• Wikia Poll Round 2

    I'm pretty sure we already won, but for the sake of the poor EQD poor submit box, I'm going to post it again anyway!  Wikia is holding a top wiki poll.  It was a pretty epic battle between League of Legends and FiM for a while, but we seem to have pulled ahead.  As far as I know, the top two are the only ones really broadcasting it around the internet. 

    Hit the poll up here

    I guess at this point we can just see how high we can climb?

    136 kommentaari:

    1. I'm gonna let this one slide, we've taken advantage of it a lot

    2. Some people don't seem to like us dominating the polls, think we're mobbing the internet.

      I don't really see the point; any other fandom would do the same, right? It's kind of the whole fan thing, supporting the show you watch.

    3. Haven't done that in a while. Probably shouldn't have, but what's Celestia gonna do, blast to the moon with a bag of bananas?

    4. I accidentally voted for the wrong MLP wiki... eh, at least it worked. Besides, they're both awesome.

    5. LoL was at like 8000~ votes last time I checked, guess they were caught cheating haha.

      We got this, there's no way we don't got this!

    6. The FiM wiki is the best wiki ever! It's very handy for keeping track of background ponies.

    7. @Travis Smith

      Celestia will never take my booze! NEVAH!

    8. Or how low we can sink, since this works both ways.

    9. Sometimes Seth, I don't know you realize what you have in your hands.

      With one single post you could send quite a considerable percentage of the fanbase to do whatever you want (with some limitations of course).

      So far you have the power to turn the tables on polls. Who knows what power will you unlock next?

    10. @Shadow Heart
      I recommend you drink it quickly or help me hide Luna's crown.
      Yay I stole Luna's crown, kept the keys to the castle after I retired from the guard

    11. I already vote but I doubt we're not going to falter anytime soon.

    12. Either the site is always slow, or we are DDoSsing it by the many visits... xD

    13. Hey it's us against them vote or be voted out

    14. Mario Kart Community I made for Bronies: 43-2245-5230-9723 plz join!

    15. @Travis Smith

      No way, Luna and me are iin bad relations as it is. Last time she saw me she tried to hit me with a lightning spell. It only grazed me though, but I still feel the tingle in my side. Anyways you were probably planning onn saying I stole it, weren't you? But besides that I have a stash of whiskey hidden on the moon. Hopefully Luna wont hit it against the planet in an attempt to crush me.

    16. I didn't vote for it because I don't think the wiki is all that good. But I guess a lot of people will vote for anything pony related, so oh well.

    17. @Somepony Else if LoL had such vehement fans as the ponies do they'd be winning, they accuse us of mobbing the internet for being popular in a popularity contest

    18. MLP:FiM has made me a better person. MAY THE MLP:FIM WIKI WIN!!!

    19. @Shadow Heart
      No of course I wasn't?, I just got bored so I wanted to have some fun.
      That's your stuff? I found it on my second trip there, don't worry I left it there for you

    20. @Luna

      If I get your crown back will you forgive me and stop trying to kill me.

    21. I wish there was a really good fanon wiki we could vote for ><. Oh well, guess it goes to the canon wiki!

    22. Excuse me, but I believe all of us at the MLP Wiki asked you to not post anything about this poll anymore. We do not want to win by rigging a poll, we want to win by fairness. It gives us bad names when we invade a poll just to win it.

    23. Guys, i admit, i'm a huge fuckin' brony. But that doesn't mean i'm voting for the wiki. It's a nice little wiki, but it's not nearly as comprehensive or well run as some others. Now, Star Wars being my other big fandom i'm voting for Wookieepedia, not just because i like the subject, but because it's an incredible wiki. It does an extremely admirable job of making sense out of the most convoluted canon i can think of. It's freakin' gigantic, and it's moderated very well.

      Bronies, how can we expect people to not hate us if we turn everything into popularity zerg rushes? To quote a pony, "t'aint fair."

    24. @Loupgarou:
      It's kinda what you'll expect from a fanbase as good and strong as the bronies.

    25. @James Corck

      He really put his weight behind the Humble Brony Bundle, and look where that went!

      I think the "call the herd" aspect of this fandom is really quite entertaining.

    26. As I said before, I voted for the One Piece Wiki, which I'm surprised is in third. I know it's a good Wiki but I would would have excepted Naruto or another anime to be higher.

    27. @Eric Cramer

      You're right!

      How could I forget about the Humble Brony Bundle? The numbers that donation drive ranked up are staggering and mindblowing!

      As I said, Seth does have a lot of power, but thankfully he is a very thoughtful and responsible guy. We couldn't be in better hands.

    28. No! Don't vote for fucking heartstrings wiki you idiots...

    29. You're not doing anyone any justice by spamming a poll. If you want to vote, then vote. But do not post comments intimidating everyone else. It's extortionately rude and unnecessary.

    30. @Saufsoldat

      Heartstrings is the name given to her via Hasbro with the surprise bag toys.

    31. @mpkmanav

      There's been comments from the developers stating that Hasbro TOY names aren't official for the characters of the show.

    32. @Travis Smith

      Oh really? I must have drunk Discord's stash of mushroom tea than, because I've seen her comment on blogger on multiple occasions in other posts.

    33. @Municipal Engines

      But the toys are still affiliated with Hasbro, so a name from them is more reliable than the placeholder name the fan gave her (Lyra).

      As soon as she is named on-show, her name will be changed as appropriate. It may very well turn out that a future episode will call her "Lyra", in which case we would change her page name back to "Lyra". But for now, "Heartstrings" is the most reliable name we've got so far.

    34. Sorry but the League of Legends wikia is way better than the My Little Pony one in my opinion, I fear. I'm voting for the LoL one.

    35. @Shadow Heart Alright give back the crown, it's irreplacable, and I won't send the moon at you. As a matter of fact, Whiskey huh...on my moon...you aren't getting that back any time soon. Unless you ask 'Tia for bananas...

    36. @mpkmanav

      The toy doesn't even look like her. It's just a Twilight recolour. But nevermind, I guess some people just differ on these things.

    37. MLP as number one and One Piece as number three. Epic win in my book.

    38. @Municipal Engines

      Fluttershy's toy is a recolour of Rainbow Dash. Does that mean it's not Fluttershy?

    39. @Luna

      I have the same ammounnt of power as Discord when I used a ritual to copy his powers, so I can go wherever I want, whenever I want. Besides that I'll get your crown back from Trav, I know it means a lot to you. Anyways I know that this is a very dumb question, but do you want to go out for dinner sometime? It's on me.

      @Travis Smith

      Told you Luna is on here :)

    40. The LoL Wiki is also rather nice. Right, Fluttershy?
      I'm glad to see the Vault Wiki as well. You go, Vault Boy!

    41. I'm too busy doing all of Celly's paperwork. That Smith pony is asking for an audience with my sister with that sort of disbelief in me...even if it has been 1000 years...

    42. There are other MLP:FiM related wikis on there that all need some love, for example the Fallout: Equestria one

    43. Didn't the MLP wiki ask you guys not too post about the poll?

    44. Sorry, but as much as I'd love to see a MLP wiki take the top spot, I can't vote for that wiki. And I can't recommend it to anypony else either. There are other MLP wikis that are much better due to not being run by egoists.

    45. Come on, seriously? I voted for the Monster Hunter wiki because it's so much better. This isn't about which wiki has the biggest fanbase, it's about which is the BEST. I love MLP, but our wiki is not the best out there.

    46. Oh wonderful, yet another poll we can ruin...


    48. I actually use this wiki quite a lot when developing my fanfics. I'm glad I had a chance to vote it up.

    49. @Luna
      Ive seen you comment on EqD, I meant I haven't seen you in this post yet, Shadow Heart just put@Luna, an I didn't see a comment from you on this post yet.
      Try to send me to the moon, I'll escape for the third time, send me to mars again, I'll bring back my Xenomorph army.
      Celestia can try, her power dosen't scare me, I have many two other Alicorn friends. But don't feel hated, I'm a Wolf person so I basiclly praise the moon
      I'll give your crown back when Celestia gives me back my land of the Everfree forest. That's only border I have with Equestria
      Hail the Steel Empire!!!!

    50. @Evina

      Thank you for being one of the few sensible posts here. (I know there are others you were the first I saw)

      It's kind of saddening that this is what we've reduced ourselves too. Dominating every poll that pony can win. In all honesty this needs to stop. We are just shoving ourselves down everyone's throat. Not everyone wants to see us everywhere.

      We all are shown a poll and we jump on it ruining any other possibilities chances by a landslide. Hell most of the polls we end up dominating we honestly don't even deserve to win.

      Honestly please stop posting "Calls to Action". A majority of this fandom have become sheep and don't realize that they are hurting the fandom instead of helping it. Don't wait to "sit back for the next Hub Naughty & Nice Poll" Stop posting outside polls now.

      The entire fandom needs to take a step back as well. We can't jump on every single thing pony latch on to it and shove it down everyone's throat. There are other enjoyable things out there. I look and see that this phenomenon has taken over peoples lives and honestly that's just sad. This show WILL NOT last forever I can't imagine what will happen to these people once the plug gets pulled.

      Well that's just my two cent rant.

    51. @keneticpest

      Does it really matter now? We've already won

    52. The wiki is better than mosts other wikis that I've used. I voted based on what wiki has been the most mostful for me, which in this case was the One Pice wiki.

    53. Had I known such a poll was going on before this topic, I likely would have voted for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, since I really haven't used any other wikia wiki anyway. But having read that the wiki is against a "rigged" poll, I can't help feeling a little bad for voting them :(

      I can definitely understand why people are bothered by these "calls to action."

    54. @GyroBowlny

      So we should keep our fanbase in the closet because some people don't like it? Well pardon me for offending people who don't like what I like.

    55. @Travis Smith Heard of the Elements of Chaos? I don't need to trap somepony neccessarily...that or the Elements of Fiction...nonono the fourth wall is not my place to be...and anyways if I even try to enter that throne room, there sits my overly-exalted big sis' ready with a bag of bananas and a trap floor. Ever been sent to the sun?

    56. @GyroBowlny "Shoving it down everyone's throat"? If people want to exclude our opinions from their polls, they wouldn't be polls. If they don't want all the bronies to vote for the ponies, they shouldn't include the ponies.

      As was said before, people can hardly complain for the active and populous group winning a popularity contest.

    57. sorry, i was rooting for the phineas and ferb wiki. i was trying to get it to win

      then i saw EQD report ponies.

    58. @Brian That's not really at all what he said. Really our fandom is just attacking these polls that really we shouldn't win.

      Remember that poll a couple weeks back asking who would win in a fight? It was between Transformers and My Little Pony. EqD posted a link to said poll and we dominated. Now, I don't honestly believe that Transformers would lose to My Little Pony.

      Next, the Naughty or Nice contest; is Discord really a better villain than the Joker? Or Dan? It just seems absolutely ridiculous.

      Our fandom hasn't always done bad things, in fact, some things we've done are good. That Humble Brony Bundle that ended recently gave us a good name, although it seemed like we absolutely 'had' to outbid notch. Like Gyro said, we're just forcing the our size to win every single contest we enter, and it honestly disgusts me.

      It may be just me, but it seems like a good amount of people in this fandom really are in it just to be 'cool.' It really is just a bandwagon fanon, and we absolutely can't lose anything, God forbid bronies lose one poll. This opposed to the guys on 4chan a year ago, who were the odd ones out.

      Don't automatically shut me out, just think for a second: how bad would it be if once, just one time, we didn't blindly swarm a poll? Would it be the end of the world if we lost once?

    59. @Luna
      Look I just want what is rightfully my ponys land. We stayed in the harshness of the old country, I brought the three tribes together, I spent 900 years making my Empire!
      The Elements of Chaos? How did you get those!?
      Tell Celestia that when she gives back my land I'll return your crown an that secreat photo of you with that Shadow Heart

    60. Voted for the Brony wiki as the "Official" Wiki is utter trite IMHO

    61. @Linkeh24 You do strike a good point. But it isn't just a bandwagon fandom for some of us you know. And just in case I wouldn't speak of Discord, he's been here before...

    62. I agree with Linkeh24 on this one.

    63. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    64. [Edit of removed comment]

      As I posted last time Seth posted this up, we at the wiki appreciate your interest and kindness. It is always helpful and it will be remembered. Thank you for it ^_^

      But the problem with this is that flooding the poll with votes for the MLP wiki is really unfair to other wikis. The MLP wiki is part of the Wikia network which has many communities. The MLP wiki wants to make sure all communities have just as much of a chance at whatever as we do. Flooding this vote removes the chance for better wikis (and there are better wikis out there - MLP wiki is just small and young, albeit well-written wiki) to win what they deserve.

      I apologise if I sound like a whiny mare but we need to keep in mind that there are better wikis out there who deserve to win this more than we do. Give a thought to those other wikis - the ones in the top 20 (excluding that duplicated MLP entry) are very, very good wikis and most of them deserve more recognition in this vote than the MLP wiki does.

      Oh and one more thing - this vote doesn't mean anything. It's supposed to be a friendly competition between wikis, not fandoms.

    65. @mpkmanav is it possible for the staff at wiki to remove votes? Could make things fair again and its a sign of goodwill I guess.

    66. @Travis Smith I'll get that signature of lands faked and maybe tell you where I got the most dangerous thing in my possesion if you tell me how and when you got that picture. In fact, I don't even know where half of these pics are coming from lately, but there's a couple I don't quite approve of.

    67. @someponyelse we are mobbing the internet and we really should stop. All this rampant poll stuffing we're doing is making us look like we're attacking the internet, which goes against our whole "love and tolerance" thing.

    68. @Rickadai

      Considering Staff can edit the vote entries, being familiar with the system, they should be able to remove entries as well.

      It will be considered, but that in mind, LoL wiki should do the same considering they had advertisements put up in forums just like the MLP wiki has.

      Thanks for your feedback, as I mentioned it will be considered :)

    69. @Luna
      I've only got the one, you really should get your security on that, i left plenty of notes on how to do look for such things. Another reason im glad i retired.
      I found it with your crown, guess it was something special, you both seemed happy playing cards in Celestia's room.
      Make the signature real so i can cal off my troops, there boredom they have family missing them.

    70. Deal accepted, I'll get those papers. Stalkers beware, I'm burning my photo albums, and bags of bananas will be set up at every gate.

    71. oh yea, just realized i didn't vote last time! My internet derped and i couldn't =(

    72. @Linkeh24 @GyroBowlny

      Everyone, seriously. Calm down. We are not ruining anything. My favorite wiki is Wikitroid. How many votes does it have? One.

      Am I complaining? No. In fact, this is why I love this fandom. Metroid fans are dead, and MLP fans are active.

    73. @Luna

      I thought I ttold you to buurn that photo. Now it was used against you. But remind me next time we play poker to not bet eny money. The treasury got a huge income that night. But let me know if you have any free time later.

    74. @Linkeh24

      No it wouldn't be so bad if we did lose. But it also isn't so bad that somebody else loses. It's meaningless poll, who cares who wins or loses?

    75. @Luna
      Deal, peace between us shall continue farewell oh princess of the Night!

    76. I think it wasnt best thing to do, posting it, now this will be contest of who has more crazy fans, not which wiki is better.

    77. As much is It would be nice for this not to be a popularity contest. That's basically impossible. There are probably many great wikis that aren't getting votes because nobody uses them.

      The LoL wiki I've never actually used because I don't play LoL. Someone above me mentioned the Star Wars wiki, which I'm sure is good, but I'm not voting for it as I've never needed to use it. So I voted for the best wiki, but only out of the few that I've actually used. MLP would be second (for me) after One Piece.

    78. @mpkmanav
      I do agree that LoL wiki is very well-written (as a player of that game, I use it for various information rather often), but the attitude of that community has been even more "omg everyone just vote" than ours has. In addition, they tend to be much more rude regarding their competition; while it was originally a tossup for me to pick one to vote for, helping the LoL community to win would have left a bad taste in my mouth due to the attitude of many of them.

    79. @Luna

      Also you know the ponyrazzi are some annoying pests. One night in a bar was all they needed from you. Your sister probably bribed them and hid the photos in the vault. If you ever need anything, either you or your sister, let me know.

    80. @Shmiam: I'll add that to my list, but didn't you know there's already a Mario Kart 7 Brony community? It's "MyLittlePonyFiM", and the code is 63-1403-1442-2377". It already has like, 16 members, so it'd be better to join what already exists.

    81. @Ironside d'Windurst

      I'll take your word for it since I have not had any experience with LoL's fanbase.

    82. @Somepony Else

      I don't vote on this poll to have us dominate it. I vote because the FiM-Wikia is the one I've utilised most this year, and, because the articles actually are quite well-written.

    83. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    84. Fun. We should dominate polls again sometime.

    85. Wow, every single time Seth posts about a poll, a bunch of whiners start complaining about ruining the poll and saying it's unfair.

      It's not unfair! The most popular fanbase always wins; that's how it works.
      Look at a government election. Is the party that wins the election "rigging" or "cheating" in the election? No! They're just the most popular.

      And to those of you saying we shouldn't vote in polls, that's like saying the Democrats or Republicans (I'm not from US, hope I got those right) shouldn't vote in the election because "oh, we're too popular so we'll ruin it"

      You're being completely irrational guys!

    86. For people arguing about how right it is to charge this poll, I find the answer is that it doesn't matter. What we did may be a fan attack, and it may put a bad face on the brony community, but really fans of any fandom would do the same if they could.

      The poll turned into a fandom war when it started, it was only a matter of how many fans each wiki had that was willing to spend their time voting on the poll, so even if MLP didn't win, the result of the poll will likely still not be fact. Assuming Minecraft had the best wiki, I would think the majority of Fallout fans would just disregard that and vote Fallout instead.

      And addressing that fact that this puts a bad face on the brony community, I personally don't give a damn what people outside our fandom think, I am entitled to like what I like, and they are entitled to do the same.

    87. Wow, ... MLP Wikia looks like shit compared to the League of Legends Wikia

      Someone go clean it up

    88. MLP wiki is rubbish, tempted to vote for LOL.

    89. I'm not going to feel bad about voting for the MLP wiki page.

      #1: I used it much more than any other wiki (including the LoL page).

      #2: If I wasn't a brony and instead wanted another anything to win I wouldn't hate or look down on the fanbase for giving their thing more votes and winning a poll designed for fun. Honestly can't imagine getting annoyed at anyone for winning something over the internet. And I couldn't care less about appeasing anyone who would rage about losing an internet poll.

      #3: I enjoy seeing the herd trample things under its iron hoof.

      I apologize (only to you guys, not the other communities) if I come off as annoying or anything. Just wanted to toss my two cents out there. I enjoy seeing these posts and always kind of gets under my skin when I see all the bickering about not stepping on others toes. Not like we are going to their forums and mocking them, it's just a for fun poll (which allowed MLP in it, if they wanted a legit contest they could have sifted out wikis that weren't as good). Thanks everypony!

      TLDR: IMO I voted for MLP because I thought it was the most useful and if LoL fanbase gets upset because they lost a random poll then that's their problem.

    90. I don't believe this. This is the freaking wiki that denies the existence of fan nicknames, and you vote it up to number one, above wikis that deserve it far more. I think I'm starting to hate this fandom.

    91. @3Power

      How so? If I type in Lyra I get Heartstrings. That's certainly not denying their existence.

    92. @3Power

      I thought you would have the dignity to leave your senseless and incorrect rants in Reddit. The wiki acknowledges them.


      Last sentence of the first paragraph. I will quote it.

      "Her fan-given name is Lyra."

      So what are you complaining about?

    93. @mpkmanav
      So Scootaloo is also Applebloom and vice versa.
      Your argument is pretty moot though.
      The toy is called Fluttershy. The character is Fluttershy. Thus they are the same.
      The toy is called Heartstrings. A different looking pony is fan-called Lyra. Thus Lyra is Heartstrings. Derp.

    94. Toywiz did not suffer from us dominating its poll. It got the advertising attention it wanted.

      Wikia is not going to be, on the whole, about the best Wiki it will be voted for based on fandom.

      Of course we will win a popularity contest of any sort. You might as well try and stop the wind.

    95. @Brian Of course it redirects, the page used to be called lyra. Doesn't help any new user though does it.



      The page history says that was added today. When I'm not sure since it's a different time zone, but there is no indication there is any change in wiki policy, so I would not be surprised if its reverted within a few hours.

      Nice try though.

    96. @GyroBowlny This is like the fourth or fifth poll spamming/flooding. Odds are were not going to see it ending anytime soon sadly. Though if it is any consolation half of the community dislike the whole spamming/flooding in general

    97. I'm surprised wookieepedia isn't closer to the top.

    98. @Ion Storm yeah im a bit shocked about that as well. Wookieepedia has always been my personal favorite wiki

    99. I would've given a vote to the Monster Hunter Wiki, but alas, I was too late.

    100. I don't really like that wiki. The articles aren't that well-written and those annoying comment pages are always filled to the brim with immature brines arguing over which pony is the best...

    101. @Fluffy
      Damn you, autocorrect...

    102. What are all you people whining about? WHERE in this topic does it tell YOU to vote for MLP FIM? All this news post does it tell you ABOUT the poll and give you a link to the poll. If Sethisto had said'vote for MLP FIM or you are a bad brony!' then yea, he would be abusing power.

      But all he is doing is drawing attention toward topics, that is his job as the communities news poster and I expect this from him. I would be upset if he stoped doing his this because some people feel like his word is law.(Which you are doing, not he)

    103. I personally think that other wikis, like the One Piece and Transformers (not Teletraan-1) wikis are written way better and have a lot more depth about the characters and events. Hell, even the one I created a few years back, the Duel Masters wiki, seems much better written after management changed and let it blossom.

      So just think for a moment, are you only voting for the MLP wiki because it has ponies in it or because it's well-written and properly nurtured?

    104. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    105. Whining..? @Unknown we are not whining we are complaining. THIIIIIIIIIS IS WHINING!! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ

    106. FFS... every story now has an image brigade in the comments, complaining that bronies are making... bronies... look bad.

    107. We are just too powerful for the internet to handle I feel..... we need to make the ponynet to balance it =3

    108. I'm going to join in the shitstorm and offer an argument.

      What is a poll? I'm sure we can all agree for Twilight's Imaginary boyfriend to help us out here: The Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

      According to the dictionary, two definitions are the most appropriate here:

      4 a(1) : the casting or recording of the votes of a body of persons

      5 a : a questioning or canvassing of persons selected at random or by quota to obtain information or opinions to be analyzed

      Which definition is appropriate, however? Clearly, we can settle on a definition that is closest to 4a(1), as the 'polls' we usually deal with are not matters of a questioning of a _selected_ group of people.

      So now we know that when a website polls, that website records the votes of a body of persons.

      But the next question is: _What_ body of persons?

      Is there anything, in reality, that allows to answer that question with a restriction? If a poll was meant to record votes from a specific body of people, why is it public? In other words, anyone with a computer CAN vote on the poll.

      If a person CAN vote on a poll, that does not mean he SHOULD. On the other hand, we can argue that it is the poll-taker's responsibility to ensure that only a subset of people can vote.

      We have at least one wrong here: the lack of responsibility of the poll-takers. They made their poll public, therefore anyone in the public can vote. But what if the poll declares, even implicitly, that the results should come from a certain subset of people?

      Seth, of course, has the right to impart information, by freedom of expression. His intention, whether bona-fida or not, is to allow "My Little Pony" selections of polls to reach majority. He can do this, but should he?

      Why does one take a poll? In the end, it boils down to one thing: Knowledge. One takes a poll to know what is popular among a set of people. The Wiki poll we are so fiercely arguing over is intended to know what is popular among WIKI USERS. Even though the poll is public, the implicit desire here is to know the opinion of wiki users. Therefore, anyone who is not a wiki user should not vote. If one who is out of the intended subset knowingly votes, he will skew statistical data, and knowingly skew results, and therefore knowingly skew KNOWLEDGE, which is what is obtained from the data.

      Is it right what Seth has called us to do? Is it right to SKEW KNOWLEDGE? When one skews knowledge, one is distanced from the truth. As one is distanced from the truth, he becomes IGNORANT. Socrates, the father of our thought, once said that the only good is knowledge, and the only evil is ignorance. Is it right for Seth to push the poll-takers to evil, if Socrates is taken for his word?

      Finally, I hope we can all agree that everyone wants all their knowledge to be true, and that knowledge is an ultimate good that everyone should strive for. If Seth calls for the knowledge of the poll-takers to be skewed, he denies them an ultimate good.

      And so I conclude, that Sethisto should not post calls to action on polls. As Socrates, I am sure, would view this as evil.

      Can he? Yes, it is his human right. Should he? No, for he disrupts the flow of knowledge by doing so.

    109. Personally, I voted for Wookieepedia.

    110. This year I've only used 2 wikis Sonic NN and MLP and well both were usefull for me and I don't know if we really are going to see EVERY wiki just to know what is the best I mean... it's ridiculous and I'll vote for the ones I've used and I'm famialiar with which is MLP.

      And if you don't like it well that's not my problem and you should solve it, Sonic NN is not wining and I'm dealing with it so let's be fair and if you voted for anotherone well that's fine to me.

      Also numbres don't lie MLP is wining right now and just a miracle can change it.

    111. Is it a crime that i want that my favorite fan-base won? I love MLP and everything that related to it. That is what fans do.

    112. Uuhm...i clicked on One Piece..i love both shows...but One Piece a bit better... So i settle with those on a second place please ;-)

    113. Also, question, since apparently it's been taken down: when was the first EqD post about this poll made?

    114. Don't entirely care for the whole "world domination thing" (I know, shame on me) but if the competition is League of Legends then I will gladly knock it off its pedestal and have ponies reign supreme.

    115. Seriously >.< , I do have issues about us dominating polls/websites that have nothing to do with us. But even I have to say that like the humble pony one this is legit.

      Anyone who puts MLP in a poll or website should know that the herd will come. We do have a large and loyal group of ponies that will follow the leader , just like all of the major fandoms when they were at their peaks as well.

      Only difference between those that have come before us is that OUR fanbase is about working together just as a herd should do.

      Our power is in our willingness to work together , as has been said many times there is not a fandom that would not do the same thing if they could organize as well as we do.

      Keep it to pony related things or places we were invited to and there should be no problems , its going outside those bounds that will hurt us.

      As I said before haters gonna hate just don't give em free ammo >.<

    116. @Aiyana
      I agree with you in concept, but I'd also like to point out that League of Legends involved their community in the poll nearly a full week ago (Christmas Day, to be precise), which I'm given to understand is well before EqD posted about it. If it were a battle between just wikis and not fandoms, neither LoL Wiki nor MLP Wiki would win. While it's a poor excuse to use, I'd say we're justified on this one simply because LoL did it first. They can't have expected to be the only ones to do it.

    117. I dont think this is popularity contewt...

    118. I dont think this is popularity contewt...

    119. I have mixed feelings about this whole poll. On one hand we have poll makers that don't state any rules for being a voter, and on the other hand we have Fandom "rulers" that point the poll with a finger and say "do about it what you think should be done" which leads to spamming polls. More or less what Godot-17 said.

    120. @Stargazer
      I completely agree with you there. I voted for FiM cause it's the wiki I use the most, and it's fairly decent. Some of us may have not perused the wiki at all recently, but hey, this is a thing every community does (LoL in particular did that a whole week before us)

      Also, remember that regardless of the quality of articles, a wiki is just as important as its content is, and personally, I believe ponies to be vastly more important than LoL (mostly for the good friendship lessons, but YMMV); so it's reasonable IMHO that a wiki with more important content gets upvoted more, and that's it.

    121. As an avid fan of FiM, I must say that the MLP wiki definitely shouldn't be winning. That honor should be going to the Fallout wiki. Sorry everypony, but the Vault and the Official TF2 wiki are some of the most thorough and useful wikis out there. MLP's is definitely not quite on thier level. Not trying to be an ass, but that's definitely my opinion on the subject.

    122. Sorry about the double post, but I just realized I said "definitely" a lot lol. Anyone know how to edit a post?

    123. As an avid fan of FiM, I must say that the MLP wiki definitely shouldn't be winning. That honor should be going to the Fallout wiki. Sorry everypony, but the Vault and the Official TF2 wiki are some of the most thorough and useful wikis out there. MLP's is definitely not quite on thier level. Not trying to be an ass, but that's definitely my opinion on the subject.

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