It's totally Scootaloo Day still. Lucky ass pony.
That's a huge number right there! It looks like we beat pretty much every expectation/forecast stated back when season one ended. Honestly I thought this site would be a ghost town by July. That sure as hell didn't happen.
Thanks to all the artists, musicians, authors, community leaders, and fans of the show out there! This fandom is becoming an unstoppable force! We had some rocky points with the media, but it seems like even they are slowly joining the herd.
And it was all because of cute, colorful ponies from a cartoon for 12 year olds. Social psychologists everywhere are probably completely baffled.
Now onward to Season two!
Also Doomwad wrote a song about this after the break!
And thanks to Karzahnii for the banner!
And a video of the counter!
*UPDATE* Posting for the 30million Contest will take place tomorrow!
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Author: Gabriel LaVedier
Description: The Grand Galloping Gala has come again. It is the party of the year, and that draws the Apple Family's outcast, Bad Apple. He comes to snoop, to see his relative, and to be among the glamour ponies. What he never expected to find was a kindred spirit. The one being in Equestria who truly understands.
The Unfavorite
Additional Tags: Astronomy, comfort, talking, gala, cuddling -
You may have noticed that over the course of the Brony Community's existence, there have been a ton of super high quality pictures more than qualified to awesome up your desktop background. Maybe you found one once and stuck with it through thick and thin. Maybe you're like me and switched so many times that eventually you just broke down and set them all to auto-cycle. But keeping track of all the little buggers is a very tricky task at this point.
Cue a bright-eyed, highly motivated pony by the name of Sigma90. He is currently undertaking a huge project to compile as many wallpaper quality images as possible into a single document. They've even been organized by resolution, and cataloged for artist, and image title. There's currently 42 pictures gathered, with another 55 in queue (plus a couple links to pre-existing galleries). Available in google doc and published doc flavors, for those times when you've got to have pony but are running afoul of that 50-man limit. Enjoy perusing!
Wallpaper Compilation (original doc)
Wallpaper Compilation (published doc)
I'll just assume this is discord for the time being, cause it's badass.
The first episode has been confirmed! Information on it is below:
Episode 1: The Return of Harmony
Air Date: (Possibly) September 17th
Spoilered Synopsis: Discord escapes from his stone prison and Twilight and her friends act quickly to find the Elements of Harmony to stop him.
So what do you guys think this one will be about? It is now CONFIRMED as a two-parter.
*Update* Apparently a few months ago the entire episode storyline was leaked on /co/ (Text form, not the actual video). Here is the screencap, but do not bring it up in comments for the sake of major spoilers. -
I'll bite
*Update* MULTIPLE people from the FiM team have confirmed the title/description of the episode
*Update #2* Regardless of the actual title/description being confirmed, TV air dates are always subject to change.
Supposedly Season 2 will begin on September 17th 9AM eastern time. Someone from a TV listing company emailed me this information directly, and said he would get us some more proof on it tomorrow, though it has been floating around all morning on various forums/chans for pony.
Episode one is titled "The Return of Harmony" - Spoilered: Discord escapes from his stone prison and Twilight and her friends act quickly to find the Elements of Harmony to stop him. (Not sure why they are re-tracking them down if they already have them, but it's just a rumor right?)
Until it's all finalized, this is only a rumor though. The commercial a few days ago does sort of hint that the second season is very soon, so it's a very possible rumor.
Hlissner over on Deviant Art has created this amazing looking map for one of his future fanfics. It's obviously making a lot of random assumptions, but the map itself is really impressive.
Apparently this is just draft number 5. It's still currently in progress. If you would like to follow it, check out the DA page here! -
They sent me another image for this, but it was completely ridiculous. Have some Fluttershy instead.
For those of you that are into the whole dating sim game thing, a Friendship is Magic one has been in progress for a while now. Following the trend of all the other major projects, they have started up a website, and released a bunch of new information based on a survey they did a while back.
You can find it all below in one big pile of copypaste goodness. And I guess I'll toss the image down there too...
[Normal] Winner #2 from the Happy Luna contest!
Author: Featherwings
Description:In an attempt to learn friendship and make up on a thousand years of lost happiness, Luna visits ponyville for a day with Twilight Sparkle and her friends! But the mane six have their own ideas about who Luna is; can they move beyond their assumptions to discover the real Luna, or will everyone end up covered in tree sap?
Giggling Moon
Additional Tags: Feel-Good, Episodic, Giggling Lunaop 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: Featherwings, Complete, Everypony, Fanfiction, Luna, Normal, Star-5, Story -
For those of you looking for your ponified Beatles fix, the band over at the Beatlebrony channel on Youtube has released six more songs. You can find them all below! (No embeds this time).
1.) Blank Flank (Come Together)
2.) Something
3.) Derpy's Iron Anvil (Maxwell's Silver Hammer)
4.) Oh Pony (Oh Darling)
5.) Because
6.) The Apple Road Medley -
This kind of got lost in the pile, which I do apologize to the original uploader for.
CrayolaBrony has created a pack of store and services logos for various companies across Ponyville and the rest of Equestria. He says you're free to use them as story pictures or anything else you might need them for. The pack is available here, on DeviantArt. -
[Normal] I totally thought that was Nyx when I first opened the email. Confound you Past Sins!
Author: Livi-Love
Description: After being tricked into thinking she has earned her cutie mark, Applebloom questions whether it has set in stone the path in life she must now take. Is she destined for evil, or does she have a choice in what she does?
Choosing Fate
Choosing Fate Part 2
Choosing Fate Part 3
Choosing Fate Part 4
Choosing Fate Part 5
Choosing Fate Part 6
Choosing Fate Part 7
Choosing Fate Part 8 (New!)
Additional Tags: Friendship, choices, later evil!Applebloom, acceptanceop 10:00 AM
Labels: Applebloom, Author: Livi-Love, Celestia, Everypony, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Normal, Star-4, Story -
I used to play Dungeons and Dragons... well, technically. It was a Star Wars variant. On the internet.
Anyway, Giftkrieg23, the same pony who wrote a pony set of rules for the game Savage Worlds, has posted a transcript of the first game of his summer-long campaign using these rules! He says his last mention on the blog got him a good injection of fans, so, if you're interested in this kind of stuff, I urge you to check it out.
This will be an ongoing series thing for those interested in the campaign!
Four Ride Forth Session 1
Four Ride Forth Session 2
Four Ride Forth Session 3
Four Ride Forth Session 4
Four Ride Forth Session 5
Four Ride Forth Session 6
Four Ride Forth Session 7
Four Ride Forth Session 8
Four Ride Forth Session 9
Four Ride Forth Session 10
Four Ride Forth Session 11 (New!)
Four Ride Forth Session 12 (New!)
Four Ride Forth Session 13 (New!) -
Source/Click for Full
[Mild Grimdark][Sad]
Author: Orange Peel
Description: After the events of "Dragonshy," Twilight Sparkle and Rarity return to the cave. A manuscript buried inside the cave described a brief, unverified ancient history of Equestria.
How Equestria Was Made
Additional Tags: History, Origins, Celestia, Luna, OCishop 12:00 AM
Labels: Author: Orange Peel, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Pinkie Pie, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle
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