• Story: Trust

    [Shipping] [Sad] [Comedy]

    Author: The_Incredible_Blunderbolt
    Description: Twilight has been struggling with her feelings for a certain pony lately, but when Rainbow Dash tells her friends a deep secret, Twilight is compelled to reveal her own, but sometimes you should wait a bit to say something so personal to somepony so fragile.


    Additional Tags: Secrets, crushes, trust, misinterpretation, friendship

    35 kommentaari:

    1. Sounds like an interesting fic. Trust, secrets, shipping, sad comedy, ooh, shiny....

    2. I don't enjoy TwiDash, but this looks good.

    3. couple pages in and it has promise. certainly a nice break from the other fics i've been reading.

    4. Dat Angry Dash face

    5. Shipping.
      Shipping everywhere.

      (That window, by the way.)

    6. @S008 I don't know which scares me more- the window, or the creepy poster that stares right into your soul

    7. Kind of short, but I think it was a good read. Nothing overly out of the ordinary as far as their behaviors goes, save the shipping.

    8. I'll give the story a read, but I had to comment first: That poster would give me nightmares if I were a kid. Also, I would read every night!

    9. oh, drama. <_<

      I'll have to agree this is short, but it is paced well. maybe a little too fast, but being a handful of pages from the end, it's 4/5 so far.

    10. it ended sorta cliche, but that brought a daww.

    11. Meh. Maybe it's just me, but the opening killed it faster than a sub-orbital Rainboom blast.
      This was about as smooth and subtle as a halfbrick to the back of the head. I hate (HAAAAAATE) fics that open by beating my about the head with a 2x4 with "GAY" written on it in huge letters. Good God, at least try to set up a story first, then I might have a reason to ignore the subtext and just enjoy it.

    12. it was good(and since its twidash I'M GONNA PUT 5 STAR!!!)but little short sadly D:

    13. Too short! 1/5!

      Just kidding. Nice story, really.

    14. TwiDash tends to be my favorite of ships, so I'll give it a go despite it's apparent brevity.

    15. On the "Twilight Sparkle being adorkable" front, this story succeeds quite marvelously. As far as "Rainbow Dash being Rainbow Dash" goes, it wounded my overly sensitive brony heart. I just didn't believe Rainbow Dash, whatever her backstory with bullying, would assume the worst of a friend like that - and I still don't. Considering its plot relied on that interpretation of her character, the story ended up not satisfying me completely.

      On a half-serious note, I simply must point out that Rarity's first line of dialogue starting with "I simply must..." (design a dress/outfit/ensemble for you; take you the spa/coiffeur/shower) has started to impact my suspension of disbelief somewhat. A bit of "It was a dark and stormy night" syndrome.

    16. @OtterMatt
      What this guy said. It is really hard to enjoy a story when the context is so forced right out of the gate.

      This was... ok. Decently written, had its cute moments, and I was genuinely interested in how they conflict would be resolved, but there was so little subtlety behind every emotion that it really did feel like getting hit by that big ol' 2x4 of forced context and blatant exposition feeding.

      3 stars.

    17. Great short story. Quick and simple but some nice funny and surreal moments and just enough D'Aww not to get sappy. The only real problem was the research not seemed a little to neat and convenient. Could have been a bit less blatant, but good none the less. Sad about RD's backstory and her bitchy mom.

    18. Well, it's added "A mare confesses her love to RD, but RD assumes they're making fun of her gayness because she was bullied that way in the past" to my Fanfiction Drinking Game list. Is that good or bad? You decide!

    19. A great short story, this one. It focuses on deep emotions between characters, as well as highlighting on Dash's past. I could easily see this happen in a real-world scenario.

    20. @Carcer
      I see a LOT of dead pre-readers in the future. You might wanna rethink that one...

    21. That was very well written and touching. Read like a real episode, excluding certain things of course ;)

    22. I swear that I read something similar to this before.

    23. Definitely not a bad story, but it's not really a great one, either - there's not much in the way of subtlety, like others have said, and it feels awfully cliche at points.

      It does have some definite strong points, too. I liked Spike's interaction especially, as I haven't seen a lot of Twilight shipping that actually incorporated him in any form. The brief discussion of Rainbow's past was also nice, but I feel like it could've been elaborated on or perhaps done in a way that was less exposition-y.

      So as much as I love TwiDash, I'll give this a 3/5.

    24. I've never read a ship before and my curiousity finally got the better of me, then it promptly disappointed me. Rainbow Dash's reaction was unconvincing even given the back story and her character in general. Man, shipping is gay.

    25. @Loyaltycard

      Your attitude. It's sad. Read 1 shipfic and base your entire opinion of the genre on it?
      Read "Getting Lucky", "Within and Without", "Allegrezza", "Once Bitten, Twice Shy", "The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle", or at least any 6 star story before making a judgement like that.

    26. a shipping fic with a sad ending would be interesing for a change

    27. Good read. I like the way it ended. Although it was rather rushed, as many ship-fics are, but it wasn't so bad. And the "to" at the end should have been "too", if I'm not mistaken.

      Four stars. I wouldn't mind seeing this continued some time in the future :)

    28. When Rainbow Dash said she liked fillies, for a minute I thought she meant she was admitting she was a pedo.

    29. @Bombedrumbum
      It is. It is very sad though. I rarely cry but it just brought up memories. It became too much at one point within the story. I cried for a good time but kept reading. Story ended with a good ending instead of a bad one though.

    30. To be honest, I didn't care what characters the author chose. I cared about the meaning behind this story. This story had a great purpose to it. I really loved it. One of the best fan fictions I have ever read.

    31. It is hard to judge something if you can relate to it but I do feel like there were some weak points in it and I don't know what. I would give this a 3.5 out of 5.

    32. I think the ending wasn't cliche. I think that people were expecting something more like I was. Your ending was a "meh" and you didn't go fancy with it. You just gave a good short and sweet ending instead which isn't bad but for a story written like it was I think you could've gone a little further with it in some way which I'm not sure. This is still one of my favorites of all time because I could relate to it in some way. There aren't many stories I can do that with. Story, I thought, was also very vivid in detail. Really perked up the images in my head.

    33. @Johnathon Landis
      Forget this comment I am replying to. It makes no sense when you're replying to a story about two years old.
