Until January 4th, the entire first season of Friendship is Magic has been dropped to $39.99, I guess for the holiday season! It's probably a good time to pick it up if you haven't already. Check out the story page here!
@Jykinturah I dislike iTunes as well, but I still purchase things from them just to show my support. I don't necessarily use the files I bought though.
i actually just recently moved all my ripped episodes over to my itunes library. but i think from this point forward i will legitimately pay per episode. i would rather support the show than some crybabies who cant take a hint and go jump into the sea and swim till their tired :) love and tolerance all around !
so they make show accurate figures you mean? also, a bit of posability and a bit of pandering to fans by maybe giving us Fallout: Equestria toys with the armor and such would be nice!!! but i would settle for show accurate figures ...lol
I heard if you download movies from I-Tunes, you can't burn it to DVD. It's been the number one reason I really wanted to wait until I could get on DVD so I can have a physical copy.
I went ahead and gifted the HD season to my friend for Christmas just today! I actually saw the deal before seeing it on this site... was quite surprised to be getting such a good deal! Happy Holidays, everypony!
Great for some people but not for me and for many others. Firstly, it's not available in my country, Secondly and most importanly, I really really really really really really really really really really dislike Apple.
I'm just gonna lay back, see if this sort of stuff creates a flame war (unlikely but possible), then go on my merry way and purchase the DVD things next spring.
lol, Itunes is one of a handful of things I don't know about AND don't care enough to learn about.
@Tenkoman You could try this: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Email-Delivery-Apple-iTunes-50-eGift-Cards/17753320?wmlspartner=OOTtr9mlaCk&sourceid=31251604083594981600
They email you the code, and it's a pretty good discount, actually. Would getting the code via email work outside the US? It's an idea anyway. I live in the US so I haven't tried it myself.
I'm sorely tempted, but: (1) Are the picture and sound both high-quality on these HD downloads? (2) Just how big is each file? (3) Is there any way to burn them to DVD/Blu-Ray? I loathe iTunes, but if it's possible to watch them on my TV, or at least without using iTunes, I'll probably get them.
I would prefer to own them some other way, but if this is the best I can do right now then so be it. I hope it's made available internationally soon so that all our non-US friends can get it.
Yay... Someone else gets to buy it for less. While I can't buy it at all.
I mean damnit Hasbro do don't have to bucking do anything, just tell Apple to sell it on the UK version of I-tunes. One freaking phone call, you might even makes some cash.
@Grimm Wolf yeah but having the option to buy them with the original dub personally I didn't like the voices we got here in Mexico, I don't hate them but I don't like them
I don't believe I tunes stuff would play on my android phone otherwise I would swallow by huge dislike of all things ipooped and get them to help support the show. But from what I've heard they wont. Heck even the stuff I have wont play on my phone.
You are quite right. I hadn't noticed that. Hmm. Didn't someone else say that you can change your region settings in iTunes? I wonder if doing that plus getting the code from Walmart would work?
You could always try one of Walmart's cheaper codes so that way you're not risking as much.
I won't use any iProduct either, and it sorta makes me sad that they are partial to such a company when they haven't even given us real DVDs with real special features and such yet. Why won't you take my money too Hasbro? :(
If I had the option to buy it, I would, beacuse I have the software to strip the DRM.
However, Apple, in its infinite "wisdom" continue to only offer this (and many other things) to the US. I personally wouldn't care if they *added* $10 or $20 to the price, and I certainly don't care about discounts. But no discount in the world is going to get them any sales in Canada when they don't sell it here in the first place.
Hm... I have an android phone... But I already have episodes on my phone and it was free, from youtube. I would really love to support the show, but Hasbro made the wrong decision of putting it on I-tunes, they should just put it up to download on the internet themselves or go with alternates. Plus I don't like apple, prefer windows and android.
@Desert Rose it don't work that way. You need a U.S. registered address accompanying the account. Maybe some good neighbor of a brony will let theirs be used if they're not planning to buy from Itunes...
I'll definitely get on this , but I can't help but wish there was a better and easier way to legally distribute these episodes than iTunes. Like Hasbro selling protected video files on their website for a fair price. No Apple involved, and international bronies could support. But I know nothing about how business works *shrugs*, so disregard what I said.
C'mon Hasbro, there is a world outside of the USA. And as much as I hate Apple related products, eh, I'd still use it if it ended up being the only option in Australia...
@Tenkoman Find a brony to buy the card for you. (hint hint)
I have an international wish list that needs fulfilling! If you can get me something from it, I will buy you a gift card, full retail value! Look at this Amazon Wish list! http://www.amazon.de/wishlist/1SD4ZJS48TXDM
So, um, can anyone tell me how many MB per episode? I have a slow connection, and I need to know how much time I'd be spending downloading each episode before I can commit to buying them...
@goldenCapitalist Well it's pretty inappropriate not being able to legally buy these episodes in my country in the first place. Hasbro has no love and respect for their international market, how can how just sit here and crack appropriate jokes with that in mind.
All this Apple hate... what does everyone have against them? I would never drop money for an Apple computer when you can build one for half the price (and even run the same OS if you must) but I have an older generation iPhone and it's fine. I tolerate iTunes because Apple wants their hardware only interacting with their software. Fine. I can manipulate any of the files iTunes has or that I download legally or less-legally. It's not like their copy protection can't be cracked as easily as any other. Season 1 desaturated? Yes it is, but I've seen it correctly almost perfectly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6BiYC2E_gc
The only issue a person should have here if they can download them is that they absolutely want 1080p. If your monitor/TV isn't at least that tall in pixels however, you should have 0 qualms about that.
I really want to support the show makers, but the DRM ruins this for me. It doesn't protect files from being shared, and only gives a bigger incentive to pirate. Until Hasbro comes to its sense and releases MLP on a DVD or without DRM, ponyarchive it is.
Well, Hasbro kinda has it's hands tied with it's own interests and deals it's worked out, but as far as this being a peace offering for Pony Archive, I'm okay with this. Good on them.
@Scootaloo Er Pony Archive is dead (good riddance for their behaviour), The only way we're gonna get a chance of seeing the new episodes is off Youtube or "torrent"ing them.
This is the way you beat back the pirating and the illegal downloading, you give the audience an offer that appeals to them. Its worked for Steam thus far. And also for the shows support.
If you're going to buy the episodes out of showing a sign of goodwill and little more, but are being scared off by DRM, just go by this:
Buy the iTunes downloads, and later download iTunes rips (or rip the files yourself, I'm sure it's simple enough to do with a bit of patience). That way you get to show support for the show, AND you get DRM-free files! win-win.
for those of you naughty ponies who have already pirated Season One, but wanna drop some cash in to support the show, what's stopping you from buying from iTunes anyway? Hell, you could probably make a non-US pony happy by paying for their downloads (assuming such a thing can be done)
I have a season 2 season pass (season 1, not so much *shifty-eyes*). The HD files average about 770 MB, and are 1280x720 (full 720p) resolution. Buying in HD also gets you SD copies that average about 340 MB, and are 853x480 resolution.
The episodes are all logo and watermark free, and to my (again, not overly-picky) eye, the compression is high-quality. Not much if anything in the way of jaggies or color blobs. The 720p resolution cap doesn't bug me, but that's just because I only have a 720p television, so 1080p doesn't get me anything anyway.
Season 1 is a bit more pastel than season 2, but it's never bothered me (I think the season 1 files I "acquired" are iTunes rips, since they're also logo-free, and comparing them side-by-side to the iTunes previews, I can't tell much difference). Of course, I'm not terribly picky as long as it looks good, and whether they're pastel or neon, the ponies look good to me :).
Just to supplement the above. There are two audio tracks - one stereo and one AC3. While not completely trivial, you can strip DRM off the files once you have purchased them (Google for Requiem and you should be well on your way), and then use them with your ordinary, non-US, iTunes account (as well as any other software/device capable of playing mp4) (note that this does not strip your ID from the files, but as you will/should not be distributing to anyone anyway, this is not a concern).
I've bought both seasons outright from iTunes. I've also downloaded all my episodes because I can't play the iTunes ones over wifi on my PS3, and that's the only home theater setup. So that compelled me to start using torrents and ponyarchive, but not learn how to look for torrents. It looks like I have to now either learn to look for torrents, or continue learning how to strip DRM off my legitimately purchased episodes to play 'em on the PS3 (I'm finding Noteburner M4V Converter, which I had to pay for, doesn't seem to have pass-through options). I had everything as DRM besides downloaded files, but it took so much space that I deleted the DRM stuff- now I can't re-download it so (while I can continue to get DRM shows through iTunes) I can't get back the DRM stuff of season 1 even if I wanted it. (time to back up my .mlv files!) I never thought I would end up on the frontlines of digital copyright management like this, and all of a sudden I'm learning about all the piratey stuff that I'd never learned about before- always, always due to specific acts of antipiracy that are getting in the way of me using stuff I paid money for. (Technically I got some S1 episodes a week before buying it on iTunes, but being an Applejack type I ran out and bought them ASAP and went 'whew!') These people need to learn to work with grey areas of copyright management. I don't owe them a conversion to their damn belief systems, I owe them money and respect for what they produce- and have paid them money and am having patience with their lil' ways. They need to quit trying to box me into a corner with DRM and stuff, and let me have a normal relationship with them, not a hostage situation. Because I won't stand for it. I'll do what my morals dictate (pay in full) and then watch my damn ponies on my home theater whatever I gotta do to make that happen.
For those of you lamenting the iTunes format not working on your desired hardware, I found a piece of freeware called Any Video Converter that works really damn well... I like the eps on my TV, so I play them through my 360. MKV's don't work on 360 (or anywhere else that I know of), and this converts them to mp4. The quality is not perfect, but there are no errors in the video and no lag in the audio.
And for those lamenting Pony Archive's shutdown and other 'ur not in t3h US so no pony's 4 u!' bs, there may or may not be a website called btjunkie, it may or may not have what you seek, and it may or may not work with uTorrent. >=)
I really want to support the show. But I want it on my laptop, so no DVD collection for me (assuming I can find one). Also, I'm in Canada. Itunes won't let me.
Good job Hasbro, I was ready to shell out 70$ for both seasons. If you're shutting down illegal downloads without having a proper alternative set up, all you're doing is killing your fanbase.
Guess what, it's my turn to be first.
ReplyDeleteLet's spit in the face of PonyArchive's childish behaviour and buy some discount pony episodes!
ReplyDeletestill cant buy from itunes....
ReplyDeletelstck outside of the US/Canada
Good for whoever hasn't bought it yet. I got my "copy" of season one weeks ago. Should have waited longer. Then again, how was I supposed to know.
ReplyDeleteI would, but I refuse to use iTunes...
It's 29.99 for standard definition. 39.99 for HD.
ReplyDeleteWhy yes I would like a Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony in my christmas present, only thing better is if I got Pandoras Box to open up on Christmas Day!
ReplyDeleteAlas, UK has no way to get these episodes. Soon though, maybe soon a way will show up.
@Jykinturah I dislike iTunes as well, but I still purchase things from them just to show my support. I don't necessarily use the files I bought though.
ReplyDeleteHmm....interesting.....but still I might buy only episodes that were "special" to me....
ReplyDeletesome day it's going to be out of the US and we foreigners will rejoice!!! so until then go and buy it those of you who actually can :D
ReplyDeletei already got them in 1080p so itune can suck it
ReplyDeleteiTunes is so not worth it in my opinion: files are full of protections and whatnot.
ReplyDeleteStill waiting for a bluray :/
ReplyDeleteLooks like you can change your region settings on iTunes, will attempt a purchase...
Kinda sucks for those who already brought it
ReplyDeleteI thought it said discontinued.
ReplyDeleteI fluttered myself.
I wanna get them now so I can take pony in my ipod wherever I go!
ReplyDeleteThat, and hopefully show Hasbro how serious we are so they'll make more figures.
i actually just recently moved all my ripped episodes over to my itunes library. but i think from this point forward i will legitimately pay per episode. i would rather support the show than some crybabies who cant take a hint and go jump into the sea and swim till their tired :) love and tolerance all around !
ReplyDeletewait...thats a no, you must have a valid US funding source.
ReplyDelete@Matta - *brohoof*
ReplyDeleteAlas... I don't have a way to buy them, otherwise I totally would!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCue Apple bashers in 3...2...1
ReplyDeleteso they make show accurate figures you mean? also, a bit of posability and a bit of pandering to fans by maybe giving us Fallout: Equestria toys with the armor and such would be nice!!! but i would settle for show accurate figures ...lol
It's a very tempting offer :P. Ponies on the go :D
ReplyDeleteSure would like to buy this...
Come on, Apple/Hasbro. Be a bro and open this up internationally.
i would love to buy, but considering i already have all of season 1 and season 2(in progress) 1080p. ehh.. :/
ReplyDelete@AlexReffand I thought so too lol.
ReplyDeleteI should just pony up and buy it while I can.
oh? it seems i couldn't buy anyway as im from england...
ReplyDeletedamn it..
I heard if you download movies from I-Tunes, you can't burn it to DVD. It's been the number one reason I really wanted to wait until I could get on DVD so I can have a physical copy.
ReplyDeleteEh, I'll just wait until it comes out on DVD.
ReplyDeleteNow getting DISCORD as a present, on the other hand...
I went ahead and gifted the HD season to my friend for Christmas just today! I actually saw the deal before seeing it on this site... was quite surprised to be getting such a good deal! Happy Holidays, everypony!
ReplyDeleteremember guys, sharing is magic, copyright enforcement is not. Hashbro gets no money from me!
ReplyDeleteSorry, but no iTunes for me. 640x360 is the most my phone will handle. And thats what im gonna stick with. Theres always art and music though, right??
ReplyDeleteHmmm, about half price. Works out to be about $1.54 US per episode. Not too shabby.
Great for some people but not for me and for many others. Firstly, it's not available in my country, Secondly and most importanly, I really really really really really really really really really really dislike Apple.
ReplyDelete@Desert Rose
ReplyDeleteIf you have an US iTunes Gift Card Code you can buy them w/o entering the funding source.
Problem: Where to get US iTunes Gift Cards outside the States - anypony know any good, legal and trustworthy sites?
I read discontinued XD
I'm just gonna lay back, see if this sort of stuff creates a flame war (unlikely but possible), then go on my merry way and purchase the DVD things next spring.
lol, Itunes is one of a handful of things I don't know about AND don't care enough to learn about.
@Tenkoman You could try this: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Email-Delivery-Apple-iTunes-50-eGift-Cards/17753320?wmlspartner=OOTtr9mlaCk&sourceid=31251604083594981600
ReplyDeleteThey email you the code, and it's a pretty good discount, actually. Would getting the code via email work outside the US? It's an idea anyway. I live in the US so I haven't tried it myself.
ReplyDeletesigh...... I would say something but you're completely free to express your opinions just please don't start a flame war ok
I just wish they could make it available on Mexico
ReplyDelete@TheDanielsaur it says "Valid only on iTunes Store for U.S." so probably doesn't work but I'm being tempted to try it out >_>
ReplyDeleteI'm sorely tempted, but: (1) Are the picture and sound both high-quality on these HD downloads? (2) Just how big is each file? (3) Is there any way to burn them to DVD/Blu-Ray? I loathe iTunes, but if it's possible to watch them on my TV, or at least without using iTunes, I'll probably get them.
ReplyDeleteI would prefer to own them some other way, but if this is the best I can do right now then so be it. I hope it's made available internationally soon so that all our non-US friends can get it.
Yay... Someone else gets to buy it for less. While I can't buy it at all.
ReplyDeleteI mean damnit Hasbro do don't have to bucking do anything, just tell Apple to sell it on the UK version of I-tunes. One freaking phone call, you might even makes some cash.
@Grimm Wolf yeah but having the option to buy them with the original dub personally I didn't like the voices we got here in Mexico, I don't hate them but I don't like them
ReplyDelete*Brohoof* por otro brony en Mexico :D
I don't believe I tunes stuff would play on my android phone otherwise I would swallow by huge dislike of all things ipooped and get them to help support the show. But from what I've heard they wont. Heck even the stuff I have wont play on my phone.
ReplyDeleteMuch sadness.
*hugs imaginary Pinkie Plushies*
ReplyDeleteYou are quite right. I hadn't noticed that. Hmm. Didn't someone else say that you can change your region settings in iTunes? I wonder if doing that plus getting the code from Walmart would work?
You could always try one of Walmart's cheaper codes so that way you're not risking as much.
I won't use any iProduct either, and it sorta makes me sad that they are partial to such a company when they haven't even given us real DVDs with real special features and such yet. Why won't you take my money too Hasbro? :(
ReplyDeleteDoes it have watermarks? I would hope Hasbro is kind enough to remove those things...for the sake of all us PMV makers out there.
ReplyDeleteTo those stateing they'll wait for the DVD:
ReplyDeleteHasn't it already been confirmed that it's doubtful a full-length season boxset will be made (at least in the forseeable future)?
Anyway, I'll probably buy this. Discounts are always sweet and supporting the show is always a good cause.
I'd buy it, but the colors for Season 1 and the first 2 episodes of Season 2 are extremely washed out, almost completely desaturated.
ReplyDeleteIf I had the option to buy it, I would, beacuse I have the software to strip the DRM.
ReplyDeleteHowever, Apple, in its infinite "wisdom" continue to only offer this (and many other things) to the US. I personally wouldn't care if they *added* $10 or $20 to the price, and I certainly don't care about discounts. But no discount in the world is going to get them any sales in Canada when they don't sell it here in the first place.
Hm... I have an android phone... But I already have episodes on my phone and it was free, from youtube. I would really love to support the show, but Hasbro made the wrong decision of putting it on I-tunes, they should just put it up to download on the internet themselves or go with alternates. Plus I don't like apple, prefer windows and android.
ReplyDeleteBut I am planning on buying the DVD.
Wish the individual episodes were discounted too. :/
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNot buying it because it's on iTunes. Sorry Hasbro. Continuing to downloading YouTube videos...
ReplyDelete@Desert Rose it don't work that way. You need a U.S. registered address accompanying the account. Maybe some good neighbor of a brony will let theirs be used if they're not planning to buy from Itunes...
ReplyDelete@Samsam: of course it doesn't have the watermarks, i don't know any *bought* shows that would come with a watermark
ReplyDeleteYes, I'd pay a great deal of money to Hasbro if they were to sell 1080p mkvs or mp4s straight off their own site.
Unfortunately, it's far cheaper for Hasbro to let Apple sell the digital versions, as they're already set up to do so and Hasbro isn't.
I'll definitely get on this , but I can't help but wish there was a better and easier way to legally distribute these episodes than iTunes. Like Hasbro selling protected video files on their website for a fair price. No Apple involved, and international bronies could support. But I know nothing about how business works *shrugs*, so disregard what I said.
ReplyDeleteC'mon Hasbro, there is a world outside of the USA. And as much as I hate Apple related products, eh, I'd still use it if it ended up being the only option in Australia...
ReplyDelete@Tenkoman Find a brony to buy the card for you. (hint hint)
ReplyDeleteI have an international wish list that needs fulfilling! If you can get me something from it, I will buy you a gift card, full retail value! Look at this Amazon Wish list! http://www.amazon.de/wishlist/1SD4ZJS48TXDM
@andrew0383 Wow, I didn't see your comment before I posted. You already clarified what I said XD.
ReplyDelete$39.99?? Screw that, I'm just going to download it from PonyArch... Oh wait.
ReplyDeleteNice deal.
ReplyDeleteHopefully I'll get an iTunes card for Christmas.
OH GOD I thought that read "discontinued on iTunes" I was like "PANIC PANIC PANIC"
ReplyDeleteOh okay. That is better news ^^
@YASMI don't know if that was a joke or not, but if it was, it's pretty inappropriate given the current circumstances.
ReplyDeleteSo, um, can anyone tell me how many MB per episode? I have a slow connection, and I need to know how much time I'd be spending downloading each episode before I can commit to buying them...
ReplyDelete@goldenCapitalist Well it's pretty inappropriate not being able to legally buy these episodes in my country in the first place.
ReplyDeleteHasbro has no love and respect for their international market, how can how just sit here and crack appropriate jokes with that in mind.
I hope you can respect my opinion.
Here's how the cool fans do it:
ReplyDelete1. Buy the HD season on iTunes
2. Download the season in HD elsewhere
3. Watch on any device, any time, anywhere.
ReplyDeletesame here. except the fluttering part, not quite sure what that meant.
ReplyDeleteI looked at the picture before reading the headline, and thought it said "discorded" for a moment.
Around 750 MB per episode at 720p.
Wow, MLP is on the twp 100 TV shows right now on iTunes. Hearth's Warming Eve is sitting at 89 right now.
ReplyDeleteI meant top 100. Typing is hard today. :(
I do think it's about time I showed more support for this show...
ReplyDeleteA discount doesn't mean much when you can download it for free.
ReplyDelete@mattwhite924 Hey, American Bronys! That something you can do. Try and get My Little Pony: Friendship is magic further up that list.
ReplyDeleteSome of the crazy thing I seen this fandom do, I'm sure you can give an awesome attempt. Whaddya say?
@Drüd It's not about the bucking price, but showing support.
ReplyDeleteAll this Apple hate... what does everyone have against them? I would never drop money for an Apple computer when you can build one for half the price (and even run the same OS if you must) but I have an older generation iPhone and it's fine. I tolerate iTunes because Apple wants their hardware only interacting with their software. Fine. I can manipulate any of the files iTunes has or that I download legally or less-legally. It's not like their copy protection can't be cracked as easily as any other. Season 1 desaturated? Yes it is, but I've seen it correctly almost perfectly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6BiYC2E_gc
ReplyDeleteThe only issue a person should have here if they can download them is that they absolutely want 1080p. If your monitor/TV isn't at least that tall in pixels however, you should have 0 qualms about that.
Also: it's normally $49.99 and now it's 39.99. $10 off. 1/5 cheaper... should I go on? : )
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info!
... Wow, that's gonna take a loooong time to get the full season.
I really want to support the show makers, but the DRM ruins this for me. It doesn't protect files from being shared, and only gives a bigger incentive to pirate. Until Hasbro comes to its sense and releases MLP on a DVD or without DRM, ponyarchive it is.
ReplyDeleteWell, Hasbro kinda has it's hands tied with it's own interests and deals it's worked out, but as far as this being a peace offering for Pony Archive, I'm okay with this. Good on them.
ReplyDelete@Scootaloo Er Pony Archive is dead (good riddance for their behaviour), The only way we're gonna get a chance of seeing the new episodes is off Youtube or "torrent"ing them.
ReplyDeleteGoogle" Apple +patent +troll" or just read the Jobs biography and their attitude towards competition.
Now, regardless of that, $39.99 for the HD versions is a pretty good deal if you can strip the DRM.
This is the way you beat back the pirating and the illegal downloading, you give the audience an offer that appeals to them. Its worked for Steam thus far. And also for the shows support.
ReplyDeleteA good time to get rid of the few downloads I have from pony archive.
ReplyDeleteHmm. . . I just might. It might be nice to put all of season 1 on my computer.
ReplyDeleteIf you're going to buy the episodes out of showing a sign of goodwill and little more, but are being scared off by DRM, just go by this:
ReplyDeleteBuy the iTunes downloads, and later download iTunes rips (or rip the files yourself, I'm sure it's simple enough to do with a bit of patience). That way you get to show support for the show, AND you get DRM-free files! win-win.
for those of you naughty ponies who have already pirated Season One, but wanna drop some cash in to support the show, what's stopping you from buying from iTunes anyway? Hell, you could probably make a non-US pony happy by paying for their downloads (assuming such a thing can be done)
Im Swedish so YouTube it is.
ReplyDeleteBad iTunes fir not making this aviable in Australia
ReplyDeleteHuzzah, now I can play MLP:FiM episodes on my phone! Now to grab my mone- oh. Maybe next year. :(
ReplyDeleteFor those asking for details about the episodes:
ReplyDeleteI have a season 2 season pass (season 1, not so much *shifty-eyes*). The HD files average about 770 MB, and are 1280x720 (full 720p) resolution. Buying in HD also gets you SD copies that average about 340 MB, and are 853x480 resolution.
The episodes are all logo and watermark free, and to my (again, not overly-picky) eye, the compression is high-quality. Not much if anything in the way of jaggies or color blobs. The 720p resolution cap doesn't bug me, but that's just because I only have a 720p television, so 1080p doesn't get me anything anyway.
Season 1 is a bit more pastel than season 2, but it's never bothered me (I think the season 1 files I "acquired" are iTunes rips, since they're also logo-free, and comparing them side-by-side to the iTunes previews, I can't tell much difference). Of course, I'm not terribly picky as long as it looks good, and whether they're pastel or neon, the ponies look good to me :).
Audio is stereo, no subtitles included.
@Desert Rose
ReplyDeleteAre the iTunes gift cards region-specific? Do you know if a "US/Canada-based" card would count as a valid funding source?
And were it through any distribution method but iTunes, I'd be all over it.
ReplyDeleteAs it stands, I can not justify giving a singular additional cent to Apple in any form.
At this point I would buy this season one thing on iTunes.
ReplyDeleteBut can't; if I set my iTunes to the US store, all my European store apps get deleted, and vice versa.
Err. Boo?
It's like they don't WANT my money. (I won't even go into how I cannot get on netflix or hulu.)
Just to supplement the above. There are two audio tracks - one stereo and one AC3. While not completely trivial, you can strip DRM off the files once you have purchased them (Google for Requiem and you should be well on your way), and then use them with your ordinary, non-US, iTunes account (as well as any other software/device capable of playing mp4) (note that this does not strip your ID from the files, but as you will/should not be distributing to anyone anyway, this is not a concern).
ReplyDeleteI've bought both seasons outright from iTunes.
ReplyDeleteI've also downloaded all my episodes because I can't play the iTunes ones over wifi on my PS3, and that's the only home theater setup. So that compelled me to start using torrents and ponyarchive, but not learn how to look for torrents.
It looks like I have to now either learn to look for torrents, or continue learning how to strip DRM off my legitimately purchased episodes to play 'em on the PS3 (I'm finding Noteburner M4V Converter, which I had to pay for, doesn't seem to have pass-through options).
I had everything as DRM besides downloaded files, but it took so much space that I deleted the DRM stuff- now I can't re-download it so (while I can continue to get DRM shows through iTunes) I can't get back the DRM stuff of season 1 even if I wanted it. (time to back up my .mlv files!)
I never thought I would end up on the frontlines of digital copyright management like this, and all of a sudden I'm learning about all the piratey stuff that I'd never learned about before- always, always due to specific acts of antipiracy that are getting in the way of me using stuff I paid money for. (Technically I got some S1 episodes a week before buying it on iTunes, but being an Applejack type I ran out and bought them ASAP and went 'whew!')
These people need to learn to work with grey areas of copyright management. I don't owe them a conversion to their damn belief systems, I owe them money and respect for what they produce- and have paid them money and am having patience with their lil' ways. They need to quit trying to box me into a corner with DRM and stuff, and let me have a normal relationship with them, not a hostage situation. Because I won't stand for it. I'll do what my morals dictate (pay in full) and then watch my damn ponies on my home theater whatever I gotta do to make that happen.
Too bad it's not available from outside the US :(
ReplyDeletestill cant get it in canada
ReplyDeleteits still shitty itunes
it still gives money to shitty apple
No love for German bronies. =(
ReplyDeleteCan't buy in Canada? :(
ReplyDeleteFor those of you lamenting the iTunes format not working on your desired hardware, I found a piece of freeware called Any Video Converter that works really damn well... I like the eps on my TV, so I play them through my 360. MKV's don't work on 360 (or anywhere else that I know of), and this converts them to mp4. The quality is not perfect, but there are no errors in the video and no lag in the audio.
ReplyDeleteAnd for those lamenting Pony Archive's shutdown and other 'ur not in t3h US so no pony's 4 u!' bs, there may or may not be a website called btjunkie, it may or may not have what you seek, and it may or may not work with uTorrent. >=)
ReplyDeleteI really want to support the show. But I want it on my laptop, so no DVD collection for me (assuming I can find one). Also, I'm in Canada. Itunes won't let me.
ReplyDeleteGood job Hasbro, I was ready to shell out 70$ for both seasons. If you're shutting down illegal downloads without having a proper alternative set up, all you're doing is killing your fanbase.