Pretty much every genre this time around! Check them all out after the break.
1.) PMV - My Little Bitter Cheap Sym-Pony (Still Sweet)
2.) Pinkie's pogo (BOUNCE) PMV
3.) PMV - Bring Night
4.) Streetlight Manefesto - Somare in the Between
5.) Tenacious Dash - Kickapony
Click for Full!
And an old ass meme below, but it's Derpy Hooves, so who cares!?
Source: Jrrhack -
BATTLE music time. We have some Big mac, chiptune, and Electronic/drums and bass! Actually, I don't think he last one has anything at all to do with battle. You try finding three matching subjects in music though!
1.) Bagpipe Brony - Big Mac's Fighting theme (Party With the Apple Family)
2.) [Chiptune] Tengen Toppa My Little Pony
3.) WolfOfSadness - Way More Than Rare
The massive musician collaboration album has officially released! The full track list is really impressive, coming in at a total of 23 songs from all sorts of popular names in the fandom.
For those that haven't been following the project, all proceeds will go directly to the Children's Cancer Association. If you want to toss some money their way, and aquire a huge amount of music at the same time, hit up this post for more information.
So far, they have already hit well OVER 9000 bucks (Or $9,881 at the creation of this post). I've always wanted to use that...
Check out everything that is included after the break!
And buy it here!
Comic: Sticky Situation / Lyra's Prank Call
by Calpain -
Nightmare Moon needs more love, even if she does look kind of bald with that helmet on.
Have some art!
Source 1
The large quantities of Trixie in this compilation greatly please Trixie! The Great and Powerful Trixie demands an entire custom compilation dedicated to her greatness!
Source 1
And more Presented by Ponies below!
Click for Full!
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