• Story: A New Rule

    [Shipping][Random][Slice of Life]

    Author: PenPal
    Description: Fleur de Lis must learn some things about life and herself when Fancypants breaks up with her
    and demands that she get a job in preparations for moving out.
    A New Rule

    Additional Tags: Soul Searching Important Cause Maturity

    39 kommentaari:

    1. @Ten


      Newbies. You both are wrong. Pinkie Pie is best pony.

    2. Too late, someone did. Stupid slow iPod.

    3. @Shadow Heart While I admire Pinke Pie's awesomeness, she comes second best to AJ imo :)

    4. Lets not get a best pony debate going guys... Fluttershy wins that title anyway.

    5. It has shipping, how could this go wrong? *Reads*

    6. @Ten


      We all are free to opinions.

      Personally, I believe Applejack is fourth best pony behind Celestia, and Fluttershy is fifth best.

      Ditzy Doo is second, and Pinkie Pie is first.

    7. @Tyranoman
      You almost had it right. F-lu, Flu, Fluna, Luna. There, have some best pony.

    8. Well, I've yet to read any Fleur de Lis fics, so I'll definitely read this one next chance I get.
      And come on, guys, twelve comments and only one of them is vaguely relative. I'll have to write up a full report on this fic just to make up for all of that!

    9. Dammit! Whhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?! Fancy Pants doesn't strike me as the type to break up with her. Anyway. *adds to list*

      I'm working on my Fancy Pants story as we speak.

    10. The debate abounds. Again.

      Sweet Celestia, I need to crack the best pony code before the fanbase goes to war with itself!

    11. @Shadow Heart Aye and I respect your opinion :) but back on track to the post, another fic I need to add to the list. So many fics to read but first must finish christmas shopping!

    12. Aw, that was great. I really enjoyed it. 5/5!

    13. That... was touching. Why did Sweet and Elite do so much good for the fandom?

    14. @Shadow Heart DING DING DING cooooorectamundo

    15. @Ink Stream
      Because Sweet and Elite is best episode, and Fancy Pants is best male background character.

    16. Dat story. Figures someone would write a story like this. lol Poor Fleur.

    17. @pmcollectorboy

      I can give you that. Why cant I rate this episode, did something get broken?

    18. I really enjoyed this one. I'm usually not into stories that depict any part of Equestria like our own world, but this is one of the exceptions. Maybe because in the end, a difference was made, and that fits entirely with my personal idea of Equestria.

      I also enjoyed the characterization. Especially how Fleur and Fancypants' roles were reversed by the end of the story, maturity wise. It added a nice twist, and the ending warmed my heart because of this.

      Well done! :D

    19. 5 stars and then some! Short but sweet, I loved it.

    20. A really nice change of heart story 5/5.

    21. This sounds VERY interesting. Will read for sure

    22. Heartwarming story. After Sweet and Elite I was really wondering what this fandom would make out of Fleur. I feared that she would end up as an absolute high society bitch, but I'm really glad for the characterization she received here.

      Also, Fancy may be a gentleman, but not exactly smooth.

    23. *Spoiler*

      They all lived Happy ever after (except for those who didn't)

    24. I thoroughly enjoyed this! Thank you!

    25. This was an enjoyable fic. I really enjoyed it. Grand job

    26. I know this is completely random and has nothing to do with the story... But first time I read the title of this story I heard (in my head like I so often do) the voice of Bill Maher declaring "new rule" in his New Rules segment.

    27. Lots of heart. I like that.

      Well done. <3

    28. >you did nothing wrong; it’s all me you see.
      -From a girl or from a guy, this very sentence is one of the oldest ‘bad cliché’ phrase someone can say to the other, when breaking up.

      >“I’ve changed. Grown up a little more ever since running into that dressmaker from Ponyville
      -Because he saw Rarity ? ...that’s a rather weak excuse, no ? Rather ‘shaky’, I would say.
      Hopefully, the story will use ‘’stronger’’ stuff soon.

      ... Also, wasn’t Fleur (mainly) theorized to be a ‘model’ (fashion, or other etc...) ? So what... All models are shallow ? She dropped her job when she got with Fancy Pant or something ? That would be a bit weak, if it was ...

      >As a rule, Fleur de Lis had always lived off of the generosity of other ponies! All because she was beautiful!
      -1) That’s kinda... I will say ‘wrong’. 2) Wasn’t she a model ? ...and AGAIN, what happened to her modelling career ? Mysteriously stopped when she got with Fancy Pant ?

      >She’d always managed to charm her way into the homes of other ponies, or had gotten some extra spending money from her father when she needed it.
      -Ok, we get it... The author is saying that Fleur is some sort of ‘money leech’, and shallow, and other bad and diminutive stuff about her...
      But, why going for that ? I mean, showing her as if she ‘’almost’’ was Blue Blood, but a mare.

      >Fleur de Lis, on the other hoof, was very much a prissy mare who only cared about social climbing.
      -... -_- (sigh)

      >Yet, the work, while neither glamorous nor even paid, was fulfilling.
      -Well, at least the story stopped throwing ‘pointy’ stones at her. That’s an improvement.

      >As a rule, Fancypants and Fleur de Lis were two of the most generous philequines Canterlot had ever seen.
      -This ending remembers me of 10 others movies, somehow. Shallow people, all about money and appearances, they fall from their golden podium and, in the end, they discover that the ‘’ground’’ is ‘richer than they thought’.

      ... I guess I’m just not a fan of that kind of stories ?
      ‘’Woman/Mare looking beautiful ? Oh, that means she’s shallow, and/or greedy, and/or a ‘money leech’. Obviously. But then, she lose everything, and she learns how to not be like that (shallow and stuff), The End.’’.
      I’m not saying this setting makes for a Bad story, but not a particularly strong (inspired?) one, that’s all. Here, it was averagely ‘ok’ ...

    29. @Jelfes
      If you search for another 'Fleur' story : http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/12/story-fleurdeliser.html
      (First one posted around here, as far as I know)

    30. It took me awhile to get around to reading this but I did.

      I liked it, admittedly I cannot think of much to write at all but it was good and had a fairly touching ending which I enjoyed.

    31. @Nova25
      Nova25, I have to agree with all of your criticisms on all counts.
      To be honest, I wrote this story in less than 24 hours, all off the top of my head.
      It was a personal challenge to myself, to see if I could write something that would make it past the pre-readers on the first go round as a really quick work.

      Also, Fleurdeliser is infinitely better than my story, which I believe, deserves to four star at most.

      Still, I passed my own challenge to myself; that tons of other ponies happen to like it makes me feel kinda cool. However, I recognize that this story is somewhat weak on substance, and I really should have spent more time on it. A New Rule is quite far from my best piece.
      Fleur really deserves a good treatment in the fan base and in the fanfiction.

      Interestingly, you've just given me my new side project: another Fleur story!

      ...In between writing chapter 10 of Wooly Fetlocks.

    32. I liked this story a lot.
      Good job on this~
