Some random final PMV's for the day! Yay~
1.) Nyanbow Dash (My ears!)
2.) Something Uplifting
3.) (Homestuck) Nepeta: Be the Pony
Tinker's throwin' a party! In New York!
From her email:I have over 30 confirmed going to the inaugural NYC brony meet in fabulous Manehattan! There are going to be games, prizes, gifts, sweets and more! And after the pizza, everypony is invited to Tinker's Lab for ponification... I mean for VIDEO GAMING! On the infamous Rainbow Dash Arcade Stick, no less!
Way to go, Cereal. Way to be on the opposite end of the country.
If you can make it, the festivities start at 8 PM at Lombardi's pizzeria in Little Italy!
Be there or be a square pony! -
Another brony has set up shop! This time with something fairly unique. These laser engraved flash drives come in various sizes, from 1gb to 64gb. You can also choose the body color/cap colors.
If you are interested, all of the pricing/combinations are found below at the DA page!
Custom Flash Drives on Deviant Art -
Music: Fluttershy's Lulliby Orchestral // Super Mareo Bro's 3 // Daft Punk -Winter Wrap Up Mashup
by SethistoMusic time!
1.) Fluttershy's Lullaby (Orchestral Cover)
2.) Super Mareo Bros 3 - Athletic
3.) Daft Punk vs My Little Pony - Wrap-Up Time
[Sad] Another in the Psychological Pony Series that I totally should compile some day but don't have time to do! Everything else is 5 stars, so I'm assuming this one will be as well!
Make sure to hit up the previous episodes, including Fluttershy: Origins, Pinkie Pie: Schism, Rainbow Dash: Dependence, and Applejack: Exposure.
Author: Saddlesoap Opera
Description: Rarity's generosity is well-known, but her need to please others may end up costing her everything.
Rarity: Loss
Additional Tags: Emotional, Psychological, Guilt, Desperation, Conflict -
BronyMike sent me this one, its the audition script for Apple Bloom. Strangely enough they made the voice actors use spike lines. I'm not sure if that is some crazy technique or if they just didn't have lines for yet yet.
Also an old version of Gilda's name is buried in there.
You can find both images after the break!
Brony Movie Night #3 is currently under way! This week they will be showing Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Evil Dead two, along with A Bird in the Hoof and Sonic Rainboom.
The Movies will start at 7:00 PM EST
You can find the channel below, as well as the discussion thread.
Ponychan Thread -
The guys over at "The Greatest Movie Ever!" Podcast have seemingly joined the herd. If any of you are interested in podcasts, this might be something to listen in on!
You can find the page and download link here! -
A Hungarian produce website is holding a bag design competition, where people are asked to design something using images of fruit! A bunch of Hungarian bronies are currently working on getting Twilight Sparkle and Rarity into the top 2 places. They are pretty far behind, and could really use the support of the rest of us!
You can find the competition below, via Google Translate.
I think it counted my vote at least!
Vote for Rarity
Vote for Twilight Sparkle
And the top Designs -
I've said it before, and I will say it again, Madmax is a MACHINE!
How she manages to toss comics out even when 1 mil hits is only 4 days, I will never know.
Instead of doing specifically themed ones, she will be doing a continuous story arc based the two comics below! So make sure you follow them in order!
Pinkie Pool 1
Pinkie Pool Origins
Also Shinigami Twilight Sparkle is way cooler than it should ever be. I'd be surprised if that doesn't spawn a ton of side images from various anime artists. -
For those looking to check out the Equestria Girls Extended video officially on the hub, the guys over at marketing department sent me this tiny clarification. I think a few people were confused about exactly when the promo would display!
The full music video will premiere on The Hub during the first commercial break of the Garfield movie at 5pm ET. It will run on our air in regular rotation from that point forward. We will be playing two back to back episodes of MLP on Saturday 5/28 as part of our Summer Preview, and double episodes of Pony on Saturday mornings all summer long! We hope all our fast-fine-fierce "pony-fabulous" friends tune in!
Looks like the Hub is embracing the pony! So go subscribe and support the show!
I'm still amazed at the DJ-Pon3 and Brony shoutouts. This is the BEST DAY EVER on so many levels.
As for what "Full Music Video" means, who knows! It might be even longer.
That's it. Combined with that extended Equestria Girls cut, this just proves the world did indeed end on May 21st and we're all in a more detailed Equestria. I could not be more okay with this you have no idea. I wonder if Rarity goes for, uh, humans.
Anyway, do you guys remember that Sonic Rainboom I blogged about about a month ago? There were more sightings of the atmospheric phenomenon that creates this effect, as sent in by Pockies. His pictures are much better than mine was! You can find them here. -
[Crossover] How did this take so long to exist?
Author: Digi
Description: For over 1,000 years I have ruled this empire.
The Pony Scrolls: Oblivion
Generals and would be kings bow to my command.
But a darkness comes.
Pony blood will be spilled.
This is the closing of our era of peace.
And what could be the final days of my life.
Gather your strength, and close shut the jaws of Oblivion
Additional Tags: Oblivion Pony Crossover Disaster Adventureop 12:00
Sildid: Applejack, Author: Digi, Celestia, Crossover, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, Other, Rainbow Dash, Spike, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Just a quick note.
For everyone who's interested.
This actually turned out to not only be the prelude to the best thing ever, but it also turned out to not be a troll after all. Cause it confirmed that season two will be freakin' awesome.
That's it, that's all I had to say. Go about your daily business.
Also, I love you all. I do. You're all awesome. - awesome.
A Brony going by the name of E the Pony on Ponychan is releasing downloadable files for various embroidery machines. So far he has released 8 different designs.
Wish I had one of these things! Every single piece of cloth in my house would have a pony!
You can find his blog below, as well as a ponychan thread with all sorts of information.
Ponychan Thread
E the Pony Blog -
So I was digging through my email, and came upon something from Expecting it to be yet another troll, I was skeptical at first.
Turns out it was COMPLETELY legit.
This is a 90 second extended version of Equestria Girls! Complete with a shout out to bronies as a whole! Exclusively for Equestria Daily! I don't even know what that means!
They would like me to let everyone know that it will officially air on Saturday after their Hub Family Movie. Here is the exact quote!
This promo spot that will debut on air after our family movie on saturday. The promo uses original voice talent from the show and has some special lines in tribute to our favorite Pony fans."
FAVORITE pony fans.
Thats right guys, Hub knows about us!
You can find the full download link below on Mediafire!
Equestria Girls
And the MP3! Thanks to Delindil in the IRC!
HQ Hubrip MP3
.Flac for audiophiles
Pretty sure Pinkie Pie is my favorite singer at this point. -
Looks like these are the three voted winners for the banner competition! Sorry about the late-ness of this post, I ended up having to stay until 2A.M. tonight at work :/
Thank you to everyone who participated! There were a ton of awesome ones in there, and I might rotate them in over time as needed (because I can! Take that Cereal!).
Anyway, Pony Noir will be up tomorrow some time, and then I'll start on these three.
In other news, the Friend-Off will probably be delayed a bit...again. It's really hard to find time for all of these events! I love doing them, but they are pretty time consuming.
We might do a real competition in a bit, though I'm not 100% sure what. I like to keep things accessible to everyone.
Anyway thanks again! I'm still surprised at how many people actually joined in! Now off to dig through...50 emails. Oh ponies you so crazy.
The final results are screen capped after the break btw.
Guess what? It's time to draw ponies! Are you excited? 'Cause I'm excited. I've never been so excited! Except for the time I went -- oh, right. Sorry. All right then, Heaven or Hell. Let's rock!
The Rules of Engagement
So here's the deal. Starting from right now, it is your job to draw ponies and send them to me. Every night at midnight, PST (that's Pacific Standard Time) I will pop out of the shadows and hand you a new assignment. Whether or not you take this assignment is up to you, but the more assignments you complete the more practice and exposure you get, so try not to shy away, either. You will have until midnight the following night to send in your work. For obvious reasons I'll be writing the actual post a bit beforehand, so if you're a late entry and don't see yourself right away don't worry, I'll get to it. For those of you interested, there's some helpful stuff over in the announcement post, like links to all those awesome tutorials. With that said, let's go over the rules:
- Send your submissions to [email protected] The subject line should include the phrase Artist Training Grounds, as well as the day you are submitting for. The body of the e-mail should contain an attachment to your picture, and the name you want to be known by. You must give me a name, or I can't post your drawing. These are the rules of Thunderdome.
- You're free to interpret the theme of the day pretty much however you wish, as long as you work it in there somewhere. Be as literal or as open minded as you want. If you choose to go a spicy or a bloody direction with a particular theme, please keep it within reason. Overly explicit images will not be posted.
- Any format you are able to draw in is fine. Digital art, a hand drawn sketch, whatever. If you handed me a doodle on a napkin I'd scan it myself. I'm cool like that.
- Have fun. I command it.
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony standing. Something very nice and simple to stretch your sketching muscles with. Ok? Ok! Hop to it!
Postitused (Atom)