Eurobeat brony released some Discordy stuff! I'm looking forward to the first song in season two being remixed like crazy. Maybe Twilight's upcoming episode will have that solo Daniel Ingram was talking about?
1.) Super Ponybeat — Discord (EuroChaos Mix)
2.) Luna's Fallen Hero (Progress fanfic based music)
3.) Bring Your Own Ponies (My cover)
Music: Super Ponybeat:: Discord (EuroChaos Mix) / Luna's Fallen Hero / Bring Your Own Ponies
by SethistoShare This!159 Comments
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No wonder she can give everything away all the time! -
[Shipping] [Normal]
Author: Phil the Time Wizard
Description: The two of them had never been entirely sure how to feel about one another. Then one day, after being suddenly thrown together, everything starts to finally falls into place.
An Entwining of Hearts
Additional Tags: RariDash, cute, romantic, one shotop 7:00 PM
Labels: Author: Phil the Time Wizard, Complete, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Star-4, Story -
Author: CouchCrusader
Description: As fires from the dragon lands threaten the Everfree Forest, the
A Fire on the East (All Links) (New Part 5!!)
Elements of Harmony must find a way to stop them. In particular, one
pegasus uncovers a talent she never thought possible, and must
reconcile it with her life's calling.
A Fire on the East Part 5 (Alternate)
Additional Tags: Long, Originwank, Latent Talent, Dreams, Fireshy!?op 6:43 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: CouchCrusader, Everypony, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Incomplete, Normal, Star-5, Story -
We haven't had an Applejack version in forever. I bet she does something amazing in season two that makes us all love her. At least I hope... Poor girl.
Have some art!
Source 1
Also thanks to Elegance Liberty for the Rarity banner! It's awesome, even if I've never read any of those comics!
[Normal] [Random]
Author: Argembarger
Description: An average day of tennis-playing for Ace takes an unexpected turn as he is forced to utilize his skills to protect everything he holds dear.
Set and Match
Additional Tags: Tennis, Chaos, Duel, Heroism, Defeatop 2:00 PM
Labels: Author: Argembarger, Complete, Discord, Fanfiction, Pinkie Pie, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
[Random][Comedy] Story 1 (Each section is complete)
Author: Bob from Bottles
Description: Princess Luna learns of the Worst Baker in Equestria Competition and wonders if she has what it takes to compete. She decides to practice in the royal kitchens and the chefs soon learn just how bad of a cook she can be.
The Worst Bakers in Equestria - Luna's Soup Adventure
Additional Tags: Luna, Competition, Baking, Discovery, Bad luck
All stories after the break!
op 1:54 PM
Labels: Author: Bob From Bottles, comedy, Complete, Derpy Hooves, Fanfiction, Luna, Random, Star-6, Story -
Author: Vanner
Description: The Lunar Rebellion sought to bring Nightmare Moon to power over Equestria, and for two long years, a war was fought for that very purpose. In the end, Nightmare Moon was defeated, but Celestia had become broken. She lost her faith in the ponies that once only knew love, and she walled herself inside her castle at Canterlot.
For five years, no pony had seen or heard from the goddess. In her absence, Equestria falls apart at the seams. Endless skirmishes are fought over petty land disputes, love and tolerance are gone from the land, and ponies begin to revel in the art of war. When a dangerous threat emerges from the ashes of the Lunar Rebellion, all hope seems gone from the world. But some ponies aren't willing to let Equestria fall.
Four unlikely ponies step up to correct the mistakes of the past. In their quest to restore Equestria, they will learn that through the magic of friendship, all things are possible.
This story is presented as part of the Pony Fiction Writer's Month for September 2011.
Children of the Sun
Additional Tags: Friendship, Lunar Rebellion, History -
You have all been asked it at least once. It's something that plagues pretty much every non-pony media resource on the internet. Why ponies, and why is the internet being taken over by them? This article does an excellent job of explaining it. So if someone from the media bugs you, and you are sick and tired of answering the same Celestia damn question in every interview, you can finally just paste a link and be done with it! (Yah...I've answered this at least 20 times now.)
Check out the article here! -
CMC Time! For those of you collecting the papercraft ponies, Kna has released a new set of cutie mark crusader patterns. Get them at the link below!
Sweetie Belle + Capes
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