Looks like Sibsy was right- there is going to be a gap between this two-parter with Discord and the rest of season two. How big of a gap is uncertain at this point, but if we survived the entire summer without new pony, I'm sure we can manage a month or two with only this so-far fabulous two-parter to hold us over.
/knock on wood
Thanks to Micheal for the heads up!Share This!519 Comments
This is actually in video form, so check it out after the break!
--Submit everything aside from Fanfiction to Submit@equestriadaily.com!--
We all see this address and will respond from it. If you want to reach an individual blog author:
Note: Send only personal inquires and questions to these emails unless instructed otherwise. Submissions sent to them can get lost or are responded to much slower than if sent to submit@equestriadaily.com
- Seth: sethisto@gmail.com (Send any personal issues/complaints/press inquiries here-note: Keep fanfiction inquiries in the Fanfiction email.
- Cereal Velocity: cerealvelocity@equestriadaily.com
- Phoe: phoe@equestriadaily.com
- Calpain: calpain@equestriadaily.com
- Octavia: octavia@equestriadaily.com (Send moderation inquiries here)
Update: December 18 - Optional Include Twitter account with news submission for credit!
General Information
- It is acceptable to submit your own work, don't be bashful! If we don't know about your awesome creation we can't post about it.
- We receive many emails a day from a variety of sources. If you don't receive an email from us in response to your submission, please don't assume we ignored you. Not all messages will receive replies!
- Patience! While we do queue a lot of things for the blog it doesn't mean they will be posted instantly. Some things submitted may take up to a week or more to be posted, especially in the case of compilations.
- Generally, it's best to avoid things that are over 2 Weeks Old, especially on Youtube. Chances are it has already been posted or reviewed over that age.
- Please read the rules before submitting! They have been updated. Stories that do not follow them will be deleted.
- Head on over to the Submission Form to send your NEW story in for review.
- Story UPDATES should be sent to Submit@equestriadaily.com, with a link to the story on Equestria Daily, and the link to your new chapter with the number included. Include STORY UPDATE in the email subject line.
- UPDATE 2: Audio Books head to this post for details.
Pictures and Comics
- No porn.
- No gore.
- Entries that don't make it won't always receive a refusal message
Plushies, Crafts, Cosplay, Customs
In regards to plushie, craft, and custom submissions, please preface your emails with either Plushie, Craft, Custom, or Cosplay when submitting. Please provide a source link with your email if you can, preferably from DeviantArt.- Customs are created from modified official merchandise. If your piece falls under this criteria, please send it in with the Custom tag in the subject line.
- Crafts extend to everything outside of modified merchandise and plushies. If your piece fits that criteria, please send it in with the Craft tag in the subject line.
- Plushies include everything from standard plushies, needle felt, crotchet, ect. If your piece fits this criteria, please send it in with the Plushie tag in the subject line.
- Cosplay is handled a bit differently, but feel free to send in pictures of people dressed as ponies regardless.
- When submitting, try to submit only clear and well lit pictures. Blurry and dim pictures detract from your piece and may end up in it being rejected despite the quality of the work.
- Please try to submit pictures that don't have watermarks on them. If you want to keep a watermarked image on your official gallery that is fine, but please include with your submission a copy of the non-watermarked image.
PMV's, Music, Animation
- No porn
- No Gore
- Oc ponies are fine
- (New!) Music MUST include a genre! (TEMPLATE: Vocal / Instrumental / Remix - Genre)
- Entries that don't make it won't always receive a refusal message
- Youtube/Vimeo/Deviant Art links only. No other embeds, or direct files.
- EQD only takes pony music. This can be inspired by pony in the case of an instrumental piece.
News, Merchandise, and Everything Else
We miss a lot of news, so it's a huge help when you guys send us something newsworthy. We honestly don't mind if three hundred people send us the same news- just go for it! Just try to preface your email with NEWS or INTERESTING THING.
Please, don't send download links though. Upload your stuff somewhere to stream or play it directly.
OPTIONAL Update: When you do submit, if you would like us to credit a Twitter account, feel free to include one. Do note though that this will only apply to the person that submits something first so be quick!
Where do I send things?!
Didn't you read the top of the post?
--Submit everything aside from Fanfiction to Submit@equestriadaily.com!--
Author: Squeak
Description: Caramel can't seem to do anything right. When he finds he has a crush on a certain purple unicorn, this proves doubly true!
Caramel's Light (Update Part 10!)
Additional Tags: Caramel Grampa Jonagold Toffee Appleop 8:00 PM
Labels: Author: Squeak, Caramel, Complete, Fanfiction, Shipping, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Just in case covering your desktop with the desktop ponies and having your wallpapers continuously rotate through your folder of six and a half dozen awesome pony wallpapers wasn't enough pony on your computer, now you can convert every feasible icon your programs use into these high-quality pony icons, too.
Speaking of which, at the rate pony is completely taking over the world, I wouldn't be surprised if Intel and AMD released hardware support for pony in the next few years. How cool would that be? You'd have direct chip-level acceleration of all pony games, applications, and episode playback. Let's take that one step further; how about a dedicated pony chip required on all logic boards? The show would be so ubiquitous by that point that it would just make good business sense to include such a thing.
You can find spikeslashrarity's icon set here, on DeviantArt. -
Ponies wearing clothing edition!
For those looking to bypass the new album viewer: right click and open the images in a new window. Sadly it's a forced blogger feature, so for now It's default.
Source 1
Author: NoMoreSanity
Description: "We all know about stories where Humans enter Equestria. But what about a world where Equestria is in the Human world? It is the year 1820, and a series of events brings a young unicorn and a human prince together. Together, they will embark on a quest to change Europe, and the world, forever."
The Son of the Emperor Part 1
The Son of the Emperor Part 2
The Son of the Emperor Part 3
The Son of the Emperor Part 4
The Son of the Emperor Part 5
The Son of the Emperor Part 6 (New!)
The Son of the Emperor (All Links)
Additional Tags: AU, AH, France, Twilight, Warop 4:00 PM
Labels: Author: NoMoreSanity, Fanfiction, Human, Incomplete, Normal, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Source / Click Image for Full
And some Calvin and Hobbes below!
Source -
Remember that post yesterday? Well it was only about half, so have part two of the story update queue. I don't know what season two did, but you guys are updating these things at the speed of light lately.
I did actually dig around some of the stories that were updated yesterday with this method, and two of them actually maxed out their google docs, forcing it into view only mode, so I don't think any are missing out on viewers.
Just a reminder: New fics, and final update (complete) Fics will not be found here. It's also not the entire update queue.
Anyway, you can find all them all after the break. As always please comment on their respective story posts, and not here.
Author: Nullh
Description: Princess Celestia relives the story of her birth.
A Paper Past
Additional Tags: History, Arthurian, Origin, Guardponies, Flashbackop 12:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Nullh, Celestia, Fanfiction, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-4, Story -
Have some copypaste!
"Brony Show 19It's The 19th episode of The Brony Show, and the start of our commentary on Season 2! That's right, there will be spoiler warnings halfway through the show if you haven't seen Season 2 Episode 1 yet but we're going to get into it and comment on all the new hilarity! Along with that we have a great interview set up by our new Brony Inquisitor, D-Pad, who will be interviewing John Joseco who does some incredible pony art and even a comic called The Lounge. And if that wasn't enough, we even showcase our incredible "Brony Anime Block" with enough pony to make even the most equine fearing foot walker into a Bonafied Brotastic Beacon of Bustling Brony Belovedness. So come and check us out at http://thebronyshow.net or head right to our livestream at http://www.livestream.com/thebronyshow and just remember it starts live at 6PM PST - 9PM EST." -
[Shipping] Rarijack!
Author: MalevolentSpoon
Description: Applebloom wants to hear a bedtime story. But what will Applejack do when the story Applebloom wants is a personal secret between her and a long-time friend, one she hasn't told to anypony?
A Bedtime Secret
A Bedtime Secret Epilogue: The Morning After
Additional Tags: Bedtime Story, Accident, Secret Note
Story 2 after the break!
op 6:23 AM
Labels: Applebloom, Applejack, Author: MalevolentSpoon, Big Mac, Complete, Derpy Hooves, Fanfiction, Rarity, Shipping, Star-4, Story -
Season Two is now available the same way Season one was on itunes. You can buy each episode for 2.99, or an HD season pass for 49.99 (With SD being 10 bucks cheaper). Amazingly enough, Twilight Sparkle has all of her hooves on the banner this time around! I'm so relieved.
Check out the store page here!
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.
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