While we reported on this convention briefly in a Nightly Roundup awhile back, some new details have come to light as the convention draws ever closer, primarily of events planned for the convention targeted at attending bronies. So if you're a brony on the west coast that was disappointed they couldn't attend BroNYCon due to distance this convention is certainly worth checking out!
For those interested check the copy-paste after the break for more details from fellow brony Quinnjaminn.
Note: If you are thinking of attending you can receive cheaper tickets by registering before January 15th!
If you live on the west coast, chances are you were devastated by BroNYCon's location—I know I was. While there is no west coast Bronycon (yet!), there is an upcoming event that may satiate your pony addiction.
Animation on Display (AOD) is a weekend convention in San Francisco, celebrating anime, video games, recent American cartoons, and other fun and geeky stuff. This year, AOD will be hosting a wide variety of pony events, including panels with Jayson Thiessen, current showrunner and supervising director of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Held on President's Day weekend, February 18-19, the convention is priced at only $25 for both days.
Though the exact schedule of the event is still being finalized, the convention will be hosting a panel with Jayson on both days. There will also be an official convention “Brony Mixer,” as well as autograph sessions with Jayson Thiessen and the other guests of honor. Meanwhile, I will be hosting two fan-panels with other members of the Bronies of Northern California meetup group, including Bronyville's Apple Cider. A summary of all major planned events is included at the end of this post.
Like with most conventions, you can get a discount if you register early. The pre-registration period ends on Sunday the 15th—after that, you will have to get tickets at the door for $30. If you choose to attend for only one day after the complete schedule is released, individual days will be priced at $20. If you live on the west coast and missed out on the BroNYcon festivities, AOD will be an excellent chance to satisfy your pony craving.
Full details for the convention may be found here: http://www.aodsf.org/aod/ events/mlp/
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Summary of Events:
■ “How Ponies Are Made: My Little Pony Production Panel With Jayson Thiessen”
■ “My Little Pony Creative Panel with Jayson Thiessen”
■ Guest autograph session both days (including Jayson Thiessen!)
■ Meet the Guests reception (including Jayson Thiessen!)
■ Official convention Mixer/Meetup/Gathering.
■ Fan Panels hosted by Quinnjaminn, TGPFluttershy, and BronyFang:
Title: Friendship is Magic – An Introduction to the Brony Phenomenon
In October 2010, a plague began sweeping through the depths of the internet. Scores of men and women adopted a motto of “love and tolerance,” and began promoting the cartoon, “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” Join us and discover why the show is such a hit among men, and observe the greatest accomplishments of the fandom.
Title: Ponyville's Prized Pastel Ponies
While we all love the mane six characters, fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic often like background ponies as much as, if not more than, the main characters. This panel will explore the histories and characterization of Ponyville's silent residents. Why did Lyra and Bonbon become a pair so early in the series? At what point did we all accept "Octavia" as the name of the classy grey pony? How did we take the name DJ Pon-3 and convince the HUB television network to use that name in official advertisements? Did you all know that Berry Punch was originally the Over Protective Parent Pony before she was the town drunk? Come and find out the true histories of your favorite background ponies!
44 kommentaari:
Yay! A new convention!
VastaKustutaThat's great!
VastaKustutaUnfortunately i live at the wrong hemisphere.
: /
VastaKustutaI would go there. If it wasn't on the other side of the country :|
VastaKustutaI REALLY need a job. -.-
VastaKustutaWell, you have bronycon!
Planning my schedule right now!!! Work and school shall not get in the way of my ponies! Just need to prepare for the ride on BART...
VastaKustutaI think my comment got deleted somehow. All I was saying was that now I'm the one that's gotta live with the frustration of living on the coast opposite of the event.
VastaKustutaQuinnjaminn here! If you have any questions, requests, or anything related to this event, please send me an email or leave a comment here. Just in case it's misunderstood, this is NOT exclusively a pony convention, but we intend to have more than enough pony related events there.
VastaKustutaInteresting and right in my area as well.
VastaKustutaSounds like a really fun event with a lot of pony-related things for anyone out that way.
Seeing as I'm the originator of the "Octavia" name, you better mention me.:P As for when it started being used. I'm not certain how you're going to cover that one, as no one has spoken to me yet. But I started using the name and recommending it just after that Gala episode in various places. And I guess people just really liked the name and picked up on it pretty fast.
Why do these thing have to be in another country from me...
VastaKustutaDamn UK gets no love from ponies
VastaKustutaActually, I'd love to talk to you about that! Would you be able to send me an email?
VastaKustutaSure, I'll send you an email.
Damnit, this sounds mighty interesting! If only I could catch this on a livestream or something.
VastaKustutaHi Quinnjaminn! I was wondering what day would be best to attend the convention for the most pony related activities. Sadly I can only go for one day and would like to get every bit of pony I can get out of it.
I'd love to go to these things, but both the west and east coasts are pretty far from Texas, so that's a no go. Alas, I shall have to satiate my con-going with A-Kon.
VastaKustuta@bestpony? AJ ;)
VastaKustutaUnfortunately, the organizer of Animation on Display is still working on finalizing the schedule, so I can't confirm exactly how it will be distributed yet. What I know now is that Jayson will be there doing a panel on both days, as well as doing autographs with the rest of the guests. My fan panels will also be split across two days, with the "Intro to Bronies" most likely occurring on Saturday, and the other most likely on Sunday. As for the official meetup/mixer, I have yet to hear from the convention organizer.
Since you're only going to make one day, your best option is probably to wait to see the exact schedule when it's announced and decide from there. We'll try to have a decent amount of stuff on both days though!
Another reason to wait is because the guys from Bronyville are working on securing a recorded Q&A session with Jayson. I'm sure that will also influence your decision, so you should probably just stay tuned. Also, since you say you're in the area, join the "Bronies of Northern California" meetup group! We do tons of fun activities.
No West coast Bronycon?
VastaKustutaEverfree NW attendees are quite frankly put out.
Well, I will definitely be there. West Coast Best Coast
VastaKustuta@Eric Cramer
VastaKustutaAh, I apologize for that so, so much. I wasn't aware that Everfree NW was officially announced. I know you guys are putting an incredibly amount of resources and effort into it, and I'll definitely be going. Since that seems to be wrong up there, I'll get in contact with Calpain as soon as possible to have him edit it.
“How Ponies Are Made: My Little Pony Production Panel With Jayson Thiessen”. That honestly looks like it could be the best MLP panel of all time. Someone had better record all of this! Not that I'm worried: bronies tend to be good at recording stuff. :)
VastaKustutaOh look! Another awesome convention that's happening in America... why can't England get anything cool?
VastaKustutaOk, thank you! I will eagerly be awaiting the schedule. Yes, the Q&A session with Jayson would be a must for me. Whoa! I didn't know about the group! Definitively joining, I would also like to help in Bronystock in any way I could. (assuming that you're involved with the event)
Thanks again!
@Mr Nutt I know that feel bro. :(
VastaKustutaI hope someone records at least some of the panels.
@bestpony? AJ ;)
VastaKustutaI look forward to seeing you at one of our meetups then! I'll be at the first Bronystock planning meetup, the Emeryville meetup, and the SacAnime one on Sunday. If you haven't heard about it and are available that day, Tara Strong will be up there!
Oh, I'll make sure we get some sort of recording done. One of my current priorities is figuring out how they're going to be doing sound and seeing if we can somehow record directly.
Looks like allot of fun. Hope someone records the good bits in good quality for all the rest of us to see.
VastaKustutame and my mom are going to be there
VastaKustutaim cosplaying as a human celestia and my mom is cosplaying as a human luna
San Francisco? HELL YEAH I'M THERE!
VastaKustutaBoo...my trip to San Fran is for March 2-3...how am I going to swing this?
VastaKustuta*central US*
VastaKustuta*still screwed*
Bucking hell.
I live in the SF Bay Area, but I only asked off work for Saturday. I'm not sure if I have enough time to ask off for Sunday too, nor do I know if I want to go both days. I think I'll be content with just going one day.
VastaKustutaBronies assemble!!!
VastaKustutaI'm going to try and go.
VastaKustutaI'd love for Rarity's Rodeo to be made into a screenplay.
F**K I live like right there but there's no way I can go!
VastaKustutaThe ONE time something happens here...
YAY I'm going =D good thing I live in San francisco ^^
VastaKustutaTo those of you in the Bay Area, Tara Strong is up at SacAnime in Sacramento this weekend.
VastaKustutaI'll be going too, see you all there!
VastaKustutaYES! Awesome opportunity for us Cali bronies. :D
VastaKustutai'm hoping to finish a secret MLP cosplay for this con ^o^
VastaKustutaHey, you're doing a panel there as well, right? Right on! I expect you to bring a bunch of art to the Artist's Alley.
"Come and find out the true histories of your favorite background ponies!"
VastaKustutaOh this day, a million fanons will be crushed. I can't wait.
2 weeks ago-
VastaKustutaI want to be in 2d animation and graphical design when I grow up! I wish they had a showing of how they animate it in flash!"
“How Ponies Are Made: My Little Pony Production Panel With Jayson Thiessen”
"Animation on Display, located in San Francisco"
I live on the wrong side of the country!
Maybe they'll have a video?
VastaKustutaI've been talking with Quinn about this and they are looking into shooting some video of the panels.
Once they send them to us we'll probably put them up in a Nightly Roundup or their own post.