw???
ReplyDeleteSo. Many. Ponies!
ReplyDeleteAlso I found my day one entry, #224.
#221 is sweet!
My Celestia, my capped phone internet can't handle this o.O I'm fairly sure it's going to implode and create a black hole of awesome.
ReplyDeleteAgain, great work, everypony! \o/
Gonna have to wait a while to get another look. Every time I try to get a look at one, it keeps running away as the rest load. LOL
ReplyDeleteEr, oops. thought the name ment the name of the pic. hehe *blush*
ReplyDeleteWow. So much pony! Most are great, and even those that are a bit less-than-polished are awesome just for having been submitted.
ReplyDeleteI'd never even attempt something like this (mostly because I don't think stick-ponies count), so hats off to everyone who put themselves and their work out there!
All of them are good but #70 is far and away the best. If you don't agree then you have no soul.
ReplyDelete#449. I made it. *victory screech*
ReplyDeleteOk I finally got the submission site to work. Still not sure mine will show up this late in the game, but that's ok... Because the next one I make will be even BETTER!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I see some people used the down time better than I did (I'm looking at you #139)
Mad Mike and his reactive muffin armor is a good one.
ReplyDeleteWhat link am I supposed to give again?
ReplyDeletemine is # 168) By lazzyX . now i know i could have went back and redone it a lot better and submitted a new upgraded version but i refused to do so. i believe i would prefer to use this event to showcase how much my art has improved since the event first started out. ^ ^
ReplyDeleteThat's alot of pony for the first day.
ReplyDelete#8 (Yay, I'm in the 1st 10) & #501(Gonna color that one later, was lazy to do that earlier).
175!!!! This is probably the only time I'll end up on Equestria Daily lol some of these blow mine out of the water!!!! Please tell me what you guys think of mine.....I enjoy constructive criticism :)
ReplyDeletethats alot of arts o_o
ReplyDeleteGreat art guys!
ReplyDeleteNow if the submission page for Day 2 would just load...
ReplyDeleteI forgot one of the backlegs on the first picture so I added that to the second picture.I started around 10 pm and ended at 3am for the first picture. I also added some red to the hooves since the chainmail didn't cover the bottom of the hooves for the second picture. I also added small dashes of red between the chainmail. It is in the first pic but the lighting makes it hard to see. I also made the belly more rounded then the first pic. The main difference was the lighting that made things stand out more.
Okay I need to work on the Day 2 pic now.
Lol at most.
ReplyDelete"139) By Harwick
ReplyDeleteOh holy crap. What did you use to make this?"
Junebug's armor was forged of cold iron mined from the deepest reaches of Equestria, shaped through dragon-fire over an anvil made from the heart of a dead star, and quenched in the loving tears shed for the nation's martyrs.
The flowers were picked from a field of pansies out behind her rental unit on the edge of Ponyville.
These rock! ~Woohoo~
ReplyDelete#491 is mine-I wish I could actualy draw, but I just started out so I'm forced to just copy other things (Huzzah for the Pony Creator!)
Confound this perfectionism of mine! It drives me away from learning!
Rambling over, I don't have the time or non-laggy connection to look at most of these, but they all look pretty damn fine. If nothing else, remember that you've all got your own unique style!
551 works and no Celestia? Get on it guys.
ReplyDeleteGonna have to cut my 'reviews' short. I really need to get to work on Day 2 and I have no idea what I'm gonna draw.
That actually came out really good. Though I'm not sure if Derpy's bored or that's just the expression that came out.
Nice. The sun emblem on the armor's a nice touch. Don't need anyone to tell me not mess with this pony.
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
ROFL. Just so much funny in this one. I just love how Derpy seems unfazed by the confusion of the human-turned-pony, as well as his overall confusion and the fact that he doesn't seem to be getting any answers.
Wow. This is amazing. This pony definitely complements the background.
475 tis mine! Yay ^_^
ReplyDeleteToo bad the site doesn't like transparent pictures :|
Mine is #315!! It's my brothers pony in armor!!!! Yippee!!!
ReplyDeleteI just finished looking through every single one... Fun stuff! Some really neat artwork in there. I loved #59, even though it wasn't a pony; it's a human Luna.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, there's a LOOOOT of artwork in here. Mine is at #166. Not my best, but my Day 2 submission I liked better. (Finally managed to submit it)
Soo much good art
ReplyDeleteWe had to bucking resubmit them?! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind words. She's supposed to be reluctant to fight. I'm not very good at drawing facial expressions. If you want to see a slightly better description of the picture you can check out my DA.
Amazing art, it's full of stars!
ReplyDeleteUm, is it possible to arrange next days' galleries better? You know, subfolders with 100 images each, so you don't have to load 600+ at once?
Okay, 500+ pics to comment on... let's get to it!
ReplyDeleteHA! Just kidding. How about I comment on every number that's mentioned in the comments before this post instead? In order they got mentioned:
504) Cool mane styling! He could probably do some damage whipping those things around.
Volmise (no number, link provided): I would probably just stand there and let her charge into me... she's quite lovely to look at. Nice coloration too.
148) It's not too late to change your name to Golden Armor. It's got a nice ring to it. Very cool, dramatic look. I especially like the bridle.
481) Wow... commander Hurricane looks pretty badass. No wonder Pansy was so nervous around that guy!
407/471) I hadn't even considered the whole prehensile tail angle when it came to swordfighting. They'd be able to whip those swords about in an pretty intimadating fashion.
30) I remember Lyra on her throne from the Drawfriend. Now we know why she was practicing sitting that way. Awesome work.
516) Armored Derpy looks good in horizontal stripes. They're in this year, I hear. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
198) It's the dapper hat that makes the look. Too few soldiers go off to war with stylish chapeaus. fine pencil work.
535) I like the shaggy look of the mane and tail with the cleaner lines of the uniform giving way to the mor jagged back end.
527) Armored big Mac would be pretty intimidating on the field of battle. His little grin makes him look like he knows it.
468) Two ponies for the price of one... one working the shield and one working the sword. Let's see some Griffons coordinate that well! I like the jazzy look to their helmets.
438) Aw, Carrot Top looks so cute I almost can forgive her for Alderaan. Funny choice!
348) She's not terrible at all... except in a "Great and Terrible Derpy" kind of way. We all know she will rain destruction down upon her enemies as if they were town halls. Love the pillows.
19) A top 20 entry... someone was on the ball. A very funny comic too. You're not supposed to be shell shocked until after the battle.
84) Not only full color, but a kick ass logo too! Very sharp work indeed on a clean design.
385) I don't know what you're complaining about... she's adorable. Who could stand up to any onslaught led by that face?
155) Ha! The apple morning star is genius.
17) Such a sad pony. I guess war really is hell... even mock war. Like her camo though.
319/519) Aw, yeah! A payload of whupass is about to be delivered from low orbit! Very cool.
224) I like that kind of pseudo-muscle armor design. I'm guessing it's a reference I don't know though.
ReplyDelete221) Awesome. here's hoping the Griffons don't have a Sarlaac.
70) Granny Smith in that uniform is indeed made of win.
449) How embarrassing to come to the front lines wearing last year's style. A great and funny cartoon!
139) @Almighty Spoonpony: I didn't realize you mentioned mine until I looked it up going through this list. If you look at the upload date on Deviant art, you'll see it was actually done in the original 24 hours, as per the rules. It didn't make the original day one post because of the technical issues though.
168) Gas masks are always creepy. Gas masks on ponies are cute and creepy.
8) A top Tenner. Cheerilee deserves a quick submission if any pony does. Only she and Donald Duck can pull off that shirt-and-no-pants combo so well.
501) Applejack thinks heavy armor is for sissies.
175) Say what you want, some ponies really rock a fine jumpsuit.
491) And some ponies only need a helmet and a god-given talent for evasion.
475) Pinkie knows something. The Griffon army had best prepare to be pranked hard.
315) Are spiked metal wing tips allowed by the Celestia convention? That's a pretty intimidating design.
166) Cool uniform! More officers should wear tails... even when they already have tails.
And one I noticed while going through all of these:
479 by Frith: Love the design, and honestly, what would freak out an enemy more than a pony that wore fur skins?! And such fashionable ones at that. I know I'd never mess with Fleur.
Whew. That gets me up to the current post. Awesome work to everyone who entered, and thanks to Phoe and all who put this together for us!
I'm actually a bit upset. I worked hard to get my submission in before 7 PST, despite a difficult work schedule today. The submission page was down from the time I was ready to submit to well after the deadline, so I emailed it in, so as not to miss the deadline. Apparently I missed it anyway. That actually really puts me off the while project a bit...
ReplyDeleteYay! I made a submission in time! Good thing this submission showed up this time, though, because it looks so much better than my first one, even if that isn't saying much. XD
@Harwick Thanks for the kind words. You drawing was simply AMAZING. I can't find any other words to articulate how awesome that is.
ReplyDeleteOh, and thanks to Phoe and Reinboom for being understanding and helping me upload my piece.
ReplyDeleteSo nice to see my endoskeleton up there! (#322)
For DashAttack the straggler (just kidding):
ReplyDelete524) Do those come in smaller sizes? You'd think the poofiness of her hair would have offered some help.
Fallen Angel: Thanks right back atcha.
And another that just happens to be insanely awesome:
288) By Lionel23 Just gorgeous work all around. Love the style immensely.
ReplyDeletePeople keep posting before I can finish my lists! I'm worried that the ponies apparently develop Skynet. Probably from the remains of Sweetie Bot, now that I think on it. Sweet drawing.
Okay, I'm done for the night!
@Harwick Thank you! I'm glad you like the weapon!
ReplyDeleteAs for your drawing, woah. Those are all the words I can muster up to describe it. I'm with Phoe, how did you make this? It's incredible!
Lots of good work :D
ReplyDeleteMine is #190, any feedback?
I hope I don't come off as too critical anywhere. There's nothing to be learned by "wow, that is good", but I also don't want to sound like I'm talking anyone down. That said... I guess I'm mostly just saying "wow that is good", but trying to be specific.
ReplyDelete#10 did a really god job on the expression and specifically the gloss on the eye.
#21 is just ridiculously good. Belongs in a drawfriend post, not the training grounds.
#22 It's a bit of a gimmick, but pulled off very well! I wonder how it would look animated. Probably awesome.
#26 made me chuckle.
#27 EXCELLENT job on the face and facial expression. The legs seem a bit off in terms of proportion, so that might be something to look at, but the face is PERFECT. Also the speech is amusing.
#31 Looks really nice. I'm at something vaguely at the same level myself, except I haven't done anything with colours. Facial expression and anatomy look very good. It's probaly time to play with poses beyond "pony standing" because you've got that down.
#90 is strangely compelling. I don't have any useful criticism... it's just... those eyes. SOMETHING was very well done with that expression.
#127 Adorable, and really good shading. Good emotive pose.
#207 What medium did you use? The colours and shading are WONDERFUL.
#219 Very emotive. Good use of a setting instead of just a pony floating in space.
#227 I wish I had a comment other than "LOL!"
#228 Really pops out of the page. The angle worked very well, and made it feel very 3 dimensional. Also, cool creative choice of armor.
#249 I like the facial expression, and the fact that something (conflict between hemlet and hat) is going on in the picture.
#263 could almost be from the show. Wow.
#282 "My goodness, the shading on this." Indeed. Wow.
#287 Good job on proportions and facial expression. Probably time to experiment with various poses, because you seem to have "pony in profile" down pat.
#294 Simple, but the angle makes it look nicely three dimensional. I like the non standard take on the wings. This one seems like it was drawn by someone working their way up the slope from "good" to eventually becoming "pretty epic".
#301 Vibrant colours, and two poses! You did a very good job of deviating just a bit from the show's exact specifications and putting your own artistic stamp on the picture. It's really hard to make someone else's character look like that character but ALSO like your own art, and you did it really well. Also, cute as hell.
#307 Wow, really elaborate armor! Also, the pose gives a good sense of motion... and the sword in the mouth is just cute.
#311 Nice facial expression! Everything else is good, but the face grabbed me.
#323 D'aww. Very cute. Good job especially with the helmet.
#417 Excellent facial expression.
#434 Despite the simple profile angle, there is a certain vibrancy to this picture that makes me think of a stained glass window of Joan of Arc.
#441 Adorable as heck.
#443 Makes me think of Pinkamena before her revilation. The eyes positively glow with moist cuteness.
#449 Good facial expressions, and good use of deceptively simple shading. And the comic element is funny.
#526 I should just say "wow, that's good" but... wow, that's good. Good perspective, facial expressions, shading, colouring... I want to be that good some day. Uumm... their necks seem a teensy bit long. There, I FOUND something to cricitize, but only by trying. :)
#533 Very cute. Reminds me of a lithgraph...
So many ponies. so little time
ReplyDeleteHi Everypony! I apologize for the downtime at about the last second.
ReplyDeleteThere were a TON more page hits than I was expecting and it caused the server to run out of memory, run out of swap space, and raise all 4 cpus to max.
The downtime was caused by me emergency shutting it down and then quickly placing a secondary caching service in front of everything. I'm sorry that happened, but it needed to or else the server was at risk of dying.
Everything is ok now though and the new setup shouldn't cause issues. :D
Still gotta love all the art! Nice job everypony!
ReplyDelete#29 here and Yay! I got a comment for Phoe!
PNG images suffer in the thumbnails... :(
ReplyDeleteArctic_Kiwi: I'll try to fix that. :) Thanks.
ReplyDeleteDon't you worry about SkyNet, I've got one incoming... if I manage to finish drawing, that is.
>mfw I couldn't submit mine :C
ReplyDeleteYeah I went seached google and deviant art for ponys hold swords with tails and I couldn't find anything so I tried to remember how I drew TMNT way back when I did in the 80's and 90's.
Anyway I am about half way done with my day 2 picture I just need to decide if I am putting armor on this pony or not since she is just training.I guess given the context of the picture it would best to. I also need to decide where I am putting this sword.
#256, #257 reporting for duty!
ReplyDeleteSo many awesome ponies, I have no words.
Also, comment from Phoe, my life is complete :P
good work everypony! loooots of pics... probably gonna be even more next time...
ReplyDelete#526: I have found my new wallpaper. -:D
ReplyDeleteYeah this is all very amazing stuff. Very humbling indeed.
Woah... too many for me.
ReplyDeletelol @ #1 though: they have knee armor!
Nopony's taking an arrow to the knee this year!
Okay I just need to put this sword somewhere in this picture then I will be done then I may do some basic background with it.
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say is I <3 the ones that made Dark Souls and Demon's Souls references, that Garl Whinyland? Win
ReplyDeleteWow... that's a lot of quality artwork! And I was so keen I got my picture second on the entire post? Nice.
ReplyDeleteThere done with my picture. Now I have to wait till everyone in the house to wake up to upload it. Also I have to go to jury duty today to see if I actually am going to be apart of the jury so I wanna try to get it submited before I have to be down there which is at 8 am PST.So about 5 hours from now.
ReplyDeleteSo many awesome drawings to look through, don't have the time to comment on them but seriously good job to everyone that submitted!
ReplyDeleteHuh? Where's my entry? I sent it in on time (or so I thought), so where is it? What happened to it?
ReplyDeleteThere was a sound, as if a thousand wi-fi connections screaming in pain.
ReplyDeleteAnd then there was art.
#49 Flame Haze Twilight? Ah don't know, but OP Twilight is always good.
ReplyDeleteAlso DAT #518! All hail dem muffins.
Yay I made it in! Wow there are so many amazing entries here worth mentioning. I'm not even gonna list them all, but I will give a round of applause to everypony who participates for their hard work. Let's hope the next days fare just as well.
ReplyDelete(Also #263 is obviously the best pony out there...yknow, just stating the a non-biased siree..)
#510 Reporting,
ReplyDeleteLove the talent and creativity this community brings to the table. Also medic ponies FTW!
Im slightly annoyed mine isnt here, I submitted it... For any who read this though, here it is:
#104 here.
ReplyDeleteYay! Mine made it in! Huzzah!
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you. :3
ReplyDeleteI hear ya. I submitted mine as well, on time even, and kinda put off that it wasn't posted as well.
Here's mine, even though people will probably not even bother to look:
Sweet, #518 is awesome! Found mine at #511.
ReplyDelete#49 was mine. Im not sure either lol
ReplyDeleteOh, and if anyone cares, heres my dA:
I have no regrets.
In number 526 colgate looks like she is thinking we are all going to die.
ReplyDeleteSo much awesome art.
ReplyDeleteNow gonna go into drawing of Day 2.
Definitely need to spend more time on second one.
#215 no twilight, red is not a good color to wear... unless you like engineering.
ReplyDeleteMy submission actually is Celestia... Probably not awesome and all but still...
All very nice pictures. Wish i could draw...
ReplyDeleteHaving a damn hard time trying to translate what I see in my head into what I put onto paper.
ReplyDeleteThis kinda sucks. Can't seem to draw worth a crap today.
is the deadline 7pm or midnight EST? I have mine half done but i'll be busy this evening. If its midnight I'll have time to polish it off.
ReplyDeleteYour deadline is 10 pm, EST. 7 pacific.
well im in at 101! heh...I used to be able to crack a pun to go with that, but then i took an arrow to the knee XD (it sucks but its all ive got)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't seem to be. Looks like my next entry will be denied as well, seeing as I cannot submit this one.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I don't have all day to wait this time. I've got a bit of a full plate today, so I'll shoot it off to the email and plop it down here, so there's TWO forms of entry this time. Hopefully one of them gets through and posted this time.
#545 HOLLA <I have no friends
sweet Celestia i have forgotten how many pictures can be in a training ground.
ReplyDeletegood work everyone, makes me wish i had artistic drive (note, i actually can draw, just no idea how, if you know what i mean)
Aw, I missed the day 1 submission again! But at least my day 2 is safely uploaded now.
ReplyDeleteSubmitted my Day 2 work.
ReplyDeleteI didn't want to do it at first, the hell's with the assignment, training is boring. But today I've had semi-amusing idea and decided to draw. Had little time and urge to put actual effort into drawing or digitizing properly.
Watch out, it will look like ass.
Oh. my. GOD.
ReplyDeleteJust look at the disturbing lack of gasmasks!
Oh, right. Well, these are all awesome! Especially the ones with should lamps!
*needs more shoulder lamps and gasmasks*
Yay, mine are up there!
ReplyDeleteToo bad they're traced and took me almost 2 weeks of intermittent work to make.
I'd better get to work if I'm gonna make a second submission.
Not the easiest of subjects today. Best I can take from day 2 is that I've got a nice sketch for a future day and refined my OC/uniform a bit more.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone tell me how to submit from DeviantArt? Or if there's any other way? It's being lame and I can't figure it out since I'm incompetent or something...
ReplyDeleteFinished and submitted my day two pic!
ReplyDeleteAnd finished in about half the time as yesterday's took (though I still took five hours today lol)
eeeee I'm getting excited for tonight!
ReplyDeletePhew thanks Phoe. Post 1AM finishing work commencing. Tuesdays are not a good day for me :-/
Back from jury duty and I don't have to do it for another year. I also just submitted my picture. Now I can relax for the rest of the night.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting a "Database Failure" error whenever I try to to submit through the submission website, is the script broken again?
ReplyDelete(posting Day 2 submission here just in case)
I'm assuming it's ok to post pictures that weren't up here. Because I was lazy and missed the deadline.
Hooray for awful quality!
I'm so happy I finished mine in time for it to be here. ^_^ I'm really happy to be included, even if it's not very good and I had to take the picture with my phone. There are so many beautiful drawings here. It makes me so happy jut to be a part! :)
ReplyDeleteThis couldn't have come at a better time, I just started making a custom minecraft texture pack with proper pony armor and some of these are completely amazing, I am definitely using these as inspiration
ReplyDeleteThis has inspired me! So much greatness. Bronies are ^3^ "so awesome"