Ehehehehe... the ponies! The ponies! THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD IDEA YOU GUYS! HAHAHA -- ahem. Well then. Let's begin the I've Finally Lost My Mind edition. Tonight's ramblings are gonna be a little bit shorter than usual, because my computer is kind of lagging tonight and typing is somewhat difficult. Keeping up with submissions is a higher priority. So ironically, on this our Laughter Night, I will be 37% less funny than usual. Cue ponies telling me I'm not funny anyway. W-well... the thing about that is... *sniffle* Not gonna cry. Not gonna cry... o-oh, um, right. Pictures.
143 tonight. Our total is now over 4,000! In fact it's
4,051! Somepony told me last night my math is off - I'll get on checking that soon. But it's only off by maybe one or two, so... *noisemaker!*
Distraction time! Have some
submission guidelines. Send questions or alternative entries to
[email protected] And that's all I have to say about that.
The Theme of the Day Draw a pony swimming. I thought we'd try another more action oriented theme and give you all a break from my recent obsession with depicting emotions. Since I'm feeling generous, I'll also explicitly state that other maritime activities are also acceptable fare. Being on a beach! Being on a boat! Waterskiing! Um... what the heck else do ponies do in the water? Swimsuit edition?