Suddenly I want to play some Prince of Persia edition.
Source 1 Fiarel
Author: Anonthony
Description: After Pinkie's psychotic break, she struggles to cope with her fractured consciousness as it tries to drive her into a downward spiral.
Additional Tags: "Serious" "Emotional" "Psychological" "Pinkamena" "One-off story" -
Author: Benman
Description: A crisis turns Princess Celestia into the tyrant Corona Blaze, and she calls forth everlasting day! With Twilight Sparkle missing, how can the other Elements of Harmony hope to put things right?
Corona Blaze Part 1
Corona Blaze Part 2
Corona Blaze Part 3
Corona Blaze Part 4
Corona Blaze Part 5 (New!)
Additional Tags: Suspense, Action, Drama, Struggle, Redemptionop 21:47
Sildid: Author: Benman, Braeburn, Celestia, Everypony, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, Star-5, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE -
[Normal] This was from the 300 story event actually, but the author decided to expand upon it. After 3 parts it's long enough to upload as it's own story, so enjoy!
Author: Silent Magi
Description: Set about a year after the Nightmare Moon battle, Twilight Sparkle figures out that she has been a horrible friend to perhaps the pony that needs it most.
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 1
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 2
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 3
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 4
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 5
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 6
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 7
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 8
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 9
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 10
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 11
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 12
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 13
Letters to and From a Princess: Letter 14 (New!)
Additional Tags: Letters, Friendship, Special, Developing, Blossoming
Another one that got lost in my pile of things.
Byrpheros is the pony who's making Equestria Tales, by the way. You may recall our posting of some demo work of his engine a while back. I'm talking months.
In this little interview, he talks about making the game, the challenges of a cell-shaded game in particular, and teases us about a beta. You can find the interview in Docs format here. -
[Human in Equestria][Sci-Fi] Human in Equestria, but apparently the opposite of what we normally see.
Author: Muppetz
Description: The Princesses find an alien creature barely clinging to life at the scene of a terrifying crash. Can the Combined Power of the Elements of Harmony save it, or more importantly, should they save it?
ARTICLE 2 Part 1
ARTICLE 2 Part 2
ARTICLE 2 Part 3
ARTICLE 2 Part 4
ARTICLE 2 Part 5
ARTICLE 2 Part 6
ARTICLE 2 Part 7
ARTICLE 2 Part 8
ARTICLE 2 Part 9
ARTICLE 2 Part 10
ARTICLE 2 Part 11
ARTICLE 2 Part 12
ARTICLE 2 Part 13
ARTICLE 2 Part 14
ARTICLE 2 Part 15
ARTICLE 2 Part 16 (New!)
Additional Tags: Long, Suspense, Philosophical, Adventure, Action
op 20:42
Sildid: Author: Muppetz, Celestia, Everypony, Fanfiction, Human, Incomplete, Luna, Sci-Fi, Star-6, Story -
Aw, yeah, got some Twilight Sparkle up in the bitch.
Two additional winners (Calpain and MHPayne[Mike]) of Lauren Faust's sketch auctions to help victims in Japan have reported in with their sketches much like the man who won the Applejack one did. Below the break, you can find one more picture of Twilight's, and a story about Pinkie's, told by Mike, who also wrote 'Half the Day is Night'.
...Well, that happened fast. So fast we weren't quite ready for it to happen (sorry about the delay)! It's still kind of hard to believe we've gotten this far, but thanks to you guys here we are! And since coming here every day and commenting and sending us awesome content all the time wasn't enough, 38 of you also took the time to help us celebrate this awesomest of all possible milestones (pending 40 million) with some very cool images and comics. A very special thanks to Virga Rainboom for the above image, which was unfortunately too late for the actual contest, but awesome enough to be our title image on the day.
A scientific panel of three blogponies has gone through all your entries and selected three as our very favorites, because there must be winners. But that doesn't mean we appreciate the others any less! It's not all about being the most talented pony in the world, just about taking the time to try something. And now the time for being sappy has come to an end! Check below the page break to find the winners! And check below that to see everypony who entered!
PMV: The Count of Equestria / Stargate Equestria / My Little Saints Row: Violence is Magic
by SethistoMovie/game trailer time!
1.) The Count of Equestria
2.) Stargate Equestria
3.) My Little Saints Row: Violence is Magic
[Adventure] Splendiforous art by RecylcedTiger, credited by request.
Author: TenMihara
Description: A magical competition gives way to a struggle for the fate of Equestria, as the most powerful magic known to Ponydom falls into the wrong hooves. A mysterious cult seeks to use the Elements of Harmony for their own ends, and unleash a dire evil on the world.
Stolen Harmony: Prologue
Stolen Harmony: Chapter 1
Stolen Harmony: Chapter 2
Additional Tags: Everypony, Elements of Harmony, Evil Cult, Mares of Darkness -
Another small demo for MLP Online has popped up, this time demoing Carousel Boutique.
The art in this game is awesome. I've always loved top down isometric games, ever since the Baldur's Gate and Ultima Online days.
You can find it here! -
So Great and Powerful~
I'd suggest hitting the DA link here for various sizes! -
[Grimdark] [Sci-Fi] [Crossover]
Author: ObssesedNuker
Description: When a experiment gone wrong lands a ruthless and powerful foe in the middle of Equestria, Twilight and her friends must put trust in a battered group of human soldiers if they are to stave off a revolution of the Bolshevik variety...
The Bear, The Eagle, and The Ponies (New Part 5!)
Additional Tags: Allied/Soviet war spills into Equestriaop 00:00
Sildid: Author: ObssesedNuker, Braeburn, Celestia, Crossover, Everypony, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Human, Incomplete, Little Strongheart, Luna, OC Ponies, Sci-Fi, Spike, Star-4, Story
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