And some news.... really short news.
[Grimdark] [Adventure] [Sad]
Author: Pish
Description: Unfathomable destruction and chaotic reckoning has driven every remaining living thing of Equestria underground. For years, they have endured and rebuilt their homes deep within the earth and soil, but are they really safe from the fires above?
Fires Above: Part 1
Fires Above: Part 2
Fires Above: Part 3
Fires Above: Part 4
Fires Above: Part 5 (New!)
Additional Tags: Underground, Revolution, Fighting, Corrupted, Royaltyop 9:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Pish, Celestia, Derpy Hooves, Everypony, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, Luna, OC Ponies, Sad, Spike, Star-4, Story -
Hold up, I think there is a serious spelling error here. That cutie mark does not belong to anypony named LULAMOON. This is idenitity theft of the HIGHEST CALIBER. Trixie is NOT pleased.
Anyway, someone sent me all 24 of the 3rd blindbag set that was leaked on Taobao a while back. They are apparently very much real. It seems to be focusing on sparkly and metallic (Special Edition) ponies this time around, with a few colts and classics thrown in for good measure.
Of the mix, we have Colgate (Minuette), Blues, (Royal Riff), and Caramel (Chance-a-Lot) for background ponies.
But Trixie... why?
A couple of weekly events are happening tonight. First off, we have Bronystate as always. You can find that in the poster above.
And below is the Filly Synchtube channels
UPDATE: Synchtube is having some technical difficulties right now. Hope it ends soon!
Main room: http://www.synchtube.com/r/ FillyOverflow one: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly2 Overflow two: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly4 Overflow three: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly6 Overflow four: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly7 Overflow five: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly8 Overflow six: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly9
Both will be streaming the new episode tomorrow morning, so stick around for it. -
Author: Authors: Secret Pony and Nanomight.
Description: Vinyl Scratch suddenly becomes a magnet for bad luck and odd situations. After a bad reception of her newest music, she decides to take a break from being a DJ and try to fix her music. But what happens when she discovers the answer is more insane than a simple shipping story should be? Watch what happens when worlds collide, the 4th wall is broken, the narrator is extremely handsome, and muffins may be the answer to everything!
To Feel the Music Part 1
To Feel the Music Part 2
To Feel the Music Part 3
To Feel the Music Part 4
Additional Tags: Love Stick, muffins, and assassinations.op 6:00 PM
Labels: comedy, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Octavia, Random, Shipping, Star-4, Story, Vinyl Scratch -
[Shipping] [Sad]
Author: Cold in Gardez
Description: She is as beautiful and graceful as the moon, and just as hard to reach. He is a young artist with much to learn about the world. When he accepts her challenge to create an artistic masterpiece, will he win her heart, or learn a terrible lesson in the nature of beauty and love?
The Glass Blower
The Glass Blower Alternate
Additional Tags: For the love of beauty -
Celestia Radio is running a black friday event. Have some copy paste:
Hey hey, punky pony people! My name is Prison. I'm the sweeper recorder/DJ/social network manager for Celestia Radio. I just wanted to tell you guys about the all-day DJ event that we're holding RIGHT NOW. It's called theCelestial Capitalist's BLACK FRIDAYBONANZA! Essentially, we're reporting on news, playing the hottest brony music, taking listener call-ins, and having a great Thanksgiving weekend all day! I'm the main host, with the other DJs (Including DJs Shamrock, PonyToast, and MLI) appearing to talk about ongoing events in politics and the brony community (as well as really, really stupid topics that people who listen to the radio like to call in about).
Hit them up here!
Overall, it's a manic, interactive experience for listeners and callers . . . as well as the DJs! (Heh heh heh . . .) -
Notch, the creator of the ridiculously popular Minecraft, is apparently into ponies. There were a few occurrences in the past that pointed in the exact opposite direction, where he straight up refused to have anything to do with it... but I guess times change? That initial stigma is there for pretty much everyone I think.
(I guess he might be trolling, I play the game, but I've never actually followed any of it's news)
Check out his twitter here!
For those that aren't into minecraft, have some Fluttershy. Who doesn't like Fluttershy?
Holy crap guys, 2616 and counting! We pretty much shattered their top 10 already with this. Ponies really are a force to be reckoned with!
They better ponify the site or something. Check out their recent twitter post.
And the actual humble bundle site. -
As many of you have pointed out in my mailbox, EQD is nominated for a few things over at the Blogger Choice Awards. And as others of you have "suggested"
via broken caps lock keysROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE, this is yet another contest for ponies to win, even if it is directly pointed at this site.
I guess that means I can drop some links for you all to vote on!
So far Equestria Daily falls into 4 categories:
Best Entertainment Blog
Best Pop Culture Blog
Best Blog of All Time
Best Blog Design (EQD totally doesn't have this going for it, I'm no web designer :p)
Feel free to go vote! -
A while back, I plugged a brony research project in the Nightly Roundup. It sounds like 1300 of you decided to take a shot at it. The results are pretty interesting! It's a shame we couldn't get all ~500,000 of you to do it though. I wonder what the face of the entire fandom looks like?
You can find all of the results, as well as the full writeup here! -
Oh what's that? You wanted the first place winner too? Here you go!
That page!
Once again, The Great and Powerful Trixie has proven herself to be the most amazing unicorn in all of Equestria
I heard a rumor yesterday that our 10% coupon code has expired. I haven't tried it myself, but give it a shot anyway. -
The guy working on that massive Story of the Blanks comic project has completed. In the end, it hit 60 pages altogether. It's funny, he actually improves as the comic goes on. Maybe all you aspiring artists might want to consider doing the same thing? I'm sure there are plenty of fanfics on the site that would be more than available for something like that.
Anyway, Check it out here!
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