(Sneaky Jayson!)
It's the day after a new episode, and you know what that means: recap time. I may not hit every reference/meme, but I'll try to hit the majority of them! Check it all out after the break.
First off, we have some background/guest appearances of some of the older season one ponies.
Photo Finish for one. I didn't think we'd ever see her again, but she actually popped up twice.
Along with Hoity Toity and Sapphire Shores. It seems like every Rarity episode introduces a new fashion pony. You can also find everyones favorite wall eyed mailmare in the image above. I'll let you dig for that.
And of course, we can't forget the re-appearance of Octavia. I'm sure she has a name like RANDOM_MUSICIAN_PONY_canter001, but at least we got to see her again!
One of the pre-readers actually sent an E-mail to William Anderson (The FiM Background Music guy) and came out with this:
i am not sure how accurate the visuals are, i thought it was two violins, cellist and harp.
i believe that's how i wrote it as well, violin I, violin II, cello and harp. i think i arranged a mozart string quartet for this instrumentation?
i just get the picture and score it!
So, Octavia is a Cellist! The age old debate is over.
We also have a few new additions to the team.
I like Fancy Pants. Hes rich, but doesn't act like the rest of the Canterlot snobbery. This dude is a bro in my book.
And we can't forget about his wife/girlfriend/ornament. Whether you want to call her Fleur-de-lis,or Prize Gem, I'm really hoping we see more in the future, preferably as this:
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FiM needs a con artist pony!
And another one that seems to be popping up everywhere. I'm just waiting for the brother/sibling of Scratch fics to pop up.
Now on to the mane cast!
Yah, this is awesome. Once again Pinkie Pie goes from obnoxious to best pony in 10 seconds flat. I'm sure we will see a Welovefine shirt in the next few days based around this one.
But as always, she was quickly trumped by Twilight Sparkle's socially awkward nerdyness.
Just keep dancin Twi, it's expected at this point.
Also have some Karaoke of the new song! That was fast. (Also one with subtitles!)
And we can't end an episode post without some ridiculousness:
That wraps up this week's episode followup post! This was definitely a solid one. I'm looking forward to the endless remixes and Rarity PMV's that will inevitably flood my mailbox.
189 kommentaari:
Hooray, Followup!
VastaKustutaThat image is really sort of creepy. Heh, Twilight shufflin'.
VastaKustutaI, personally, want Fleur-de-lis to be a Saints gal.
VastaKustutaI eded up skipping most of the episode cause I knew where it was going. Sigh. Time to go back and watch it ALL.
VastaKustutaI also immediately thought of the wind fish when I saw that airship too!
VastaKustutaI'm surprised at the focus on the glasses pony and not that the pony right next to him was clearly Pokey Pierce
VastaKustutaI'm Pretty sure Twilight's distinctive dance style is a reference to the Elaine Dance of Seinfeld.
VastaKustutaDat Dance! So adorkable! And Artsy rarity is the best rarity :D
VastaKustutaTHAT was the name I was thinking when I saw that painting! Salvador Dali. How could I forget? I did a report on that painting. I'm already playing the heck out of this episode because of how good it was. So much vying for your attention that I think it would take a while to really notice everything. And while Twilight showing her "amazing" dancing abilities was fun to look at, I don't think it can top a cannon. A CANNON! And Pinkie's cannon no less. Anyway, that's my take on this episode.
VastaKustutaIf you look during the Garden Party scene, the is a pony with an hourglass mark and a bow tie. The Eleventh Doctor is in.
VastaKustutaNo mention of the reappearance of Blueblood? I'd say that's as big a deal as Photo Finish, Hoity Toity, and Sapphire Shores.
VastaKustutaAlso, gotta love that when Derpy sneaks into a high-class societal fashion montage, she decides to wear a paper bag costume. She couldn't just go it normally; had to throw in the paper baggery just to really buck the theme.
You forgot the BGM at twi's party, that was brilliant!
VastaKustutaA con artist pony would be awesome.
VastaKustuta*Cue fanfics
not to mention A LOT of ponyville ponies turned fancy all of a sudden (ie. bonbon in the bottom left at the twilight shufflin' vid, and I'm pretty sure I spotted poky pierce)
VastaKustuta/)^3^(\ SO AWESOME!
VastaKustutaI think I found how Jayson was being sneaky...
VastaKustuta"JT: Yeah. It’s hard to hold back things that you know, and that you know everyone, or everypony, would really love to know. So it’s... You know, there’s things I’d like to say that I know you guys would love."
HA! Salvador Dali has sneaked three times already in this Season XD This is the third one, being the long legged bunnies the first and that nightmarish pet mishmash from episode 7 the second.
VastaKustutaAlso, I might have been one of the few bronies who was happy to see Photo Finish again. I kinda like her, she reminds me of Cate Blanchet in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It must be the accent >_>
But the show was completely stolen by Pinkie Pie and her Party Canon. It's an explanation on how she can set up parties this quick, and also a Weapon of Mass...Celebration? I don't know, but knowing the nature of this fandom there must be a brony secretly building a working version of the Party Canon right now. MARK MY WORDS SETH! You will get an email with that.
This episode was awesome. It's amongst the best of this season, next to Lesson Zero and Luna Eclipsed. The FiM team will never let us down.
The third doctor looks like poky pierces fancy twin
VastaKustutaAlso also that dj guy is JASON THIESSEN!
Don't forget, Blueblood showed up a couple times. Jerk can't stay away from Rarity now that she's elite. He was even right next to her once!
VastaKustutaIt NEVER occurred to me that Fleur-de-Lis / Bijou / Whatever could be a con artist.
VastaKustutaBut I love the idea.
I could see Fancypants being totally wise to her tricks, and them having a sort of "best nemeses" relationship where she never quite manages to rob him, and he keeps letting her try because it's a welcome change from the monotony of posh Canterlot life.
*sniff sniff* "Drugs in the champagne again, my dear? Dirty pool. ...I LIKE IT!" *spills drink in potted plant, aggressive tango ensues*
Didn't spot the new Doctor Whooves incarnations?
VastaKustutathere were also other new ponies such as the bagboy pony and hc turnip truck
VastaKustuta@PinkiePieInsane No, this is Jayson Thiessen pony.
VastaKustutaYou know, if I was a little kid (girl) and I saw that painting in the show I'd probably be scared of MLP for at least a week...
VastaKustutaYeah, this ep will be among the ones I play over and over and over and over again (along with Stare Master, Dragonshy, Fall Weather Friends etc). Jackpot!
VastaKustutaHere is a video of the cameos from the latest episode:
Did anyone mention Bon Bons appearance in the scene with Ditzy Doo yet?
VastaKustutaNo? You're welcome.
By the way, i think "Fleur" would be the best name for that sleek pony. And i don't imagine her to be a con artist, that's just not mlp-like.
The video I linked to says 'Possibly Bon-Bon' as the user wasn't entirely sure.
VastaKustutai love this Followups :D
VastaKustutaCon artists not MLP-like?
. . .
You have seen Boast Busters...right?
This was a great episode, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I'll probably watch this two to three more times over the course of the week.
VastaKustutaHowever, there is a continuity thing that sort of bugs the lore-nerd in me that I'm trying to think of a plausible explanation for. It'd be interesting to see what the staff says about this. It really doesn't detract from the awesomeness of the episode, overall, but it's still kind of weird.
1. Why does nobody at the garden party know / recognize Twilight Sparkle? She is Princess Celestia's personal student, after all. It is plausible that the social elite and academics of Canterlot don't intermingle much. So while it may be known that Celestia has a student, Twilight Sparkle may not be immediately recognizable to those who aren't in the academic circles.
2. Even barring the above, the Mane 6 saved Equestria twice, and were recognized by Princess Celestia in a very public manner. They should be national heroes. This is a bit harder to swallow. It is a stretch, but plausible that the social elite of Canterlot are so shallow and wrapped up in their little bubble that the Equestria being saved is "old news" that they've put in the back of their minds already. I guess this explanation makes them seem even more like jerks.
Wohoo, I love this stuff!!
VastaKustutaI also thought Fluer was a model.
VastaKustutaLooks like Seth. hit everything, though I wish there was more of the blimp thingy. I sense a wave of steampunk fanon around the bend because of that thing.
VastaKustutaI like that Derpy saw fit to wear what looks like a pearl necklace. The bag just isn't enough for Canterlot, you got to have the necklace too.
VastaKustutaIt's that kind of attention to detail that makes me love the animators on this show. They could have easily just used any old existing Derpy model, but they went the extra mile and customized it slightly.
VastaKustutaCaramel's also there; twice.
Derpy was in elegant attire... Paper bag and pearls. She knows how to accessorize.
VastaKustutaSo many fun details in this episode... Airships, Celestia, the bellhop, Hayseed Turniptruck, Opal actually not being a little monster for once (and suffering for it), Twilight's adorkableness overload (still love the piñata wiffing) on her birthday, the party cannon, new Wonderbolts names, a My Fair Lady nod, Prince Blueblood, and a ton of great Canterlot backgrounds plus a new Rarity song?
That episode was crack for fans, full of the kinds of things that excites them far more than references to memes.
VastaKustuta1: Twilight has been outside of Canterlot for over a year, and while she was there she spent almost all of her time studying, usually stayed inside the castle, and never went to social functions.
2: When you take a long look at the real world analog of the Canterlot elite, the idea that they are simply so wrapped up in their own little world that they don't recognize the Elements of Harmony is much less of a stretch...
is it just me or does the guy with the spiky mane and glasses look like the lead singer from green day?
VastaKustutaFleur sounds like a good name to me. Simple, but fancy.
VastaKustutaAm I the only one who was reminded of Elaine from Seinfeld dancing when Twilight started to bust out her moves?
And this season has shown us that not only do ponies have bullets, but they have artillery as well.
when youre looking at Fancy Pants up front it looks like he has something shoved up his bum XD
VastaKustutaSeriously, no one noticed Bon bon??
VastaKustuta1 pony right of Rarity!
Dat typo.
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle is most adorkable character ever.
VastaKustutaGreat episode!
VastaKustutaAlso, we finally got to know the name of 2 other wonderbolts :D I'm still waiting for the big wonderbolt episode
VastaKustutaWorks for me.
What struck me as a powerful facet of this episode is that without wasting minutes on dialog or the like to establish the setting, they have let the actions and visuals set the stage, and let us (particularly the more creative members) of this fandom fill in the blanks.
VastaKustutaWe get probably the first best picture of what Canterlot life is like, we get an idea for some of the art and technical aspects of pony life , we flesh out the relationship between Twilight and Celestia a bit more (the fact that Twi can pull favors), and lots more.
But still what stuns me at this episode (and this seems to be a recurring theme with Meghan McCarthy's scripts) is there's a nice surprise at the end despite a setup that may be by-the-book. Didn't expect the Mane five to appear, and then when that was going right towards the trainwreck of both groups meeting, we get the great revelation of Fancy Pants. That's all great stuff for keeping viewers on their toes when you through in the curve ball in the script.
VastaKustutaI appreciated the reference to "My Fair Lady" also. At the race track with Rarity being excited about the actual race and the other ponies just watching plainly. That and all the fancy hats. It is one of my all time favorite movies and it fit so well with Rarity and the snobbish ponies of Canterlot.
@Cesar Not just you. That was my first thought as well.
VastaKustutaSalvador Dali...And that is what happens when you put ponies in a microwave.
VastaKustutaI'm sure these will be answered plenty (even before I finish typing this) and I know you're more interested in the creator's perspectives, but my two cents:
1) Even beyond Twilight keeping to herself and studying and academics not mingling much with high society, there's just a huge gap between the social strata of a student and the upper crust. Hearing that the Princess has a personal student at the school named after her could mean anything from direct study under her to awarding a full scholarship to an economically disadvantaged pony. Very noble of Celestia, but the details of who it is isn't important to the upper class.
Plus, Celestia must be surrounded by attendants and servants all of the time. These people aren't thrust into celebrity status, they're the trappings of power. Twilight would easily be seen among them, rather than a notable pony in her own right.
2) Historically, heroes are for the masses, not the elite. There might be polite party chatter about it, but again the details are kind of tedious. It's expected that Celestia would have ponies to take care of the kind of distasteful business that usurpers like Nightmare Moon or Discord would bring. Bravo to them and pin a medal on them, whomever they are, but you don't socialize with such ruffians.
I'm going to keep calling her Fleur. Her cutie mark is a Fleur-de-lis, but, that sounds too cumbersome and it's a tad odd to just name them after their cutie mark. That'd be like calling Applejack Three-Apple or calling Rainbow Dash Thundercloud.
VastaKustutaI figured that's exactly what they were referencing. Elaine's "little kicks" dance had to be the model for Twlight's dancing, which was described as "a full body dry heave" by George Costanza.
Kinda makes me want to see a ponification of the Seinfeld cast.
VastaKustuta2. "very public manner" - The first celebration was in Ponyville, the second in the palace (possibly restricted to only palace staff), and it's not clear if their names or likenesses have been widely distributed, or even held back and kept out of the media by Celestia herself, wishing to allow the heroes of Equestria to live normal lives of their own control (and keep details of the Elements out of public knowledge, for national safety reasons).
Similarly, none of the mane cast, including Rarity and Rainbow Dash (who would quite enjoy the fame and glory), mention their status as saviors of Equestria to anypony. I'm fairly certain that is because Celestia asked them not to, or because they themselves realize the Elements are too important.
VastaKustutaIt's summed up as simply as "YOU know the princess? You're staying at the CASTLE?"
Whatever level of social elite the ponies in that ep may be, they aren't privileged enough to have any real connections to the palace, so not knowing the elements might not be so implausible.
Is there an audio version of that interview?
VastaKustutaAlso to name the ponies I recognize: Derpy, Bon-Bon, Carrot Top, Pokey Pierce, Prince Blueblood, Photofinish, Hoity-Toity, Octavia, Bruce Wayne pony, Orion, Maxie, Sapphire Shores, Northstar, Lyrica, Colgate, stallion who's name I can't remeber with a cutie mark of a telescope.
I don't know what's wrong with me... My brain might be broken...
VastaKustutaWhenever I hear the new "Becoming Popular" song from this episode... It instantly triggers thoughts of Josh Turner's "Lord Have Mercy on a Country Boy"
Seriously... Am I having a stroke?
Am I coming down the the Herp Derp?
Am I about to go all Pinkamina... Or Crazy Twi?
Am I... broken?
Still, awesome episode! That, and if I do crack, at least I'll crack in the bliss of ponies! yay!
VastaKustuta2.After you have read someone's name in a newspaper and never hear it again, how often do you remember it?
I'm personally leaning towards Fluer Camargue for the hanger on Pony's name
VastaKustutaI'm surprised no one has named the bellhop pony. I dub him Atlas for the wheight he carries, it's practically Rarity's world apron his back
VastaKustutaI love that movie and I thought of that scene as soon as I saw the episode.
I still think Opalescence stole the show this episode. Bravo, for a very expressive character who only had one or two lines, and still managed to convey a deepness and breadth of meaning in every scene she was in.
VastaKustutaI found out that the song from this episode has the same chord progression as Rick Roll...
VastaKustutaI think we are being trolled...
Otherwise, not a great episode, but I loved the song... Listened to it at least 20 times today...
Am I sane?
For all we know that unicorn could be fancy pants' daughter.
VastaKustutaI like Fleur for her name, and I think we need to see more of Twilight's awesome dancing.
VastaKustutaAlso, Seth, you forgot Blueblood. He appears a couple times, particular in the airship scene where he is with her. I'm surprised she didn't try to smack him with that bottle.
VastaKustutaAtlas for bellhop pony! Like! With Rarity... You might as well move worlds. The third Alicorn, in disguise! LOL! Seasons don't work anymore, cause the poor guy was too busy with Rarity's crap!
VastaKustutaI don't know... Sweetie Belle seemed to carry that many bags by herself when she came to stay with Rarity. Those marshmallow Ponyville ponies are strong.
Fancy Pants' fashionable friend should be called Eye Candy :)
VastaKustutaFleur Camargue? Since it looks like Fleur's going to stick, I think that's probably the best choice for her full name.
You forgot BlueBlood's reappearance! He was with Rarity when they christened the air ship.
VastaKustuta"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here."
I'm gonna put this here:
Reading that interview made me even more excited about season 2 even though it's been around for a while :D
VastaKustutaAlso, Twilight, why you so silly? :D
VastaKustutaBy that you mean the perfect expression that translates to "buck off" I hope. Opal is the fluffball of doom.
Did anyone else notice how skinny that cat actualy is? Rarity washes it and ZWOOP! We have a skeleton with fur! (How did Fluttershy not notice that Opal was soaked when she hugged it?)
Yay Octavia! I wish more of these background ponies were canon.
VastaKustutai like all the new characters that popped up, but i honestly think my favorite was hayseed turnip truck! im surprised there there isn't more with hayseed
VastaKustutaHERE'S THE PROOF http://d4shth3r4inb0w.deviantart.com/#/d4i59gs
I JUST REALIZED! The Pony in the black collared shirt with the white tie and sunglasses looks just like Tre Cool from Green Day.
We must think of a pony name for him. XD
Or he could be Billie Armstrong, also from Greenday. We must debate.
someone better remake Salvador Dali painting, I need it as a wallpaper
VastaKustutaY u no mention Blueblood?
VastaKustutaBut really, his was a great episode! XD
I think the con artist should be called Caffrey Cons, as a refernce to Neal Caffrey from white collar and they dress similar.
VastaKustutaWhat about the name I gave her, it took me a good ten minutes to come up with Wolfinshire and her story. Heck I'm at war now because of it.
VastaKustutaOh well
By the way I found Derpy, I think she killed Waldo
The bellhop reminded me of the squeaky-voiced teen from the Simpsons.
VastaKustuta@wispy Spirit
VastaKustutanot that much of a green day fan but does he wear glasses often in real life?
For Scratch's supposed brother, let's go with Micheal Westen from burn notice.
VastaKustutaOr Scarface
VastaKustutaDid anyone else get a "Drunk Girl at a party" vibe from Twilight?
VastaKustutaI see the Doctor.
VastaKustutaWhen I saw the episode, I assumed Fleur or whatever we're calling her was Fancy Pants' sister or something.
VastaKustutainb4 Niel Catfree Pony(or howver you spell his name)
VastaKustutaLMAO Escort Sluthooves! Awesome BG pony name, that cracks me up so hard. That skinny model-pony may well have been my favourite non-sequitor of the whole series, the way she posed all wacky every other frame *gigglesnerk*
VastaKustutaTwilight's dance solo is the greatest thing I've ever seen in american cartoons, and I'm a heavy Fluttershy fan.
VastaKustutaOkay since we still can't figure out a name, let's stick to her story.
VastaKustutaShe's a strung up fashion model whom many think is a air head. But she is secretly the crime lord of equestria's largest candy smuggling operation. Seeing this as a threat, the Royal government has dispatched agent Fancy to seduce and capture her. Until they fall in love. The end
VastaKustutaAlready got a name for him...
right there...
VastaKustutaNo but he still looks like him. :P
Yeah, this episode was surprisingly good, with great characters, a great song (possibly the best one yet!), and great everything. Fancy pants is definitely best colt for being so open minded, and Rarity and Twi were so good in this ep that they're making it pretty hard to have Fluttershy as best pony, especially since she completely failed to see that Opal wasn't actually sick. Great job, Studio B!
VastaKustutaI CALL IT!
@PonyStark I could see why you think that, but I think it was mostly Twilight just trying to go along with the music. And the result was just about the funniest thing ever.
VastaKustuta@wispy Spirit Wow. Looking at that link carefully, the resemblance is indeed striking.
VastaKustutaDon't know if this has been mentioned already, but the Doctor turned up with a top hat, bowtie and Matt Smith's hair cut. He regenerated! Must be why he's barely appeared all series.
VastaKustuta@Kitsunekun VII
VastaKustutaWhile there may be a slight exaggeration for comical effect, wet Opal looks pretty much like any wet persian. So much less alluring than a wet mane pony...
@wispy Spirit
VastaKustutaure right about that =)
I'm really, really glad that I wasn't the only one who could capture the reference to Dali. Nobody was mentioning it in comments and I was starting to lose my faith in fandom. But EqD never fails to live up to high standards ^^
VastaKustutaOh, Celestia, that Wind Fish reference XDDDD
VastaKustuta"Sweet and Elite" has been one of the best chapters of this second season. I really like how we get to know more about Canterlot and Rarity ^^
The art references were so cool, the new ponies awesome and the music (not just the song) a total blast. Yes, I'm totally satisfied with this :3
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaIt seems like every new episode brings another "Everyday I'm shuffling" video to youtube. I love it.
VastaKustutaAnd I freaking love that Salvador Dali painting. There was also a Picasso (Poncasso?) in the gallery. A little shout out for art history lovers, I assume (of which our beloved animators may very well be!).
@wispy Spirit Called it. Though im not sure why Billie Joe Hoofstrong would be accepted in "High class society". They don't seem like the type of ponies who would listen to Green Day. Though he may just be interested in salvador dali.
VastaKustuta@wispy Spirit
VastaKustutaSo who wants to be an Equestrian idiot? Turnip Hayseed?
@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaAlways controlling the actions from behind the scenes, but never getting her hooves dirty. A wink here, a soft word there, and the stallions are falling all over themselves to make her happy, never realizing that she's the most dangerous mare in Equestria.
Jayson is being sneaky. THe pony with charity auction looks like the pony version of Jayson. Here is the link to a pic pony Jayson. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-f4105guzt14/ToNrAoc-oyI/AAAAAAAAM4Q/0g4ZB_2sTsE/s1600/mlpsm__jayson_thiessen_by_edvedd-d41lhee.jpg
VastaKustutaWell, at least we cleared that Octavia debate up. Unfortunately, I guessed wrong in my fanfic.
VastaKustutathat mare's name should be whatever it is that the spy says when he talks about scout's mom. petti cheufer? i dont speak fancy.
VastaKustuta*Looks at the picture* Wow, emptied-out ponysuits!
VastaKustutaThankfully someone gets it, we should write the story
Bit of a creepy piece of art they have there. Maybe that's what they did with the G3 ponies?
VastaKustutaHaha, Derpy is a necklace and paper bag hat is ridiculously adorable for her. Bon Bon looks nice all dressed up as well.
Well, guess the violin pony during Nightmare Night wasn't Octavia after all. But, looks like 'tavi has gained a twin sister.
I like the name Fleur for the new pink unicorn.
I could watch Twilight dance for quite a while. So adorkable, even more so with her dress.
lol, I'm guessing the last video was a Zelda reference. My memory is a bit rusty on the older games, but it was pretty random I laughed anyways.
I'm surprised the "redneck" pony wasn't mentioned. He made AJ look like high class. lol He did seem a bit stereotypical in some ways...but, I'm from the south so I got a good laugh out of that.
No mention of the argument that Fleur deLis is actually Celestia in disguise hanging around with the only tolerable pony in the upper-class?
VastaKustutaYep, Link's Awakening. Gameboy and Gameboy Color
VastaKustutaSame here With the stereotype thing, I'm from SC and I get stuff like, "oh say something, I like the way you people talk" every time I visit family in NY.
I loved this episode... Twilight's dancing had me laughing SO hard I could barely breathe!
VastaKustutaI was thinking about the "high-society" ponies, especially worthless hangers-on like Jet Set and Upper Crust. I'm betting their sense of entitlement comes a lot from their proximity to Celestia and now Luna. Physical proximity, but not really social proximity. Celestia probably only sees them very rarely, and usually at events like the Grand Galloping Gala. So, at most, a few times a year.
They'd probably have heart attacks if they knew how often Celestia dropped in to see the Mane 6! Quite a few of them would probably put their distaste of the "Rustics" aside and try to curry favor with them, in order to have a better in with Celestia.
Fancy Pants strikes me as someone who actually does deal with Celestia on a more regular, official manner. Which is probably why he isn't as stuck up as all those other ponies... He doesn't need to pretend to be important, because he actually is.
Also, I saw him looking at the hangers-on with distaste more than once in that episode. So, yeah, I like Fancy Pants, in spite of his slightly silly name (and complete lack of pants!)
Just my thoughts!
Another episode take-away: Two newly identified Wonderbolts. White haired female is Fleetfoot and white haired male is Rapidfire. Spitfire came in second place and Soarin' came in third.
VastaKustutaIt would be awesome if someone made a wallpaper with that checkered board with all the canterlot ponies with Rarity in the middle.
VastaKustuta@Cesar Damn it, you beat me to it :(
VastaKustutaBut yeah, he strangely reminds me Billy Joe Armstrong (the messy hair, black shirt, loosened tie...)
I wouldn't be surprised if that pony was wearing eyeliner under those shades.
I think Fleur is a great name for her. Though Escort Sluthooves is a close second :P
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaI was born and raised in Mississippi, but for some reason I don't really have an accent. I'm kinda disappointed about that, to be honest.
@Travis Smith lol, I had someone from Ohio and Kentucky tell me I have an accent. But personally I don't think so. xD Especially considering I was compared to having an accent like the guys from Lizard Lick Towing. o.O That one kinda hurt a bit.
VastaKustutaBut, after watching the episode again, I like Fancy Pants. It was good to see how he found a charming quality in the Mane 6. Sophisticated...yet surprisingly humble it seems. He's a bro in my book as well.
Oh, and we finally saw a bald pony xD @ 18:33 mark when Dashie's mallet takes out the wig.
keep up the good work FIM team!!! u guys r awesome
VastaKustutaDoes nobody else here not think Fleur is supposed to be a Supermodel?
VastaKustutaShe is like paperthin, she has enough eye shadow she could block out the sun, and she dates a fashion designer.
Doesn't anyone else see that and have it scream Super Model?
@Rainbow Dash
VastaKustutaWell, what did you expect? It's a show for kids. We are lucky that we even get recognized by the studio.
I LOVED this last episode. God, dat adorkable Twilight ^_^ The whole episode was simply FLOODED with golden moments.
VastaKustutaThere where MULTIPLE times I was spooked that it was going to snowball into one cartoon cliche or another, but then, right before they jumped the shark, SHOOM! They pulled up, BRUUUM!
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! Keep up the great work ladies and gentlemen; you guys are awesome.
Oh yeah, and lets not forget AJ's lovable country naivete.
VastaKustuta"How come yall aren't doin any gardenen. THIS is a garden party isn't it?"
GOD I loved that
Just a great episode in my books - background antics, singing & music, new characters AND a glimpse into pony high society's pastimes? Yeah, good times for all.
VastaKustutaAm I the only one who saw Derpy?
VastaKustutaAugh, cello's are so boring. If its a cello, make it look like a cello, not a double bass, jeeze D<
VastaKustutaWait a second. Has anypony else noticed that you can pretty much play this new song's melody with "Art of the Dress"'s lyrics and there is virtually zero difference? Not that I'm complaining mind you. I'm just curious if this is just supposed to be Rarity's song theme or something. I was WONDERING why I loved the song every bit as much as "Art of the Dress" ^_^
VastaKustutaLooks like a chello to me.
That's a MUCH more plausible quartet. The one at the grand galloping gala was piano, horn, harp, and cello, I think...My head is spinning trying to imagine the arrangement for that.
VastaKustutaI also thought that Fleur was a supermodel because of her unusual face/body --the trophy wife/girlfriend aspect didn't even occur to me until I saw all the comments about it. Although I guess those things aren't mutually exclusive lol. Anyway, really fantastic episode.
The song reminded me of "The Art of the Dress" as well, and I do suspect the similarities are deliberate. Mr. Ingram knows his craft.
VastaKustutaFleur's character model looks suspiciously like Luna without wings.
The fact that Fancy Pants doesn't actually wear pants is reminiscent of The Emperor's New Clothes, and is deliciously ironic.
Meanwhile, the montage behind the song was worth the price of admission, loaded with fast, hilarious details, and Art Gallery Rarity is now officially Best Pony.
I did the karaoke! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nuw5oIyrCI&feature=channel_video_title
VastaKustutaThe Salvador Dali reference was very cool. But hey, might as well use some type of old well-known artist and make a parody of known work of theirs to stick in there for fun. It's the perfect spot for it.
VastaKustutaFor the production team, yeah, Octavia has a more generic name of course. Like most all the ponies in the show. :P
Also, I told you guys it was a cello from the get go and I know what I'm talking about. This debate was over quite a long time ago, to be perfectly honest. Anyone who was still debating it was simply trying to grab at straws for the sake of debating something.
As far as I can see, the most commonly accepted name for Fancypants companion is Fleur de Lis. Which happens to also be my favorite of the suggested names.
You also missed some other old background models from the first season in the large milti-image square such as all of Photo Finish's assistants.
Who didn't love Twilight's wacky dance moves? lol Twilight knows how to get down and funky.
That last video down there was certainly... interesting.
"JT: Well, Salvador Dali does not make an appearance on the show."
That's the sneaky part.
I like Trophi de la Fleur... just my opinion tho
VastaKustutaYa Twilights dance was a direct reference to the Seinfeld episode "the Little Kicks". Elaine's dance is very similar to Twilights.
VastaKustutaHe has a different cutie mark.
That pony with the glasses, the "con artist pony", reminds me of Billy Joe Armstrong from Green Day. I thought a good name for him could be Longview, Basket Case, or Brain Stew (all Green Day songs). He could totally be in a band (Equestrian Idiot?). I imagine him as being friends with, or related to Vinyl Scratch. I'm sure the fandom will come up with something better, but that's what I thought of.
VastaKustutaI loved Fancy Pants' attitude, I think he is Tony Stark-ish in some way, but more classy... my favourite colt after Big Macintosh!
VastaKustutaBest episode of the season so far. (In my opinion, ofcourse. Don't hate me)
VastaKustuta@Meepsa Don't forget Lyra being on screen not less than three times simultanously when Rarity walks up to the VIP section at the Wonderbolt race. ;)
VastaKustuta@Saddlesoap You have no idea how much I love this idea.
VastaKustutaActually, that's the second Dali reference in the show... Or am I the only one who thinks the long legged bunnies during the Discord thing was a reference to Salvador Dali's painting, Temptation of St. Anthony?
VastaKustutaHm, I don't really see any Tony Stark in him, but I wouldn't mind seeing him in a powered suit. c:
For Scratch's supposed bro, I propose...
VastaKustutaYeah, I believe it was a reference to Dali's elephants... Either that, or just a really creepy coincidence.
Oh, oh! The band that the greendayish stallion is in... Green Hay!
VastaKustutaThis was a very good episode, and I hope we see more like it. More character stories, less dialog-free hoop spinning demonstrations. The sweetness of the character relationships is an important part of what made season 1 special, so it's nice to see a return to that.
VastaKustutaSalvador Dali ponified?
Salvador Daisy?
VastaKustutaHmm... I see no reason that Octavia can't know two bowed instruments. It's not that hard to believe. So maybe her cello was a bit much to drag out to the Nightmare Night festival and they needed a violin.
Just not really something I'd take all that seriously.
Adorkable dancing Twi is now almost best pony... Luna is always best pony!
I have to admit... Fleur Is quite the pony! I LOVE the design, and I love the fact that she is constantly showcasing poses! Talk about a "trophy mate". She's her own trophy case! LOL!!!
In other words, you're saying "Ah ain't got no ackcent"? :P
Sorry, I couldn't resist that one. My mother grew up in Mississippi too, and it's funny when she's on the phone with family... That accent flips on like a switch! :D
VastaKustutaOr maybe Hay Day
With their hits, Equestrian Idiot, starring Hayseed Turnip Truck
Buck me up when Winter Ends
21 Suns
@Travis Smith
VastaKustuta21 Suns?
TOASTY!!! /)O_O(\
@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaBuck me up when Winter Ends
This is... Umm...
You do realize the implications of this particular wording of title, especially considering the natural breeding season for horses (and by extension, ponies) is in spring?
VastaKustutaThat was just SPUR of the moment, someone will come up with something better soon.
His story: When young Billy was just a colt he had a dream of being the greatest rocker of all. But all the other colts and fillies laughed at him, all except a white filly with red eyes named V.Scratch. She told him not to ever give up. He graduated (then trashed) high school and formed the band Hay Day( or other name) after seeing how simple life in Ponyville loved his rock, he wanted to spread it to the Elite of the royal city. He now attends formal events they he crashes and continues looking for his first and truthful friend whom he lost roach with after the music industry changed him.
Sagan Pony was also in the collage of ponies up there /):3(\
VastaKustutaOctavia should play Bach's cello suite #1, prelude.
Right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goKdk7jsNOQ&list=FLz6REEY7M0zLtx9X3FeSNsw&index=29&feature=plpp_video
Octavia would then be 'most cultured pony'.
VastaKustutaAnd next to the pony next to Photo Finish lol
I almost clapped when I saw Octavia.
VastaKustutaLoved the entire episode, specially the song.
I'm rather glad that I wasn't the only one that caught the Wind Fish similarities when I saw that airship. It was practically immediate when I was it, and was so left field that I was busy nerdgasming over it rather than seeing the rest of the next few scenes.
VastaKustutaHonestly, I'd have to say, about the Mane Six's supposed notoriety, I doubt that a group such as the social elite would actually pay any attention other than polite party chatter and/or a read in the papers. Especially since, after a few weeks/days, it'd no longer be relevant to what they would consider "current events," and would dismiss them outright. Definitely wouldn't recognize any of them, even though they were all right in front of their faces.
Well, maybe Fancy Pants did. He's pretty pro like that.
saw it*, rather.
VastaKustutaOctavia plays a really large cello if it comes up past her head. The second violinist (the brown one) is holding it the wrong way.
VastaKustutaAnypony else notice that the stallion next to Derpy in the collage looks suspiciously like Dr. Whooves? Also, I never would have seen Hoity-Toity and Sapphire Shores if no one pointed them out.
VastaKustutaI have to admit, Pinkie's party cannon is the first thing I've seen on this show to give me a distinct "added for merchandising" vibe. However, I might just be biased and projecting, because that would be GODDAMNED AWESOME. Pinkie Pie is always best pony. (I really hope she gets to write a letter this season. And that Spike can keep up and brought a lot of extra parchment when she does.)
VastaKustutaOne of those Lyra clones was probably Celestia in disguise. ;)
I think the lovely pink-maned unicorn (she really is visually striking) should be named either Trophi or Coquette ("coquette" is a French term meaning a female who flirts girlishly with men to get their attention. She was certainly doing that with Fancy Pants!)
VastaKustutaThe guy who made the karaoke nixed a few instruments I think. It doesn't sound quite right.
VastaKustutaMy first thought at seeing Fancy Pants' bit of arm candy (leg-candy?) was that 1000-bit-a-night call mare are now canon.
VastaKustutaEscort Sluthooves for the win, though I'm personally rooting for Fleur to become her fanon name... it's easier to type without cracking up.
As many others noted, what, no mention of Blueblood?
VastaKustutaRarity and he seem to have patched things up. Goes to show that the actual Rarity is a lot more forgiving than... pretty much any interpretation ever done, right?
I knew I had seen that party hopping scene before... 27 Dresses. I don't have the DVD, but I'm pretty sure that was more than coincidental. I will have to borrow a copy and find out. :)
VastaKustutaDear Princess Celestia.
VastaKustutaToday I learned I got sick moves on a dance floor.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.
Cannon is now Canon.
VastaKustutaAll right. I've got an idea brewing for a Fancy Pants fanfic, and I've settled on calling the trophy mare Touch of Class, but she hates this name.
VastaKustutaI wonder how many people got the "My Fair Lady" refrence at the Wonderbolts derby scene
VastaKustutaAnyone else notice that the referee for the Derby is an Earth Pony? HE STOOD ON A CLOUD!
VastaKustutaOctavia vs cello: which does it look like this time? She could play both. Or it could be the sealion thing all over again. Y'know, the "seal" Fluttershy was trying to sell to Rainbow Dash two episodes back? That "seal" was a sealion. So for Octavia, which is it? She plays both? The animators goofed again? She's playing a cello part on a bass?
VastaKustutaSo MANY background ponies, such well populated crowd scenes. It's like they cut back on crowds in ep 7 so they could spend more time putting in bigger crowds in ep 9. 8^) Thermodynamics, conservation of energy.
@InkBluPegasus: Earth ponies walking on clouds? There's an ap for that. See Sonic Rainboom.
I like these follow up posts^^
VastaKustutajust sayin..
@Rocket to Insanity
VastaKustutaOr his sister or something, leaving Fancy waaay open for shipping with anyone.
I still think Fancy Pants did all this to get marshmallows xD
VastaKustutaHaha, it's a cello! Proof!
VastaKustutaI don't know, when it comes to Fleur, I really want to see more of her personality before judging her.
Love the party cannon!
I'm sure Twilight can dance better than that.
I do believe that at least three (maybe four?) different Doctors were present in pony form at the party :P
VastaKustutagotta love the references
Am I the only person who recognized Denver and the Mile High Orchestra in there?