For today, as I'm sure you all have noticed, the submission script we had been using is no longer functional. We're currently seeking alternative solutions, but for now what we were planning on doing is taking your entries via e-mail. However! There's a problem with this. I have just moved into a new apartment. This apartment does not have internet service. I cannot possibly manage all of this on my phone, and the solution I used today is now no longer an option. And you guys are so full of pictures it hurts. So here's what I'm doing. I'm getting as many pictures up in tonight's gallery as possible. What I can't get to, I'll release in a sub-gallery tomorrow. I'm giving you Day 2's theme now, but DO NOT SUBMIT!!! You're getting bonus time to think of neat ways to do it. I will let you know when I can manage to run this event in a way that's fair to all of you. I let you down, and I'm sorry.
Day 2: You're In the Army Now
After taking some time to get adjusted to your new life, you finally feel ready to turn up for basic training. Like your bunkmate keeps saying, no point in marching off to war without knowing how to fight, right? The sun is shining painfully bright above you, as the drill instructor barks orders at pair of fencing unicorns.
"No. Guard up, damn you! Up! Riposte! Why aren't you...? Ugh. Just... just take five, everypony."
Now, she turns to you, and the rest of the newbie class, gesturing to the foam swords sitting in front of you.
"Pick those up and find a partner."
It doesn't take long for you to learn you're not cut out for this. It's impossible to get a grip, and all you can manage to occasionally take a clumsy horizontal slash at your sparring partner. You're rewarded for your efforts with a disapproving thwack from the instructor's own foam blade.
"Nmph. Yuh hbth to hrd rt lrrk thth!"
"Thth! Lrrk thth!" She gestures wildly, but does nothing further to communicate her... uh... point.
"Whr mrshf..." Ptooi. "Why would anypony even make weapons like this in a country without hands?"
High above on a tower balcony, Princess Celestia stifles a giggle.
Assignment: Draw a pony in training
Normally I ramble on here about stuff, but I'm afraid right now I just don't have the time for it. I did my best to leave comments like I used to "back in the day", but putting the gallery together by hoof hasn't left me very much in the way of opportunity. I apologize profusely. A quick note to those of you who are new and feeling bad because you don't like your image compared to some of the others: take heart. It's not about being amazing right from the get go, but working toward something bigger. Just because we don't all start from the same place doesn't mean we're not reaching for the same thing. You're all brave and wonderful for submitting. So with that said, here is the Day 1 Gallery:
1) By Benevolent Brony
2) By TheLunarArmy
3) By White Pwny
4) By D4SHTH3R4INB0W/Wispy Spirit
5) By FiftySeven
6) By Moricai
7) By Paul
8) By Ryan Korteway
9) By Paul
10) By Rickay
11) By Big Mackintosh
12) By DANDY8
13) By Brony001
14) By Rachel (I'm still in love with your colors)
15) By Pcjoyce
16) By kuser77
17) By Silver Pie
18) By Cedar13 (Wow, double bonus points! Gold star! =D)
19) By DE Fluttershy (There sure is)
20) By Cloverjump
21) By Gin Fizz
22) By PonE-Sharp
23) By TheRecliner27
24) By thepiguy
25) By tangelotime
26) By Sir tristan, knight of the round stable
27) By Dana
28) By Discord
29) By VeoBandit (Remember the Children's Crusade? I'm sad now)
30) By Brian Johnson
31) By Leeches
32) By Lardias Shepard
33) By TurplePurtle
34) By Aemios
35) By Da Chi
36) By Wax Tom Cruise
37) By Derpster
38) By Grace
39) By Kentora (This is so cool)
40) By Obscure
41) By Saphin
42) By lazzyX
43) By Little Emerald
44) By Mr. Hero
45) By 123Hamster (The hens of war)

46) By Ailynd
47) By Aipom93
48) By Alec
49) By Alex Roanheim
50) By Alexstrazsa (Hey you!)
51) By Alina
52) By Ando
53) By awh-tokyo
54) By Benevolent Brony
55) By Benevolent Brony (how'd that smudge happen exactly?)
56) By BetweenFriends (I like this kind of uniform! =D)
57) By Bigbaddrag
58) By BiohazardosDouglas
59) By Birdco
60) By blackealge642
61) By BronyGamer
62) By Brownmane
63) By ChaosDX1
64) By Colgate (She looks so sad and freaked out. I desire to hug her)
65) By D0va132
66) By D0va132
67) By dasparkle
68) By DawnAllies
69) By DawnAllies
70) By Derek W
71) By derpy dash typhlosion
72) By Devotedgirls (Snowflake is the perfect name for a hardened warrior)
73) By Diego Havoc
74) By D'koda
75) By Elda-klol
76) By Jen
77) By Ennio
78) By Eva
79) By exKira
80) By Fancy Day
81) By Firenze
82) By Fox E
83) By hat
84) By HavikM66 (Would it be too much of a bother to trouble anypony for some Mail Armor of my own?)
85) By Hilltopper (I also approve of this type of uniform)
86) By Homely Bacon
87) By Insomnia
88) By James Corck
89) By Jarred
90) By Jay6
91) By jilei ding (the horned helmet is awesome)
92) By KattyPow
93) By King T
94) By King T
95) By konnexi
96) By koscian
97) By Kristie
98) By Kusser77
99) By Kyzenex
100) By Magrior
101) By MarkusPP
102) By Meevee115
103) By mysecsha
104) By Nelvakre (Well, she does have a bow...)
105) By Nezbot
106) By Nezbot (I adore the hell out of Rarity and Dashie in this)
107) By Nezbot
108) By NikkuWalkanov
109) By Nny11
110) By noisemaker111
111) By Norque
112) By Nowler
113) By obmutescentdin
114) By Onix
115) By Paavi0
116) By Pantzar
117) By pinkieswirl
118) By PixelSprite
119) By Puppet
120) By Raedrob
121) By Redesine (I love every part of this)
122) By Roxor128
123) By SaddlesoapOpera
124) By Samie
125) By SamuelEAllen
126) By Saunder
127) By Sebbaa
128) By Shadestars
129) By shadowfalcon76
130) By Shellie Sakanokashi
131) By ShinZm
132) By Silent Machina
133) By Sketch56
134) By SuperDSombrero
135) By Swedecest
136) By Thanqol
137) By The Greek dollmaker
138) By theoriginal93
139) By Tiburo (Holy crap fabulosity)
140) By tinehanimations
141) By Tyler Shivers
142) By Vabla
143) By Vahnara (Medic!)
144) By Vincent Fang (Saber pony?)
145) By W4X
146) By Wirefly
147) By Wisami
148) By Wishdream (yes ma'am!)
149) By ZeroSSOX
150) By ZeroSSOX
151) By ZeroSSOX
152) By Zubias
153) By 1 1
154) By 13Era
155) By Aaron
156) By aldo
157) By ArcheonZ
158) By Artimeseus
159) Aurora Alchemi
160) By Bionic21
161) By Bloodkiaser923
162) By bobdat
163) By BrightChimeraDragon
164) By Calmevir
165) By CamiCube
166) By Chalk Borders
167) By chromedisguise
168) By colonk
169) By ctone
170) By daisymare
171) By Easteu (My Lady, I shall do whatever you desire *swoons*)
172) By Eliwood10
173) By Elkers
174) By enigmaticelocution (Eeyup.)
175) By EpicThomasC
176) By Ethrx
177) By FicFicPonyFic
178) By Flak-k (I am seriously loving kick-flank Sparkler)
179) By Frostclaw (The pattern on this is super neat)
180) By Gallant Tempest
181) By GillyRae
182) By Gozer The Equestrian
183) By Hewison
184) By hinataiscute
185) By horselover256
186) By Immersa
187) By Inenta
188) By Joystik
189) By Koeks-Bienchen (the single most intimidating candy cane ever)
190) By Kyrhi
191) By Luismonday2009 (I really expected more of these)
192) By Lunar Apologist (next time I expect more Lunar!pony)
193) By Lunebell
194) By Machel
195) By Mart
196) By Midnight Shadow
197) By MikeTheWeatherPony (Why no, sir! Not at all!)
198) By Mr. Bitey (I love the name)
199) By mr.Paulsen
200) By newtypenihon (Stand. Stand by that sword)
201) By Noah
202) By nyrocu
203) By otherunicorn (your other image wouldn't upload for some reason. Sorry...)
204) Pegasus Rescue Brigade
205) By PluieTheWolf
206) By PoldekPL
207) By Ponymancer (we really need more bits and bridles on military uniforms. They're cute.)
208) By PonySterling
209) By Raagentreg (Digging the feather)
210) By Rasrap Smurf (yeeeeesssss)
211) By Rbug2006
212) By runeslayer100
213) By Sneakysam
214) By ShoeboxWarrior
215) By CG-Sphinx (Have we seen ponies with beards before?)
216) By sirustalcelion
217) By Sovwi
218) By StingingGorilla
219) By Team PWNY
220) By Troutzorz
221) By TwinQuasars
222) By Twistbolt (So adorable)
223) By Tylian (You sure are!)
224) By wolfen14
225) By WoW-200 (Ninja ponies rock)
226) Zora Yardan
227) otherunicorn (Oh hey, I found it! =D)
228) By 8bitbleep
229) By AaronMK
230) By Abby
231) By adam5396
232) By AlberioOrion (woo, a comic!)
233) By Alex Krull
234) By Alipes
235) By aninja twitch
236) By artsofallkinds
237) By Aureliette
238) By Author Tempus
239) By BadMan171
240) By Blingingjack
241) By Chromadancer
242) By Clemzelz
243) By Cloudynights
244) By d1sel
245) By DreamhazeMaster
246) By Evine (let this be a lesson in the dangers of overextension)
247) By fajeh
248) By FerrousOxideMolecule
249) By FlyvBoy
250) By GBbrony
251) By GenericPonyName120 (next time please don't make me search deviantART to find your submission)
252) By GentlemanlyMan
253) By Glaive-Silver
254) By GrubbusTheUnclean
255) By H.P. Lovecolt
256) By he11ix (I laughed at this for 15 minutes straight)
257) By Huundee
258) By IllustriousOtter
259) By izzyhorselover (I love the armor design)
260) By JiiKoo
261) By Jimbo1023 (Sweetie <3)
262) By Keboponda
263) By Kinrah
264) By Kiyo (Fluttershy is the best part of this)
265) By kysomryal
266) By kyttyee (Hello, nurse!)
267) By littlelime (Battle Celly is best Celly)
268) By LoneWolfMark
269) By Loopylung (never apologize for being new to something)
270) By lota (I want one)
271) By Lupr (the detail work on this is staggering)
272) By melynxe
273) By Milante
274) By MoonlightScribe
275) By MrCartier
276) By Nell
277) By new gate
278) By pageturner1988
279) By Philith
280) By PhysicallyPossible
281) By Pix (It's kinda nice to see somepony actually following the event's narrative)
282) By daisyksmith (I sympathize with you, little nursepony)
283) By Dakishambada
284) By Digitalchaos117
285) By dinoburger
286) By PonyKrieger
287) By Prismastic Pretzel (Power Chords)
288) By Prower
289) By Ready to Scout
290) By riordian
291) By SciontheKitsune
292) By SirDrakous
294) By stardust
295) By Starlight Quill
296) By TetraPony
297) By thaBIGDADDY5
298) By The Grey Potter
299) By Tosxychor
300) By TractionPony
301) By Undermine
302) By Weirgeiss
303) By xOnimaru777
304) By You Shall Not Pass
305) By You Shall Not Pass (That is definitely how you wear a helmet. Yes indeed.)
306) By You Shall Not Pass (The fanciest of all possible pants)
307) By The Laughing Horror
This is all I have time to do before my laptop dies. I'll get to the rest as soon as I can. My sincerest apologies to the other 260 plus entrants...
My labtop would have crashed long ago. Gulp.
ReplyDeleteI'm really liking number 148!!
I wish I would have drawn something that would have been worthy of anything but a firepit.....
560... Mother of god.
ReplyDeleteI'm rushing to finish my submission. My computer has not been cooperating today, so I'm praying I can still get something in for tomorrow's sub gallery.
ReplyDeleteOh my dear Celestia. 560+ entries. Holy shit. Good work, everypony!
ReplyDeletePhoe, I weep for your poor poor inbox ;_;
Phoe, it must have taken a very very very very very very very long time to do this. I thank you for this.
ReplyDeleteNo worries, take all the time you need
ReplyDeleteoh no I'm missed the deadline and these are all great and I love this Idea hope fully plans will go smoother in the future.
ReplyDelete>those tags
ReplyDelete"Assignment: Draw a pony in training"
ReplyDeleteWell crap, now I've half a mind to shoot too high and do "I'll Make a Man Out of You" with ponies.
ReplyDeleteCurse you and thinking exactly what I was thinking.
I managed to get the wrong idea somehow. my drawing has completely nothing to do with soldiers/boot camp.
well, at least she's in uniform...
Hosting an event for our benefit for free completely off your own back and YOU let US down?
ReplyDeleteSheesh Phoe. We don't all feel quite so entitled.
Forget the drawings, the total pageviews are about to reach their limit! CELESTIA HELP US!
ReplyDeleteWow, 560 ponies ready for battle :D
ReplyDeleteAwesome job everypony!
I already have a plan for Day 2, it's inspired by #143 :)
I feel more significant than I thought I would after seeing these entrees.
ReplyDeleteGood luck getting everything back in order!
yes mine is indeed full of fail but i derp
ReplyDeleteWait, so when can we submit?
ReplyDeleteYay! Mine made it!
ReplyDeleteThose were really good!
ReplyDeleteI wish mine hadn't taken so long to do so it would have made it in time for this. -_-
Aw mine didn't make it... I hope that it goes through. I'm going to start working on Day 2 <3
ReplyDeleteI notice a many of them were made before the artist training ground.. that is kinda cheating isnt?
ReplyDeleteSo I guess this means Twilight is going to die?
Too much Pony.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, that's a lot. Good thing you managed to get half. Really like some of these pieces. Wish I had links, but that would have been a lot more work than needed.
ReplyDeleteGood job everypony!
ReplyDelete@Muppetz Red shirt Twilight!? KHHHHAAAAANNNNNNN!
ReplyDelete28 is clearly the best.
ReplyDeleteEveryone's stuff is so great!! :D
ReplyDeleteI'm #289!
On to the next Assignment!
ReplyDeleteLet's hope that she's a next generation red shirt then lol
So normally what I do for these is make a list of submissions I liked, along with comments on my own submission, but uh...yeah blogger would die if I tried making a post big enough to contain all the ones I like. Tried before, after all. =P
ReplyDeleteAnyway these are all amazing <3 You all are amazing. <3 It is SO AWESOME seeing new artists like this, hope you guys enjoy the next few days as well. =D
And remember! EVERYTHING COUNTS. Stickpony scribbles are welcome just as much as any other art! (otherwise I wouldn't have been able to submit. =P)
Dont got in it :(
ReplyDeleteHere was mine-
Wow, those are all really great! <3 Good job everypony!
ReplyDeleteOh my frickin celestia! That is a crap load of work. I envy you Phoe and your respective laptop. Scratch that. I salute you! :D
ReplyDeleteHoly Cupcakes that's a lot of pictures, and there's more?!
ReplyDeleteMy one will probably show in the next galley, then. It'll be nice to a have few seconds of fame as everypony quickly looks as it as they scroll down.
Wow... Just got finished scrolling through all the entries. Quite a few talented artists, and newbies. But yes, we all need to get are crappy drawings out before we all become good.
ReplyDeleteSo our assignment is to draw a pony in training? Sounds fun! Kinda vague, but it leaves a lot of room for creativity. I'll do my best, sir! *Salute*
Phoe, thank you for your dedication to this silly little event. I urge you to not stress yourself over it. Now, I will patiently wait for my submission to be posted in the tomorrow's sub gallery, while thinking about something awesome for day two.
ReplyDeleteHoly CRAP.
ReplyDeleteMan . . . this list is overwhelming to go through . . and there's another set almost as long that hasn't been published yet?!
Great job y'all =D
ReplyDelete"in the tomorrow?" I need some sleep.
Cool beans, ladies and germs. Cool beans.
ReplyDeleteAs for a little wait, no problem, Phoe. No problem. You do what you need to do.
i have two more, didnt turn in due to MS Paint being the lamest of art, but im glad i practiced, and that the community had much to offer!
ReplyDeleteWow that's a lot! It took me 20 minutes to read all that! I'm looking forward to the next bunch tomorrow, thanks Phoe! :D
ReplyDeleteHuzzah! The fun has been *draws a blank* MULTIPLED!
ReplyDeleteQuestion for assignment 2. Does this need to feature the same pony drawn for the first assignment?
ReplyDelete223 is definitely the best.
ReplyDeleteOh, man! So many of those are absolutely awesome!
ReplyDeletePhoe, seriously, you did NOT let us down. This event was (and will continue to be) completely awesome. Thank you.
P.S. No pressure, but you misspelled my user name (#265). It's "kysomyral," not "kysomryal." No biggie. Don't worry about fixing it unless you feel you have to.
Yay! I made it in!
ReplyDeleteGreat work, everypony!
So much pony! Really, 560?! I don't dare load this page with pics on my phone, so can't see art yet :(
ReplyDeleteAlso yay, mine got in on the first batch! ^^
YAYAYAY I got in! 276 BTW it's upsidedown. LOL
ReplyDeleteIt's Dr Whooves If anypony was wondering.
Dayum... So much pony. Nice job, bronies!
ReplyDeleteoh man. my second best submission made it in. but i don't see my twilight drawing. that was the best one.
ReplyDelete*nervously biting his nails hoping it will show up tomorrow*
Woo Hoo! Mine made it on! Also, wow 560 entries? That's a staggering amount of fine early art from future professionals.
ReplyDeleteOkay yeah so I forgot the tail on my official submission. (#36, for those keeping score at home) Oops. But that's alright, I added it on my deviantArt account. I won't link it, because that's lame and all that's different is a smudged tail, but yeah if anypony notices that, yes, I am aware of it! :p
ReplyDelete(Oh, and also, sorry for this incredibly generic username. It's just my nickname on AIM and its the easiest one to link to on EqD)
Nice pictures guys! I wish I could've submitted mine but I'm awful with emails and I got tired and fell asleep for like 9 hours.
ReplyDeleteOMG, I'm the first one... Hahaha
ReplyDeleteso.. it's too late to somehow still join? :P
ReplyDeletehaha oh god my drawings are just terrible compared to mostly all of these. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteWhoo, I was in the first 10% of the 560!
ReplyDeleteAw man, I didn't relize that it was due at the end of the day. I'll have to work hard in school ( on ponies) !
ReplyDeleteI hope the griffons show up in force, 'cause right now the battle's looking pretty one-sided o_0
ReplyDeleteAlso, alas, I am relegated to the sub-gallery. Phoe sure did let us down by taking so much time out of her schedule to manage this event for us, free of charge. :P
But seriously, Phoe, keep being awesome.
So many images to compile!! There are a lot of fun ideas looking through them all. 59 Applevader = :D
ReplyDeletele sigh. I guess I'll have to wait for the other 260 for people to see mine. Oh wells.
ReplyDeleteLotta these are really awesome though. This fandom never ceases to amaze me :D
wow now that is alot of pony art.
ReplyDeleteo no i meam ug
ReplyDeleteSuper-fantastic times were had by all!
ReplyDeleteOh hey I got in the first group. Also a comment by Phoe. Yay! Thanks for the hard work.
ReplyDeleteI thought this was supposed to be for newbie artists. Half the entries don't seem like the work of newbies to me. They seem more like the stuff which ends up in the Drawfriends.
ReplyDeleteI see the piece of crap I submitted at 1 AM ended up in the list. Well, it's crap compared to the good entries. I've got a looong way to go...
Sadly mine didn't make it! Quite proud of it for a new artist! Here it is though
I'm so sad, I was on to coloring my pic today and my power went out. And yes, I am a foal for not saving. Four hours lost and not enough time for a new one. ;_;
ReplyDeleteSorry I couldn't get a submission in.
May as well get started on today's theme then.
And thank you so much for this event!
YES, I made it in time! :D
ReplyDelete#69 (hm, saucy number XD) is my great and powerful Firehoof! XD
Though it´s by *By DawnAllies* and not *By James Rye*? Oh well, i wrote my name in the pic and submitted it so i know who made this in the end.^^
Thanks alot for your hard work, Phoe. You didn´t let us down. :3
Also really amazing community, over 560 entries and many of them were firsttimer artists just like me.
You´re so awesome, bronies! 8D
I know everypony else has made it clear that we are insanely grateful, but THANK YOU PHOE! I can't imagine trying to keep up with all of this.
ReplyDeleteI'm #282 :)
Darn strange american time :< I managed to miss the deadline and now the site is down too.
ReplyDeleteWow so many awesome artist! Man I wish some of them link back to DA. I would love to fave them. Hopefully I can find them ^-^
ReplyDeleteSadly my comic didn't make the cut today. Sorry for overloading you with art Phoe ^^;
We basically got a small medium-sized batallion worth of ponies. I can live with this.
ReplyDeleteMade it! :D :D Thanks Phoe!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJeez, these get so many entries. It's seriously mind-boggling to me.
ReplyDeleteAnd so many great ones too! I see what you did in #104. I like it. ;) And #139... holy crap, that's incredible! Think it might be my favorite of this set. That outfit is simply gorgeous. But it's Hoity Toity, so of course. :D
And let down? Who's let down? I know I'm not let down, this is perfectly fine in my opinion.
im #42 . . . isn't that number the meaning of life the universe and everything? anyhoo I finished the second Assignment here is a link
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks for everything, Phoe! Sorry things are breaking! No rush at all-I'm just so happy that the training grounds are back. I'll have to use the extra time to make the next one better...or I'll just procrastinate.
ReplyDeleteNumber 214 reporting in. Can you tell who he is or am I getting too old? ;)
I can't wait to see the rest but as for the one's that are here they are all pretty much awesome. Some of my favorites:
45-loved the colors and made me laugh
56-There’s this song that keeps going through my head when I see this
68-I lolled
80- I really like your art style
106-very very nice
131-Dash is look particularly epic
174-Big Mac looks good in armor
189-More reasons to fear Pinkie Pie =p
259-really loving her armor
264-I feel like this when I play battlefield too, Fluttershy
279-Heh heh Despony
Eh, I'll just link mine here in the comments. It's waaaay too late, even with the "two hours overtime" thing. But oh well.
ReplyDeleteSome fine stuff in this NATG.
Oh wow, I'm surprised Phoe can even still see after the atrocity I inflicted upon her with my mess, much less see it in the first batch. Well bronies, don't say I didn't warn yall...
ReplyDeleteTraining, huh? Looks like it's time to put Silver Lining (and my art hand) through the paces...
wait so are we allowed to do drawings on the computer? or just hand drawn?
ReplyDeleteThis is a lot of stuff! And a lot of good stuff too. I'm impressed.
ReplyDeleteThis new assignment is the perfect excuse to draw a scene from that fic I wrote. :D
Time to get warm up the mouse.
There is a large variety in the quality of these submissions, at both ends.
ReplyDeleteI'm 147. The Title I gave mine describes what I feel about it.
ReplyDeleteSee what I mean.
@Wisami The problem with describing your work as "crappy" is that anybody who looks at your work and says "Wow, that guy's drawing is way better than mine" automatically feels in his mind that you must think of his work as crappy as well.
ReplyDeleteI think that everybody can probably think of things that they would like to change in their drawing. This is a side effect of the fact that we're all amateurs, and that we had a limited time, and that the subject matter (military stuff) was foreign to a lot of us. But unconstructive self-deprecation ("my drawing sucks" as opposed to "I need to work on eye size in proportion to head size") doesn't help much.
Wew! Made it! Mine is Number 49.
ReplyDeleteSorry. But I didn't call it crappy until after everyone called there's crappy. And It's crappy compared to what I used to be able to draw. I swear my drawing is getting worse everyday. But sorry everypony who thinks there work is bad because of me. Your work is great and with practice you can become the best of artists. But I still don't like mine :( But still sorry.
I'm just going to leave this here:
Yeah, its hard to be satisfied when you look at really awesome pieces of art everyday, I know I'm not satisfied with my entry, but hell - we need to practice, hard work is key to everything, drawing too (unless you was born with it ;)).
ReplyDeleteYour Entry is (20*10^99)% cooler than mine.
Oh my God, 560!?
ReplyDeleteAll of a sudden I feel guilty to keep drawing >_>; I don't wanna give you so much work Phoe, but these fingers must keep sketching! Can't stop them! Aaaah!
Dang, mine didn't get in. That's a pity. I'll just leave it here.
Even so, all this art is amazing, awesome work everypony!
I'm 256. I knew Phoe's inbox would be frightening with the site being down, so I'm glad I managed to lighten things a bit.
ReplyDelete@Wisami Maybe, but there are entries (20*10^99)% cooler than mine, and so what, there always will be someone better than You. I am already drawing for 2nd day and I hope You'll do your piece too. Practice makes perfect, so pens up.
ReplyDeleteYay, I got a comment from Phoe. My life is now complete.
ReplyDeleteYay, im #2!
I see mine didnt get on the list, but it was terrible anyway. i have a better idea for the 2nd day.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, when should we submit the 2nd day's drawing?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to try. The more you draw the better you get. But this time I'm not going to be lazy and I'm going to actually try to draw something. That doesn't mean it's going to be much better though.
Yay! Mine made it! I thought for sure it wouldn't. I still feel bad for helping everyone spam her inbox.
ReplyDeleteUh, so what about those who finished their pic in time but didn't submit it cause the link was down and were afraid to mailbomb Phoe?
ReplyDeleteI'd go for it, but I'm thoroughly sick of the Army at this point... :P
ReplyDeleteAw, peanut brittle. Mine didn't make it yet. Ah, well. Hope things are up and running soon!
ReplyDeleteYay, I'm #61. So, Draw a pony in training? This is gonna be hard one...
ReplyDeleteAh, what the heck, since I've done it might as well post it on Ponybooru...
All right, I made it! Mine is #299 ^^
ReplyDeleteMany congrats to all who participated! So many of your drawings are just AMAZING! :O
#201 Lol I wish I spent more time one it.I think I messed up on one part.Pony in Training coming up!
ReplyDeleteMine looks so out of place compared to everypony's else. ;n;
Woo! #68! And so very very very many pony arts.. wow. You're doing a wonderful job Phoe!
ReplyDeleteI will say, yeah, as stated up there a bit by James Rye. I only entered the one pony! That wonderful entry is by another artist.
But hey, worse mistakes could be made and given the pressure you're under, that's not too bad.
Good luck with getting everything running again!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOMG, I'm 173 ;D
ReplyDeleteOn the other hoof...
Sorry for spamming your inbox with my entry, Phoe D:
Hahahah, this is absolutely INSANE. How many times more is this than the most we ever had in one day last June? At least three times, right? And this is just the first day, which felt like it came outta nowhere. Unbelievable. Well, now we definitely know how to get the whole community DRAWING LIKE CRAZY more than ever before!
ReplyDeleteNow, Phoe, I'm not mad and I'm still super glad you decided to do this, though I'm sure you're going to have to get lots of help running this now that we know how crazy-huge it's gonna be! I don't mind if my stuff's put up late, I especially don't even expect it to be really noticed within this massive menagerie of amazing art, I just feel satisfied knowing that I definitely sent you an email before the deadline. That's what matters--actually DOING a piece and submitting it on a schedule. Makes us feel like we're doing something "real", you know? And definitely helps us improve.
Hahahah, this is absolutely INSANE. How many times more is this than the most we ever had in one day last June? At least three times, right? And this is just the first day, which felt like it came outta nowhere. Unbelievable. Well, now we definitely know how to get the whole community DRAWING LIKE CRAZY more than ever before!
ReplyDeleteNow, Phoe, I'm not mad and I'm still super glad you decided to do this, though I'm sure you're going to have to get lots of help running this now that we know how crazy-huge it's gonna be! I don't mind if my stuff's put up late, I especially don't even expect it to be really noticed within this massive menagerie of amazing art, I just feel satisfied knowing that I definitely sent you an email before the deadline. That's what matters--actually DOING a piece and submitting it on a schedule. Makes us feel like we're doing something "real", you know? And definitely helps us improve.
Aww..., mine looks really out of place in there =P
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear we have extra time though,
i usually take my time with this so it should improve..., my..., something...-
Hmm..., i wonder if we have to use the same character in the same uniform/armor?
Oh, and umm, hi everyone =)
ReplyDelete(1'st and 2'nd posts here)
126+128+177) Haha! Fellow Kitchen Krusaders!
ReplyDeleteWe have some nice armor! And more importantly, enough recruits to seriously shift the balance in this mock war!
Now then, training. Brainstorming ideas... Putting the obvious TF2 reference on the backburner... Recalling all training moments...
In @ 103!
ReplyDeleteHmm... next time maybe don't take a cell phone picture in a dark room. Maybe turn on a light or something.
Also, I promise I'm not using the contest as an excuse to draw things from my own fic... I CAN'T HELP IT IT JUST HAPPENS THAT WAY OK?
So umm yeah...I guess I'll shamelessly post my link too. Silly time zones made me miss the deadline for the first assignment :<
I'm #213 Man, I'll have to try and use Paintshop this time. They got my name wrong though.
ReplyDeleteWow barely made it, #295 here, Feeling pretty good about both this pic an my new idea for day 2. New Lunar Republic for the win all the way.
ReplyDeleteThanks again Phoe for this and don't beat yourself up, stuff happens and at least you got all this up, a real trooper on that.
Aww, all of that rushing to meet the deadline and I'm one of the 260. shameless self bump:
ReplyDeleteHaahaha. My total failure made it in.
ReplyDeleteWhee. xD
#223 Here, I'm a programmer who has never drawn before. Confound these ponies, driving me to try something new!
Don't worry about it! You went further than a lot of us would be able to, I think. We all really appreciate your dedication!
ReplyDeleteWork kept me behind but figured I'd quickly try and finish what I'd started. :) Made up some ponies up for this, we'll how they get on.
#233 won the competition. Hands down.
ReplyDelete#273's not that bad either *cough* :P
Okay I think we all know Spartan II armor is best kind of armor. But all these do have potential.
ReplyDeleteGah, typo, I meant 223. Though 233 is good too.
ReplyDeleteI hate you, keyboard.
Well then again the Steel Ranger (Brotherhood of Steel) armor does have something to be said for itself.
ReplyDeleteSpartan II? Thats not how You spell Tactical Dreadnought Armor.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteActually quite happy with so many people joining in, all these wonderful references :D
ReplyDeleteHa, I regret posting 86, The hell was I thinking xD
ReplyDeleteAt least it won't be hard to improve on the next picture xD
#137 HELGHAST PONY? Awesome *plays KZ2 Helghast March*
ReplyDeleteOMG ART!
ReplyDeleteWay to make my art feel insignificant now everypony, but really good job!
I'm afraid i will not be able to finish all my work up in time :(.
ReplyDeleteOnly now i understood I was really late, thought 5 days are for 1 work (pity me).
Oh well, maybe will get in time with next ones.
Heh... Yeah, this is going to be a fun week, provided the technical details get worked out. I don't think I'm going to be able to comment on all of the entries as I would with a Drawfriend though...
ReplyDeleteStill, so much awesome pony, and so many clever ideas. Plus, every artist who gets their work posted should know that they have an audience of literally tens of thousands looking at their work.
My favorites are the ones with a sense of humor... the whole idea of this thing just makes me chuckle.
Thanks to everyone who shared their work! The amount of ideas on display is awesome, and I can't wait for more!
Look at mine on DeviantART... It's gotten pretty entertaining.
ReplyDeleteYay I got posted #297, my first pic on Deviant Art.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Phoe. 121 is best.
ReplyDeleteAlso, its nice to see some great authors are also great artists, like Pegusus Rescue Brigade and Mysecsha
You are far too kind.
DeleteThis seems like a pretty legitimate excuse for people to showcase their OCs. Not that there's anything wrong with that, some of them are really great! Can't wait for more arts!
ReplyDelete@Wisami I mean the comments.. not the useless piece of art
ReplyDelete*starts to complain about not having my art posted yet
ReplyDelete*sees all the awesome art here
#132 sweet! A fellow Eagle Scout brony!
May as well post link of mine here
@Wisami Yours was way better than mine, at any rate. Mine truly is useless. Still, gave me an excuse to start drawing again.
ReplyDelete@Scatman Did you read the comments?
ReplyDeleteAre you implying that I would stoop so low as to post a comment before reading what others had said?
Because the answer is yes.....
@Scatman I mean Celestia's comments on my DeviantART
ReplyDeleteAh. Wasn't paying close attention.
ReplyDelete@Scatman Did you read them?
ReplyDeleteYay! I got on here, first time too! (#249) Now I have a great idea for day 2 :)
ReplyDeleteWait, can we submit yet? I can't tell.
ReplyDeleteYay! I made it to number 11 :D! I'm taking this Irish theme to the extreme!
ReplyDeleteso happy that made it in at #26 (obviously the numbers aren't based on skill because there are so many better ones.)
ReplyDeletebut wait, i submitted three pictures.. and this is the worst one... noooooo
*sniff* twilight's nerd armor is so much better than the picture that i drew in 10 minutes with only a crappy pencil and pen right at 3 in the morning when i got the prompt.
Any idea when the submission form for day 2 will be up?
Woo, finished my entry!
I decided I'd do some airbrushing as well. Oddly enough, this didn't take as long to draw as my first entry. Now I just need to know when to submit.
ReplyDeleteYou are totally doing it right! You have no idea how much I love that picture haha
ReplyDeleteGlad someone enjoys my sense of humor. xD
Done with ATG 2. Hurry up and post the third assignment!