These backgrounds look amazing.
Anyway Urimas is testing out the walk/run for the pony MMO. If you guys are interested in trying it out, hit up the link below and leave him some comments on his DA page!
Sprite Walk/Run Test
[Shipping] Flutterjack time!
Author: Ravengal
Description: In Dragonshy, what happened that we never saw? After some troubles in the present, Applejack looks back on the time she helped Fluttershy and begins to examine her feelings for the pegasus pony.
These Mountain Feelings (All Links)
Additional Tags: Mountains, flashback, and, rocky, relationships.
Fabric designs! Rarity! It fits! I dunno.
Anon McBrony writes to use to let us know that he's created cutie mark fabric designs. Unfortunately, ordering swatches of them is quite expensive, so he wants you guys' opinions on which ones you'd like to see made.
Check out his designs here, then email him at [email protected] and let him know! These are really neat, trust me. Go take a look! -
[Crossover] Dr Whoof x2!
Author: Andrew Joshua Talon
Description: A Doctor Whoof take on the last scenes of The End of Time. A bridge between Tenth Doctor Whoof and Eleventh Doctor Whoof stories.
Vale Decem Equis FF
Vale Decem Equis Docs
Additional Tags: Tearjerker, Crossover, Song Fic, Doctor Whoof, Humor, Doctor Whoof, Derpy Hooves, Twilight, Mane Cast
Author: Andrew Joshua Talon
Description: Every new companion has a first impression of the TARDIS, regardless
Doctor Whoof: First Impressions FF
of the Doctor. Twilight Sparkle is no different.
Doctor Whoof: First Impressions Docs
Additional Tags: Humor, Crossover, Doctor Whoof, TARDIS, Trollestia, Doctor Whoof, Twilight Sparkle, Celestia -
That kind of looks cool actually!
This is actually a 6 page comic! The rest can be found here.
(Just hit "next" in the authors description if the site scares you, should be perfectly safe!) -
[Shipping] So I heard you guys like borderline clopfics!
Author: ButterscotchSundae
Description: When Fluttershy goes looking for Rainbow Dash's help, she instead finds herself on an adventure with the gorgeous Spitfire and together they learn that love can be painful as well as pleasurable.
A Mile High in the Summer Sky
Additional tags: ButterscotchSundae Spitfire Fluttershy Trollestia erotic but not too cloppyop 18:00
Sildid: Author: ButterScotchSundae, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Shipping, Star-4, Story -
Hello everypony,
I hope you are all finding your day to be absolutely marvelous and filled with endless amounts of friendship! As you know, it is my royal duty to ensure the well being of all ponies across Equestria, and seeing the smiles on the faces of fillies and colts alike makes the tireless work I do raising and lowering the sun even more worthwhile!
Now some of you may have heard of a certain...event today. Unfortunately, the return of Princess Luna has gotten in the way of some extremely important preparations, and to top that off, my four avatars of death, famine, plague, and war are nowhere to be found. Sadly, without their assistance, I will be unable to burn every single one of you to a crisp and rip the world asunder until at least next year, probably some time around August.
I hope this doesn't inconvenience anypony! Maybe next time I won't be such a klutz :D
Your Glorious, totally non-tyrannical leader
Princess Celestia
[Crossover][Comedy] World of Warcraft time! I know some of you have played it!
Author: ThatOneBrony
Description: Our six equine heroes rally together to battle a force the likes of which the Shadowmare Valley has never seen before.
My Little Pony: The Black Temple
Additional tags: World of Warcraft, Everypony, Adventure, Completeop 15:00
Sildid: Author: ThatOneBrony, Complete, Crossover, Derpy Hooves, Everypony, Fanfiction, Star-4, Story -
[Normal] Another Epic Length story!
Author: Sir Politic Am-Be
Description: Running a country is not easy, even with practice. To make matters worse, a bizarre diplomat from the land of dragons has come to petition Celestia to join a war the ponies know nothing about. Hence, Celestia embarks on an adventure of diplomatic tango, trying to avert a crisis before it overwhelmes her lands by seeking information and allies. Furthermore, Luna's return to the palace presents new problems, as the dragons will do anything to get the leverage they need for aid.
Administration is Magic (All Links) (New Chapter 13!)
Additional Tags: political, suspenseful, grounded, exploratory, written
[Grimdark] Despite the image, this is in fact an Equestrian War, not the Vietnam War. I just needed an excuse to use it. It's also a planned series, so stay tuned for more chapters. Or f5 or something, I don't know if you can stay tuned into a computer, or if that even fits. ANYWAY enjoy.
Author: Albatross
Description: Applejack and Big Macintosh train with the secretive Equestrian Military. Upon returning home, a bomb is set off in Sweet Apple Acres. What will result from this?
Equestria: The Fires of War
Equestria: The Fires of War Chapter 2
Equestria: The Fires of War Chapter 3
Equestria: The Fires of War Chapter 4
Equestria: The Fires of War Chapter 5
Equestria: The Fires of War Chapter 6 (Complete)
op 12:33
Sildid: Applejack, Author: Albatross, Big Mac, Complete, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Star-3, Story -
Iamnotacleverpony is hosting a Remix War for all the musicians out there, and I will be posting all the entries here on Equestria Daily once everything is said and done!
Here is the general premise:
Take a remix made by another brony, and add your own "improvements" to it! It can be anything created by any other brony, be it Eurobeat brony, 8 bit brony, or even Iamnotacleverpony himself. (all found in the archive under their respective categories that no one knows exists!) The primary goal here is practice, so feel free to have fun with it.
For a full overview of all rules, including where to send these remixes (note: don't send them to me!), check out the google document found below!
Remix War Rules and Contact Information -
And then Dash's dreams were crushed!
Comic can be found below! Blogger hates tall stuff!
Oh My Dash! -
[Grimdark][Crossover] A Lovecraft Style pony story. It may seem a bit strange, but it fits the style. Probably not for everypony, but for fans of H.P. Lovecraft will probably find something to enjoy here!
Author: H.P. Lovecolt
Description: Twilight Sparkle goes to explore the rumours of a Cursed Heath on the outskirts of Ponyville. Unable to find any information about the place, or why it makes her feel so uneasy, she turns to a crazy old pony who tells her the whole tale as to how the Cursed Heath came to be.
The Colour From Space
Additional Tags: Lovecraft, Horror, Aliens, First Person
Image Source
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