For those of you that listened to the podcast, this was pretty heavily debated in the last 10 minutes, which we had to cut off due to time constraints.
FiM is obviously a slice of life style show. It doesn't have much going for it in terms of continuity, and for the most part can be watched in any order. This is usually the nature of childrens television.
A good amount of us are in our 20's and used to long series arcs, be it a DVD box set of Sopranos or a 100 episode Anime.
So what do you guys think? Would you watch a series about your favorite pony traveling across Equestria and growing as a character?
Sounds like the Legend of Celestia game is truckin along nicely. The selection below is the mane theme of it. You can find the website here!
Number two is a massive 15 minute musical collaboration with various images/themes that go with it.
And three is some a capella crazyness.
1.) Legend of Celestia - Title Theme!
2.) Dr. Dissonance x Vafrous Coyote - Sunset
3.) Vafrous Coyote befriends Eurobeat Brony - Giggle at the Ghostie
PMV: Friendship is Wholly Inappropriate / May The Pony Be With You / Princess Trollestia's dance
by Sethisto
Something about innocent little Fluttershy Gangsta rapping is hilarious.
The Lyrics and syncing in number two are also pretty great.
And as promised, number three is completely ridiculous.
1.) My Little Pony: Friendship is Wholly Inappropriate For This Age Group
2.) May The Pony Be With You [PMV]
3.) Princess Trollestia's dance
I talk to an animator for another show every once in a while, and one of the things he pointed out to me a while back was that the people working on a specific cartoon usually have a sort of "stigma" against actually being fans of it.
Once again FiM completely throws that idea out the window. Maybe it's another reason why it's so amazing?
The Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity all worked on season two doing layout/posing (Holding back my envy right now), and Pinkie Pie is friends with the Fluttershy (even more envy).
They also dragged someone along who dressed up as Spike. Apparently hes a professional break dancer or something!
They wanted me to let everyone know that they love the fans, and they will be scanning the comments so feel free to send them ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF PRAISE!
A couple more images can be found after the break. As always with cosplay posts, if you don't like it, stay out of comments!
Number one is pony swag tier in terms of quality. It's definitely an impressive one.
And some rap right after!
1.) Proud to be a Brony (Embed broke!)
2.) Brohoof
Someone actually told me yesterday that his friend hates us because we crossover absolutely everything.
I can't get enough of these though, even if they do involve a parody of a parody.
Starting off with some X-files, followed by a ponification of this video (That you should probably watch first, or be prepared to be confused)
And finally a mystery random video. No embed for that one!
1.) The Equus Files
2.) Hooves Commercial
3.) Ponies are AWESOME
Gaaah he taunts us again!
This went up about 50 minutes ago at Golden Russet's Twitter page.
Rebecca is Twilight Sparkle's singing voice for those wondering. What else can you guys dig out of this one?
And another image popped up!
[Sci-Fi] [Adventure]
Author: J-Dude
Black Equinox: Chapter 1
"Twilight knew Spike would start to grow up one day, but that doesn't make it any easier when it happens. She's sure Pinkie's right: he just needs some space, and he'll be just fine by himself while she spends some time with Celestia.
But the Princess has her own reasons for calling Twilight back to Canterlot. Two travelers in the Everfree have woken dark forces beneath the Earth, forces of fire and steel..."
Black Equinox: Chapter 2
Black Equinox: Chapter 3
Black Equinox: Chapter 4
Black Equinox: Chapter 5
Black Equinox: Chapter 6
Black Equinox: Chapter 7
Black Equinox: Chapter 8
Black Equinox: Chapter 9
Black Equinox: Chapter 10
Black Equinox: Chapter 11
Black Equinox: Chapter 12
Black Equinox: Chapter 13
Black Equinox: Chapter 14
Black Equinox: Chapter 15
Black Equinox: Chapter 16 (New!)
Black Equinox: Chapter 17 (New!)
Black Equinox: Alternate
Additional Tags: Big, Tragic, Dark, Battle, Sci-fiop 14:00
Sildid: Adventure, Author: J-Dude, Everypony, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Sci-Fi, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
*Update* This sort of turned into a shitstorm, so I'm locking it down.
Honestly I don't know why you guys are complaining so much about the Derpy voice overs. Shes doing a pretty awesome job of it considering the character doesn't actually have anything to play off of.
Her response video explains it well enough though.
I don't want to disable anon commenting, because I know a lot of you prefer it. If this keeps up though, I might have to require accounts.
1.) More Derpy Voiceovers
2.) Dear Derpy
Kyrospawn's FiM soundboard has had some massive improvements added since I last posted about it.
I am disappointed at the lack of ventrilo/prank call pony videos on youtube. Someone needs to correct this. Not that I'm condoning prank calls or anything....
Have a link! -
For those of you looking to get into creating these stencil ponies, The_Velour_Fog recently created this really neat video on the entire process required in the creation of one.
It's definitely a ton of work, but speaking as an owner of one, I can, without a doubt, attest to how awesome they are when complete.
You can find the video after the break!
Author: Turner Hoof
Description: The past haunts Final Scroll, a Pony living in recluse in a far corner of the Everfree Forest. When a familiar, unwelcome presence begins to show himself, he'll be forced to either fight, or flee his past once again.
Lost Redemption
Additional Tags: Long, Tragic, Fight, Romance, Soldiers -
Daniel Ingram recently confirmed the song count for season two on his facebook page.... kind of. We have a vague estimate at least. That's still a ton of new stuff to remix the hell out of though! I can't wait!
I used to dislike the music portions of Disney movies. They always felt "forced". The characters would be having a normal conversation one minute, and break out in song the next.
FiM on the other hand does it the right way. Every single song feels like it perfectly fits the scene it takes place in, and they are all beyond catchy. The crew behind this show never ceases to amaze me.
And as a bonus, here are the statistics from our facebook page likefest!
CommunistPrime, the winner of the official Applejack sketch from Lauren, writes in to let us know that, yes, he received it and, yes, it is awesome.
Just in case you're confused as to what I'm talking about, in April several original sketches were put up for charity auction by Lauren to help the victims in Japan. We hosted several here, but the Applejack one was this one.
Letter from Faust after the break!
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