Pony bondage is more awesome than it has any right to be edition. If I could tell you exactly what the appeal of seeing these colorful equines tangled up in ropes is, I would. As it is I would really rather just move on before I blush so hard that my face catches on fire. Which feels like a real possibility right now. Ranging from the silly to the saucy, tonight's master plan to flood the internet with trussed up ponies netted
154 escape artists in training. I know this wasn't the easiest theme in the world, and probably not as imagination sparking as some others have been in the past, but we've managed a pretty impressive turnout nonetheless, I think. Very well done, everypony. I'm clopping... er... clapping with glee. What? What do you want? When you bring your hooves together it makes a 'clop' noise! Sheez.
Moving on. Here's the daily link to the
submission guidelines, which you must be sick to death of seeing by this point. Still, better safe than sorry, right? As always, feel free to drop a line at
[email protected] if you have any followup questions or concerns that I can handle for you. I read every comment you write for me on the submission gatherer (I love some of the stories you guys tell!), but unfortunately there's really not a whole lot I can do to respond to each of you in the way that I'd like to. If there is a point you need my direct feedback on, please do e-mail it to me even if your picture went up just fine. I'm not dead yet, which means I'm clearly not doing enough to help out!
The Theme of the DayDraw a pony armed with a bladed weapon. I've been informed by our gracious Overlord that lightsabers are also acceptable, and in a similar vein I'd be more than happy seeing any sort of crazy martial arts ponies you guys want to throw at me. I figure after tonight you'll be all shipped out, so have some soothing action (action, action...) to cleanse your palates. Rock on, everypony.