That is actually somewhat surprising. But I guess this explains where some of the bans came from. Hopefully this one doesn't flip out like the /tg/ mods used to and go on thread delete/banning sprees (poor cutebolds, they never saw it coming...)
This could be a good thing though I guess! Anyhow off to work, you should totally do This while im gone! -
I'll be at work for the next 8 hours. You guys would be doing me a huge favor if you posted links to any fics/drawstuff/videos/news here so I can upload them when I get home. The speed general threads are going today with the new episode means I'll have 10 archived threads to dig through when I get home. That's too many apples to hold!
Just use the comments below, since it's much easier to go through those 1 at a time. As always, anon commenting is enabled so you don't need an account for it.
See yahz. -
It's time for PONIES!
Fall Weather Friends Part one is up!
Fall Weather Friends Part Two is also up! -
Twilight vs Warhammer Ork?
Should not want....
Still pretty cool in a grimdarky sort of way.
Falling Skies -
[Shipping] More Trixie stories! This time by Pacce.
I love Trixie, it's amazing how much everyone else seems to love her too with only one episode under her belt.
Anyway, here is the link.
The Great and Powerful Story -
[Normal] I don't know if this one has a real title, that's just what I gave it after reading it. If anyone knows who the actual artist is or a title let me know in the comments.
Description: Need
Enjoy it!
A Trixie Party
op 01:29
Sildid: Author: Achesst, Fanfiction, Normal, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE, Twilight Sparkle -
[Crossover] I lol'd I think, or something. Story after the break.
Description: Needed
(written by: Pacce)
Pinkie and Goku
Postitused (Atom)