Another Doctor Whooves animation has been released, once again, its crazy good. I can't imagine how time consuming something like this is.
You can find it after the break!
[Normal][Shipping] "I was told to post this 'like a motherf^cker'. I don't see how's that relevant to the plot, but here's another Luna story to make up for it." If you'd be so kind.
Author: Slaanme
Description: After a thousand years in the moon, and even longer of not being yourself, how do you remember what you were truly like? Princess Luna isn't sure who she is anymore, and tries to rediscover herself through how others see her.
Tabluna Rasa Prologue
Tabluna Rasa Chapter 1: Dreams of Adventure: Rainbow Dash
Tabluna Rasa Chapter 2: Dreams of Love: Fluttershy
Tabluna Rasa Chapter 3: Dreams of Repentance: Applejack
Tabluna Rasa Chapter 4: Dreams of Fabulosity: Rarity
Tabluna Rasa Chapter 5: Dreams of Parties!: Pinkie Pie
Tabluna Rasa Chapter 6: Dreams of Bonds: Twilight Sparkle (New!)
Additional Tags: Character Exploration, Blank Slate, Luna, Dreams -
Author: Capt. Marua
Description: Apple Bloom and Vinyl Scratch are in a room. There really isn't much more than this to say.
The Room
Additional Tags: Room, Bottle Episode, Oneshot, Lighthearted, Dreamop 21:00
Sildid: Applebloom, Author: Capt. Marua, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Star-4, Story, Vinyl Scratch -
Friendship is Magic has finally hit "Good Article" status Wikipedia page. Out of 3,698,916 entries, only 12,463 have actually been classified as "good". That's a pretty impressive accomplishment!
Thanks to the bronies over at the ponychan thread for making it happen. We are just one step away from "Featured" article status, which will toss FiM to the main Wikipedia page.
And you guys said FiM would die off during the hiatus! -
[Normal] Some more history of the Elements of Harmony for you guys this afternoon. (aww, Cele's tail doesn't leak off the page anymore)
Author: Cony the Pony
Description: A look into the past of the Elements of Harmony or, as they were know back then, the Elements of Friendship.
Elements of Friendship: Chapter 1
Elements of Friendship: Chapter 2
Elements of Friendship: Chapter 3 (New!)
Additional tags: Historical, Reincarnation, Legends, Friendship, Beginnings -
Author: Dashalicious
Description: Princess Luna leaves Canterlot when she feels un-appreciated, and
A Better Life
eventually winds up in Ponyville, where she winds up in the middle of a
lesson in friendship that may be exactly what she needs.
Additional Tags: Lonely Luna, friendship, non-shipping relationshipsop 18:00
Sildid: Author: Dashalicious, comedy, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, Normal, Pinkie Pie, Star-4, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE, Twilight Sparkle -
Author: TotalOverflow
Description: Big Macintosh seems like a simple pony who keeps to himself and doesn't say much, but there's more going on beneath the surface of this red stallion than it would seem at first glance. After his family urges him to go and make some friends in town, Big Macintosh finds himself meeting interesting ponies and discovering a whole world outside of his farm. But even with these new experiences, old memories and ghosts from the past resurface to haunt him. Big Macintosh finds himself confronted with something he thought he put behind him long ago…
All Chapters After the Break!
op 17:47
Sildid: Applejack, Author: TotalOverflow, Big Mac, Blues, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Incomplete, Normal, Other, Rose, Scootaloo, Star-6, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
This image comes from Jayson Thiessen's Twitter page.
That is totally Season 2 right there, and Twilight is reading a book! Why is this exciting? Because it's season 2 of course!
This wait is killing me.
What we can gather from this MASSIVE LEAK:
- Twilight's Library is still intact.
- Twilight Sparkle still reads books in season two
- Twilight Sparkle is the best pony, and currently takes up 100% of season two that we know of
- Jayson likes to tease us!
Spike holds a book: Excitement levels continue to rise.
Through the use of deduction and science, we can also determine that this is in fact episode 6 of season 2, thanks to the various people in comments for pointing that out!
Quite a mix this time around. First off we got some spacey stuff, followed by, followed by dubstep, and finishing with Eurobeat Bronie's demo for his new album.
I still don't get the dubstep thing, but I know some of you like it!
1.) Rage Bunny (OS)
2.) Omnivore - Forever Asleep - Dubstep
3.) Super Ponybeat - Vol.2 Teaser
Comic time is my favorite time. I will be so sad if I ever run out of comics to post. Do you hear that, artists? Draw more comics! Today's offerings begin with the above, a masterful and oh-so-incredibly poignant exploration of how Little Derpy earned her cutie mark, drawn by The Recliner27. Following it up below, is a piece by emeralddarkness, who wishes it to be known that socks are secretly evil. So that's today's public service announcement. If you love Luna, stop putting her in socks! Give your socks to Lyra.
[Shipping] Fluttershy..and dragons!
Author: Jess the Crazy Rabid Pony
Description: After following a baby griffin into the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy finds herself in danger. Fortunately, she is saved by a gentle and quite charming dragon.
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb Part 2
The Lion and the Lamb Part 3
The Lion and the Lamb Part 4
The Lion and the Lamb Part 5
The Lion and the Lamb Part 6 (New!)
Additional Tags: Dragon, Griffin, Everfree Forest, Danger, Rescueop 12:25
Sildid: Author: Jess the Crazy Rabit Pony, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Shipping, Star-5, Story -
[Random][Comedy][Shipping] Collective Pre-reader Response- "WTF?"
Author: ponyupthecash
Description: Twist was just a lonely little filly in Ponyville...until she met the alligator of her dreams.
Tho Thuper
(Thanks to/You can blame Wrongness for their Master Shipping/Fusion Chart and all of its hilariously horrible pairings!)
Additional Tags: Crackship, Twistgum, Straight shipop 12:00
Sildid: Author: ponyupthecash, comedy, Fanfiction, Gummy, Pinkie Pie, Random, Shipping, Story, Twist -
Source / Auction
Source Auction
A few of these are only on ebay it seems, so I'll just use the auction links as the sources! -
Author: Kathryn
Description: Filly Applejack has left the farm on a quest to find her cutie mark, leaving a young Big Macintosh to tend to the farm all by himself. Granny Smith is getting increasingly frail. With the farm to tend to, ponies to deliver precious food to, and a family to feed and keep safe, he's quickly finding it hard to handle. Frequently overtaxed and overworked, the growing Earth Pony doesn't even know if his beloved sister Applejack is alive. While he comes to terms with his conflicting emotions and the strain of ever-growing responsibility, he finds that he might just need to utilize his strength to do things he never thought he'd have to.
The Bigger They Are: Part I
The Bigger They Are: Part II
The Bigger They Are: Part III
The Bigger They Are: Part IV
Additional Tags: Family, long, pressure, love, Cutie-markop 10:00
Sildid: Applebloom, Applejack, Author: Kathryn, Big Mac, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Incomplete, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Star-3, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
[Adventure][Progressively Grimdark] Massive Update!
Author: Scribbles
Description: Princess Luna decides to leave Equestria, forever. She takes the moon
The Struggle for Power Chapter 1: The Grievance
and night with her, throwing the natural order of things into chaos. But a
little investigation shows that Luna is about to carry out a plot devised
long ago with a dark purpose.
The Struggle for Power Chapter 2: The Division Decision
The Struggle for Power Chapter 3: Bloody Ponies, they drive Twilight to Drink
The Struggle for Power Chapter 4: Oracle of Time and Devourer of Baked Goods
The Struggle For Power Chapter 5: Sharp Words and Sharper Wings
The Struggle For Power Chapter 6: Too bad ponies don't have Google Translate
The Struggle For Power Chapter 7: The God of Stars and Vengeance
The Struggle For Power Chapter 8: Celestia's Plot Revealed (New!)
The Struggle For Power Chapter 9: A Memory Bubble Within a Memory Bubble (New!)
Additional Tags: A hidden plot of venganceop 05:17
Sildid: Adventure, Author: Scribbles, Everypony, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, Luna, OC Ponies, Star-5, Story -
Shes growing on me, I admit. Earth ponies aren't usually my thing, but Octavia is breaking all the rules.
Click the image above to get to the flash! Or you can just hit up BBK's DA page.
And below is the select screen from Blaz Blue, ponified, courtesy of MrPoniator.
[Comedy] "short and simplistic... but on the other hand it does what it sets out to do and doesn't overstay its welcome." - Pre-reader #12
Author: CloudWander
Description: Three Earth Ponies ponder the origins of Pegasus Ponies in general and Rainbow Dash in particular. Science! Conspiracy! Scandal! Oatmeal!
Joshing Part 1
Joshing Part 2 (New!)
Additional Tags: Short, Humorop 00:44
Sildid: Author: CloudWander, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Star-5, Story -
Author: Autumn Wind
Description: After her jealousy made the once meek Luna into the dangerous Nightmare Moon, her sister Celestia had no choice but to exile her to the moon so that she would no longer pose a threat to the ponies of Equestria. However, she would not let her sister spend a thousand years alone. Every week, Celestia sets off to the moon, to see what is happening of her dear sister...
Google Documents
I'll Never Let Go
I'll Never Let Go
Additional Tags: Short, Anger, Exile, Compassion, Conflictop 00:00
Sildid: Author: Autumn Wind, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Nightmare Moon, Sad, Star-5, Story
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