It's that time of the week! We have a Spike episode apparently. What crazy shenanigans will he get into this time?
(Update) Battlefield was fun! We should do that again!
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I. Cannot. Freaking. Wait. =D
ReplyDeleteToo bad it comes out at 4am D= lol
Yeah same, NZ ftw though right?
ReplyDeleteGo Spike Go!
ReplyDeleteyay Spike ep <3
ReplyDeletePretty excited for a Spike episode
ReplyDeleteGodzilla Parody, please be a Godzilla Parody...
ReplyDeleteIndeed. Nz is best country, Dash is best pony. It just makes sense.
Looking forward to this one. It's nice to see Spike get some attention. :)
ReplyDeleteBLARRGH, so tired; and episode is four hours away.
ReplyDeleteYou suck caffeine. You never work for me~!
Huh, that's gonna be interesting
ReplyDeleteMidnight run's been taken down... have they set up a new stream yet?
ReplyDeleteThis episode is going to be soooo Legit :DDDD, So Excited! Cannot Wait!
ReplyDeleteAh crap what time does it come out? I better go check my TV lol.
ReplyDeleteSpike gets greedy because he wasn't invited to Twilight's birthday party last episode.
ReplyDeleteEpisode explained. Sorry for spoilers!
Anyway 4 hours for me too. Well probably 5 seeing as I'm not gonna be watching stream as my computer's interwebs is slow and I don't even have basic cable up here ah well... XD
ReplyDeleteLet's see, we've got a giant reptile with a love interest that's known for hysterics in a world with flying ponies.
ReplyDeleteI'd put money on Spike pulling a King Kong tower scene with Rarity in hand(claw?) while being harassed by pegasi.
Looking forward to more Spike backstory!
ReplyDeleteYea...I can imagine some Godzilla/King Kong shoutouts in here.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry guys, but this is all just going to be a dream. Seriously, Spike's going to wake up and his greed and growth was all just a dream. There's no way they'd completely change the character model for one of the Mane cast!
The bulk of the episode is probably going to be great, I just think the ending is going to be a let down. It all depends on the direction the episode goes in, of course. I could be proved wrong within the first three minutes! But if I'm right, do I get a cookie?
I love how Spike gets his own episode before Fluttershy or Applejack.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know anything about Midnight Run going down? Do they plan to set up another stream?
ReplyDelete...both Nervous about drastic changes and excited for humor. What now?
ReplyDeleteIt's early morning Saturday and I'm up before the dawn. Three and a quarter hours before Pwnie Time. I hope today's episode is not as good as last week's. I don't think I can take that much awesome two weeks in a row. Celestia have mercy on my nerves!
ReplyDeleteMidnight Run ;_; On his facebook it seems he just wanted to shut down the channel...
ReplyDeleteShame I'm in Britian and we don't get the Hub :(
ReplyDeleteProbably won't stay up for this one, 4am is brutal.
ReplyDeleteOh who am I kidding, stayed up for every episode so far this season.
But this one just doesn't seem that interesting to me, I'll settle for the ponyarchive download in the morning.
Goodnight my fellow bronies.
ReplyDeleteHe didn't give me any information on the closure, just an email saying it was sent....
I hope this episode is a good one.
ReplyDeleteThen again, when has the Friendship is Magic team ever disappointed me?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the episode!!
ReplyDelete*Waits couple hours till the show gets aired*
Freakin time delays for YouTube always, oh well.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for it I know the team gave done it again
Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteIf you have ADHD, caffeine will make you drowsy. Lol. Eat sugar.
ReplyDeleteSpike=Super Ponies=Awesome Pony episode featuring Spike=Super Awesome
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the episode will reveal more about how Celestia gets her baby dragons
ReplyDeleteAnd I wonder what background ponies will pop up
Did you guys know that MLP Equestria Girls just got 1 millon views today
ReplyDeleteI need a Twilight fix... I'm glad they opened up the format to allow for episodes that don't need her to deliver the moral at the end, but I do love my Twilight. Last week's Rarity episode was the first one that competed with the opening three Twilight centric episodes for my favorite of this season.
ReplyDeleteIt figures that a Spike episode would be Twilight and/or Rarity heavy, so I have high hopes. Plus my depiction of future Spike will get nuked by this episode, so that's something to see as well.
I've learned my lesson since last time, wait for 1080p lol. Too bad I can't watch this episode till 8 pm :(
ReplyDelete@Travis Smith
ReplyDeleteYou know, the only thing that makes sense to me in regards to Twilight's entrance exam is if the students aren't actually supposed to be able to hatch the dragon egg... That it's the kind of test where they ask students to do the impossible and then judge the attempt rather than the result. Otherwise, you'd think there would be baby dragons all over Canterlot.
@Harwick Indeed, that angle (that they are not supposed to hatch the egg) was nicely explored in A Day for Spike and Twilight (, one of the better fimfics.
ReplyDeleteDarn. I'll be taking the ACT's,and definitely wont see it. And we haven't seen Spike in a while either... :(
ReplyDeleteBecause Spike is best pony
...I have normal ADD and caffeine works just fine for me.... maybe it's the H part that makes caffine not work
ReplyDeleteAnyway~ Back to my evangelion Splurge
Bleh. I don't care for Spike at all. Guessing I'll have a new least favorite episode, or second least favorite behind "Owl's Well That Ends Well".
ReplyDeleteRegardless I'll watch it as it airs. Praying for Twilight adorkableness.
I don't like Spike much but I'm still excited. :3
ReplyDelete@Niels Olof
ReplyDeleteCool... I'll give it a try. I could use something to read while I wait for the episode.
I have the hub channel now! this is going to be my first time watching ponies on tv
ReplyDeleteTime now for predictions.
ReplyDeleteI'm calling it right now, Pinkie Pie style birthday party + magic spell = Spike gone wild and on a large rampage.
But my real prediction is Derpy(The glorious all high above all other pastries Muffin Queen) will be more obvious then she was the last time.
Something bad will happen to one of the characters and it will not be Fluttershy because she's afraid of dragons that are big.
Midnight Run seems to still be up, at least for me >_> and a few other people.
ReplyDeletePffft. You are clearly mistaken. Tom is best pony.
Second time watching an episode unfold before my eyes. So excited. Got some sleep, had some breakfast, listening to some good music right now. I am ready to roll!
ReplyDeleteAngel is best pony
ReplyDelete:D Just found a non laggy stream /)^3^(\
I dunno why Midnight sent an email to Seth when the Stream is not gone.
ReplyDeleteBut that still won't explain where she got him
I can't wait :D!! I hope they have an episode based on the mane 6. Pinkie Pie FTW
ReplyDeleteWhat channel is the hub network? I looked but I can't find it :(
ReplyDeleteGot 5 friends at my house, waking everyone up to watch it with me!
ReplyDeleteI stayed up til 4 int he mornin' and thought I would miss it cause I overslept, but lookie here 1 HOUR LEFT
ReplyDeleteIm in New Zealand, when will it be on youtube?
ReplyDeleteSo, remmeber everyone...
ReplyDeleteBehave the hell out of yourselves...
No fandom shenaginans this time...
I have a live stream on my synctube also.
ReplyDeleteAt some point did you forget Magic exists in Equestria? It doesn't have to be a dream.
omg i cant friggin wait!! a spike episode sounds really interesting
ReplyDeleteDat Battlefield 3.
ReplyDeleteLess than an hour to go. Naptime after the episodes, but my body is mostly ready! <3
Is nronystate working? I always watch there but cannot access any of their rooms now...
ReplyDeleteAll "livestream"s are overcrowded or dead.
*bronystate ofc
ReplyDeleteI'm lucky enough to have a space in Filly2, rather than having to trudge through all the others...
ReplyDeleteI hope this has a joke about Spike molting his old layer of scales, although dragons probably wouldn't actually shed their skin like regular lizards. I'd intended for months to do that in a short comic, but never got around it it.
ReplyDeleteI assume the comic will be pointless after this episode, so I'll just type it out instead as a I-don't-really-expect-this-to-happen type prediction:
Rarity, walking along carrying a bag, calls out for Spike to suggest they spend the day together, since she hears it's his birthday. Then she's totally disgusted when she comes across Spike creepily tearing off chunks of scales from his body. He tries to explain he's just molting, but she freaks out, drops his birthday gift bag of gems, then runs away, refusing to spend one moment around someone with such revolting growth processes.
I will be very surprised, highly amused, and rather annoyed all at the same time if something like that happens in the episode, since there's no reason I couldn't have made that dumb little joke weeks or months ago.
Going to watch this on my Tv. Getting excited! :D
ReplyDeleteHere we go. Spike is best Dragon. Good times await. :D
ReplyDeleteFilly2 is full atm... You are lucky indeed, Lenios.
ReplyDeleteCould someone confirm broadcast on Bronystate? They were usually screwing around for hours with Hub's shows but it seems dead now.
A spike episode huh? How strange, but awesome :D
ReplyDeleteEveryone pile into the tv room! Get the snacks!
ReplyDeletelooks interesting
ReplyDeleteBronystate works for me man, at least the Rarity room works.
@Travis Smith
ReplyDeleteTrue, it doesn't explain where Spike's egg came from, but it would allow for most any explanation... Someone at some time came across a dragon egg and it eventually came to be used in the exam.
If, however, all students (or even just some students by luck of the draw) are routinely supposed to hatch a dragon as part of their entrance exam, it suggests that there has to be an ongoing supply of Dragon eggs coming from somewhere. Also, one assumes, these dragons have to be going somewhere once hatched or the dragon population would be much higher in Equestria. As dragons are an intelligent species, that would suggest an agreement of some sort exists between them and ponies.
The easier answer for me is just that Twilight wasn't expected to be crazy-powerful enough to hatch the egg at all, and it was just some relic they kept in the storage closet for testing potential students.
The only thing disappointing about this episode will be my inability to watch it.
ReplyDeleteUntil late in the day, that is.
Behave yourselves, bronies! You made a lot of animators upset with your... Shouting, about Episode 8. (That's right, fus in that random Skyrim reference)
Spike goes all Tetsuo on Neo-Ponyville. Can't wait to see it!
ReplyDeleteI was gonna join in for Battlefield, but then I took a 3.9GB update to the knee.
ReplyDeleteWhen will this episode be on youtube?
ReplyDeleteyay. new episode!
ReplyDeletecan't wait
@QwaffleBot a hour or so after it plays (10:00 EST)
ReplyDelete@James Corck
ReplyDeleteFinally I made Bronystate/Rarity working. Thanks for letting me know that my attempts were not futile ^^
Recording this ON TIME in 1080p for everyone to enjoy. And let me tell you, today I REALLY don't want to... I have a ridiculously painful migraine. :C
ReplyDeleteGreat job Seth that was fun :)
ReplyDeleteJapanese Ponies screaming "Spikezilla", I'm hoping
ReplyDeleteThere are thousands of people all around the word who appreciate your work very much. I hope this thought will ease your migraine :)
Fun night of BF3, was in your squad almost the entire time Seth (PostalWorker is my tag). :D
Thanks for the dogtags, Seth :D
ReplyDeleteYah you kicked ass haha
I did really well the first game, then just steadily got worst as the night went on.
ReplyDeleteMassive kudos man, thanks a bunch! You have no idea how much we appreciate your hardworking efforts :)
drinking my energy drinks, i don't wanna fall to sleep half wa though!
ReplyDeleteJust a few minutes until the episode comes on and Strawberry finally goes off.
ReplyDeleteQuiet on the set for the opener.
omg one minute!!
ReplyDeleteHere it comes!
ReplyDelete... OMG!
ReplyDeletehere we go!
ReplyDeleteReshelving day!!!
ReplyDeleteAging a ruby?!
ReplyDeleteoh noz the poor book
ReplyDeleteTwilight is still ignorant of alphabetization.
ReplyDeleteLawl Using the whole floor as one big shelf. Oh Spike, u silly.
ReplyDeleteSorcerer's Apprentice sound-alike
ReplyDeletetwilight got her own ABC's
ReplyDeleteModern magic? How is that a classic?? Silly Twilight
ReplyDeleteYou saved my rear more then a few times, it's not about the individual effort, it's the group effort in BF3. :)
ReplyDeleteThey do have rock farms for growing crystaline formations of gems and jewels.
>:( hate commercials.
ReplyDelete"Modern Spellcasting. That's Classics."
ReplyDeleteI would of loved to join you last night, but sadly my internet does not agree with multiplayer :(
Uh oh, Spike is going to give it to her... yup, I knew it. lol
ReplyDeleteLol Rarity is being exploitative.
ReplyDeleteWhat? Spike... Giving it to Rarity?
ReplyDeleteSpike died...
ReplyDeleteOh no, it's the old male problem...girls or food?
ReplyDeletesuddenly, PINKIE PIE
ReplyDeleteEw, Spike. Your cheek seems to be festering. And haha! Twilight continually teleporting Spike.
ReplyDeleteOH SWEET CELESTIA that cheek...
ReplyDeleteYour teleport spell got PIEJACKED!
ReplyDeleteAwww, poor Spike. And lol Twilight. A book, of course. :P
ReplyDeleteThat cape kinda reminds me of Mare-Do-Well...
The element of harmony isn't good enough for Rarity, she has to throw something delicious in Spikes face
ReplyDeleteLol twilight's reaction was priceless
ReplyDeleteSapphire cupcake? That could be misinterpreted...
ReplyDeletespike got an MJ hat!
ReplyDeleteAww, Cheerilee. She's adorable. And she gave Spike a hat. <3
ReplyDeleteLyra and Bonbon together!
ReplyDeleteDerpy alert!
ReplyDeleteSpike give in to the dark side.....
ReplyDeleteUh oh it's going to go to his head!
ReplyDeleteDid I just see Ditzy, Bon bon and Lyra?
ReplyDeleteMuffin Queen spotted behind Bon Bon and Lyra in the well.
ReplyDeleteDerpy in the well! With Lyra and Bon Bon!
ReplyDeleteEvery line of Junebug's started with "uhh".
ReplyDeleteAnd then Spike was a snake for a moment. lol
ReplyDeleteTeen spike?
ReplyDeleteDat Spike....
ReplyDeleteI have a bad feeling Spike will be like those hoarding dragons from "Dragonshy" and "Owl's Well that Ends Well".
ReplyDeletehe looks funny
ReplyDeleteSpike O_O
ReplyDeleteI wonder why Cheerilee has such a hat
daaaam spike....
ReplyDeleteO_O he grew.?
ReplyDeleteGah... went to take the medicine and missed so much...
ReplyDeleteBonbon lyra derpy. This episode is amazing.
ReplyDeleteOh man I get it Spike's dragon nature is coming through! This is awesome.
ReplyDeleteSpike looking like a pimp.
ReplyDeleteoh god spike
The ending is already ovbvious from this point in time.
ReplyDeleteBet the fire ruby saves the day.
So dragons could only grow if they hoard stuff?
ReplyDeletePimp hat?
ReplyDeleteLOL, Spikely Whiplash is back!
ReplyDeleteWell, Cheerilee has to be stylin' of course. Even if the hat is a bit outside what you'd think she'd be wearing. lol
Oh I can hear the fanfics being torn up as I speak. Incoming fannon death afoot!
ReplyDelete"Ugh, what happened?"
ReplyDeleteYeah, Spike, that's what I thought when I started going through puberty :sigh: It's all downhill from there.
no i don't need a wugglepet
ReplyDeleteDerpy was behind Bon Bon and Lyra. Oh my <3 Oh, and a mini Fleur walking with Colgate.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it obvious? Cheerilee is a pimp.
My little hoarders...
ReplyDeleteHe looks stretched out like shit!
ReplyDeletehe's kinda wierd lookn...
ReplyDeleteTwilight, it's "to whom," not "to who!"
ReplyDeleteThat voice!!!
ReplyDeleteSuddenly puberty.
ReplyDeleteDat voice change.
ReplyDeleteOmg this is so cute, its like a mother with a young annoying child.
ReplyDelete@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteIf the ending is that predictable, this show is losing it's vibe
That's not The Doctor!
ReplyDelete...this Doctor is beyond awesome!
ReplyDeleteI wish my teachers were as pimpin and stylin as Cheerilee
OMG spikes a dragon
ReplyDeleteSpike acting like a dog... kinda cute. lol
ReplyDeleteSpike squee'd!
ReplyDeleteomg they have vets WHAT
ReplyDeleteyeeeah zecora!
ReplyDeleteOf course they do. They do have pets afterall.
Witch doctor! She's desperate.
ReplyDeleteHaha. Spike looted all of Zecoras stuff.
ReplyDeleteAnd awww, poor Scoots! D:
ReplyDeleteSPIKE WANT!
i guess everyone forgot about the last week pre episode message
ReplyDeletewhat a shame EQ...what a shame
spike how did you steal the kettle while they were looking in it?
ReplyDeleteSpike Crush all!! Also steal's apples and leaves!
ReplyDeleteStole the leaves. lol
ReplyDeleteNot Scootaloo's scooter! That's almost as bad as making Fluttershy cry!
ReplyDeleteLeaf mustache!
ReplyDeleteObvious ending is obvious.
ReplyDeleteRainbow Dash hahaha
ReplyDeleteI smell fanfic homage... That one where applejack ties up everypony
ReplyDeletehelping squirrels with their dance steps...