PMV: Discord Makes Good Girls Go Bad / Pinkie and Gilda in: "The F.U.N. Song" / Party Animal
by Sethisto
A PMV with special effects and stuff! How rare! How glorious! About time.
Also some Spongebob and Pinkie Pie
1.) MLP {FIM} Discord Makes Good Girls Go Bad
2.) Pinkie and Gilda in: "The F.U.N. Song"
3.) Party Animal (A Tribute to Pinkie Pie)
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[Normal] [Sad]
Author: ROBCakeran53
Description: When your life is as dull a gray as the world that surrounds you, the mundanities can make it all seem meaningless. Sometimes all we need is a little color -- or six -- to reintroduce us to what truly makes life worth living.
My Little Dashie
Additional Tags: Filly Dash, Love and loss
Fan Music:
My Little Dashie Piano
op 8:00 PM
Labels: Author: ROBCakeran53, Complete, Everypony, Fanfiction, Normal, Rainbow Dash, Sad, Star-6, Story -
Another music game has been released, this time focusing on Lyra and Bonbon (If that wasn't obvious!).
Toss your combos down in comments, and I'll grab 10 tonight for the nightly roundup.
Check it out here! -
[Normal] This is actually an addition to Out in the Cold by an entirely different author. Apparently EsperDerek (The person who wrote the original) Liked it so much they forced her to submit it! It's not required, but you might want to look into reading it before this, if only because its an awesome story anyway.
Author: Phoe
Description: All grown up and off to Canterlot University, a homesick unicorn finds comfort in a trip down memory lane. An exploration of the character Midnight, Twilight and Trixie's daughter from the Out in the Cold series by EsperDerek.
Shades of Midnight
Additional Tags: experimental, homage, slice-of-life, fanfic of a fanfic
All Side Stories After the Break!
op 6:22 PM
Labels: Author: Phoe, Celestia, Fanfiction, Luna, Normal, OC Ponies, Star-6, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE, Twilight Sparkle -
What was once a 95% confirmed rumor has been upgraded to reality status! Comcast shows Luna Eclipsed airing on the 22nd of October.
Thanks to Turtwig and Ma ti for screenshots!
In other news, the entire Luna fanfiction section in the archive just celebrated with a round of oddly scented Kool-Aid. All those 6 stars... -
Wow, Derpy is a badass. There is actually a Derpy guard comic floating around right now. Check that out too!
Source 1
I don't know how you guys do it, but these updates literally come in waves. I had 0 yesterday, and wake up to 8!
It's story update time. As always the same rules still apply, this is only for Updated stories. New stuff, sequels, and final update stories do not fall into this post.
Please email me at Sethisto@gmail.com if any of the links are broken.
Lauren Faust's brand new project has popped up on various comic book blogs around the internet. Though this is not directly pony related, it's still Lauren, and she's awesome, so I'm reporting it!
The new cartoon titled "Super Best Friends Forever" will be an animated short style show starring Batgirl, Super Girl, and Wonder Girl. The low quality image above shows off the art style somewhat. Hopefully we can get a better image eventually!
There isn't a whole lot of other information pertaining to the project right now. As more pops up, I'll probably keep reporting on it.
Thanks to everyone for the heads up! -
Author: Fistful of Apples
Description: Twilight Sparkle finds herself disenchanted, having delved into all the knowledge the ponies of Equestria have to offer her, but finding it lacking. In her despair, a spirit calling itself Mephistopheles appears before her offering her all the knowledge of her world, wanting nothing in exchange.
The Tragic Story of Twilight Sparkle, or, Twilight
Theta (New!)
Iota (New!)
Kappa (New!)
Additional Tags: Tragedy, Hard Sci-Fi, Faustian, Alternate Scienceop 2:58 PM
Labels: Applejack, Author: A Fistful of Apples, Everypony, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Sci-Fi, Shipping, Spike, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
[Normal] More Humanized pony stuff for those of you who are interested in it!
Author: Phoenix
Description: It's just another school day for Twilight and her friends...or is it? When Pinkie Pie starts claiming that they aren't what they're supposed to be, everyone initially chalks it up to being just another bit of Pinkie's wierdness. They will soon come to find out that things aren't always what they appear to be.
Brave New World Chapter 1
Brave New World Chapter 2
Brave New World Chapter 3
Brave New World Chapter 4
Brave New World Chapter 5
Brave New World Chapter 6
Brave New World Chapter 7
Brave New World Chapter 8
Brave New World Chapter 9 (New!)
Additional Tags: Alternate World, Suspense, Comedy, Adventure, Slice-of-Life -
Author: Dr. Talon
Description: After all the fires, floods, earthquakes, wars and homicidal goddesses, this was the only surviving guide to the Equestrian Republic's structure and function for new citizens to learn from. Unfortunately...
On The Equestrian Republic And Equestian Citizenship Part 1
On The Equestrian Republic And Equestian Citizenship Part 2 (New!)
Additional Tags: Classical History Parody Equestrian Republicop 2:00 PM
Labels: Author: Andrew Joshua Talon, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Click for source!
Minimalism edition!
Today we have a wonderful set of pixel-art wallpapers from Kitana-Coldfire, and a grab-bag of others. They're pretty much all awesome. All of them. Dig in and go grab some more pony- because you can never have enough pony on any one computer. Ponies don't actually take disk space because they're made of magic bits.
See what I did there?
It's okay if you didn't.
Issue #9 of the Equestrian Inquirer has been released! Check it out after the break, or hit up the google document for the fully formatted version.
Author: TuxRug
Description: Rainbow is devastated to learn that despite her best performance yet, she didn't pass the Wonderbolt tryouts. Incredibly distraught, she makes the worst decision any pony could. She survives, and learns more about friendship than she ever expected.
Shattered Rainbow
Additional Tags: Depression, Friendship, Injury, Consequences, Uplifting
Story Two After the Break!
op 3:52 AM
Labels: Author: TuxRug, Complete, Everypony, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Sad, Soarin, Spike, Spitfire, Star-4, Story -
Good news for everyone out there with Dish Network and a lack of special programming subscriptions. The Hub will be completely free as a trial preview from the 4th of October all the way to the 3rd of November.
In other words, no more fighting for a livestream! Just turn on your TV and watch pony when it airs.
Check out this page for more information! -
All sources
Honestly I didn't even know Tabitha St. Germaine voiced so many characters just within the ponyverse. Zecora really surprises me!
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