Its things like this that make me love this community sto much :) Not so much that we dominated the poll (though thats awesome too) but the little message from toywiz :)
Seth, by movie logic we should own ToyWiz by this point. That was insane. It's like you don't know the force you have on your hand. You can basically command us to go invade a country, and we will.
Oh my gosh! You can buy the non-brushable figurines on their website! *squee*
I just built up the nerve last night to head over to the toy aisle and buy myself some blindbags... but saddly, they were out. I felt a little bit cheated honestly. This more than makes up for it!
Yeah, I'm thinking Toywiz isn't going to complain that an extra ten thousand or so people visited their store the week before Christmas. Traffic leads to buying, and the poll article on EQD was great advertising for them.
We got a kick out of it, and they made a profit. Everyone's happy! (Except maybe Transformers fans.)
When I read that post and looked at the screen I was like "No, no! This can't be possible! Oh my ..." then I looked at the site and the poll really stated "EquestriaDaily FTW!". I freaked the hell out!
Well, guess they didn't mind us bombing their poll, I suppose. Just don't start assuming it's alright to do so on any website even remotely suggesting ponies, we'll just be seen as obnoxious pricks then.
Well, they do sell the FIM toys... I imagine they got a measurable spike in sales with this... and since they sell poni, i'm definately going back there at some point.
If it was an on-purpose marketing strategy, then the person who came up with it just won the internet.
I'd like to know what @Forrest Hailman have to say about ToyWiz message.
For someone who wanted so much attention on the last post, complaining about how unfair is our fandom to vote on that poll he just didn't show himself too much yet.
LOL Honestly seemed like just a light-hearted joke to go vote on it, read the original post about this and comments got way too serious.
Really, Cereal titled it, "Ponies Are Losing A Poll! Assemble!" the last part was just pure, "Sky Pirates Assemble!" type of theme.
It honestly isn't something Toybiz won't like, got me to look at their MLP merchandise. I need to confirm when I get off work what I'm missing but I'm ordering some to round out my collection.
Mission accomplished to generate sales, as they say.
Also, I'm sure they loved this poll-bomb. Sure, it screwed up the actual poll, but it also drove a LOT of bonus traffic to their toy sales site at the height of the holiday shopping season. For free. That kind of advertising is *great* for a retailer.
I don't know how much of that traffic actually generated *sales*, but I do know that at least *one* voter (me) decided to place an order while I was there.
I voted only 3 hours after EqD sent me off to dominate the poll, and by then it had approached a tie! But hey, at least I know a toy website now. Good advertising.
@Altherix ..."Really, Cereal titled it, "Ponies Are Losing A Poll! Assemble!" the last part was just pure, "Sky Pirates Assemble!" type of theme." Personally, I thought of the Avengers.
@shadowfalcon76 Hmmmmm. Personally I'd say Transformers is more the polar opposite of MLP then He-man is. He-man shares at least traits with ponies, while Transformers shares almost zero.
LOL Equestria Daily rocks. Its funny, I screen capped this 2 hours ago and so they must have just added that acknowledgement for us within the last 2 hours :)
Oy...this fandom, sometimes. I'm all for spreading the pony love, but I still think this raid stuff is a little much. It's certainly not earning us points with the people who call us annoying, nor are the triumphant comments about how we "destroyed the unworthy ones" or somesuch thing. I'm allowed to love ponies AND Transformers, dammit.
And yet I'm sure someone'll call me a jerk for this.
No one will call you a jerk ^^ At least, not me. =)
Just think you're teeeeeeny tiny bit overeacting. ^^ Even the guys of the site are OK with all of this.
And it was a harmless voting on a poll. When people want to dislike bronies, they will, no matter what we do -- they WILL find some point to dislike us.
Since we're not doing anything wrong, I just don't think bronies should feel bad because someone somewhere will dislike us, once will always have people who does not like bronies... and people who will.
@Sandman By all means, yes, you're allowed to love ponies and robots. (And Joes and turtles and whatever else floats your boat.) Some people are going overboard celebrating the "victory", but that's pretty much par for the course on the internet.
So, um, is this the first fandom to votebomb online polls?
Okay, okay, I'm not overreacting, don't worry; I'm not some kind of doomsayer claiming that THIS is the thing that'll turn the world against us. I just find this sudden fascination with vote-bombing polls a little annoying, that's all.
And no, I am not at all surprised that crap like this happens on the internet, nor am I unaware that people hate us bronies for other reasons. All I'm saying is that I think it's a bit petty of us to essentially go out of our way to rig a vote, and that the gloating bugs me-- it's merely my opinion that I'm expressing, and I don't wish to seem like I'm trying to push it on people.
And, er, thanks for being reasonable with me, guys; I admit that I was afraid I came off somewhat hater-ish.
@payphone101 I'm a Transfan (I wish the transformers fandom would come up with a better name then that) and I don't have a problem with it. Of course, I'm also a brony....
Dear Celestia, those pony prices! Yikes! They also break down the Toys R Us exclusive 12 pony collection and sell them individually... for $4-6 each! /)O_O(\
They are CLEARLY not getting these toys at wholesale prices, but are reselling them. The fact that they have both TRU and Target exclusives is a pretty clear and solid indicator of that. I don't have anything against that. It's just not something I'll spend my money on.
Check out the prices for Transformer toys too, Toywiz definitely inflates the prices. There is no way in hell a Scout class Transformer should cost as much as a Leader class, or even a Voyager.
The votes aren't legitimate since the poll no longer has a random sample. "We asked 100 bronies what their favorite childrens cartoon was." See how it's no longer balanced? The results amused me just the same, and I'm glad the site owners got something out of it...I just think we need to try to be a bit mature about the whole thing.
As I learned from going to Comic-Con a few times, the best way for a third party like them to make money is to rip people off. What you're paying for is instant gratification, even if you could potentially find a better price somewhere else.
As much a brony as I am, raid-esque bombs are beneath me. I'm all for spreading the pony-love, I'm not all for ripping boats apart just because a pony's on board. It's not that big a deal, but in all honesty, this is like a miniaturized version of why some people actually do not enjoy the company of MLP fans.
Really, guys, we're turning into Touhou fans, sure enough. I'm happy that our fanbase is huge enough to receive attention, but aggressive expansion and skewered points isn't what I'm signing up for. Fun is one thing; shoving things down throats is another.
We could've been a bit more mature about this instead of going Touhou Hijack on a poll.
@Byakuryuu I hope you do not misunderstand me, but I can't see how in the world voting on a poll in a toy site could be aggressive o.o"
I still think people who dislikes bronies just dislikes us, no matter what. If we're not doing anything which could be hurt or humiliate somebody, I don't know for what we should be ashamed o.o
It's a little scary that one person has the ability to topple the balance of an entire website with a mere utterance like that. That is Oprah-level power right there. It's cool with me, as long as he doesn't mess with the beef industry.
@Petra Leão Not trying to come harsh on it but Were not just complaining about how it was unfair the votes, majority of us are just find it kind of pathetic and dislike the action
@Reelix Reelix, if that was you on Facebook, you're right indeed :) I followed your link to find the thread & wanted to let y'all know we thought it was great fun to be landslided by ponies!
with the power of the elements of harmony, luna and celestia, and of course the great combined strength of earth, pegasus, and unicorn ponies, we defeated the transformers by a landslide
With the results so highly skewed towards Transformers before the poll was posted here, I wouldn't be surprised if a Transformers site had been pollbombing first. First blood had been drawn.
@Petra Leão He'd probably have to say that he's glad the Toybiz site benefitted from it, though he stands by what he said about the polls being raided, and is disappointed at how the community tends to encourage this kind of thing. I'm also guessing he's in a much better mood.
@Nova25 No spies, but one of your own came to let us know y'all were here :)
And for any who missed my earlier comments, we think it's a lot of fun that you banded together to win the poll! We changed the option as a bit of a shout out to you.
In the Naughty and Nice polls both the Jem and Strawberry Shortcake communities were encouraging members to go vote for their characters, which I did when they weren't up against ponies. It is just something fandoms do. Add to that that it probably wasn't just bronies voting for My Little Pony since there is also a strong nostalgia based community as well.
I'm unsure how to take this...I mean, we won, so...W00Tification...But at the same time, I'm not sure we should gloat over it. It's only a random internet poll.
Its best to just not pay attention to it @The Seventh Wonderbolt odds are since this is the second time it has happend odd's are the next time ponies will be in a poll and information gets out to the eqd it probably will happpen again.
I guess none of those other THOUSANDS of votes don't count at all then, since this isn't a random sample? Heck we even have people here admitting they voted for other than ponies HERE. Didn't know peripheral demographics aren't allowed to participate in polls.
158 kommentaari:
Apparently dominated?
VastaKustutaThat's an understatement.
Pony Assault: Successful!
VastaKustutaBronies... I freaking love you.
VastaKustutaOur new battle cry:
That is just awesome. XD
VastaKustutaThat poll jump still makes me laugh. So much win.
VastaKustutaSo awesome.
VastaKustutaMaybe they saw where all the traffic was coming from and gave a little shout-out?
VastaKustutaWow that's just amazing! They changed it to Equestria Daily ftw xD I officially love these guys now
VastaKustutaThe fact they acknowleged EQD's role in this makes me squee :D
VastaKustutaI'm not surprised.
VastaKustutabronys are dicks kind of, love u guys ^^
VastaKustutaOh yeah!!!
VastaKustutalove these guys. We really need to stop taking over things. Unless they contain pony, in that case its ok.
VastaKustutaEQD FTW!!!!
VastaKustutaAs the Spy would say, "The outcome was never really in doubt."
VastaKustutaI almost feel a tad bit mean after all this. Those poor little transformers...
VastaKustutaLet's do this again some time!
Its things like this that make me love this community sto much :) Not so much that we dominated the poll (though thats awesome too) but the little message from toywiz :)
VastaKustutaJust about to send this in haha
VastaKustutaHuzzah !
VastaKustutaWonder if they notice how MLP suddenly skyrocketed lol
See, it's all in good fun. Even the Toywiz people are joking about it.
VastaKustutaWell, who else could have garnered such a strong response so fast? lol I figured this would happen. I'm sure we all could see this coming. ;)
VastaKustutaO.O It actually says Equestria Daily FTW XD, awesome
Free publicity for ToyWiz, a site I've never heard of until Cereal posted it! I think I'm going to go peruse their inventory now... maybe buy stuff!
VastaKustutaAnother victory! Epic staff at Toywiz as well :D
VastaKustutaApparently dominated...
VastaKustutaSeth, by movie logic we should own ToyWiz by this point. That was insane. It's like you don't know the force you have on your hand. You can basically command us to go invade a country, and we will.
"Get a hold of yourself, Private! We cannot let anything distract us from the mission at hand. To find, and if necessary, to conquer a new poll!"
VastaKustutawe came, we D'aaaawed, we conqured.
VastaKustutaI voted for the Transformers anyway =S
VastaKustutaI also voted for Optimus in the Naughty/Nice Hub thing. . .
I've been a brony for a year, but I've been a fan of the Transformers for almost *25* years.
We are evil. . .
VastaKustutaHey, maybe we should start buying stuff from ToyWiz as a thankyou gesture?
VastaKustutaOh my gosh! You can buy the non-brushable figurines on their website! *squee*
VastaKustutaI just built up the nerve last night to head over to the toy aisle and buy myself some blindbags... but saddly, they were out. I felt a little bit cheated honestly. This more than makes up for it!
Pony Power!
That's just....
Yeah, I'm thinking Toywiz isn't going to complain that an extra ten thousand or so people visited their store the week before Christmas. Traffic leads to buying, and the poll article on EQD was great advertising for them.
VastaKustutaWe got a kick out of it, and they made a profit. Everyone's happy! (Except maybe Transformers fans.)
Dominated is kind of an understatement.
VastaKustutaToywiz seems pretty cool about it.
Holy shit.
VastaKustutaWe can do anything.
this is.. AWESOME :D
That was awesome! Going to buy some stuff from those guys when I get the chance. I love this community!
VastaKustutaWhen I read that post and looked at the screen I was like "No, no! This can't be possible! Oh my ..." then I looked at the site and the poll really stated "EquestriaDaily FTW!". I freaked the hell out!
Okay, forget what I said earlier. That was actually kinda awesome.
VastaKustutaZoidberg: Hooray!
VastaKustutaThey likely made quite a few new costumers today.
VastaKustutacustomers* <.< Freaking Rarity and her mindpollution.
VastaKustutaFluttershy: Oh, were you trying to have a fair poll? *stomp* I killed it.
VastaKustutaWe didn't give the poll votes, we ASSAULTED IT WITH VOTES!
VastaKustutaOh we can be so evil when we want too
VastaKustutaOh we can be so evil when we want too
VastaKustutaSeth, I must ask you.
VastaKustutaWhat's it feel like to be able to wave a hoof and send an army of bronies off to accomplish whatever task may have tickled your fancy that day?
We won the naughty and nice thing at the Hub, we abruptly dominated this poll, we've done other stuff like this too...
Every now and then, you're like "Write a fanfiction about (x) topic. And boom, that fanfiction appears.
Do you realize the level of power over the very fabric of cyberspace you have at your disposal?
Speaking of which, you've got me in a militant mood now. Go find something else for us to take over, general!
Well, guess they didn't mind us bombing their poll, I suppose. Just don't start assuming it's alright to do so on any website even remotely suggesting ponies, we'll just be seen as obnoxious pricks then.
VastaKustutaFunny how this morning MLP was low in the poll and now it spikes to 53%. Love this! Bronys win every time!
VastaKustutaSeth, I must ask you.
VastaKustutaWhat's it feel like to be able to wave a hoof and send an army of bronies off to accomplish whatever task may have tickled your fancy that day?
We won the naughty and nice thing at the Hub, we abruptly dominated this poll, we've done other stuff like this too...
Every now and then, you're like "Write a fanfiction about (x) topic. And boom, that fanfiction appears.
Do you realize the level of power over the very fabric of cyberspace you have at your disposal?
Speaking of which, you've got me in a militant mood now. Go find something else for us to take over, general!
Equesttia daily ftw! Ha I did'nt see this coming. Don't even know what toywiz is...
VastaKustutaPoor transformer they never stood a chance...
MLP taking over the poll was inevitable. The real news is that TMNT are about to catch Voltron. ;)
VastaKustutaCome on Thundercats. Got to get at least third!
VastaKustutamission accomplished, returning to base.
VastaKustuta@Pegasus Rescue Brigade
VastaKustutaQuoting Ballad of the Brony:
Behold Bronies, our fearless leader!
Seems we are legion now.
VastaKustutaNot even a day ago, we were losing. Looks like Friendship is Magic even in high places...
VastaKustutaDoes anybody realize My Little Pony more than quintupled its weight in votes since it was announced that it was losing?
VastaKustutaThe power of our friendship cannot be denied.
VastaKustutaMessage? What message.. can't see any message...
VastaKustutaOh, wait, here it is.
This is really amazing.
VastaKustutaWe are a great community.
We are gathered at Equestria Daily.
We have an anthem since saturday.
Now we have a leader we trust in.
We really need an own country now. I vote for switzerland.
VastaKustutaWell, they do sell the FIM toys... I imagine they got a measurable spike in sales with this... and since they sell poni, i'm definately going back there at some point.
If it was an on-purpose marketing strategy, then the person who came up with it just won the internet.
VastaKustutaHow long ago was this first reported on? Two days? We took it over pretty quickly.
VastaKustutaA quick search reveals it was reported on today. Wow, we work quickly.
We should stop raiding polls though
VastaKustutaI'd like to know what @Forrest Hailman have to say about ToyWiz message.
VastaKustutaFor someone who wanted so much attention on the last post, complaining about how unfair is our fandom to vote on that poll he just didn't show himself too much yet.
LOL Honestly seemed like just a light-hearted joke to go vote on it, read the original post about this and comments got way too serious.
VastaKustutaReally, Cereal titled it, "Ponies Are Losing A Poll! Assemble!" the last part was just pure, "Sky Pirates Assemble!" type of theme.
It honestly isn't something Toybiz won't like, got me to look at their MLP merchandise. I need to confirm when I get off work what I'm missing but I'm ordering some to round out my collection.
Mission accomplished to generate sales, as they say.
Wow, that was fast. Too bad I was a work and could not take part in this domination.
VastaKustutaAlso, I'm sure they loved this poll-bomb. Sure, it screwed up the actual poll, but it also drove a LOT of bonus traffic to their toy sales site at the height of the holiday shopping season. For free. That kind of advertising is *great* for a retailer.
VastaKustutaI don't know how much of that traffic actually generated *sales*, but I do know that at least *one* voter (me) decided to place an order while I was there.
I voted only 3 hours after EqD sent me off to dominate the poll, and by then it had approached a tie! But hey, at least I know a toy website now. Good advertising.
VastaKustutaRaiding is such a harsh term. I prefer 'spreading love and tolerance.'
@Mike You guys did this to just a random poll - we had no idea you would do that! :)
VastaKustutaBut we're absolutely floored at your teamwork! Much respect from a fellow pony fan!
Bebs at
VastaKustuta..."Really, Cereal titled it, "Ponies Are Losing A Poll! Assemble!" the last part was just pure, "Sky Pirates Assemble!" type of theme."
Personally, I thought of the Avengers.
I just find it funny that He-Man, more or less the polar opposite of My Little Pony, is in dead last place.
VastaKustutaAs a big Voltron fan, I am most disappointed in that turnout. We failed to avenge Sven's deat--er, serious injury.
VastaKustutaBet a Brony at Toywiz made this poll to have a bet with someone
VastaKustutaTransformers ain't got nothin on MLP.
VastaKustutaJust go to show how strong of a fanbase this show has.
VastaKustutaHmmmmm. Personally I'd say Transformers is more the polar opposite of MLP then He-man is. He-man shares at least traits with ponies, while Transformers shares almost zero.
@Deershank There was no bet, but bronies? There might be a few ;)
VastaKustuta- Bebs at ToyWiz
VastaKustutaBlargh, typos. "He-man shares at least SOME traits with ponies".
Cool guys, I would buy some stuff from them, if I were living in the US. The shipping costs are too damn high.
VastaKustutaI promoted the hell out this thing and It hit 14,000 almost 8 hours sooner than I predicted.
VastaKustutaI must admit, I voted for the turtles. Splinter was too great a sensei for them to lose.
VastaKustutaLOL Equestria Daily rocks. Its funny, I screen capped this 2 hours ago and so they must have just added that acknowledgement for us within the last 2 hours :)
VastaKustutaCongratulations on having your own personal army.
VastaKustutaAnd it's actions like this that cause people to say we're annoying.
VastaKustutaWouldn't hurt the fanbase to be a little less in-your-face-ish.
@Petra Leão
VastaKustutaI think Forrest is busy. We gave him a lot of material to study. 8^)
you call for bronies to rise up against the blasphemers so what did you expect?
VastaKustutaYes, it makes me so very happy to see innocent polls destroyed by the collective force of the Brony community!
VastaKustutaOy...this fandom, sometimes. I'm all for spreading the pony love, but I still think this raid stuff is a little much. It's certainly not earning us points with the people who call us annoying, nor are the triumphant comments about how we "destroyed the unworthy ones" or somesuch thing. I'm allowed to love ponies AND Transformers, dammit.
VastaKustutaAnd yet I'm sure someone'll call me a jerk for this.
VastaKustutaThanks for stopping by with your comment, and for being good sports about the vote bombing!
See! I knew it would all turn out alright. Everybody won from this.
VastaKustutaNow if you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to browse their inventory.
We are all a one man... eehrrrmm Pony army
VastaKustutaNo one will call you a jerk ^^ At least, not me. =)
Just think you're teeeeeeny tiny bit overeacting. ^^ Even the guys of the site are OK with all of this.
And it was a harmless voting on a poll. When people want to dislike bronies, they will, no matter what we do -- they WILL find some point to dislike us.
Since we're not doing anything wrong, I just don't think bronies should feel bad because someone somewhere will dislike us, once will always have people who does not like bronies... and people who will.
(Sorry for my terrible English)... ^^"
VastaKustutaBy all means, yes, you're allowed to love ponies and robots. (And Joes and turtles and whatever else floats your boat.) Some people are going overboard celebrating the "victory", but that's pretty much par for the course on the internet.
So, um, is this the first fandom to votebomb online polls?
VastaKustutaOh come on.....nothing is wrong with a good old raid. Half the fun of the internet is raiding ;p
Hell, look at the msg! Even the poll makers had fun with it.
@frith Hehe ^_^ I ask myself if he will come back to talk about his thought about the material =)
VastaKustutaI will admit some people need to tone it down with the poll-gloatage....but its just a teeny random poll......raiding it hurts no one.
VastaKustuta@ uh...everyone who replied to me:
VastaKustutaOkay, okay, I'm not overreacting, don't worry; I'm not some kind of doomsayer claiming that THIS is the thing that'll turn the world against us. I just find this sudden fascination with vote-bombing polls a little annoying, that's all.
And no, I am not at all surprised that crap like this happens on the internet, nor am I unaware that people hate us bronies for other reasons. All I'm saying is that I think it's a bit petty of us to essentially go out of our way to rig a vote, and that the gloating bugs me-- it's merely my opinion that I'm expressing, and I don't wish to seem like I'm trying to push it on people.
And, er, thanks for being reasonable with me, guys; I admit that I was afraid I came off somewhat hater-ish.
hope we didnt make any transformer fans cry. lol
VastaKustutaYou did: this one. xP I'm kidding, I'm kidding. If anything, I'm conflicted; I love both properties equally.
VastaKustutaI'm a Transfan (I wish the transformers fandom would come up with a better name then that) and I don't have a problem with it. Of course, I'm also a brony....
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSpy: Can I borrow your earpiece? *Ahem* "This is Scout. Votebombs make me cry!"
Dear Celestia, those pony prices! Yikes!
VastaKustutaThey also break down the Toys R Us exclusive 12 pony collection and sell them individually... for $4-6 each! /)O_O(\
They are CLEARLY not getting these toys at wholesale prices, but are reselling them. The fact that they have both TRU and Target exclusives is a pretty clear and solid indicator of that. I don't have anything against that. It's just not something I'll spend my money on.
Also, our votes are just as legitimate as any other visitor's vote.
VastaKustutaWhy should we not have the right?
VastaKustutaCheck out the prices for Transformer toys too, Toywiz definitely inflates the prices. There is no way in hell a Scout class Transformer should cost as much as a Leader class, or even a Voyager.
Mission bucking accomplished!
VastaKustutaThe votes aren't legitimate since the poll no longer has a random sample. "We asked 100 bronies what their favorite childrens cartoon was." See how it's no longer balanced? The results amused me just the same, and I'm glad the site owners got something out of it...I just think we need to try to be a bit mature about the whole thing.
VastaKustutaAs I learned from going to Comic-Con a few times, the best way for a third party like them to make money is to rip people off. What you're paying for is instant gratification, even if you could potentially find a better price somewhere else.
As much a brony as I am, raid-esque bombs are beneath me. I'm all for spreading the pony-love, I'm not all for ripping boats apart just because a pony's on board. It's not that big a deal, but in all honesty, this is like a miniaturized version of why some people actually do not enjoy the company of MLP fans.
VastaKustutaReally, guys, we're turning into Touhou fans, sure enough. I'm happy that our fanbase is huge enough to receive attention, but aggressive expansion and skewered points isn't what I'm signing up for. Fun is one thing; shoving things down throats is another.
We could've been a bit more mature about this instead of going Touhou Hijack on a poll.
Love and Toleration Successful
VastaKustutaI don't mind this so long as it remains a rarity.
VastaKustutaThis is freaking awesome. Reminds me never to make an online poll with anything pony-related and expect accurate results. :P
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Byakuryuu I hope you do not misunderstand me, but I can't see how in the world voting on a poll in a toy site could be aggressive o.o"
VastaKustutaI still think people who dislikes bronies just dislikes us, no matter what. If we're not doing anything which could be hurt or humiliate somebody, I don't know for what we should be ashamed o.o
posted the poll on the Australian Brony Facebrony groups paid off
VastaKustutaLol. awesome! Why do I always miss out on these kinds of things though...
VastaKustutaEh, I voted Turtles. :P
VastaKustutaJust been a fan of them for so very much longer.
VastaKustutaMore like: "Reminds me never to make an online poll and expect accurate results."
I remember seeing the first post and thinking."How are we losing something?"
VastaKustutaIt seems we are not.
That's just awesome!
VastaKustutaIt's a little scary that one person has the ability to topple the balance of an entire website with a mere utterance like that. That is Oprah-level power right there. It's cool with me, as long as he doesn't mess with the beef industry.
VastaKustuta@Sethisto: I think I'm the reason they changed it :p
VastaKustutaOh my, this is GREAT! Look at the enthusiasm of the ToyWiz crew!
Hope it helps about the other bronies complaining about voting on the poll claiming it as "unfair" =)
Hahaha! Excellent job, ponies! <3
VastaKustuta@Petra Leão Not trying to come harsh on it but Were not just complaining about how it was unfair the votes, majority of us are just find it kind of pathetic and dislike the action
VastaKustuta: o
VastaKustutaReelix, if that was you on Facebook, you're right indeed :) I followed your link to find the thread & wanted to let y'all know we thought it was great fun to be landslided by ponies!
I voted for MLP, but I'll admit this creeps me out a little. No one site should have all that brony.
VastaKustutawith the power of the elements of harmony, luna and celestia, and of course the great combined strength of earth, pegasus, and unicorn ponies, we defeated the transformers by a landslide
VastaKustutaI think it's horrible rude that we are doing this.
VastaKustutai'm surprised their servers could handle it!
VastaKustuta@Unknown If its any consolation your not the only brony that seriously dislikes this
VastaKustutaWith the results so highly skewed towards Transformers before the poll was posted here, I wouldn't be surprised if a Transformers site had been pollbombing first. First blood had been drawn.
VastaKustutaNever saw that coming...
VastaKustutaI am a part of Seth's and Cereal's personal army, keep telling us to do things please lol.
VastaKustuta@wardah_ahmar I highly doubt that for this poll but odd's are almost every fandom has had obessesive fans do the same.
VastaKustutaMy favorite part of this is that He-Man only got 2% XD
VastaKustutaMy favorite part of this is that He-Man only got 2% XD
VastaKustutaNow I will patiently wait for this to backfire.
VastaKustutaAnd believe me, it will, in due time.
the poll now says "Equestria daily FTW" uner my little pony. lol
VastaKustuta@Celestia Oh you..
VastaKustutaI must say... this is almost surprising ? :
VastaKustuta« My Little Pony: EquestriaDaily FTW! »
Do they have spies or something ?
VastaKustutaWas I that obvious? well I suppoise I was actually.
I did mean it though, I don't mind it occasionally but it really shouldn't be done too often.
@Petra Leão He'd probably have to say that he's glad the Toybiz site benefitted from it, though he stands by what he said about the polls being raided, and is disappointed at how the community tends to encourage this kind of thing.
VastaKustutaI'm also guessing he's in a much better mood.
I'm proud to be part of Cereal and Seth's army!
VastaKustutaNot Phoe's though. Taking over polls is one thing, but taking over EqD is going too far.
I never got that ice cream... :(
@Nova25 No spies, but one of your own came to let us know y'all were here :)
VastaKustutaAnd for any who missed my earlier comments, we think it's a lot of fun that you banded together to win the poll! We changed the option as a bit of a shout out to you.
Bebs at
In the Naughty and Nice polls both the Jem and Strawberry Shortcake communities were encouraging members to go vote for their characters, which I did when they weren't up against ponies. It is just something fandoms do. Add to that that it probably wasn't just bronies voting for My Little Pony since there is also a strong nostalgia based community as well.
VastaKustutaI'm unsure how to take this...I mean, we won, so...W00Tification...But at the same time, I'm not sure we should gloat over it. It's only a random internet poll.
VastaKustutaIts best to just not pay attention to it @The Seventh Wonderbolt odds are since this is the second time it has happend odd's are the next time ponies will be in a poll and information gets out to the eqd it probably will happpen again.
VastaKustutaI guess none of those other THOUSANDS of votes don't count at all then, since this isn't a random sample? Heck we even have people here admitting they voted for other than ponies HERE. Didn't know peripheral demographics aren't allowed to participate in polls.