I woke up this morning to find a bunch of Rarity in my inbox.
I dunno if you really understand what that's like to wake up to. Maybe you had a bad day beforehoof. Maybe you didn't sleep very well because your pillow was too hot or the fan was too loud or the cat kept trying kill moths through the window. You wake up the next morning, dazed and bleary-eyed, and decide to take a shower first instead of checking your email. You get back to your terminal, not feeling very awake at all, gather your things for class, and remember that you should probably check to see if anything important happened overnight.
And then Rarity. Dozens of Rarity. Everywhere. Ponyville's (certifiably) best, most dependable pony just filling your inbox like the delicious, magical cream filling of the flakiest and softest chocolate-covered doughnut you've ever tasted. Makes your mouth water, doesn't it?
So. Um. This pony, you see, he took a bunch of wallpapers and added Rarity's rock traveling pose from Cute Mark Chronicles to them. Made me giggle. I just typed that as 'google'. Anyway, have a look.
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One of the EQD pre-readers is running an event in September, similar to the National Novel Writing event.
Have some copy-paste!
Hello everypony, Siraj here, otherwise known as Noble Cause, with an event for all those writerly types around here. Some of you know of National Novel Writing Month, taking place in November. For those unfamiliar with it, the idea is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. No, I’m not asking those interested to do it at the same time, that would be an exercise in insanity akin to Pinkie Pie levels. I noticed that September also has the standard 30 day timeframe, so that’s the plan for the first ever National Pony Writing Month.
Anypony willing to participate can do so, even if you’ve never put pencil to paper or hooves to keyboard with such a goal in mind before. The only criteria are that it has to be pony-related, you’re able to begin at midnight on September 1st, and that pencils are down and the last letter is typed by midnight local time on September 30th. No sneaking in a few more words at 12:01 a.m. on October 1st. If you’re interested, e-mail Eqnapowrimo@gmail.com, and put ‘NaPoWriMo’ in the subject line. I look forward to everypony’s attempt, and with luck, we’ll end up with a few more fics to give ‘Fallout: Equestria’, ‘Dangerous Business’, ‘Memories of Days Long Past’, and ‘Past Sins’ a run for their bits.
~ Siraj/Noble Cause, morale officer, bard and baker of the Equestria Daily offices.
[Grimdark][Adventure] More Adventure!
Author: BronyCray
Description: Twilight enlists the help of Rainbow Dash to aid her with a new spell, but new magic can be unpredictable.
Special thanks to unitoone for the new art!
All Chapters after the break!
YouTube catch-up couldn't find Gilda. Have some ponified "friends" instead. (Mr. Turnip is such a boss.) Anyhow, this month's event yielded 16 videos - 5 of which warrant special mention - plus a set of 3 videos (a Trio, if you will) for comparin' & contrastin'. Everything's after the break, pony fans!
(Image header unrelated. I just find it fabulously hilarious. =D [Also, go Red Wings!])
Senn555, the brony who started the official MLP:FiM soundtrack petition, has updated me on his plans to pass it forward to those who'd have both the resources and the most likely potential interest to actually bring it into glorious existence. As Chief Passer-Alonger, I couldn't help but assist. All of his info & suggestions to help out can be found after the break!
For those of you without an Android phone that have been looking for a soundboard, it looks like one has finally popped up! This was recently added to the App store, completely free, for anyone to download You can find a link to it below!
Pony Sound Board -
Author: CosmicWaltz
Description: Just weeks before an open audition for the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash finds herself unable to fly after a failed stunt leaves her injured. Left in the care of her friend Fluttershy, she worries that her dream of joining the Wonderbolts may have been crushed. And as the days pass, she worries about the blooming feelings she finds for the pegasus she's known for years.
Fell Into the Right Hooves Part 1
Fell Into the Right Hooves Part 2
Fell Into the Right Hooves Part 3
Fell Into the Right Hooves Part 4
Additional Tags: Love, Injury, Recovery, Dreams, Rainbow Dashop 2:00 PM
Labels: Author: CosmicWaltz, Complete, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Shipping, Star-5, Story -
[Normal][Shipping] An OC shipped with the mane cast story that actually made it past the pre-readers! That's a rarity to say the least.
Author: JordanJwoww
Description: Rarity is confronted with a business deal of a lifetime. However, it requires her to be in Canterlot, which brings back memories from long ago. Now, Rarity must overcome her past to confront her present
A Renowned Reputation (New Part 8)
Additional Tags: conflicting, beauty, hopeful, desire, powerop 1:22 PM
Labels: Author: JordanJwoww, Bonbon, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Incomplete, Normal, OC Ponies, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Sapphire Shores, Shipping, Star-3, Story -
Author: Affixiation
Description: Through black magic, a demon born of jealousy and anger has seeped into a new host, the body of the nearly deceased Vel Ironhoof. Now, Vel must keep control of his emotions, lest the demon feed upon them and grow strong enough to return to Equestria once again, using his body to spread war and chaos.
Vengeful Shadows (All Links)
Additional Tags: Struggle, Memories, Fantasy, Death, Long -
Author: Fluttershy Oakley
Description: A brief description of the night preceding Luna's tragic transformation into the wicked mare of darkness. The myth of old has left out a few vital details that must be made abundantly clear!
Luna's Descent
Additional Tags: Sad, Simple, Cold, Introverted, Hollow -
Author: Staeg Masque
Description: When Twilight invites Rarity and Applejack to a sleepover, the results are not quite what they expected. After a misfired spell, the two rivals find that they must work together and learn from each other if they ever want to make it home in one piece.
Strange Bedfellows Part 1
Strange Bedfellows Part 2
Strange Bedfellows Part 3
Strange Bedfellows Part 4
Strange Bedfellows Part 5
Strange Bedfellows Part 6
Strange Bedfellows Part 7
Strange Bedfellows Part 8
Strange Bedfellows Part 9
Strange Bedfellows Part 10
Strange Bedfellows Part 11
Strange Bedfellows Part 12
Strange Bedfellows Part 13
Strange Bedfellows Part 14
Strange Bedfellows Part 15
Strange Bedfellows Part 16
Strange Bedfellows Part 17
Strange Bedfellows Part 18 (New!)
Additional Tags: Peril, Bonding, Love, Teamwork, Discoveryop 1:17 AM
Labels: Adventure, Applejack, Author: Staeg Masque, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Rarity, Shipping, Star-4, Story
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