• Story: The Running of Lyra

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    Author: Lurks-no-More
    Description: The autumn is coming, and our favorite bipedal unicorn, Lyra, is preparing for the big event of the season - the Running of the Leaves! But how is Bon-Bon going to take it? And can Lyra's body take the bipedal cross-country race? Only one way to find out!

    The Running of Lyra

    Additional Tags: Running the race, Lyra style

    25 kommentaari:

    1. That header picture is brilliant, that alone has made me want to read this, it does seem interesting though.

    2. I feel I need to read this based on the picture alone.

    3. That illustration is worth some stars alone. I'll have to find the time to read this.

    4. Yeah that picture made me burst out laughing, I might have to try this one.

    5. The illustration alone got me interested, and it was worth reading.

    6. Thats a funny looking nose right there.

    7. A fanfic based on a drawing? That's absurd!

      Let's give it a read.

    8. Very short, wonderfully sweet, completely satisfying. ^_^

    9. The tale of one of Celestia's expperiiments.

      This is what she dooes when she gets bored; she makes bipedal ponys.

    10. Lyra is so bad ass she doesn't need to use all of her legs. That's how awesome she is. Runs a race on her hind legs. LIKE A BOSS

    11. This was a really fun little story. Fun premise, entertaining execution, and a cute ending.

    12. Okay, I stole the time to read this short tale and had a lot of fun with it. I like that it fits in with the Running of the Leaves that we saw in the episode. Short, quirky and fun... just how I like my ponies.

    13. this is the first fic ive seen in a while that i really wanted to read

    14. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    15. the picture itself is winning; not neccesarily the ponies in it.

    16. Short but funny. Um...I don't really have anything else to say, but good job!

    17. It wasn't enough having Lyra sitting on a park bench. Now we need to have her running a race on her hind legs. Awesome.

    18. wait a second...... we MUST rebuild QWOP with a Lyra model instead of this fictional human thing.

    19. Thanks, everypony! Short, funny and sweet was what I was aiming for, and I'm glad it seems to be a success.

      @Nando - I'm constantly surprised that there isn't more fanfic inspired by fan art!

    20. What a fun story! Makes me love Lyra and Bon Bon even more!
