Pixelkitties has released a celebratory one panel Discord comic in record time (as always!). For those of you that still want it to be a surprise, the above image, including clicking the thumbnail to save it, should just be Twilight being awesome. Everyone else can check out the spoilerrific version here!
That sentence had a lot of commas.
It's probably no surprise that I'm more of a fan of the molded ponies than the brushables. This is primarily due to lazyness, and a lack of interest in hair care. After a few weeks of searching the brick and mortar stores, wave one finally popped up on Toys R' Us.com, so I immediately ordered it.
I'm going to through this step by step after the break for those on the fence about it, so check it out below!
I was going to save this for the nightly, but I guess it justifies it's own post!
Over at Target, the Canterlot set stuff is all currently 20% Off (with coupon). This is the perfect excuse to buy a plushie Twilight Sparkle! Get to it!
This was going to be Discord edition, but I saw all the spoiler rage on ponibooru and though better of it. It's going to be really difficult to keep a lid on his design for the next few days!
Have some Luna instead.
Source 1
The Brony Show Happens later today again! Have some copy paste
"Episode 18 of The Brony Show.That's right, even after a 24 hour Bronython and streaming Bronyville's Mareathon we still have the energy to do another great show! This time our show will have a fun little twist. Our Interview will be with ourselves! And it will be done by the Interviewing Brony! So if you have questions for Circuit Mane and his crazy co-hosts come on and enjoy the show. Along with that we discuss theories and rumors of Season 2 and also include all the news, PMV's, commentary, and incredible cinnamon swirly oatmealness that is The Brony Show. Just remember our stream will go live at 6 PST - 9 EST. You can catch it at our site at http://thebronyshow.net and our livestream at www.livestream.com/thebronyshow . -
Source / Click for Full -
Oh Rarity... why you so ridiculous?
This is countdown image #5 from the My Little Pony Facebook page. More chocolate rain!
Though im pretty sure its being trumped by Discord this time around. -
Picture Completely Unrelated But Awesome
More spoilers after the break
Author: Blueshift
Description:Twenty-five years later, Apple Bloom is an adult pony. She's married with two lovely foals, and is the respected mayor of Ponyville. However she never got past the heartbreak she felt when her two best friends moved away all those years ago and her world changed.
School Reunion Part 1
All this is about to change though. Tonight is the first Ponyville school reunion and Apple Bloom is determined to finally put the past to rest and have the best night ever. What could possibly go wrong?
Cutie Mark Crusader School Reunion go!
School Reunion Part 2
School Reunion Part 3 (New!)
Additional Tags: Future, regret, managing expectations, Krastosop 3:39 AM
Labels: Applebloom, Author: Blueshift, Cheerilee, Diamond Tiara, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Normal, Sad, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Star-4, Story, Sweetie Belle -
[Adventure] [Sad] [Light Shipping]
Author: Quotidian Torture
Description: Princess Celestia is worried about her little sister. Ever since the Elements of Harmony vanquished Nightmare Moon and returned Luna to her original state, she's hasn't quite been herself. Not that Celestia really knows what 'herself' means after a thousand years apart. But the Sun Princess knows she can't confront her sister directly, that would just lead to more hurt feelings and no resolution, so she sends an intermediary. Hoplon, Equestria's worst Royal Guard. He's bumbling, he's brash, and he might just have what it takes to get to the bottom of what's eating at the once was 'Mare in the Moon'. Assuming they can get past their rocky introduction, and she can get over that ridiculous name of his.
Aegis Part 2 (New!)
Additional Tags: Long, Mystery, Adventure, Drama, Traumaop 1:31 AM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Quotidian Torture, Celestia, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, OC Ponies, Sad, Shipping, Star-4, Story -
Season 2 is almost here! What better way to pass the time than with pony arts and crafts?
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