The holiday greeting card project for the crew/cast of FiM is complete! Have a copy paste from Big Brony below!
Thank you to everypony who participated in our Friendship is Magic holiday greetings card project!
And to all the staff members who have put their hard work into the show, past and present: on behalf of the Brony community, I would like to offer you our humble messages of Season's Greetings and heartfelt thanks for all the hard work you've done in bringing us such a wonderful thing.
Title page
First page
Second page
Third page
Fourth page
Fifth page
These are sized to be printable, if you want to print them out (just click on each image to full-size it).
Happy Holidays from Big Brony!Share This!38 Comments
This is a pretty awesome little project. Someone from Ponychan created a full season one custom box set, complete with custom DVD menu's. Toss some special features in there and I'd be all over it! Hopefully if we ever do actually get a box set, we will see those added in to the mix.
The rest of the menu's can be found after the break, as well as a short video demonstration.
Music: Super Ponybeat - The Heart Carol (Eurohoho Mix) / How Equestria Was Made / Griffin Village - Autumn (Aussie Remix)
by SethistoAs is the norm for Eurobeat Brony, remixes in 10 seconds flat!
We also have some rap, and another remix of Griffon Village. Check them all out below!
1.) Super Ponybeat - The Heart Carol (Eurohoho Mix)
2.) Ruby Surise: How Equestria Was Made - The Rap
3.) Griffin Village - Autumn (Aussie Remix)
Until January 4th, the entire first season of Friendship is Magic has been dropped to $39.99, I guess for the holiday season! It's probably a good time to pick it up if you haven't already. Check out the story page here! -
Yes, you read that right... 50 songs. Circuitfry and BMDoubbleBass, along with various other musicians in the fandom all collaborated on this massive pony music extravaganza. Quality levels and "how pony is this?" levels are a bit random at times, but seriously... 50 songs. If you don't find at least 5 you like, I'm not sure what to tell you.
Check the whole thing out here, and their intro video after the break!
Click for Full!
Source -
"Taking it in stride" is something they are not doing however, with their essential "middle finger" in Hasbro's direction. This, combined with the recent attacks on The Hub's non-pony facebook updates probably isn't painting our little community in the best light. Biting the hand that feeds us is something we should practice avoiding.
While I'm on the fence about Youtube shutdowns, an actual full on download site may have been a bit too far. As much as I appreciate the Ponyarchive team for their hard work, FiM is still a relatively high budget cartoon, and with DVD's on the horizon, as well as the iTunes downloads finally stepping up their release speed, it was sort of inevitable.
One thing I do hope they consider, is the audience outside the US who have no access to the new episodes aside fom Youtube. This is an issue that needs to be addressed more than anything. FiM is breaking new ground, so it's not a huge surprise that things are happening slowly, but alternative methods should probably be explored before cutting off the supply entirely. -
Derpy ninja? Do want. Some day ponies will be playable in EVERYTHING.
Have some art!
Source 1
New banner by Grilledcat!
The Pirate Party recently gained a seat on Berlin's parliament, something that has never happened before for the group. While these guys are serious about their internet rights and battling censorship, they do know how to have a good time, including "Pony Time".
After the break is a translated version of this article. I'm sure you will all get a kick out of it.
Thanks to Anon for the Englishification!
Author: Johnny Bruton
Description: Rainbow Dash takes part in the Pegasus Grand Prix, but without the help of one of her friends it doesn't look like she can win.
Cloud Racer
Additional Tags: Racing, Training, Short, Teleplay, Funop 11:00 AM
Labels: Author: Johnny Bruton, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Rainbow Dash, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
You heard me right! It's after the break if you don't want to ruin the magic.
Thanks to PonyLeaks for the heads-up!
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