Another one of those crazy German pony magazines has been released. They actually included the Comic Con poster this time around! I'm glad it's getting some use outside of our group.
Someone actually sent me an interesting... translated page. It's odd to say the least.
Check out the full gallery here!
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Colouring woona! If only I was German.
VastaKustutaWhere's our magazines?
VastaKustutaDashie bondage anypony?
Those RBD panels are...special.
VastaKustutaThose crazy Germans.
VastaKustutaPretty Lunaaaaa
VastaKustutaWatching episodes in German is my guiltiest guilty pony pleasure. 3 years of it in high school, 2 in college, and I can barely follow the eps.
VastaKustutaProtip: the songs are awesome in German. (Except for the opening theme, which is terrible.)
Husch Husch Schlafenleid und Kunst der Schneiderei in particular are amazing.
They have the rope...and they're all smiling...
I love that Luna! I want to color her! <3
VastaKustutaDashie bondage.
Ok...now I HAVE to know the context of that comic. Has the rest been translated?
VastaKustutamisspelled Schlafenlied. Failsauce!
VastaKustutaTie her up! Get the ball-gag!
VastaKustutaOh crap, so I wasn't having vissions. They do say that.
I kinda want this, if only for the Luna coloring page.
VastaKustuta@MysecshaSchlaflied. I fail German forever twice
VastaKustutaI want one! I took, some, german in high-school...
VastaKustutahow i love learning new languages
VastaKustutaokay seriously is there some copyright reason or something for why they never give Applejack her hat?
VastaKustutaI have the biggest grin, those last pics are just hilarious.
VastaKustutawhen did My Little Pony turn into 'good touch bad touch' My Little Bondage edition?
VastaKustutabrd ponies yay
VastaKustutaWtf is going on in there? Dash smiles while being tied up.
VastaKustutaI really would rather not know why the Germans are roping up Dashie...
VastaKustutaI have done my best to avoid any german dub of MLP since I came to watch the show. Now you got me curius. Will have to check that out for myself.
Holy crap, pony pens and a proper poster.
VastaKustutaIt think I have to buy this now.
VastaKustutaStart here, being sure to skip the title theme.
SOPA defeated! Viva la Internet!
VastaKustutayes we lost two wars but we will not fail in ponies :3, *going to kiosk tomorow*
VastaKustutaI deciphered the plot from the gallery. It looks like Rainbow Dash has been training too hard and won't listen to her friends telling her to take a goddamn break. Clearly tying her up is the only option.
VastaKustutaThough I have to say, Rainbow Dash already got tied up twice during the course of the original show, too. If anything, this shows a willingness of the German writer to stay close to the source material.
Oh dear god. The personality quiz, ninth question: "Do you have a hard time accepting help?" - saying "No" makes you APPLEJACK.
whats up with bondage RD
VastaKustutaI guess Dashie just likes being in bondage, then.
That comic is awesome! Pinkie, Twilight and Applejack physically assaulting Rainbow and then tying her up against her will? Seems legit!
VastaKustutaHeh, so it would seem they mixed up RD and AJ, then. Rainbow Dash, hard working? It doesn't really make sense in my opinion to portray her as such, but hey, it's a nice comic anyways.
For a moment I thought they went exactly where I hoped; force her to be land-bound for a while and get her hooves dirty for once instead of bucking....clouds. Maybe another time?
VastaKustutaYou know what? On second thought it might be more fun to make up the rest ourselves....
[next panel]
Twilight: Ok, now bring out the whipped cream and the rubber chicken!
Bondage is now canon
VastaKustuta>I got the rope!
>Got her!
Yes, that's how good colpfics start.
.....ok....dash in that last panel is....cute.
VastaKustutaoh god im starting to think like jesus lizard.
Friendship is Nonconcencual Bondage?
VastaKustutaThat comic better end with a lesson learned about thoughtless playing turning into an assault. :-)
VastaKustutaDash is hard working if there is pay in it.
that bit in the beginning of Ticket Master would've born all work, no reward.
They'd be crazy not to release a magazine if you ask me. Interesting to say the least. Reading wise, I'd be totally lost; just barely survived German myself.
VastaKustutaThanks, heard my way through it.
Have to say the dub is better than I feard. Even better during songs. I especially liked Husch husch Schlaflied.
But I find the translation to be sometimes lacking. For example, they didn't even bother to translate the lyrics from evil entchantress.
Or they translated cutie mark as Schönheitsfleck, wich litrerally means beauty spot.
And the Cutie Mark Crusaders became Schönheitsflecken Club. The beauty spot club.
Hmm. Cutie mark is kinda hard to translate. I think I would go with Talentzeichen, Talentwappen or simly Wappen and "Ritter des Wappens".
hmm... gives me something to think about.
VastaKustutaYeah, just because it's the best dub, doesn't mean it's even close to the original English. They went for a pretty literal word-for-word most of the time even when that wasn't the best way to preserve meaning.
And yet, Pinkie Pie's motor-mouth rant at the end of "Grinse Wenn's Dich Gruselt" makes me laugh and laugh
Bondage on EqD? For shame seth
VastaKustutayou are right sir!
they also tell her to stop munching/drinking all this energyboosting stuff and instead eat some good oldfashioned apples :D
imho a surprisingly good comic :)
I really want that charm bracelet!
VastaKustutaWhether its porn, ponies, or fascism, the Germans always have to do it WEIRD.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThe panel with rope is totally like some decent german pornz!
VastaKustutaI am from Germany and it ashames me hwo some of the words from the series are translated...
VastaKustutaAnyway, if you look at it out of context, it really does look like bondage xDD
Oh my god its a Pegasus suppression...wait....WHAT DID THEY DO WITH FLUTTERSHY!
VastaKustutaApplejack bound Rainbow in running of the leaves too.
VastaKustutaThey are the Japanese of Europe after all xD
Genuine luv for Krauts from Pollackia! <3
A Must for Bronies in German!!! ^_^
VastaKustutaIt's about RD training too much, so the others want to force her to make a break, that's why they tied her up.
VastaKustutaSkipping Flutterguy's 'Evil Enchantress' is also a very good idea.
Wow I just derped. I tried unscrambling those words until I realized they were in German.
VastaKustutaWell, they're getting better with the vectors, even if they're still using a few tired old ones and-
I never thought I'd see the day when that happened.
It's all good my bronies, you can tell because they're all smiling! *Draws a smile for Dash* See? Happy faces!
VastaKustutaI must know the context now.
VastaKustutai danced in the whole store then i bought it
VastaKustuta"You can't do that to me,"
VastaKustutaWhy is this not a sub-meme yet?!
and now, everytime my teachers check my Corrections they will find a pony
VastaKustutaO my.........
VastaKustutaRD: You can't do that to me! :(
VastaKustutaMe: Oh NOW you've gone and done it! She's gonna cry.
Well...it looks a bit too childish for my taste :P
VastaKustutai just put that picture of all the ponies as my wallpaper
VastaKustutaWhat's the context of that "you can't do that to me" picture I MUST know
VastaKustutaAre you serious?
I concur with Ponybro7. It literally looks like RD is close to tears.
VastaKustutaSome great friends you are, MLP gang! You've hurt your friend's feelings!
Still... I have to say that "helping her by force-quitting her training" was at the bottom of the list of things I thought were going on in those panels...
...Germans, lol.
They're so damn happy about RD nearly crying
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThose 2nd and 3rd pictures..
VastaKustutaI think we've all seen enough adult content to know where this is going. >:D
@YaBoySuperDoo: Of course not!
VastaKustutajust kidding ;)
VastaKustutaI got the rope.
Got her!
lolwat? is that a kidnap?
my mother-language is so bad... why? oh sweet celestia why? q.q
VastaKustutaLittle kids: They're tying Rainbow up so she can't fly away!
VastaKustutaBronies: BONDAGE LAWL
That's a pretty picture of Luna. I thought it was Fleur at first glance due to the ways her eyes are shaped.
VastaKustutaWhere can i buy this? (wich store?)
VastaKustutaThat translation...
VastaKustutaApplejack: "Now!"
Pinkie: "Got her"
Twilight: "I got the rope"
Dash: "You can't do that to me"
I've seen enough orgies and rope scenes to know where this is going. lol Oh, these fun easily-reinterpreted translations.
The book really doesn't look too bad overall. Typical children's activity book. Though I believe I see double-foreheaded alien Twilight in there. It was going good until that. :P
Am I the only one who is INSANELY creeped out by their mouths?
VastaKustutaAm I the only one who is INSANELY creeped out by their mouths?
VastaKustutaquasi-canon rb rape?
Well that is horrifying.
VastaKustutaStarting to question if this is really a children's book.
VastaKustutaFor the record, I believe the words are Wetter (weather), Wolken (clouds), fliegen (to fly) and Regenbogen (rainbows). Assuming I know my German. Which I probably don't. :B
Also: somepony explain to me why they threw in an entire novelization of Applebuck Season when people can just, y'know, watch the actual episode. :B
Also, they punched rainbow Dash in the face.
VastaKustutaOk, they didn't, it was an accident, but the way they talked about it seemed like they planned it...
That picture needs context badly. ...or maybe it doesn't. Dammit, Germany.
VastaKustutaYou sure do know your German! It's all correct.
Except they novelized Ticket Master, which I presume you meant. I have no idea what's up with that either.
I never was so happy to be german. :D
VastaKustutaI read "I got the rope" as I got the rape"...
VastaKustutaF*%$ the internet. It's in my brain.
Last 2 frames.
VastaKustutawat wat
@Johannes Schäfer
VastaKustutaYou´d be surprised how many foreigners likes to listen to german songs, movies or words general.
Take this for example:
Or King of Lions, people loves the Scar and Mufassa german voices.
No idea why though. Guess living in Germany makes me somehow resistant to know the *badass* of German. XD
oh man the two panels with the main cast is written like the german dub sounds so bad...
VastaKustutaMUST know what are they going to do her!!!
VastaKustutaI guess Germany don't have cowboys or cowgirls. Because if they did, they would realize that AJ wears a stetson hat. Great magazine though, teaching Dash how to play fair, yeah Dash is a f###ing CHEATER!
VastaKustutaWhere to buy: In every good international newsagents (normally to find at mayor airports or train stations or "Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Letzenburg or Italy" (so, everywhere, where you can buy stuff from Panini.)
VastaKustutaIf your newsagent has the possibility to order by the EAN (European-Article-Number) it is:
41-971-8340299-1 01 --- International price is €5 / German price €3.
And if you want to see the German dub in action - Viacom was so generous and published ALL episodes as a FREE stream over here at: http://www.nickjr.de/list/video/my_little_pony (I don't know, why Setho didn't mentioned it, even though it was submitted by mail)
To be honest, that comic looked like crap...
VastaKustutaThat armband ad made my realize how awesome pony watches could be.
VastaKustuta"Someone actually sent me an interesting... translated page"
VastaKustutaThat's great. Mind showing it to us? Could you give us a link?
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaOh my..!
VastaKustutaI don't realized that MLP has arrived germany already! O_o
May i take a look at the stores somtimes ;)
German bondage?
VastaKustutaSoo, I don't know, if the whole story of the comic has been translated yet. So i'll give a little overview.
VastaKustutaThe comic is about Rainbow Dash training too hard for her performance in the competition (the one seen in the Sonic Rainboom episode). The others were very concerned about this behaviour and decided to tie her wings to her body. Then they took her to various places so she can relax and see, that she trained way too hard. Rainbow Dash realizes this at the point where Fluttershy holds the mirror up and Rainbow can see her own reflection. She exclaims then "Ich sehe ja aus wie ein Wrack" which means "Wow... I sure look like very exhausted ("I look like a wreck", dunno if this figure of speech exists in the english language). Then the others take her to a picnic where she can relax and eat something healthy.
The whole conclusion is, that it's ok to train hard, but you need a break and healthy food from now and then.
@TechRat From what I saw in the gallery it seems that it is to force RD to take a break from training because she was overdoing it.
VastaKustutaGerman is close to the english language, so if I stare hard enough maby I can understand it