Fluttershy looks cute in a space suit edition. Just look at those little pockets for her wings! Adorable. Anyway, Space. The final frontier. Some say it's a place of infinite beauty and wonder, waiting for ponykind to explore it. Others say it's the fridge Celestia uses to store her alcohol at night. A few others suggest that alternative theory has very unfortunate implications for the whole Nightmare Moon thing, but we laugh at those guys because we know deep down Luna is a party animal and this is clearly the reason why. Somepony write a fanfic about that. Anywhoof, pictures! Tonight we got another
175 of them! That brings our grand total to
3,554, which is absolutely amazing. The push to 4,000 is on! How long do you think before we get there? Onward, to adventure!
Time to do the "Phoe repeats herself ad nauseum" dance. Check here for your
submission guidelines, and send all inquiries regarding whatever else to
[email protected]. I get back to some ponies quicker than others, but I try to answer every question sent to me.
The Theme of the DayDraw a pony's evil twin. If a portal to an alternate version of Equestria opened up, what kind of ponies would step out? Is Evil!Twilight a book burning pyromaniac? Does Evil!Lyra only lie on benches on her stomach? Does everypony have a goatee (please no)? This one's as much an exercise in character interpretation as it is drawing. Come on, show me what you've got! And before we even start, yes mirror opposites instead of true evil clones are allowed, and yes you can still use OCs. Just make sure the drawing sufficiently explains what's going on.