Cause those, and shirts, are now available.
(I am in fact, not badass enough at all to even consider buying a pony backpack)
[Shipping] Some Fluttershy and Big Mac Shipping! Uh oh!
Description: Big Mac has an alter ego, given his natural talents there was only one thing it could be, with a little magic to keep it a secret.
Big Daddy Mac
And here is another Big Daddy Mac Story, this time with Rainbow Dash.
Description: It's short, it's silly, it's designed to make you giggle and you probably can't clop to it, but maybe somebody will like it. It's another short story with Big Daddy Mac, wherein Big Daddy Mac gets his comeuppance - for once!
Big Daddy Mac Doesn't Dashop 23:06
Sildid: Author: Midnight Shadow, Big Mac, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Shipping, Star-4, Story -
[Normal] More Big Mac Stuff. This time by Lawnpygmy.
Description: The Apple Family always keeps their promises. Always. Sometimes this makes them act rather silly, leads them down roads best left untraveled. Big Mac is forced to face a horrible memory because of this, and make an important decision.
Big Mac's Promise -
[Normal] Something Madmax requested and Squeek did, so you know it going to be good right?!
Description: Scootaloo show's up at Rainbow Dash's door in the middle of a storm. She claims eveything's fine, but is it really?
Scooting Along -
[Shipping] Completely missed this one! A new drawfriend this time. Also now updated with better grammar and more story!
General: A mysterious pony comes into Ponyville but Twilight senses something familiar about her.
Twilight/Trixie (Untitled)
Postitused (Atom)