• Story: Fleurdeliser (Update Part 2!)

    [Shipping] [Comedy]

    Author: Miyajima
    Description: Fleur-de-lis is, perhaps, most well known for her brief career as a model on Equestria's fashion scene, but there are surprising depths to this elegant unicorn that most never see. This is a tale of a fateful evening in Canterlot, and a glimpse into the personality and character of a pony for whom good looks and grace are just the tip of the iceberg.

    Fleurdeliser II - Redoublement (New!) 

    Additional Tags: A, Mare, Of, Many, Talents

    54 kommentaari:

    1. Already a Fleur fic? I am okay with this.

    2. A fleur story already? That was fast- oh, its shipping.

      I like Cereal's tags best for some reason

    3. Still think her name should be Fleur de Saint.

    4. Wow, that's fairly ridiculous... do we already have enough fanon personality behind her to make a fic about her? I bet it's good, but wow, I'm impressed.

    5. was expecting the most interesting pants in the world before this, but I'll have to look at this after finals.

    6. Am I the only one who pictured an image of Michael Jackson in the background of that picture from a distance?

    7. You know, like the one on my profile pic?

    8. Who is Fleur de Lis? That's Trophi la Fleur. also I need to read this, love shipping and Trophi.

    9. @Bombedrumbum

      Yeah, I guess it is a pipe dream. If anyone needs me, I'll be drinking some Tiara Royal, while reading some Hoovespeare next to the fireplace.

      Fleur, where is my pipe?

    10. What's,with,the,additional,tags?

    11. I knew I knew I knew it.
      Congrats you beat me to the first fic, hopefully it's as good as mine where she is an underworld crime lord that controles major candy smuggling operations, which she runs with Fancypanrs who is an undercover agent, yet the two do find love. But still congrats

    12. So until Hasbro butchers her name we're going to be stuck arguing over Fleur/Trophi? I like them both honestly.

    13. I like Trophi, but her cutie mark is 3 fleur de lis. We'll see which stick.

    14. Also, an idea for some fan art: Fancy Pants and Smarty pants!

    15. @Hialiatus

      But Rarity's cutie mark is 3 diamonds, should I call Rarity 'Diamond' instead? Regardless, in my headcanon, Trophi changes her name and identity whenever it suits her. Her real special talent, is illusion, the fleur de lis' are a fake qutie mark that she used her magic to falsify.

      I like this fic, it fits with the headcanon I have for her, and it's well written. I hope it gets more chapters.

    16. I was wondering when this would be featured here. I hope this interpretation of her becomes universal fanon.

    17. New fanfiction about a pony we got ten seconds of in the show? This'll be good.

    18. I read this this morning. Fleur is best background pony.

    19. Dear Author,
      Did you by chance catch this idea from the discussion page on her, because I remember being the only one to say about her character being a thief at all. Not trying to steal anything or take away what is your work, just happy that I finally started a trend on here.

    20. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    21. No matter what i read of her, I will forever just think she is a Celestia clone Batman Beyond style.

    22. Besides her being a thief, this is going to be my Fluer de Lis headcanon.
      Awesome work Miyajima

    23. The correct spelling of the tittle would be "Fleurdelisé", which is also the name of the flag of Québéc. Then again, most English keyboards cannot make those accents. Too tired, can't read the fic now.

    24. Great quick read! I personally prefer more risqué intimacy. Great fiction tho, worth reading if you have a spare 45 minuets. :)

    25. I read this on Fim fiction the other day and I completely loved it. I just wish there was more

    26. @Stunt Monkey

      >45 minutes

      I just wanted to stop by and say I really dug this fic. The idea that they were in a 'duel' throughout their conversations which coalesced into the last moment between them was an excellent metaphor that profited the fic greatly overall.

      Look forward to more by you.

    27. ALREADY???
      it seems that we bronies are back to our previous amazing reaction speed.

    28. Awesome story, can totally dig her as a high society jewel thief.

    29. @Sun Ray

      Apparently miss the point of a fandom. It's to be created and recreated through the creative juices of the fans themselves. Canon is just a basis for fanon, it does not replace or lord above it.

    30. Aaaaannnd, yes! Been waiting patiently for a good Fleur fic to show up! And it's my two favorite fic types! Will read!

    31. I'm not really a fan of her as a thief, just because it's so far from what we've seen of her so far. It's a clever twist on her cutie mark, but I guess just not my cup of tea.

      That said, very well written.

    32. Well this didn't take long to come out

    33. I already got a chance to read this over on FiMFiction.net. Great stuff! :D

    34. I love how what us bronies discussed on Ponychan (her being a thief among other things) has started making its way into fanfics. :D

    35. Very nicely done, absolutely liked the small slice-of-life of a socialite in the high society (the thievery was a nice little piece action but felt somehow irrelevant to the story)

      I would really enjoy more fiction on the Canterlot high society: dukes and duchesses, ancient feuds and young upstarts, sophistication and decadence.

      Great work, author.

    36. @Ink Stream

      I was merely stating observations. I didn't say what her actual name is, since we don't even know what it is for sure.

      Also, using Rarity is a bad example, because we know her name already. When on the other hand Applejack has an apple cutie mark. I'm simply saying it may be more likely to stick than Trophi...

    37. Ah, took long enough for a fanfic about Escort Sluthooves to come out!

    38. More disputes on name?

      I think I will just call her Tia.

    39. @Travis Smith

      No, sorry, I got the idea from the IRC channels, where we were discussing Fleur and the idea of her as a thief came up. I liked it so much I rolled with it and this happened.

      @Sun Ray

      She doesn't. 'Elizabeth' was a mis-hearing of "Ah, listen."


      I'm afraid it isn't, try Googling 'fleurdeliser', and it should become clearer.


      Finally, someone got it!

    40. @Miyajima

      Ah. Like the old-school punishment for thieves. Clever!

    41. @Saddlesoap

      Exactly! Came out of my pondering what her special talent should be (and thus, what her cutie mark actually means). I found the word 'fleurdeliser' in my search and thought "Perfect!".

      Not to mention, it's such an ambiguous cutie mark that it provides her perfect cover - everypony else would just assume it means she's a linguist, or nobility, or the like.

    42. It didn't take long for the lovely Fleur to get her own fanfic, did it?

    43. >brief, but highly lucrative, modelling career.
      >an ex-ballet dancer from the Canterlot Opera House’s troupe.
      >the one student in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns who failed every class except counter spells.
      -A fine mare of many talents, indeed. :)

      >with the moon high above, bearing the familiar shadows of the Mare in the Moon.
      -Ah ? You mean this is happening some times before the very First Episode ?

      ... So far, the different conversations between Fleur and Fancy Pant are very well made, and also rather interesting ...

      >I did miss your company while you were off in Prance.
      -I don’t see the necessity to replace ‘France’ with ‘Prance’, especially since in the episode ‘Suited for Success’ Fluttershy mentions ‘french haute-couture’.

      >“Turned out she was actually the Royal Librarian. >I certainly didn’t know there was a dragon living in the castle at any rate.
      -Well, live long + huge capacity to learn/retain information + It’s a Dragon... They make for great librarians, for libraries and archives holding old knowledge and secrets. :)

      >Fleur tried her hardest to look disappointed as he left.
      -Must have been REALLY hard. ;)

      >and blew a pinch of rouge into the air before her.
      >A tell-tale glint gave away the presence of a detection matrix
      -Oh, whoa, wait what ? A thief ? Really making her into the cliché : ‘Beautiful, cunning lady... who happen to be a famous/international thief’ ? ...I’m not sure...


      Well, it was certainly an enjoyable read from start to finish, though I’m not really ‘that’ convinced of the ‘Fleur : Professional thief’ thing...
      Every pieces of conversation between Fleur and Fancy Pant were interesting.
      The end was... ‘good’, though it feels like, I don’t know, like there could be more there ?

      First 'Fleur' Story, a success I would say.

    44. @Ink Stream
      >But Rarity's cutie mark is 3 diamonds, should I call Rarity 'Diamond' instead?
      -A bit cheap/weak, don't you think ?

      I don't see people over Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon complaining ? Nor Snails and Snips(literally the sound made by scissors)... or Bon-Bon and etc (to name just a few).

      'Fleur (de Lis)' is a simple, yet elegant and charming name. It references a SIGNIFICANT cultural item, and is a word meaning something in another language (fancy french stuff)... Both as the 'fleur de lis' symbol and as the individual translated word (flower) hold a lot of meaning and potentially uses.

    45. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    46. I like how you managed to give Fleur so much character with so little information to work on.

    47. Well someone beat me to it. Ah well, I'm working on a Fancy Pants story, anyway. Yes I'm working on several stories at once. Ask the pre-readers. I've also called the mare a different name, but I will most certainly read this story.

    48. @ultra8 Fleur is actually “The Phantom”! She stole the Pink Pan… I mean, the Heart of Canterlot! Somebody call Inspector Coltseau!

      Inspector: *slips and falls* AHHHHHGH!

      Curator: Are you alright?

      Inspector: Of course I am alright! I was just examining the wax!

    49. Quite a quality fic right here. Very enjoyable. :D

    50. It has been a damn long time, since the ''previous'' story... checked the first one quickly+comment... I think I remember the important bits, but maybe not all (almost a year, after all).


      Fleurdeliser II - CH.1 :

      >“Do you, Élisabeth de la Camarque, take...”
      -Sigh... The name used for her, that most people use for her, that most(if not all) ponies know her under... It's *Fleur de Lis* !
      No need to unnecessarily jungle with 4-5 different names, or have 5 secret names+10 nicknames+2 official names+etc... that would be annoying, really. -_-

      Also... am I confusing this story with another ? I'm dead sure this nonsense stuff with her having a 'real', a 'false-real', and a 'false' name NEVER had been approached in the previous story..?
      So, why the need to throw a dumb thing like that here/now ?

      >“A terrible loss. Although I’m sure he’ll have his hooves full with your two sisters for quite some time.”
      -Wait, what ? Fleur has 2 sisters now ? From ''where'' did that idea was pulled, honestly ?
      I know it has been a year, since last story, but still ?

      >“Come to think, Barding
      -Also... why does she keep calling him ''barding'', his name is ONLY Fancy Pants, after all ? Is that ''supposed'' to be a love-name of some sorts ?


      Well... it wasn't bad... somewhat ''good'', but not nearly as close as what I remember of the previous story, which hadn't (as far as I can see) those little nonsense stuff with her ''names''... I mean, seriously ? Why introduce that now, like a 'fly on the soup' ?
      CH.2 :

      >the gentle chewing and crunching of them eating their respective breakfasts.
      -The ''crunching'', it's everywhere ! : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNv1s5lAZts

      >It was an addiction, and being denied the chance to indulge it was what had driven her to argue with him.
      -That, and, honestly, he was ''kinda'' a bit of an ass, in some ways... with his ''criticizing Fleur's state of mind, while not actually contributing in anything to help solve her 'issue' with important shiny things'' attitude.


      Bah... it was relatively 'ok'. Still not sure why in hells the author suddenly felt the need to start ''playing'' with Fleur's name.

    51. @Nova25

      ... One would almost think I had personally insulted you with the tone of that review, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as the previous story.

      Still, in the interest of answering your questions:

      The name thing is deliberately meant to be a joke. The name she goes by for both stories (and, indeed, the out-of-character narration) is 'Fleur' or 'Fleur de Lis'. This is not her actual name, but the name she took during her modelling career. A stage or professional name, if you prefer. Her real name is Élisabeth, which was intended to be a subtle reference to the debate that originally surrounded the character at her creation, as to what her name should be.

      This was briefly alluded to in the previous story, although not outright stated. The previous story establishes that Fleur was both a ballerina and a professional model in the past, and it's a simple step of logic to assume that, as such, 'Fleur de Lis' is a stage name. This was not directly stated as I didn't feel the need to do so, I suspected that the reader would draw that conclusion themselves after the wedding scene at the opening of the second story.

      Fleur having two sisters is something I entirely made up. I don't really see why that's an issue, it's not like Fleur has any canonical background with which this clashes, nor is there any reason for her family to be mentioned in the first story.

      "Barding", as I think I explained on the FiM Fiction page, is Fleur's pet nickname for Fancy Pants, and is a subtle historical joke. 'Barding' is the name for armour worn by horses on the field of battle, and armour is essentially a pair of 'fancy pants'.
