For the past few months, someone from The Wallstreet Journal has been gathering information from all over the fandom, including attending actual meetups and digging through our piles of Youtube videos. The article has finally popped up on the website, and you can definitely tell it was well researched. They did a good job of standing on neutral ground (something we struggle with here on EQD all the time!), and represented the subculture with much higher standards than most of the media tends to use on us.
Find the article here!
And for those you you who were around this morning when I created that PMV Callout post, this was the reason! Grats Venture Ponies on that one.Share This!281 Comments
Oh hey, Big Mac is still Big Mac! I'm definitely going to grab one of those for my show accurate pony set
And below, we have some more of those so soft toys. While not focused on our demographic (obviously) Maybe you can buy them for your niece or something? Maybe I'm just getting used to them, but these seem different than nightmare fuel Pinkie Pie.
For those looking to read a whole bunch of Rarity stuff from some of the best authors in the biz, a small competition started on /co/ is currently collecting votes on the best of the best story out of seven choices.
They need voters though, and the competition ends tonight!
Hit up the stories below, and then throw your two cents into the mix by voting here!
And for the chan people out there, check out the actual thread / Fimchan thread.
It's also on fimfiction.
Each story is based off of the prompt: Rarity Falls in Love With a Dress Maker
1.) Cross Stitched
2.) Crepuscularity
3.) Whirlwind Romance
4.) Art of the Dress
5.) The Bead
6.) Luck of the Draw
7.) Where the Wild Roses Grow
Voting -
Author: Mushious
Description: The biggest party Ponyville has ever seen is about hit town. Follow the antics of everypony as they prepare for the best night they'll never remember!
Three Pony Story
Additional Tags: We're all gonna die!op 16:00
Sildid: Author: Mushious, Berry Punch, Big Mac, Celestia, Colgate, comedy, Complete, Everypony, Fanfiction, Luna, Random, Shipping, Star-4, Story -
This is actually an insert from one of the boxes. Apparently a Spike toy is on the way for those that are into the whole... taking care of babies thing. It also includes the train set that was posted on Taobao a while back, and more mixed up Cutie Mark Crusaders. I'm not really sure how they keep doing that!
This is from a thread on MLP arena. There aren't any release dates planned for the new stuff that I can see.
And in other news, it sounds like Hasbro has plans to release Lunchware, Drinkware, and "Lighting" based on MLP in 2012. No clue on what exactly these are, but they are apparently in production from a company called Spearmark. The main article for this can be found here. Thanks to Zephyr for the heads up on that! -
Remember that Nyx thing? Well Baschfire has created an entire album dedicated to her. In fact,t his entire compilation is classical music! Enjoy!
1.) Suite for Nyx (No embed, album)
2.) Octavia and Lyra
3.) Waltz for Luna - MLP FiM Piano Arrangement
Author: Phasingirl
Description: Fluttershy has her first date with Big Macintosh. With a little help from their friends, can the pair enjoy a nice evening together or will Fluttershy's nerves get the better of her?
At Last I See The Light
Additional Tags: Romance, sweet, friendship, discovery, magicop 12:00
Sildid: Author: Phasingirl, Big Mac, Complete, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Everypony, Fanfiction, Shipping, Star-4, Story -
[Adventure][Sci-fi ]
Author: Hurng
Description: The First Equine Imperium became the greatest empire in galactic history through conquest, ruthlessness and brutality, under the rule of the God-Like Emperor Galaxis.
Exodus (New Chapter 10-11!)
Its domination of the known universe would have been complete, had it not been for the discovery of humanity, and the formation of the Federation of Free Galactic States. After centuries of constant warfare, the Imperium has been reduced to a shell of its former self under the fury of the galaxy united.
As Equestria Prime burns, Emperor Galaxis launches a desperate plan to save the Equine race. But can Celestia and Luna lead the battered survivors of their civilization to a bright new future among the stars, or have the sins of their forefathers condemned their people to an early, bloody grave?
Additional Tags: Swashbuckling space adventure with poniesop 10:00
Sildid: Adventure, Author: Hurng, Celestia, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, OC Ponies, Sci-Fi, Star-5, Story -
I was going to save this for the roundup, but it might be a fun one to discuss externally.
Swf Page
And in other news, a Sauron balloon from Lord of the Rings was buried in those .swf files from the Canterlot Castle game. How... crazy. Thanks XTUX345 for that discovery. That sounds like the model number for these motherboards I'm trying to decide between for Skyrim!
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