Author: JasonTheHuman
Description: The story of Lyra's lifelong search for the truth about humansAnthropology (New Part 31!)
Additional Tags: Humans, Myths, Conspiracy, Reverse-furry, Hands
Description: The story of Lyra's lifelong search for the truth about humansAnthropology (New Part 31!)
127 kommentaari:
Posted by the XTREME for Lyra. D'aww
VastaKustutaO_o Sethisto XTREME?
VastaKustuta@CanterEdlund Eeyup.
VastaKustutaAnyways, the Reverse - furry tag is new to me, as well as the Hands tag.
Author: JasonTheHuman, lol......
Equestrian History, and Music and Magic. Sounds like a pretty interesting fic. To the list with ye!
Lol, this looks like a fun read.
*Hipster Frames*
VastaKustutaI saw this on FIMFiction weeks ago.
And, yes, it is quite good.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaGood fanfic, can't wait for new chapters.
VastaKustuta"Furries? In my pony?" It's more likely than you think.
VastaKustutaOh. That did not sound as I wished it to sound. :|
Which chapter comes first?
VastaKustutaEquestrian History says it was posted first, but it starts with "The following day" so Im confused.
If nothing else, it should provide an interesting view at Lyra as a character.
VastaKustutaHu-mans? Never heard of them. Some type of food?
VastaKustutaI think I read the chapters backwards. Something about the dates must not be right.
Reversed furries are, "skinnies"? Lol
VastaKustutabeen on FiMFiction for weeks congrats on getting it on here
VastaKustutalol. Oh lyra...
VastaKustutaReverse-furry? What an interesting tag. lol
VastaKustutaAlso, Seth XTREME is Seth after he's had a nice bottle of Powerthirst. He's going to be UNCOMFORTABLY XTREME!
Hah! Started reading this when it was featured on Fimfiction. It's a great story. Lyra is the best.
VastaKustutathis is quite fitting
Wow. This made it through the prereaders pretty quick. Congrats once again Jason. (And yes, the dates are wrong. I think chapter one got a subtle revision.)
VastaKustutajust make MOAR
VastaKustutaone of the most interesting fix I've ever read
People say that they've been reading this for "weeks" yet I posted it last Saturday. My chapters say they are posted out of order. TIME DISTORTIONS
VastaKustutaI'll be trying to make updates every Monday. I've got tons of work-in-progress (I started the beginnings of chapters 7 and 8 last night, as a matter of fact) but I want to give myself time to have everything ready.
All these responses are awesome. Thanks for reading.
- Jason (TheHuman)
This amuses me greatly. I think I may have to continue reading this and I don't read fanfiction.
VastaKustutaIf this develops towards a somewhat X-Files or Twilight Zone feel like I think it is this I am definitely continuing.
Thanks for another chapter. The concept itself hooked me up from the start, and I can't find anything to nit-pick about the story so far.
VastaKustutaEager to see where this goes.
Well...that was interesting. Looking forward to the rest.
VastaKustutaHumans used to be real in what became the Equestrian world... until one day when I decided humans had FAILED ME FOR THE LAST TIME!!! I SMOTE THEM FROM EXISTENCE!! >:D
And their transgression? Somebody forgot the sweet and sour sauce for my chicken nuggets! UNFORGIVABLE!! *smite smite smite!!!*
And the list of fics I'm currently reading grows. But it's definitely worth it.
VastaKustutaThis looks promising. Can't wait for moar chapters!
VastaKustutaRead this before it made EqD. *hipster glasses*
VastaKustutaSo, yes - the idea is there, but it's too early to tell how things'll go. You have my interest, though, and I'll be looking out for the next update.
Heh! I've been shuffling through EQD only yesterday to find a fic that specifially focusses on Lyra's interest in human culture ... and here it is! XD
VastaKustutaThis is hilarious. And disturbingly accurate.
VastaKustutaI really like this kind of story, and Lyra's human-obsession is one of my personal favorite fanon traits. It never fails to be entertaining! I'm definitely going to keep an eye for future updates of this story.
VastaKustuta[ancient alien guy from history channel]
"I'm not saying it was humans... but it was humans."
Fascinating. I eagerly await the next chapter my good sir.
VastaKustutaThat feeling when you are searching for something nobody believes in...
VastaKustutaIt's tagged comedy... Why does it make me cry?
@Ultra The HedgeToaster I Ch. 2 & 3 before FiM fiction. *Hipster glasses AND scarf*
VastaKustutaAny reason to a Finn the Human?
VastaKustutaSeriously though, excellent fic. The hook is clever, and the writing is superb. I look forward to future chapters with anticipation.
VastaKustutaI hate freaking autocorrect
Haven't read the 3rd chapter yet, but from what I read so far I'm very intrigued to see how it goes on! This is just what I - as stated previously - had been looking for all over EQD just one day prior to this fic being posted. Keep it up! :)
VastaKustutaNow I'm curious what's wrong with Lyra's hoof. And how it is she can actually see human civilization in her dreams despite barely anypony else even knowing of them.
...also, seems that in the recent "Heart Warming's" episode, "Earth" is mentioned.
Heh, could easily imagine Lyra suddenly jumping up during the middle of the play shouting "I KNEW IT! THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING!" ^^;
Another good installment, I like the way this story is shaping up. I must say, ever since I read "The Conversion Bureau: Last Man Standing" I've been pretty bummed out, nice to see someone take it in the opposite direction.
VastaKustutaA new chapter was posted on January 2nd. This needs a page update!
VastaKustutaGreat story, in any case, definitely Star 6 material if you keep this up. Really like the conspiracy brew that's brewing up -- and I've been wondering about all the human-designed things in Equestria, too! So I'm looking forward to seeing your take on that.
Bon-Bon, why you no act like good friend?!
VastaKustutaSeriously. Lyra is channeling The Question here, and he turned out to be right about everything in Justice League.
Open your eyes ponykind!
I LOVE this story! However, when I read Luna's reaction to Lyra's question, I couldn't help but feel disappointed that this was gonna be another "humans are (were, in this case) evil monsters". Please don't let it become this, there's nothing I hate more than that.
VastaKustutaI'm not a fan of simplified worldviews either, so you don't have to worry about that... Without giving too much away, all I can say is that Lyra loves us too much to let such uninformed opinions go unchallenged.
I wish I was getting more comments here. The EqD crowd isn't nearly as fixated on war and cryogenic technology as FiMFiction. XD
And also, now that I've figured out EqD's story update system, I'll be sending them the new chapters as they're posted. That's why it skipped a few updates.
- Jason (TheHuman)
@Jason Genuine organic Awesome Sauce!
VastaKustutaAnd I think I picked up a hint in your reply about the future of the story :D
I am really starting to like this story. However I do hope you don't paint humans to be all completely bad and rather give off the impression that humans can and have done great good. It get rather depressing to see all these recent fics with humans in them that are all either bad or ride the gray zones to be a rather dark hero.
VastaKustutaShe is more of a reverse brony than a reverse furry. Lyra seems to regard human civilization the way we regard Equestria; more proof that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
VastaKustutaThis fic has a little bit of an X-Files vibe to it with Lyra as Mulder and Bon Bon as Scully.
I know that the author said that he doesn't intend to paint humans as monsters. Yet, when Lyra asked Luna about humans Luna flipped out as though Lyra had asked about Lord Voldermort.
The plot sickens as an ancient conspiracy tries to hide information about the most important events in Equestrian history. And only one brave pony can uncover the truth and reveal the dark secrets of both pony civilization and Those who came before...
VastaKustuta... or not.
On a more serious note, the latest chapter was great. You have found an amazing fic format that lets you to lampshade all plot holes and inconsistencies of the original series by allowing Lyra to have fun tying them into conspiracy theories. I can only imagine her reaction when she hears how Granny Smith's story of founding of Ponyville contradicts an official version. It would be a moment of pure awesome!
Another thing to look forward to is future collaboration between Lyra and Twilight. Would Lyra be able to convinse Twi? It would definitely interesting to see. :)
Spooky. Weird. But incredibly cute at the same time.
VastaKustutaFunny, too.
I'm really liking this story so far. Lyra's kookiness is very endearing, and her quest for knowledge and frustration with nobody questioning certain things hits closer to home than I should probably be admitting.
VastaKustutaLuna's reaction has me a bit worried, but your stating that you don't plan to oversimplify humanity gives me a bit of hope.
Also, Lyra not being able to the the true meaning of Christmas made me laugh.
I do love a good conspiracy story, right on! I thought I was the only one irked by television shows non sequiturs, it's pretty awesome to see someone put it into such display of cunning and shadows.
VastaKustutai really enjoyed reading this, keep them coming! ^^
VastaKustutaSilly Lyra that's not how cars work. You need to get Pinkie to make you an internal combustion engine.
VastaKustutaAlso, massively looking forward to the hijinks at the Gala. She's getting closer to the truth.
Disappointingly short, but you've got to set up the Gala, so... yeah.
VastaKustutaBased on your comment about the art alone, I decided to give your story a shot, and I've been wearing a smirk the entire time. Although I'm still in the first few chapters, it's been endlessly amusing and extremely well-written. I'm going to be sad when I inevitably get to the end, all the more so because it's incomplete, but I'm surprised this isn't a six-star already. It's getting close, I see, but have another 5 star rating for it, and I look forward to reading more in the future!
VastaKustutaAmazing story! The first time I "picked it up", so to speak, i couldn't put it down.
VastaKustutaThe mysteries!
The consipiracies!
I can't wait to see what happens!
Hey, 4.9 stars and over 50 ratings and comments. I think you can ask a blogpony for an official 6-star rating now!
VastaKustutaNo more anon comments on FiMFiction? But those were the funniest ones! (And I don't have an account)
VastaKustutaMassive "Dun dun DUNNNNN!" moment there.
VastaKustutaIs this six star yet? Needs to be a six star. Daaayyyyum
VastaKustutagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasp 8I crap, now to wait for the next chapter...
VastaKustutaWow! The chapter was already impressive, but then you dropped bombshell at the end. I have no words left, please keep up with your amazing work. The next chapter cannot come fast enough.
VastaKustutaCongrats on 6 stars!
1. Interesting choice of words for the EOH, first used, not first discovered.
VastaKustuta2. Very nice cliff hanger moment on part 9.
Oh... my... good... lord.
VastaKustutaI just checked this story out today on a whim (at first I thought the premise to be too silly)…
However, after keeping up with TripleX i figured i'd give it a sho-ly crap this is good.
Jason, you sonofagun how day you cliffhanger like that. HOW DARE YOU!!! *hugz*
Till next time I suppose, you literary master.
It is now officially confirmed, Lyra is best side pony
VastaKustutaShot in the face by Chekov's gun!
VastaKustutaI didn't expect this to get much better.
VastaKustutaAnd then it GOT better.
Love, love, LOVE this story.
VastaKustuta*SPOILER ALERT (as of 10th of February 2012, chapter 9)*
You know, I actually saw this one coming all the way back when Lyra had her hoof in a bandage -
It made a lot of sense, considering her vivid dreams, and the background-detail that her parents at one point had been worried she might not develop her magical abilities.
...except you managed to throw me off-track, and by padding it all out, I pretty much had forgotten about my first suspicion by the time the jig was up.
What a twist, indeed. As I said before when this story was posted, this apparently is the only Lyra/human-centric story on EQD, so it's pretty unique in it's own right.
And now I'm more intrigued than ever to see how it goes on.
Will Lyra's studies finally be recognized?
Gee. What will Bon Bon say? She'll probably think that Lyra finally went insane, unless the princess herself steps in to back her up, I suppose. :/
I'm... not quite sure where this story is going any more. Is it going to be 'Lyra trying to find her way?' or is it going to still involve Bon Bon?
VastaKustutaIn the last two chapters the story went completely off the rails. I guess I have no other choice than wait and see the next chapter. Though 'most likely unable to return' hints at the future developments.
VastaKustutainb4 everything after the Gala was an illusion created by Celestia to stop Lyra's interest in humans
I must say that I was sorely disappointed with the last chapter on how it handled with Lyra's transformation into a human. While the psychological and emotional side of what Lyra was experiencing with her new body was well written, the biological aspect was lacking.
VastaKustutaIgnoring the decision to leave Lyra's mane/hair style and her golden eyes, I have to say that her transition from using four legs to two felt rushed. Two legs are very unstable, and we can only begin to walk relatively well with literally years of practice. The fact that Lyra seems to just be able to walk fine with just two legs all of a sudden irked me. It is implied that she was adopted by Cirrus and Dewey while she was still unable to walk. If she was transformed immediately into an unicorn that means that she has had very little practice (if any at all) on walking on two legs. Just because it's an instinct to walk upright for us humans doesn't mean that we get it on the first try. How many times do toddlers fall over when trying to walk? Plenty of times. You mean to tell me that human Lyra (supposedly an adult now) can just walk without having any difficulties? I find that hard to believe.
There may be an explanation to this that the author's got in store for a later chapter but as it is, it does pull me out of the experience if only temporarily. Otherwise this is a great update. Hope to see Lyra fumbling about with the cultural barriers/differences that are bound to exist with her pony upbringing.
*SPOILER (as of chapter 10)*
VastaKustutaOh boy. O_O
Hope you haven't made a mistake there, Lyra.
... sure, you've been looking for answers all your life, but ... leaving it all behind after barely a night of sleep to think it over? :/
"Despite everything else, a smile crept onto Bon-Bon's face. Was it possible? Lyra had finally figured out who she was. [...] Her days of hunting for humans were finally over."
Oh boy, the irony of that statement.
That's actually ... sad. :(
Truely, this is the inverse to a "Brony comes to Equestria" story.
...and now that that I think about it, most of those stories never end with the Brony actually ever leaving.
(Either that, or the stories are never completed [or not yet anyway] ... err ^^;)
and now Lyra learns about a certain television show called "My little Pony", and is eager to meet this... "Lauren Faust".
VastaKustutaactually humans know how to walk from the day they are born. It's because their muscles aren't strong enough at first to walk that they can't.
Oh, I'm eating this shit UP!
VastaKustutaI love good fish-out-of-water culture-shock stories, and this is definitely turning into a good one.
Fucking DES MOINES though? At first I was afraid Lyra would get chased out of town by hillbillies...
Hopefully she and her Lyre will get popular, given, you know, nobody USES a fucking Lyre anymore. Maybe she'll fall in with a larping group...
But yeah, if she tries applying for a job, the moment she reveals she has NO last name, and worse, no social security number, she'll most likely be incarcerated before being deported to Canada... which might not actually be a bad thing...
Well, if she's LUCKY it'll be Canada... My luck I'd probably end up in Tijuana and immediately get savaged by a monkey cranking a music box...
@Nikorasu Sora
VastaKustutaAnd I don't discount that walking is an innate instinct. However after years of walking on four legs the transition to two should be more jarring than Lyra experienced. I'm sorry, but two legs are very unstable compared to four. Walking for us is a series of controlled falls. If anything trips one of our legs we'll stumble while the same cannot be said about the same happening to a pony. A leg trips up? No worries, you've got three still supporting you. For us to walk reliably enough we need to practice. A lot.
That particular transition still feels too rushed for me.
Huh. On FIMfiction I see a lot of hope that Lyra runs into some bronies... ugh, I hope not. I hope that the world Lyra is in is exactly like ours except it has no MLP. It really bothers me when most authors try to write stories where fiction is real in another universe. Some of them are okay, but I always end up overanalyzing and I can't enjoy it. "Wait, but what about when a story has a self-contradiction or massive plot hole? And how does breaking the fourth wall fit into this? Is fiction something we cause to be real by writing it, or are we tapping into the multiverse and writing something that already exists? If the first, does that mean characters don't actually have a choice about anything they do, and what about any details (like history) that the author ignores? If the second, does the constant rewriting and hard work put into a story mean anything? And what about a series where characters never age?..."
VastaKustutaYeah, I try not to think too hard about it, but it feels like I'm turning my brain off and I hate that.
Wow this fic is amazing! First pony fanfic I've really gotten into.
VastaKustutaI keep yelling at Lyra for not knowing what cars are. LOL
VastaKustutaOmg, human? YEAS
VastaKustutaAfter reading the latest chapter, I have to wonder if we're going to cover stuff happening in Equestria at the same time we're with Lyra and her new friend.
VastaKustutaIt would be awesome if Bon Bon somehow crossed the dimensional border in search of Lyra. Oh the shenanigans that would cause...
Actually, she's stated to have walked only on her rear legs at least one time while she was a pony, with the implications this is nothing new for her. Considering how freaking hard that must be, even for a cartoon pony, suddenly having human legs to walk on would seem a lot easier for that.
I just hope that at some point Lyra meets a UFO enthusiast.
VastaKustutaCongrats on 6 stars
VastaKustutaOkay, the bit where she ate the flower? I literally laughed out loud. That doesn't happen all that often, so congrats. Poor girl is so out of her depth, though.
VastaKustutaHow will the recent addition of minotaurs to canon affect this story?
VastaKustutaI love this story so much. 9.9
VastaKustutaTime to do Asignments! oh wait, Anthropology. Nevermind.
VastaKustutaMy story: Twilight Sparkle is stranded on Earth. Eventually comes up with a spell that can temporarily disguise her as a human while working on a way to get home. EQD rejects it because: "We dont really take human ponies!"
VastaKustutaAnthropology: Lyra learns she was born human, gets herself turned back into a human, and sent to Earth with the intention of living the rest of her life among the humans. EQD accepts and tracks!
Thanks a whole heap, EQD. :P
I think Hasbro could stand to look at a selection of the best fanfics, like this one, and see about incorporating them into continuity.
VastaKustutaOf course this kind of thing would be unprecedented, would have to be done very carefully and not without both legal issues and (as we say with the Derpy situation) otherwise dangerous. I'm not saying it'd be easy, there would have to be some kind of editorial process involved, a person or body to determine which fics were worthy of inclusion, and because of the state of intellectual property law there would have to be communication with the fic authors about compensation and rights, permissions granted, and contracts would have to be signed. I'm sure there would be obstacles.
But MLP:FIM is unique in that it has such a high-quality and motivated fanbase. The nature of fiction and creative endeavor of all kinds has become more collaborative in this age of the internet, and the show could really become a trendsetter in this regard.
Well, in my own mind. I can write fanfiction too, I just do it in comment sections, and write it about IP law.
@John Harris
VastaKustutaI think it'd be fun if they ever did a Lyra episode. Maybe they could say that she was jealous of Spike's claws, or any of the other creatures they've shown with hands, and it would definitely make sense why she'd want those since her cutie mark is a lyre.
It'll probably never happen, though. I've heard that they're not even allowed to look at fanfics because of the legal issues. I can dream, though.
- Jason (TheHuman)
So. Going from never touching a guitar to playing advanced riffs in a few minutes -and- obvious brony cameo, all in one chapter.
VastaKustutaFailboat is now boarding at Pier 1...
@Whiteout You've obviously never met a real-life virtuoso. They learn to play one instrument at a remarkably early age, and can pick up another other related instrument and learn learn to play well above average level within hours.
VastaKustutaI've seen a few who age only 8 to 10 years of age simply picked up an instrument and began playing after merely watching someone use it for a little while. Several child prodigy violinists come to mind.
If anything about this part of the story bugs me, it's the reaction to Lyra's weak story, and constant dodging of answers. I can't see anyone simply letting all that go, given what obvious suspicions it would naturally arouse: child abuse, kidnapping, brainwashing, cult activity, etc. Or maybe most people ARE that oblivious. As a supreme genius, I find it a mystery how the minds of the mundane function! *Charles hovers in the air by force of will being stronger than gravity! He's so awesome!*
Why would you want to be human?
VastaKustutaA MUST READ! gonna read the latest chapter... BRB. (SPOILER) Also I hope she sees the error of her ways and goes back to Equestria.
VastaKustutathis... is wierd, yet pretty good.
VastaKustutainstead of the standard human in equestria..its a pony on earth take, very interesting, though, I suppose you could call it human in equestria due to events in the story...
you sir are spoiling my dinner! I'm gonna get a tummy ache if you keep updating this fast!
VastaKustutascrew it I'll let that be Future Me's problem! *opens up a tub of Mint Chocolate Chip* I regret NOTHING!
@Whiteout Obvious Brony cameo? How so?
VastaKustuta@Zobeid They make exceptions if they see potential, and Anthropology had a pretty gripping 9 chapter lead in, apparently enough so to sway the pre-readers to make an exception. They get a lot of those I think, so they have to be a little picky.
VastaKustutaThings are even simplier: pre-readers don't go through any chapters following the story publication on EqD. So if you manage to get your first couple of chapters accepted, you basically get a carte blanche to pull anything you want in continuation of your story. Except overly explicit stuff that would make readers complain in comments. I hope.
Don't wait too long for a conclusion. I feel like the story is starting to just meander around killing time. As much as I hate to see it go, I'm ready for the plot (the time in human world part of it anyway) to wrap up.
VastaKustutaJason you are a jerk about cliffhangers you know that? <3
VastaKustutaLove it so much :D
VastaKustutaOne hundred and first.
VastaKustuta@Shantara You get a little bit, but it's not a blank check. One fic has been pulled entirely, and one chapter of FO:E was considered to be pulled, but stayed because of the massive fanbase (so I've heard). Pre-readers do read outside of their inbox too. I would be surprised if something with this much apparent attention had fallen off their radar entirely. If you feel there's a huge quality issue, you could try to email them. I don't think they'll agree.
VastaKustutaInteresting story! I was hesitant, but Star-6 combined with excess time and the fact that it seems to be updating pretty regularly made me think "oh go on then". Before I knew it, I was at the end of chapter 19, still hungry for more. So yes, I guess you could say that I'm enjoying this one and will follow it from now on. :)
VastaKustutaWait, huh? Which chapter of FO:E was it?
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaIs anyone else having trouble getting onto fimfiction.net? I mean, at first I was having trouble because something was happening on that site's IP address and Malwarebytes was blocking it, but now my browser seems unable or unwilling to connect to the server.
VastaKustuta@Whitespace Only Of the latest chapter I can only say, "Mr. Shit, I'd like you to meet Mrs. Fan."
VastaKustutaWe're all bucked... we... so bucked... all of us...
I recorded myself reading chapter 24, currently the latest chapter while Jason is on vacation. Obvious spoilers if you haven't read that far: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh_9zm-1FuY
VastaKustutaDiscord's out and about? Eh. Sorry guy, but I'm pretty sure you can't do anything to us that we haven't already done to ourselves. Y'see, like TPerry said, we have this uncanny ability to, after some adjustment, make things 'normal.'
VastaKustutaChaos? Chaos! OMG WE'RE ALL GONNA--bored now.
Wait. Wait, you turned her back into a pony?
Weeeelll, the midden's hit the windmill now.
I LOVE Lyra!
VastaKustutaWebsense is blocking fimfiction.net as "Games." I has a sad.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaman, what a fun ride this was!
VastaKustutaWhat a great story! I hope Jason or someone else writes a sequel! If so, let us know!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaWow, way to crap out on my Google. Let's try this again:
VastaKustutaFantastic. Standing ovation on my end. I wonder if this is it, though? Or if there might be a sequel?
It's all over now. *lyracry*
VastaKustutaby this fic lyra is best pony for me now..
VastaKustutawe want sequels! The best fic I've ever read!
That was the best fic ever! No, seriously. I left the tabs open for months just so I can read the next update as soon as they came out.
VastaKustutaThanks you for a great story.
Now, let's hope the author will make a sequel. I want Lyra's little sister to end up in Equestria for some reason (Discord is still MIA)but she stay human.
Then, she go on some adventures with some ponies, all G1 Megan style.
That was the best fic ever! No, seriously. I left the tabs open for months just so I can read the next update as soon as they came out.
VastaKustutaThanks you for a great story.
Now, let's hope the author will make a sequel. I want Lyra's little sister to end up in Equestria for some reason (Discord is still MIA)but she stay human.
Then, she go on some adventures with some ponies, all G1 Megan style.
Oh my god! Doth mine eyes deceive me? Its finally done?!? OH MOST JOYOUS OF DAYS!
VastaKustutaI've been reading this for a long time and it's definitely one of the (if not THE) best fanfics I've ever read. You (the author, JasonTheHuman) truly formed the character Lyra Heartstrings to the character we know now and I must confess that if it weren't for you, Lyra wouldn't be my favourite background pony.
VastaKustutaYay for another one of these updates! :3
VastaKustutaWell, it's been one amazing ride. This fanfic certainly deserves its infamy :)
VastaKustutaWell done.
I've intended to start reading this story for quite some time, but I only started reading it when it was completed. Oh boy, I was instantly addicted. It was truly one of the best stories that I have ever read. I was quite saddened to reach the end so soon. (I'm not saying it was short, I just devoted a day and a half reading 140,000 words almost nonstop) I loved the character you had given Lyra and the adventure you had put her through. Again, this was truly one of the best stories out there. Bravo.
VastaKustutaAn amazing fic. It starts slow and awkward, but still funny and full of paranoia. But then it transforms into a trans-dimensional cultural adventure of epic proportions. All those little details, it was hilarious and one heck of a ride. Definitely a case of “omg there's only 2 chapters left? NO!”. That was fantastic. I see other reader's suggestion of a sequel and I approve of this idea!
VastaKustutaThank you so much for sharing this with us!
EDIT: I love your attention to details. You've had everything planned out all along. I re-read the whole thing, and one of the first books Lyra glances at in Des Moines is from you-know-who. Well played, well played indeed!