Author: John Perry
Description: It is a well-known fact that no one gets through the holiday season without seeing at least half a dozen parodies of the classic Charles Dickens tale A Christmas Carol (and that's assuming you don't read the original story). This is one more of those parodies. 'Tis a tale of Hearth's Warming past, present and future! A tale which makes a fair amount of assumptions about this holiday which are sure to be demolished by the canon story we'll get in the actual Hearth's Warming episode. Thou hast been warned.A Princess Carol
Additional Tags: Because it's the holidays, duh!
28 kommentaari:
This actually seems fairly interesting. I'll read this next chance I get.
VastaKustutaLuna as Scrooge? Bah Humbug!
VastaKustutaFor rather awhile there was a huge influx of Grimdarky stories I wouldn't read. (since grimdark for the most part depresses me, moreso if well written)
VastaKustutaNow the barrage of happy/comedy stories is piling up, as I've said before I don't mind but I keep having to find time to read these.
Anyway, it seems interesting.
VastaKustutaSo much pony, so little time
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAh yes, Pipsqueak using Tiny Tim's line at the end. It wouldn't be A Christmas Carol parody without it. Funny how he appears out of nowhere.
VastaKustutawell my request has been answered fairly quickly
VastaKustutalets see how this one turns out
VastaKustutaI find that these stories go nicely with a glass of whiskey. They compliment each other.
Love this rendition, do like the future was realized.
VastaKustutaLOL, I just love the resigned tone in the discription!
VastaKustutaThe Dr. Who version is really good too!
VastaKustutaits Discord vs Dan and Optimus vs Pinkie Pie at the Naughty or Nice contest now guys lets go cause an upset
VastaKustutaThis take on Dickens' classic was well done all around. Shoehorning something recognizably Christmas-y into Equestria without it seeming horribly out of place is a tall order, but I think you succeeded brilliantly on that count. I love the history you've created, and the story was just the right amount of sappy. I will say that I didn't much care for the meta-humor: brony references, Pinkie being medium-aware, etc. really seemed out of place. Other than that though, very good story.
VastaKustutaI liked it well enough, but I think the continuity alarm went off. Maybe I misread but celestia seemed to indicate the first HWE was 999 years ago, so how could luna remember it?
VastaKustutaAll in your head indeed Pinkie. Bcoz twilight is NOT best pony. PINKIE IS!!
VastaKustutaAll in your head indeed Pinkie. Bcoz twilight is NOT best pony. PINKIE IS!!
VastaKustutaThat is probably the best description for a fic I have ever seen.
VastaKustutaDefinitely reading this one.
Never read the original (shame on me?). However, I shall read this!
VastaKustutaCelestia said the first HWE celebrated in the modern fashion was 999 years ago. Luna was complaining about the change from the pre-banishment form of HWE to the post-banishment form
5 stars. Well adapted story, loved the description, and now I'm extra eager to see how HWE is actually portrayed in canon.
VastaKustutalol just watched the animated one with jim carrey earlier today
VastaKustuta"Within the last month, I have heard more variations of that one story than I care to have listened to in a lifetime."
VastaKustutaThat's where I lost it.
Well well well. Kudos to your description. It takes something to write up a story just before canon smashes it to bits! Your style is good, and it was easy to follow through to the end. There were a few minor derps here and there - its instead of it's, that sort of thing - and the brony references were a little too thickly laid on, but this was good indeed. Definitely worthy read.
VastaKustutaThis was very well done, but I still think that (provided the role of Scrooge is played by someone other than Luna) that Nightmare Moon would make a GREAT Ghost of Christmas Future.
VastaKustutaVery nice! Quite episode-like.
VastaKustutaAs awesome as any John Perry story! Which is to say, super awesome!
VastaKustuta@Bubblegum Pie
VastaKustuta""But I know its ghosts because they find me at night and whisper things to me. Really weird cryptic messages like ‘Twilight Sparkle is best pony’ and ‘haters gonna hate’ and ‘steampunk ponies with wet manes’ and ‘HNNNNNNG!’” The party pony rattled on.
“It’s all in your head, Pinkie,” Dash sighed, patting her friend on the shoulder."
*whispers into Pinkie's ear, in a voice only the 4th wall-breaker can hear* Yesssss... Piiiiiinkieeee... Weeee're aaaaaaall in youuuuuur heeeeead! IIIIIIN YOOUUUUUURR HEAAAAD!! >:D
*Pinkie's pupils shrink to pinpoints* THE GHOSTIES HAVE POSSESSED MEEEEEEE!!!! *runs away screaming*