Did I use smug ass colgate yet? I don't remember.
I'm surprised it took so long for a fresh pony of Bel Air to pop up.
Also some sad pinkie followed immediately after by a happy pinkie!
1.)Fresh Pony of Bel Air
2.)Pinkie Pie Sings the Misa Song
3.)Maremellponysen (Pinkie Remix)
PMV: Fresh Pony of Bel Air / Pinkie Pie Sings the Misa Song / Maremellponysen (Pinkie Remix)
by SethistoShare This!99 Comments
[Sad] Sad Spitfire origin story time!
Author: MadFlavor
Description: The story of how everyone's favorite yellow Wonderbolt came to be.
Can't Start a Fyre Without a Spark Part 1
Can't Start a Fyre Without a Spark Part 2
Can't Start a Fyre Without a Spark Part 3 (New!)
Additional Tags: Sadness, growing-up, life-changing -
[Normal][Sad][Random] More OC! So have the 2 other characters in the story instead!
Author: Phoxxy Pwny
Description: Comet Star kept to her self mostly, she tended to avoid most ponies and did her best to only go out when everypony else was asleep, but this night something has gone terribly wrong leaving Coment questioning many aspects of herself. Will she make new friends? Will she find out who she is? There is only one way to find out....
Pony of the Stars Part 1
Pony of the Stars Part 2 (New!)
Pony of the Stars Part 3 (New!)
Additional Tags: Fun, Cute, Sad, First Fic, Poniesop 10:49 PM
Labels: Author: Phoxxy Pwny, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Normal, OC Ponies, Random, Sad, Spike, Star-3, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Author: Chris
Description: A look at Rose's social life and obligations, framed against a classic Equestrian fairy-tale from her childhood.
The Princess and the Rose
Additional Tags: Fate, Responsibility, No Happy Ending -
Rounding up our selection of blogponies (unless Tek resurfaces and shows interest), it's none other than me! Whether you've been anticipating this, dreading it, or were just plain ambivalent, here I am to shed as much light on as many topics as I can in the time allotted.
Same format as Seth and Cereal's, but later editions of this we're going to change things up to make it easier to get your question out there. Ok, let's have some fun, everypony!
3 Totally Different Genres of music! It's random Music time!
The first one was actually sent to me from about 15 different people, so apparently its awesome!
1.) My Little Pony Intro (Alex S. Glitch Remix)
2.) Winter Wrap Up Mario Paint
3.) Sgt-Whip - Derpy Grooves Feat. BaldDumboRat & Invader Zim (DL content)
[Normal][Adventure] Another Epic length adventure story for the masses! I wish I had time to read all of these, they really are my favorite. (New Story zomg !)
Author: Jetfire
Description: When an accident leaves Twilight Sparkle seriously ill, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity must undertake a perilous journey to find her a cure. What adventures await them beyond Equestria's borders?
All Chapters after the Break!
op 3:50 PM
Labels: Adventure, Applejack, Author: Jetfire, Complete, Everypony, Fanfiction, Normal, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Star-6, Story -
A new pony fiction site has popped up! I have been following this one for a while now. It really is an impressive piece of coding.
The creator (You may know him from various projects like the custom graphics engine) has set it up as an alternative to Deviant Art/Google Docs/Fanfiction.net, with a bunch of bells and whistles missing from those sites.
It's currently in beta, and could use some testers.
Also Trixie. Not that this was the selling point or anything... Even if that is a really epic Trixie...
I will still be covering fanfiction as usual here, but feel free to send links from this site instead of the typical docs/da/fanfic.net trifecta.
You can find it here: Fimfiction -
Derpy button time! Because everyone loves Derpy Hooves.
From Ganton as always!
Also uhh
Ratemyplot.net is up! Yes, this exists, yes it is a parody site, no you shouldn't explode about it, yes it's funny.
(In other words, don't take it so seriously anon!) -
Once upon a time in a magical land called Equestria Daily, there was a video by an animator who worked on My Little Pony detailing the process that went into putting together a complete and tv-ready scene.
Now, that brave soul returns to give you another look, this time pulling something from Winter Wrap Up (no, not the song). If you've ever wanted to see what sort of mad science goes into the creation of a Mutant Dragon-Pony Totem Pole, today is your lucky day. Check it out after the page break!
The first discovery commercial was so popular, someone busted out a version 2!
Also some raps and a WoW patch trailer ponified, because you guys will literally ponify anything.
1.) My Little Pony is Just... Awesome (Version 2)
2.) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Read a Book
3.) Ponyclysm - Patch 4.2 Trailer
[Sad][Shipping] Short story morning I guess! Also I'm cheating and using an image from the drawfriend later today, cause I'm out of Luna/Cele images. You guys write way too many stories about these two!
Author: AmberWings / AmberAustin90
Description: On the longest night, a thousand years ago, Nightmare Moon was banished. However, she wasn't always known by that name. One colt, who lit one light, and his love that shown for a thousand years for the one he knew as Princess Luna.
The Legend of the Lights
Additional Tags: Love, loss, endurance, remembrance -
These are all specifically designed with Iphone in mind, but I'm sure you can sneak them on to other OS's (At least the lock screen on android works!)
You can find them all at the deviant art gallery below, Two designs for each of the mane 6.
Phone Wallpaper Gallery -
[Normal] Short and cute!
Author: Wingbeat Pony
Description: Spike is curious about other dragons, and so he turns to Twilight for a lesson. She's got just the thing he needs - a book on dragons, of course!
A Pony's Guide to Dragon Companions
Additional Tags: Lesson, Dragons, History, One-off, Dialogueop 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: Wingbeat Pony, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Spike, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
[Sci-Fi][Crossover][Shipping][Sad] I hope you were in the mood for some Doctor Whoof, cause this one is a doozy. And due to it's length, It's that "hang out at the top over night" story that Fallout Equestria usually steals!
Author: TheGoldenCrowbar
Description: The tenth Doctor has fallen through a gap in the universe into Equestria, along with some of his fiercest nemeses. He acquires the aide of some new and interesting friends in a small town known as Ponyville. Can he stop these horrifying creatures and find his way back to his own place and time?
All Chapters + Story 3 Below!
op 4:47 AM
Labels: Author: TheGoldenCrowbar, Celestia, Complete, Doctor Whoof, Everypony, Fanfiction, Luna, Normal, Sad, Sci-Fi, Shipping, Star-3, Story -
I don't know if there is a Cowboy Bebop competition going on or something, but these PMV's are crazy good, and this one takes the top spot for sure.
Also some Space Ghost crossover stuff, and a Symphonic rock style PMV that somehow makes ponies 100% cooler.
1.) Pony Bebop
2.) Evil Ponies
3.) Attero Dominatus
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