Misterbull has sent us another engine demo for the game Spike's Quest. Seth said he tested it and it works fine, so I'm going to forgo that step. So, if it's a virus, it's Seth's fault, not mine.
Misterbull would like to emphasize that this is not indicative of the final game, but is simply a test of the engine. He releases these tests about once every Wednesday. If you'd like to keep up with the development of the game, there's a thread on Ponychan here that you can bookmark for more information.
The actual game can be downloaded here.Share This!48 Comments
This drawfriend post is epic. So much good art today!
And that totally isn't because of the awesome Trixie in socks, Trixie with wings, Trixie with Twilight, or Trixie the musician. I promise.
Also new poll. Who is the best pony in socks? Going up in 5 minutes under the chat button on the right. Lets end it once and for all!
Source 1
Go Daniel Ingram! Apparently that Twilight Sparkle plush actually sings an extended version of FiM introduction.
Now someone go bug Hasbro into releasing it so we can remix it into....
- 8 bit
- Eurobeat
- 16 bit
- Death metal
- Techno
- Trixie Autotune Singing
- Mario Paint
- Orchestral
Also the Twilight Sparkle plushie is actually purple, she just turned pink in the video!
Thanks to Flutterguy for the heads up! -
This is actually really neat. This thing has 3 different songs it cycles through: The FiM theme song, Winter Wrap Up, and...a mystery song?
It sounds like a modified intro theme. I think Daniel Ingram confirmed that the actual intro for season 2 would remain the same, but this could have been a small modification to how it starts.
That or the Twilight Sparkle solo he mentioned a while back.
You can find the video after the break!
NOTE: She only looks pink due to the lighting!
Thanks to Pepper Dog for the link!
Source: Madmax -
[Shipping] Shipping all OVER the place!
Author: BewareTheWater
Description: Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash have found another thing in common, their love for Applejack.
Dusk Part 1
Dusk Part 2
Dusk Part 3
Dusk Part 4
Dusk Part 5 (New!)
Additional Tags: First-Person, Relationships, Love, Emotionop 7:46 PM
Labels: Applejack, Author: BewareTheWater, Complete, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Shipping, Star-3, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Not only is the full on Derpy Hooves model used, but Fluttershy can be heard in the background cheering you on as you play.
I'm really curious about how they are getting away with this one.
You can find a review of it here, and the game itself is up on the iOS market place.
Thanks to Eytan for the heads up! -
[Normal] Spoiler: I've never watched Dr. Who.
Author: Tarkana
Description: A strange sickness has infected nearly everyone in Ponyville. It seems there is no hope for a cure - until Twilight stumbles across a strange blue box...
The Emotional Illness: Chapter I
The Emotional Illness: Chapter II
The Emotional Illness: Chapter III
The Emotional Illness: Chapter IV
The Emotional Illness: Chapter V
The Emotional Illness (All Links)
Additional Tags: Doctor Who, Sci-Fi, Short, Aliens, Crossover
Description: The Doctor takes the mane cast on an adventure unlike any they've had before. Thrills! Chills! Timey-Wimey!
Life Among the Distant Stars
Life Among the Distant Stars Part 1.5
Life Among the Distant Stars Part 2
Life Among the Distant Stars Part 2.5
Life Among the Distant Stars Part 3
Life Among the Distant Stars Part 3.5
Life Among the Distant Stars Part 4
Life Among the Distant Stars Part 4.5
Life Among the Distant Stars Part 5
Life Among the Distant Stars Part 6
Life Among the Distant Stars Part 7
Life Among the Distant Stars (All Links)
Additional Tags: One-shots, time travel, Sci-fi
Description: The Doctor returns to Equestria to find it is the center of a gigantic time paradox. He sets off with the mane 6 to fix the problem, but soon finds the threat is larger than he realized...
Time Crisis (New Part 1!)
Additional Tags: Doctor Who, time travel, paradox
op 6:50 PM
Labels: Author: Tarkana, Complete, Doctor Whoof, Everypony, Fanfiction, Normal, Star-4, Story -
The folks over at welovefine.com just dropped us a line to let you all know that they have finally unexploded their servers, which means their "design an awesome pony t-shirt and win a thousand bucks" contest is finally ready to get back to voting! Because of the technical difficulties, they're extending the voting deadline by a week, meaning everything will wrap up at 11:59 PM (PST) on August 21st. Follow the link below and do your part to make sure we get to have awesome pony shirts. Pony fashion is serious business!
Welovefine Contest Voting Page -
Author: RiffBrony
Description: Ever wonder what Princess Luna was doing during the Grand Galloping Gala? When the Cutie Mark Crusaders are in need of a babysitter while the mane 6 are at the Gala, who should show up and offer her services other than the moon princess herself? However, much like Twilight and her friends, their evening does not turn out exactly as planned...
The Midnight Crusades
Additional Tags: Young at heart, Little Sisters,op 5:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Applejack, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, Normal, Rarity, Star-6, Story -
That crazy Derpy Hooves voiceover girl wrote a song for Derpy, and sang it (In Derpy's voice) , but she needs help adding some instrumentals to the background.
You can find it after the break!
And the ponychan thread here if you want to help!
Look at Pinkie Pie! Shes amazed!
I have been getting a lot of requests in email for a "Just News Mode", as well as a bunch of people begging me to not post anything except for news on /co/.
I'd like to point out that "news" button on the main bar. That already is "Just News Mode". If you want to filter art/pmv/fanfiction/plushies/ect, just bookmark that instead. It moves pretty slow, since there isn't a whole lot to cover, and a few other things like to sneak into it, but at the rate it goes it's pretty easy to manage.
Just a simple PSA from EQD! This post however will not fall into the news category, as those who have it filtered anyway probably already know about it right? -
Sibsy over on Deviant Art (One of the animators working on FiM) recently dropped these on her DA page, along with the message:
"Wrapping up work on the last episode of season 2 of MLP....this episode never seems to end!"
These guys are awesome. Also filly twilight is endlessly cute.
You can find the DA page here if you want to follow her here!
Thanks to Calpain for the report! -
From the Goldenrusset Twitter page! I guess he heard our begging last night when I posted those doors!
How casual! Does he not know the POWER THAT HE WIELDS?
Thanks to kein for the heads up! -
Remember that official fan forum I talked about like a million years ago? Well, I was just leafing through it this morning and I found an interesting back-and-forth between a fan and the page's admins. This was apparently posted on Tuesday, so, apologies if you've seen this already. I'm slow.
If there was indeed a Derpy toy released, I highly doubt it would be called such- both for legal and aesthetic reasons. Do you think they'd go with Bright Eyes? or Ditzy Doo? Or is Cereal just reading too much into this?
What do you ponies think? -
Source: Brainbread
Source: Brainbread Source: IrashiRyu
Confound these talented bronies! -
[Normal] Spike stories are pretty rare lately!
Author: A Pony Farce
Description: A side story to Suited for Success that focuses on Spike and his connections in Canterlot.
Side Stories are Never Successful
Additional Tags: Short, Background Ponies, Dialog, Musical References, Suited for Success
Author: A Pony Farce
Description: Spike makes a routine trip to Canterlot to refill Twilight's supply of tea but discovers that every last bag of her favorite brand has disappeared. With no tea and no desire to head home empty-handed, the baby dragon has no choice but to hunt down the culprit with the help of some old friends.
Five Out of Five Ponies Who Read Drink Tea (New!)
Additional Tags: Minor errands and idle banter
op 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: A Pony Farce, Complete, Fanfiction, Hoity Toity, Normal, Octavia, Other, Spike, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle, Vinyl Scratch -
I don't really know how you guys do it, but I somehow got 2 star wars crossover...things in a day. Yes, I know Twilight is wearing a Star Trek uniform. Love and tolerance right? Even Trekkies and Star Wars fanboys can get along!
Have some Darth Fluttershy and Darth Pinkie Pie
Also a Paranoid Twilight Sparkle PMV.
1.) Darth Fluttershy
2.) If Pinkie was Darth Vader
3.) Who's Watching?
Those crazy newbie writers managed to pump out 42 fics this week!
They also set up a mini blog to compile everything. You can find that, and all entries here!
This week's theme: A Pet stuck in a tree in the Everfree Forest. How you twist that is up to you! Check out the Deviant Art page here for more information. -
Music: Dr Dissonance: Rarity, Graceful Style! / Jedidiah Pie Takes Flight / 8-Bit Pinkie Pie Polka
by SethistoI could see Rarity as a vampire. One of those classic ones who live in luxurious castles in the middle of nowhere and play pipe organs. She has that style about her that would fit the roll.
Anyway number one makes me think of that. In case you were curious.
1.) Dr Dissonance: Rarity, Graceful Style!
2.) Jedidiah Pie Takes Flight - Orchestral
3.) 8-Bit Pinkie Pie Polka
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