• Story: Worth Suffering For


    Author: The-Symbol-Dynamic
    Description: Rarity only has one chance to prove she's the sister Sweetie Belle deserves, and thankfully the only pony she can depend on happens to be the most dependable pony in Ponyville. But what will Rarity do when Applejack offers more than just a helping hoof in her time of need?

    Worth Suffering For

    Additional Tags: RariJack, Sisterhooves Social, romance, whining, mud

    50 kommentaari:

    1. dat ship, still prefer appledash though

    2. RARIJACK!

      I mean... ahem.

      Does this story have merit other than as a ship? I tend not to read pure shipping stories unless highly recommen- Uh who the hell am I kidding. *SQUEEEEEEEEEEE*

    3. Saw this picture and thought Strange Bedfellows had FINALLY updated after all this time. ಠ_ರೃ Still, always in the mood for Rarijack, so I'll give this a chance.

    4. OTPs are silly. none of these pairs are "true". That said, my least favorite ship is AppleDash simply because it is almost never handled in a way I would consider IC. While RariJack is almost always very IC.

    5. Wasn't too shabby, not at all. The wordings were decent, as was the dialogue, and the ship was rather cute, though it played out in a fairly formulaic way (massage). Also, the bit about Rarity recalling her own experience of unrequited feelings came out of left field (if I were to make an intrusive suggestion, I'd say to either drop it or make the story a good deal longer so as to introduce this element earlier - of course, the latter should only happen if you've got a longer story to tell). Also, the pace felt jolting when Rarity instantly noticed and stated that AJ had hidden feelings. Her noticing them then was fine, but her blurting them out felt a bit too abrupt. Perhaps have her think about it first, and figure out how she ought to respond?

    6. @Pinkie Pie

      yes, but it might taste like pony.

      i like TwiDash the best, but arguing over OTP is fucking retarded.

    7. ive never really liked the rarity applejack thing, but i still enjoyed it :)

    8. @Pinkie Pie
      I command you to giggle at the ghostie >:0

    9. @Pinkie Pie
      That's not the Pinkie I know! You're never in the darkness, Pinkie. You have the power of friendship and laughter! Don't let some silly story get to you! *gets off soupbox*

    10. @Pinkie Pie

      Cupcakes is INTENSE. but if you can get by that intensity, you see it's actually really silly.
      I mean the entire concept of pony grimdark is ridiculous. CLOP is more IC than grimdark, for goodness sake.

      Here. Let me help show you exactly how seriously you should take Cupcakes:

      Exhibit 1: http://www.tumblr.com/photo/1280/11852698276/9/tumblr_ltjxz73v3a1r58r0s

      Exhibit 2: http://youtu.be/_AbtCTbSWTk

    11. @DPV111
      Yeah. Cupcakes didn't even faze me one bit. Not even Sweet Apple Massacre did. Although that was very poorly written. At least Cupcakes was well written.

    12. @Sunset Sprinkles

      the only fic that ever phased me was Rarity's Generous Plan. and only Dash's part go to me. :[

    13. @wackypony
      Well I mean grimdark I don't care for. but I looovve sad. Thry make me cry rivers. Especially My Little Dashie :'3

    14. @Sunset Sprinkles

      oh, sad can get to me. i was referring more to disgust/repulsion. SAM only left me with a whyboner.

    15. I'll have to read this in a bit

    16. @wackypony
      Is Rarity's Generous Plan grimdark? I've heard of it. I shall read. xD

    17. @Sunset Sprinkles''

      it is a very descriptive, very well written rape fic.

    18. @wackypony
      I'm reading it. I mean not that I like rape or anything. Crap, now I'm making it sound even more like I do...><

    19. I won't read any of that grimdark clop shit. Im ore or less fine with either or, even if most is badly written or silly, but mixing the 2 together? I don't understand how you guys can stomach it or why you would want to. Do you actually enjoy feeling bad? I mean that's the only thing to get out of it. None of the stories are really any good.

    20. Anyway this is a pretty inappropriate topic to hijack this story thread with. Sorry I started it. I was only trying to cheer Pinkie up...

    21. Moving on...

      Not a big RariJack fan, but I'm open to the idea, and this story really sells it. Aside from a few technical issues which were previously noted, it was very well done.

      Also, I'm mildly surprised by the lack of WhiteDiamonds' art here.

    22. Can we get back to discussing the story?

      Honestly, it was a bit short -- the entire narrative occurs in the space of a scene transition from Sisterhooves Social, and just as it was about to go somewhere, it ended. The massage scene at the end was nice, however.

      I'm looking at the story's current rating, and I think I have to agree with where the community's pegging it. If the author were to continue this fic without relying on the show to railroad its plot points, the rating could rise.

    23. I always said, if somepony is straight, that pony is Rarity. I mean, she does seem to like colts an awful lot...Well I'll try it. You'll hear my opinion in a bit

    24. I've just got one word: Wonderful...

    25. Will there be more updates?? This story seemed to short

    26. Yeah I'd rate this around 3.5 so I'll put it at 4 (I always round up). As I said before I specifically like RariJack because it tends to be written very IC and this is no exception.
      Basing it off the episode as a what if, behind the scenes is actually a good idea. The sudden realization seemed jarring but not if you look at it from the perspective of 100% show cannon IC ponies. That is exactly how it would go down under these circumstances.

      Rarity's flashback served a good purpose in sympathy to AJ's emotions.

      I rate it lower than I would have because even though these instances are fully understandable, they do mess with the flow and feel of the story. The story felt a bit flat and didn't grab me emotionally except during the pleasantness of the massage and when Rarity was comforting AJ. Also I really don't like bare bones shipping tales. I prefer some other hook in the story to give me my reason the be there, and enjoy the shipping as a side point to D'Awwww over.

    27. That sort of happened rather suddenly, but for a one-off this was rather interesting.

      Good job.

    28. @Phishstrangler75

      Dude. It doesn't matter what the show characters' sexualities are. Shipping is "what if fantasy" pure and simple and anyone who takes it more seriously than that is a fool.

    29. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    30. @DPV111 To me, fanon is an extension of canon, and therefore they should match and correlate. I take fanon as canon unless directly contradicting.

    31. @Phishstrangler75

      You are going to give your self an aneurism doing that.

      The concept is this: Self contained continuities. Every single story takes place in an alternate universe where things are different enough to allow the story events to occur.

      Characterization should be upheld to a reasonable degree, but canon/continuity not so much.

    32. @DPV111 Probably, but I've only been into this stuff since last Monday. Sorry for my inexperience. I try really hard to grow into a mature and experienced brony as quickly as possible.

    33. It was a little short, and as others have said, because of the shortness, Rarity's realization comes across as too sudden, and her flashback isn't as well integrated as it could have been.

      Still, the writing itself was quite good, and I would enjoy seeing more from this author.

    34. @Phishstrangler75

      I'm sorry I come off as forceful.
      Not trying to tell you what to do, just sharing my experience.

      You will see it for yourself. The anger frustration and rage of bronies scorned by what authors or artists have done in depicting the beloved ponies. It's something you would do yourself a service to be prepared for, especially since you are just taking your first dip into the turbulent seas of this fandom.

      Mature and experienced have nothing to do with it. Just find your way to take the most enjoyment from this wonderful experience and avoid the most pain.

    35. best way to survive the fandom is to not give a fuck and read and enjoy what you do.

      do not care about others opinions unless you write a fanfiction. otherwise, their opinion doesn't really matter. it'll help you keep you sanity.

    36. Thanks guys! Love you too!

    37. Anyone notice this is labeled as incomplete? I think it functions fine as a short story, but it did leave me wanting to know what happened next. Also, finding out more on Rarity's flashback would be nice.
      Eagerly awaiting part 2!

    38. This was a pretty good story, not the best rarijack ship I've read but I still liked it.

    39. @Phishstrangler75

      Fanon is not an extension of canon. Don't believe some of the crap the canon-fanatics throw at you. It's the quickest way to become confused and lose your ability to write or draw or compose ponies.

      Anything a fan does is fanon. It will never be canon. Canon is what we see on TV and hear from Lauren or the staff. Official.

      Do you want to know what canon is? A resource. You take what you want from it, then you change it around, make it yours, make it different, make it special, make it new. Put a new spin on the interest, and of course you'll have people who don't like it because of what it is, or what it isn't. It's like that everywhere.

      But they literally don't matter unless they're giving you sound advice. What matters is that there's people out there who either share your opinions as you put it down, or just plain like what you've contributed to the fandom.

      Just keep in mind, the people who hate just to hate don't matter. Ratings don't matter. Keep chugging through chapters and stories and you'll improve dramatically, and more and more people will come to share the vision you create for us.

      Thank you for contributing, we appreciate your work and imagery.

    40. @Phishstrangler75

      I'm going to explain the difference between fanon and canon using tropes, if that's okay with everyone/everypony.

      Canon: What actually happens in the series or official commercials.

      Word Of God: A variation of canon, these are the quotes of Lauren Faust, Jayson Thiessen, or the other members of the staff. These are considered canon despite not actually happening in the series.

      Fanon: Popular tidbits of background information or explanations about certain characters or events (the names of almost every background pony, every town and city beyond what is mentioned in the series, etc.)

      Ascended Meme: Fanon (or memes) that have gained canon status by being mentioned in the series or commercials themselves (i.e. "bronies", "DJ-P0N3", Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo is a mailmare, etc.)

      Word Of Dante: Kind of like fanon, but it has gained such popularity (either through mass agreement or a well-known writer making it so) that it's accepted as "almost canon" (i.e. Lyra and BonBon being a couple, Luna caring for an abacus from the fanfic "Progress")

    41. I'd actually like to see this story continued so we can find out just how Rarity and AJ's relationship grows.
