• Story: Moving On - Silver Spoon's Story (Update Sequel Part 7!)

    [Slice of Life] [Random] [Shipping] [Sad] [Comedy] Dude, that's a lot of tags.

    Author: Hollyfern
    Description: When Diamond Tiara moves away to Manehattan, she leaves Silver Spoon to cope with being alone. That is until one Cutie Mark Crusader extends the hoof of friendship.

    Moving On - Silver Spoon's Story

    The Spoon That Refused Polish (Sequel Part 7!)

    Additional Tags:
    Moving on and Growing up

    30 kommentaari:

    1. That art...and those tags...
      It's been a while since I've read anything that had these two as the centre point. I'll see about reading this.

    2. Wow I guess this has a bit of everything lol.

    3. Been following this along on fimfiction already, and it's definitely a good story so far - though I may be a bit biased.

    4. Dat diamondtiara leg ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

    5. excellent, been waiting for this to show up here.

    6. I want to read this, I really do, but when the chapters dont have numbers and the dates are all mixed together... ugh...

      Could somepony take the chapter names and organize them in the order they should be read?

    7. seems like an interesting story idea.

    8. Once again, I find an interesting story bogged down by spelling, grammar, and punctuation issues like nobody's business.

    9. I remember this story. It's very cute, I liked it.

      @Ink Stream -

      Helpful version:

      Routine - Chapter 1
      Something a little different - Chapter 2
      A change in plan - Chapter 3
      The Great Cupcake Massacre! - Chapter 4
      History - Chapter 5
      League of extraordinary fillies - Chapter 6
      Learning to laugh - Chapter 7
      A kind voice - Chapter 8
      Loyalty Unfaltering - Chapter 9

      Sarcastic version:

      Here's how you read them in order. You click the link at the top and read that. When you finish, you click on the second link. Then the third. All the way down to the bottom. See, it's not that hard, as it's already ordered in the way they should be read.

      The dates look like they are mixed because everytime you edit an chapter, the date changes to when you edited it.

    10. This... has a lot of errors. Pre-readers?

    11. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    12. Not to be a dick, but with that style guide posted on EqD just what, yesterday? The day before? I would have expected at least the first chapter to be groomed a bit better than it is. -.-

      I like the premise though.

    13. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    14. Technical issues weigh this one down like a bag of bricks. There are tense errors, comma splices, and misplaced commas galore. The premise is the selling point of this story, not the prose, which I believe is a serious failing in spite of the positive reception that the community has been giving. The synopsis for this story is near grade-A for hook though, I'll give you that.

      I was horrified to discover in the intermission chapter that someone actually was acknowledged for "editing." Please consider getting a different editor to up your game; someone that challenges you to write better and prosper.

    15. A lot of spelling and grammar errors, but I gave it a 4 becuase I like the premise. The author could use some ediitors that actually know what they're doing though.

    16. I thought the premise looked cute but I couldn't get past page 1 because of the grammar issues. I hope the author finds a beta reader.

    17. Silver Spoon OR Diamond Tiara stories are very rare... maybe because of their 'personality' in the series...

      Might read, on day.

    18. I don't see any shipping yet.
      I see friendships forged in places where I least expected them, but no shipping yet.
      Wow...that really is a lot of tags.

    19. YAY! See I told you this story was awesome! XD Thanks for posting it!

    20. Also I don't remember there being a ship tag on the FiMFiction one before... did this get tweaked? o.O

    21. God damn, that's an ass ton of errors. The dialogue attribution is awful.

      Good premise though XD

    22. This is a cute story so far. I like the idea of a bully getting in with a better crowd and changing for it, and the friendships so far feel very genuine to me. I especially like that you're including Twist in the group. Many fics involving the Crusaders and their classmates don't have her in there at all, and the idea that she's just sort of fallen out of Apple Bloom's life is really sad.

      But all the comments about your grammar are correct. Especially about the tense errors. I'm not sure what your current editor is doing, but you at least need to get an additional one with a better grasp of grammar. I'd be happy to do it, if you'd like.

    23. Haven't read yet, but this is interesting. I wrote a fanfic (that I never submitted because I stink at writing) about this same topic. And I was talking to a friend of mine and he wrote a fanfic about the same thing too because we both felt that Silver Spoon is good at heart but is overtaken by Diamond Tiara. Great, now I have to read this.

    24. Why am I a sucker for redemption stories? Is it that I try to find the good in even the worst of people?

    25. @Equinenox I don't know why your a sucker for redemption stories but trying to find the good in even the worst of people is not exactly something to be ashamed of.

    26. For the love of Princess Luna, please tell me that this story will continue soon! I'm hooked!

    27. Hollyfern, I would take my hat off to you if I was wearin' one! This story has now made Silver Spoon one of my favortie ponies (at least when it comes to the fanfics). The whole time you just can't help but feel sorry for Silver Spoon. In fact I have found myself on many occasions wishing I could've been there to offer her the support and comfort she desperatly and secretly needed.

      Now, of course with any good story that comes to an end (this one is one of my favorties by the way), I very much want to know if there is going to be a follow up story, perhaps from Diamond Tiara's POV? The end of this story very much leads me to believe that Diamond Tiara DID change for the better, and I personally would love to "see" those changes, as well as future encounters with Silver Spoon and the CMC.
