• Story: Apple Bloom's Family


    Author: Hopefox
    Description: Applejack won't tell Apple Bloom who her parents
    really are. With the Crusaders' help, she's determined to find out.
    Apple Bloom's Family

    Additional Tags: Family history, Regency drama style

    28 kommentaari:

    1. I'd ask Granny Smith... just sayin'.

    2. Holy crap isn't this one really old? I remember reading something like this over the summer. Around the BEGINNING of the summer.

    3. I love Sad but I don't like the idea that Apple Bloom is adopted.

    4. @Rainbow Dash I didn't get that she was adopted from that very short description. I figured there was some tragic accident, though it does seem quite possible now that you mention it.

    5. hmm... when u say it i havent seen their parents at all... i havent seen anypony's parents

    6. Yeah it started a while but just finished up. Been reading it as chapters have arrived, it's really pretty good, and I was surprised to never see it here before.

      Make sure to read the author's notes at the end too.

    7. @ndrazzar
      You haven't seen anyone's parents? We've already seen the parents of Rarity/Sweetie Belle, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie.

    8. @ndrazzar

      Except Twilight's, Pinkie's and Rarity's.

    9. The story was finished on FiMfic, then submitted to EqD.

      In my opinion, how all future stories should run, but that isn't my call.

    10. Wow this strikes close to home... or at least I think it does, just read the first chapter... although I had planned on reading it when I saw it on FimFiction, glad you made it to EqD's front page, that way I got to read it!

    11. @Jelfes yeah, that's probably right......

      I don't like the way AppleJack's nose is drawn in that picture -_-


      I found this story to be exceptionally well written and utterly riveting; I was in absolute suspense near the end, feeling almost as anxious as Apple Bloom to learn the truth! If all that suspense and anticipation had led to a big payoff, I would probably rank this as one of the best MLP fanfictions I've ever read, easily 6 Star material.

      Unfortunately, there was no payoff; I was enormously, bitterly disappointed that after all that buildup, Apple Bloom just called the whole thing off. Certainly her reasons were very good, the writing deep and eloquently put, but that doesn't change the fact that I felt cheated. I know the author probably has plans for the "real" story behind Apple Bloom's parents, and I have no doubt it will be well written and captivating; in all likelihood I'll end up reading it as soon as it's posted.

      Ultimately, however, that doesn't change the fact that the horrible let down I felt by being denied the truth after waiting so long to learn it has very deeply poisoned my enjoyment of this story. Had I know in advance that this is how I would feel after finishing it, I would probably never have read it at all.

      The fact remains that the author is an exceptionally talented writer, however, and I am still eager to read their future work. I hope my criticism has been constructive and not discouraging.


      The story was excellent, the writing was top-notch, but the ending left me feeling cheated.

    13. It took Equastria Daily this long to find this story. They need more coffee.

    14. @Rainbow Dash

      Define irony:

      A pony who is cheerful and looks cheerfu liking sad things.

      A follower of Discord who enjoys peace.

      A bunch of idiots dancing on a airship, to a song made famous by band that died in an airship crash.


    15. Their patents either died after she was born or went on a trip and never came back. Time to find out

    16. @Shadow Heart
      Is that reference to Total drama series?

    17. @Travis Smith

      Con Air; it was said by Garland Green to Cameron Poe

    18. How did I miss that, I saw it just the other day

    19. This is a good story with a terrible ending. After the build up to the climatic reveal and then having such a non ending was quite annoying.

    20. You know, I was wondering how the ending would reconcile the hopes and expectations after those two stories within the story, and I am not disappointed. The two stories are quite fantastic, and anything else would either be hugely anti-climactic or requiring just as much explanation. I think it was a good way to end it, it felt genuine to me, Apple Bloom had learned something. I'm finding it hard to fully describe, so I'll just say that I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    21. Ye gods, I loved everything right up until the last 3 paragraphs. I can only hope that there will be a real story to fill it in later on, because the writing was pretty dang good, and I'd like some closure.
      Not quite good enough to replace head-canon, but a fine piece of storytelling.

    22. @Shadow Heart

      ED doesn't look for stories. That must be submitted by the authors and approved by the prereaders.

    23. Shouldn't this fanfic have a shipping tag or something? Or perhaps light shipping?

    24. @DPV111

      Frek uu I m drunk


    25. Haven't read, yet...
      @Rainbow Dash
      Wait what ? Adopted, what the hell is that ..idea ?

      *Boot to the Head* at story.

    26. This is a really well-written story, and while it reaches a resting place it does not quite conclude... The author promises a rather unique concept for following it up, in my opinion.

      As to Apple Bloom's parentage, it's an interesting question. In the show, we see filly Applejack leave for Manehatten leaving behind a young Big Mac and Granny Smith... but no parents. Apple Bloom shouldn't have been born yet, which certainly raises some issues. Where were Ma and Pa Apple?

      If they were dead, then they weren't really Apple Bloom's parents. If they weren't dead, then they were gone long enough that Applejack didn't hesitate to leave to begin a new life without waiting for them to return first... Which would also suggest the possibility that they aren't dead now, but possibly simply away for the farm for an extended time, or possibly not coming back.

    27. loved it~~! it's so cool, i loved the two theories of who her parents were... i think i liked sweetie's story a bit more, but they were equally magnificent. too bad we didn't get a real story from applejack though. then again, then if something canon pops up, the stories won't collide. which is good. awesome job anyway!

    28. Just out of frame is Link "It's my cucco!". Although, I guess 'cos he never speaks: "Hyyaaaaaahhhh!!"
