• Story: Flow


    Author: Starry Tides
    Description: For a thousand years Celestia has ruled in solitude, a constant and unchanging presence to her subjects, but what is really going on in her head? Is the princess as stable and compassionate as she seems? Just what does it take to chip away the shell she has created?

    Additional Tags: Isolation, family, love, compassion, rediscovering life

    26 kommentaari:

    1. Hmm? Rediscovering life as additional tag? Damn my pile of stories is getting to big to climb the top

    2. Immortality is a curse. Never wish for it. Celestia has seen generation upon generation pass away into the sands of time. She has endured what has driven many others insane.


      I hope we can be friends. That would be nice. Iimmortals do need some company. One thing I hate about endless life is the loneliness, wouldn't you agree?

    3. This is relevant to my interests...

    4. @shadow heart

      Immortality can either be a curse or a gift depending on the person who receives it, I for one would like to be immortal.

      Can I deal with living for so long? I don't think I'd go insane or something....

    5. @ndrazzar

      Wasted a perfectly good chance of saying "First!"

    6. Immortality is the WORST of curses to grant or inflict on a human (or human counterpart). Our minds were nor made to endure that kind of span. I think 'Tia is something more than pony, though I'm not quite ready to give her goddess status yet.

    7. very well written and touching. 5-stars

    8. @Shadow Heart

      Promise to be nice and not be mischievious all the time?

    9. @ELT

      Saying ''First'' is not my taste... tho i have been first a few times

    10. @ndrazzar

      Dude, if it were me I'd say "First!" every chance I get xP

    11. Hm... A very obvious idea for a fic that pops up in many other works. I have little doubt that it's well written and presented in an interesting way but what else could probably the author include in the fic, what wouldn't be obvious or already written elsewhere 50 times?

    12. @Maquabra

      I'd say step one of answering that would be actually reading the story.

    13. @Gypsy
      I'm inclined to agree. It can be a gift or a curse. It would no doubt be difficult seeing so many of your loved ones pass away around you, but at the same time you have to be glad for the time you did get to spend with them. I have already lost several family and friends (the problem with being in the military and having people in my family with bad habits such as smoking) but this has only made me realize how much I have to appreciate the time I do get to spend with those around me. The important thing is to let yourself mourn their loss but also be grateful you were able to know them and experience life with them. Those experiences will always be in my heart and mind, and they will always bring me joy. The only other option is to shut yourself off from others or to bottle up those feelings of sadness, neither of which are very good options if you ask me. Even though it may be cliche, I do believe it is better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all. Logically, if you shut others out for fear of losing them or being hurt, then you also deny yourself the happiness that relationship would bring. You end up living in a state of nothingness without joy or sadness. I believe, if approached with this attitude, immortality would give you a greater appreciation for life and make you cherish every happy moment with those around you. As they pass away, you make new connections and relationships with their families, friends, and others you meet along your life's journey.

    14. @Celestia

      That was the old me.

      Mischief is child's play. Which would explain why Discord does it.

      I much prefer the simpler things. Friendship is wonderful.

    15. @Celestia

      Honestly, after Discord granted me immortality and I wreaked havoc for 500 years I got bored.

      It isn't fun anymore. A prank every now and then is only for a cheap laugh, and even that isn't that fun. I hope we can have fun.

      If you want, I could join your gaurds. The powers I have could actually be useful then.

    16. @Maquabra

      This is the first bit of fanfiction I've written in a very long time. It started out as a character study, then decided to grow into something a little more than I thought it would. I thought I'd see what the pre-readers at EqD thought, fixed some stuff up, and it got posted.
      I can't promise that you'll find it interesting, and I know this kind of thing has been done before, but it's my take on an introspective piece from Celestia's point of view in regards to the impact Twilight has had on her life, and how she's dealt with being alone so long. It also touches on how she feels about what happened to Luna.
      Anyway, I'm sure no one here wants to hear my ramblings!

    17. It was very well written. I loved it. Manly tears have been shed (a little).

      (!!! Kind of SPOIL !!! I guess)

      Though, I think it is implied that Twilight passed out in the last paragraph. But Celestia doesn't seem to be concerned.
      Well, of course she had her sister back, but she clearly said she considered Twilight as her child !
      Maybe with Luna at her side, she won't mourn or let numbness invade her any more (a way to put away her grief for Twilight's death); but that still bother me a little..

      Or maybe, Twilight's not even dead at the end !

      Anyway, thank you !

    18. @Klice

      Noooooo, not a plot hole! Thankyou very much for pointing that out, I'll change things around a bit as soon as I can. I'm glad to hear you liked it, and thanks for the feedback.

    19. Hehehe... Plot hole.


      I had to do it.

    20. Very elegant, and quite an enjoyable take on Celestia.

    21. The idea of one going crazy because of their immortality seems silly to me. Perhaps after the first one or two generations of people passing, an immortal would want to disconnect themselves to avoid the pain. But I don't think it would take long to realize that the pain of loss will always wash away eventually. Sadness of loss at the end of each lifetime is better than eternal loneliness.

      I could rant about immortality for pages because it is just an interesting idea. This was a good story, though.

    22. @Ergo Cogito

      Humans tend to either mock or play down things they cannot have as a way to convince themselves they don't want it.

      Aesop wrote a little fable about that. "The Fox and the Grapes"

      I, having evolved beyond 'human' CRAVE immortality and the POWER it will grant me! *maniacal laugh*

      NOTE: Humans that don't decide they don't want immortality usually end up going nuts and try to take over the universe.

    23. @Stephen Cawking

      Thankyou for the feedback! I probably do go a little far sometimes with the word choice, but sadly it's just how I write, and if someone doesn't poke me to stop it I usually don't. Still, it's something to watch out for when I'm working on new stories. I'm also very glad to hear you enjoyed this one :)
