• Story: Super Amazing Rocket Sled of Awesome


    Author: The Descendant
    Description: Spike has finally saved up his allowance, and on a beautiful winter's day he buys his first material possession, a sled!

    When a technical difficulty causes him to doubt his purchase Twilight quietly uses her magic to solve the problem. But what awaits the dragon whelp as her magic turns an average sled into the Super Amazing Rocket Sled of Awesome?
    Super Amazing Rocket Sled of Awesome

    Additional Tags: Improbable Physics and yodeling abound!

    21 kommentaari:

    1. Yodeling abound? Well when you put it that way...

    2. :Hipster glasses: Read it before it was on EQD

      Another classic from the descendant

    3. Saw this on dA. Definitely worth a read if light comedy interests you.

    4. YES! I read this on DA a while back, and TD has sone it again. Read it- you won't be able to stop laughing!

    5. Why am I reminded of THIS?>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rMcRJVY1-0


      I'm definitely reading this. Anything that brings back memories of Calvin & Hobbes and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is a winning recipe in my book.

    6. *looks at pic*
      *reads additional tags*

      Needs more epic.
      -Michael Bay

    7. Trotting through the snow.

      In a one pony open sled.

      Through the town we go.

      Being pedantic all the way.


    8. Words fail me. It was that funny and absurd.
      All my stars. and internets. And a cuppin.

    9. this was awesome! and by a great writer as a bonus!!

    10. You lost me at the Rainbow Dash part. Another wonderful read from The Descendant.

    11. Baaaahahaha! It ripped out his accent...!

      BRB laughing forever. Sterling work.

    12. This story was hillarious. Yet, as seems to be par with your stories, there are two problems that keep me from giving it a perfect five:

      One: You sometimes let a joke go too far. Magic is hilarious, and you expertly coaxed laughter out of me plenty of times throughout the fic, but some of the jokes were really stretching it too far. It just seemed implausible at times, even for MLP and magic. It only caused small lulls in my laughter of course, since you always came up with a new joke to bring it out again. Just a little bit too late to sustain it throughout.

      A personal opinion I suppose. Otherwise a lovely writing style, reminds me a bit about Douglas Adams really.

      Second: Please, for the love of Celestia, stop assuming your readers know all your fanon.

      Making up titles and a backstory is awesome! But randomly referring too it in a one off and assuming your reader understand it, that's just bad. What am I suppose to think it means that Twilight is a "summoner" and Spike is her "designate"? It's never explained. In fact, I've read four or five of your fics, and I still don't know what it means. It really wrenches me right out of any immersion I have in the story, when something is thrown in so seemingly randomly.

      That's really the only big complaints I have. Especially the second one always annoys me.

      Anyway, otherwise excellent story. I really enjoy your comedic power.

    13. Looks like some one took the idea of the ASCA TM and roled with it. :P

    14. I haven't laughed this hard since yesterday, when I found myself on TVTropes.
