• Story: All of a Fluttershy


    Author: Impossible Numbers
    Description: When Applejack discovers that a thief has been stealing her prized apples, she looks for help in capturing the culprit. Fluttershy is eager to step in, but she's been acting very oddly of late...
    All of a Fluttershy

    Additional Tags: A pony friendship-comedy whodunnit

    17 kommentaari:

    1. Guessing before reading: It's Angel.

    2. Come on everypony! There's a mystery afoot! Or is it ahoof?

    3. Eh it was a decent story! But still good worth my time!

    4. A mystery is upon us! Call in Sherclop Holmes (not THAT kind of clop, it's not a dirty word!)

    5. A story about me?
      you rock, woohoo!
      I guess ill try it :)

    6. I have the coolest idea for a small fluttershy comic now. I am going to make the Stare at least 20% cooler!

    7. Good god RD was a total bitch in this one.
      I'll let it go since it's a comedy fic but that was borderline OOC.
      Hmm. What should Flutters fight next? I know! A Salamander!

    8. It was ok, but felt kinda messy and rushed...

    9. That was cute as hell and nicely episodic in feel in a good couple of places.

    10. I thought that was an AMAZINGLY good read. Absolutely loved it. ^^

    11. Big Macintosh reminds me of GrimdarkBigMac in this. the ending was so perfect.

    12. Excellent story, despite the foreshadowing I didn't figure it out until the 'reveal'. Really enjoyed it, had some great descriptive bits (the 'stare' and 'windows on the soul' spring to mind).
